• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

I'd love to be going to Barcelona on Saturday!! Have a fab time :) x
Thanks jack! Can't believe it's almost nov...the month we start the ivf roller coaster again! If the dates work out the way they are meant to, I could have a bfp on New Year's Eve!
That would be an amazing start to 2014!! :) I think I might be a few days behind you. So hope we're lucky this time xx
FC for us both! I'm on cd35, period was due yesterday. At this rate my ivf cycle will get pushed fwd a few days.
AF was 4 days late. Getting nervous that my dates will get too close to Christmas and the cycle will have to be postponed. That would be so frustrating!
How's it going highhopes? Did u get the go ahead for the next cycle? X
Yeah I've got a coordination appointment on nov 20th just to remind us about how to do the injections. Should only take 10min! And then as soon as I get my period we start the roller coaster again!

What about u?
My period is due any day so i will start my nasal spray at the beginning of dec (day 21) and then will likely have the transfer about 3 weeks later! Not long now :)
Ooo that's not long at all! So great that we will be going thru it at the same time!
Hehe yes! :) I spoke to a nurse at the hospital duribg the week who said it will be early jan b4 i have the transfer! The time scale keeps changing! 4 weeks of drugs first by the sound of it.

How was Barcelona?! I forgot to ask! :) xx
Why have they changed the date?

Barcelona was fab. Feels like such a long time ago now!!! Weather was gorgeous - 27deg and very sunny! Have u had any snow yet? Apparently it's meant to snow in london on Wednesday!

I'm counting down the days now. Just hope my period is on time. Supposed to be starting on dec 3rd or 4th. Bought a pregnancy test too just in case - trying it the old fashioned way too figured its worth a shot even if its highly unlikely!
I heard it's meant to snow here over the next couple of weeks - nothing as yet!

I'm due to start the nasal spray on 3rd Dec - it's so funny that we're in sync again :)

The dr we saw at the review appt a few weeks ago failed to mention that I would have 2 weeks on tablets (estrogen I think?) before the transfer. He couldn't speak english very well, stunk of BO (!) and gave us the wrong info! Not very good!!

Anyway, I figure I can relax for a couple of weeks when school finishes and then have the transfer... I'll likely be going back to school a few days after the transfer but I'll just have to do my best to keep stress to a minimum.

Not long to go now...fingers crossed this will be our lucky cycle :)

The doctors can be a bit scatty at times. I went to the pharmacy with my drug prescription this w/e and turns out the consultant forgot to write the quantity of progesterone! How annoying! Luckily I have my coordination appointment this week so I can get it sorted quickly.

As long as you get some test for the first couple of days post-transfer and then take it a bit easier after that you should be fine.

FC for us both for this next cycle! I'm really scared about ohss this time coz my drug doses are higher.
Had my coordination appointment...if I don't get my period by dec 4th I won't be allowed to do ivf till January coz of Christmas closing etc :(
Oh thats rubbish! When is ir period due?? Xx
I hope it comes on time or early.

I got my baseline scan date today - 20th Dec. Start nasal spray next week.

Hope we're cycling together!

I wonder how everyone else is doing...? If anyone's following this thread would be good to hear how u are.

Greta are u still around? If so hope you're doing ok x x
Good luck ladies!! I am still around... I am currently struggling to arrange a consultation review appointment. Apparently it is not normal procedure!! I wont rest until I get one though!
How exciting that you are starting next week jack! Sure hope I am too!

Hi Louise! How u been? That's rubbish that they won't give you a review appointment, my clinic do it as a matter of course - it is included in the private package and i can book it whenever i want or if it is nhs then they send an appointment themselves but its a bit of a long wait.

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