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You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

I'm so sorry Louise. It's horrible getting bfn after all the stress and pain and hope during ivf. Takes a while to recover. How many nhs cycles are u entitled to?
So sorry Louise. Its devastating but u will feel better...just give it time. I hope next time is ur time xxx
Thanks ladies just feel an empty feeling of nothingness. Its weird! I am now bleeding quite a lot and passing very thick stuff. We have another cycle on nhs and this morning I got dh to ring the hosp on my behalf. He asked loads of questions that I had asked him to one of which was if they do endometrial scratch procedure. They do but they have specific criteria you have to meet such as having failed implantation about 3 times. We have requested it for nxt cycle anyway as I am convinced our prob is to do with implantation. It can boost chances by another 20% plus. The doctor is going to let us know either way.
Thanks ladies just feel an empty feeling of nothingness. Its weird! I am now bleeding quite a lot and passing very thick stuff. We have another cycle on nhs and this morning I got dh to ring the hosp on my behalf. He asked loads of questions that I had asked him to one of which was if they do endometrial scratch procedure. They do but they have specific criteria you have to meet such as having failed implantation about 3 times. We have requested it for nxt cycle anyway as I am convinced our prob is to do with implantation. It can boost chances by another 20% plus. The doctor is going to let us know either way.
That's interesting about the endometrial scratch. Did they put u on oestrogen and progesterone support post-transfer? I had both for cycle 1 and bfp but only progeaterone for cycle 2 and bfn. Going back to both for cycle 3 in nov! When can u go for ure next cycle? Do u get a review appointment? X
We asked about a review appointment and they said we could have that but it would be a much longer wait. I dont think I will bother it takes far too long already! Just progesterone. I was told three cycle bleeds so 2 more after this. I think it will be early new year which will be good to give my body and mind a break for a bit.
U will def need a break after everything ure body has been through. Me and DH are on a break between ivf cycles and are using it as time to reconnect and have some fun together. It is hard though coz all I want is to be doing my next cycle but as my consultant told me - my ovaries were 5 times their normal size and they need a chance to recover! I had my review appointment a couple of weeks ago and they didnt tell me anything I don't already know so if its a long wait for it I wouldn't bother if I was u. Will u have a consultation before ure next ivf cycle? Will be worth finding out whether they need to make changes like diff drugs or diff dosages etc. x
We asked about a review appointment and they said we could have that but it would be a much longer wait. I dont think I will bother it takes far too long already! Just progesterone. I was told three cycle bleeds so 2 more after this. I think it will be early new year which will be good to give my body and mind a break for a bit.
How are you Louise? Hope ur ok. I found the two weeks or so after ivf really tough. Was actually the most down I've probably ever been. I think the hormones played a big part in how low I felt. Everyone's different but I reckon most women struggle a little (or a lot) after a failed cycle, once it sinks in that it didn't work out. Hope ur taking some time out to cry, eat chocolate, have a glass of wine, get cuddles from ur dh etc :) Remember we're all here for u if u need it xx
Hi highhopes, Wednesday past, BFN...
Gutted but have to think positive and planning cycle 2. Xx
Oh so sorry jackdoll. Bfn is really tough to deal with. How soon can u do it again? My clinic said 3 bleeds.
I got my nasal spray in the post yesterday. Start taking it day 21 of my nov period. The FET will be around Xmas xx
Exciting to be moving forward jack! My EC/ET will be around Xmas too!

Booked a hol for half term - we r off to barcelona! Can't wait!
I had last week off! Back to the grindstone this week! When are u off? Xx
Friday is out last day in school. Flying out to barcelona on Saturday x

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