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You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

I can't wait for the hols either. I will prob have EC next week so may be off work earlier than the hols. Got my day 5 scan tmrw.

What is buserelin for? I've never had fet so no idea what's involved. Side effects don't sound good!
It downregulates your hormones so that u don't ovulate i think? Once my linings thin enough they'll give me tablets to take to thicken it up before the transfer.
EC next week - that's fast!! :)
I know! Things move so fast on the antagonist protocol! I'm already 4 days in. EC should be on day 12-15 I think. Will be towards the end if next week bet I miss all the fun Christmassy stuff :(
Had my day 5 scan yesterday. Responding well. Now on two injections per day and going back for another scan on Friday. Looks like EC will be next Weds.
That's great! :) Not long to wait. The short protocol is great isn't it. I'm glad I don't have injections to do this time, but the length of time I need to take drugs this time is a bit of a pain. Feels like a long time before anything actually happens! We've just booked a holiday to the canaries for Christmas - a week in the sun before the transfer. Can't wait! x
U must b counting down the days. Got another scan tomorrow morning. Lots of follies! One is already 18mm.
Triggering tonight! Egg collection is Tuesday. It has come round so fast! Feel the size of a house at the mo, so bloated!
Had my egg collection. 19 eggs yay! That's the highest number I've ever had! Got a scan on Fri and then they will decide whether I'm allowed transfer or whether I have to go for fet. How r u doing? When's your transfer? Xx
Just came on to say good luck but it looks like I'm a day late- sorry! 19 eggs is great! Well done! :) Was the EC ok?

I go for a scan on Friday and should find out then when the transfer will be.

Keep us posted on how ur wee eggs r doing! Xx :)
Yeah egg collection was fine. I was more awake for it so felt more but it was ok. Felt very sore afterwards. Still a bit tender. Am on high alert for ohss symptoms now. They r gna scan me on Friday to see if I have ohss before deciding whether to transfer or not.

Hope your scan goes ok!
How did u get on today highhopes? Hope it went well.

My scan was today too. Lining nice and thin - as it should be. Now have another few weeks of drugs to thicken it up for the transfer. Such a LONG process!! :/
I had no idea fet was such a long process! My scan was ok. My right ovary is really enlarged and I gave a small amount of fluid in my abdomen. Blood test showed I'm ok so they are going ahead with blastocyst transfer on Sunday!!! Just one final scan on Sunday to double check that I haven't got worse and then I will be pupo!

My embies are doing great! 9 are top quality and 3 are a little bit fragmented. All are being grown to day 5 under the embryoscope. Roll on Sunday!

Happy holidays btw! Such a relief the term is over! X
Had my embryo transfer. Two blastocysts - one grade 5AB the other grade 4AB. One was hatching already! Also got 8 blastocysts frozen! What a brilliant day! And to think, my day started at 6am with serious agony from trapped wind lol it was so bad that I was lying on the bathroom floor at one point!!!

When is your ET? I will be testing on 2nd jan! Xx
Highhopes, congrats on getting such high quality blasts, so happy for you. just wonder what protocol you were on- we are struggling to get any high quality blasts. What worked for you?
That is fantastic news highopes!! Good luck & sounds like 2014 will be your year. I have everything crossed for you xxx
Thanks ladies! I can't believe how well it has gone after the miscarriage with cycle one and bfn with cycle two and no frosties from either cycle! Fingers and toes crossed for my bfp in the new year!

Febhuds I was on the antagonist protocol for all 3 cycles. First cycle I got 9 eggs but they gave me a trigger that didnt work with my body. Second cycle they lowered my drug dose coz of ohss but then I only got 3 eggs. This cycle they upped my gonal f dose to 112.5, with orgalutron and the antagonist and ovitrelle with the trigger and this has worked for me. I am at high risk of ohss, currently have mild symptoms. Have u had an ivf cycle? X
Hope you ladies had a lovely christmas. Jack hope you are having a wonderful holiday xx

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