You know you've been TTC too long when....

When you're sat at your desk at work, trying to work out which dates you should "surprise" your DH with BDing to make sure you're well covered throughout the mating season. I hate that PCOS gives me highs on my CBFM for so long before the peaks.
When you bulk buy 5ml syringes for conceive+ and have to be restrained by your DH from punching the woman in Boots who assumes they're for your sick child.
....when you buy a ring binder to organise all your test results and records, so you can refer easily to them when going to appointments.
Or maybe that's just me.

Definitely not just you. I currently have 6 doctors for various things and I have to have test results for all of them at each appointment it seems like! lol I'm glad I'm not the only one....
....when you buy a ring binder to organise all your test results and records, so you can refer easily to them when going to appointments.
Or maybe that's just me.

Definitely not just you. I currently have 6 doctors for various things and I have to have test results for all of them at each appointment it seems like! lol I'm glad I'm not the only one....

I actually threw my folder out (was obviously having a 'done with ttc' day)!

I could kick myself in the ass!! :dohh: I need that sucker now.
You know you've been ttc too long when instead if checking your normal calendar to see if you're free for a social engagement, you check your ovulation calendar to see if it clashes with your ovulation time or to see if you're in the two week wait and can't have a glass of wine!
I know I have been TTC too long because most of the people who were on this forum when i joined have either gone... or have BFP's It does give me hope though that it can happen, i have spoken to ladies who have been so low and truly believed it would never happen for them and now they have a BFP...

Know that feeling - people I was in WTT now have babies and are trying for number 2!
when you're putting off planning a holiday next year, even though you and your DH have never had a proper holiday together, in case your pregnant, because you won't want to fly in the first tri and there's no bloody way you're taking a couple of months off TTC.
when your sister who is younger than you is at the end of her second pregnancy- the first being when you started TTC with over two years between them :dohh:

When you know more about TTC and pregnancy than most midwifes

You can tell instantly in the pregancy test gallery whats an evap and whats a true blue because you've gone through 1000 0000000 tests yourself

When you reherse in your head that your expecting twins because IVF is your only hope

Writing down the 50th name on your potential baby name list thats 3 years old
When you convince yourself that you COULD be pregnant even though you've just finished your period.
....when you have friends/family coming over and you have to do a sweep of the house/bathroom to get rid of all the ttc paraphenalia (books, packs of opk's/temp charts/prenatal vits - i could go on) :haha:

love this thread, you have to see the humour or i sometimes think i'd go insane

this made me LOL. Thanks!
I'm guilty of doing this...especially because at that point I hadn't told anybody in my family I was TTC. =O
when you realise that if ur first pregnancy had worked out then little one would now be just over two and a half xx
When you get pee on your hand when you POAS and it doesn't bother you in the slightest.
When you need to actively remind yourself in public to NOT grab and mush your BBS to check for soreness. :rofl:

(it just becomes an every 20minute habit during the TWW that I've got myself being seconds away from checking in a public space too)

oh my goodness I have done this at the market and at work before!
You plan your holidays from work around when you'll be Oving and when you think you'll be testing. :lol:
You plan your holidays from work around when you'll be Oving and when you think you'll be testing. :lol:

Or you pick up overtime during the TWW as a method of distraction (and funding for fertility treatments :happydance:) like me in November :ahem:
I'm so glad it's not just me! I think I just envy their naivety.

I started talking to my best friend about TTC when she was 8.5 months pregnant with number 2 and she gave me advice like "put your legs in the air, I'm sure that's what did the trick with my two". I just nodded and smiled but screamed in my head lol!

I've had that!!! And after telling someone we had been ttc for 15 months, she told me i should use "the sticks you pee on to tell you when you are ovulating". Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :dohh:
Can I just say this is my first time over in LTTC (I am on 18th cycle - just been scared to come over!) and this has cheered me up no end. Thank you x
When your at work and you check your Facebook and yet ANOTHER friend has just had a baby, so you sign up to a baby forum hoping that someone else will understand what your going through :(

I'm 27, I've been TTC since I was 19 and I'm with my current bf for 4 years and...NOTHING. I've never been to a doctor about it because I think...well if there is no chance I'd rather just not know, but I feel like I'm going insane and getting really bitter at all these woman who seem to get pregnant the first month they try :(
Hugs and welcome domayne. If you do go to a doctor there is so much they can do to help you conceive. Are you confirming ovulation in any way?

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