You won't be able to...


Privileged Twin Mummy
Aug 27, 2008
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*mini rant alert*

Why do some people think you won't be able to do stuff just cos it's twins:growlmad:

Apparently as several people have told me they don't think I'll be able to breastfeed cos I'm having twins:wacko:Now I have 2 boobs which both conveniently have nipples so why would having 2 babies make this impossible. I know it'll be hard but I would imagine bf one baby is hard! I sometimes think people think I'm having a litter of dalmation pups rather than 2 babies:dohh:

In other wise words I'll not cope and will need to get rid of my dog just cos it's twins :shrug:

I'll also need to have a 3rd child now apparently cos it's not boy/girl twins
And can't possibly be happy with 2 same sex children:dohh:

Sorry but just had to get that off my chest:haha: xx
LOL some people are ridiculous. Its pure ignorance. Does take longer to get things done with twins, granted, but they do get done!!
ive had and still do get the dog one, mind i am worried about it tbh. but as for the other things people are silly. i honestly think when it comes to expecting twins people mustnt have aclue what to say so they end up insulting instead. im only 12wks ish but some of the things people have said have astounded me. and if one more person asks if ill dress them the same i swear ill @~£$%&~ scream. i dont know!! maybe, sometimes, maybe not!! like many other twin mummies have said, god only gives twins or more to people who can cope with them!! hey we can do anything we want. (by the way, i plan on bottle feeding but it is starting to make me wonder how with two??)
The one that makes me laugh is "Are they identical" when I tell them it's one of each?? I say I bloody hope not or one of them is going to be really strange looking ha-ha.

It annoys me that people who have never had anything to do with twins are all experts when it comes to them :dohh:
Yeh i agree, they think mine are identical and ive had some say "ooh you might get one of each" really??????? but the best is "ooh can you afford two?" speechless. they arent two kittens ive just picked up from a cat shelter. ye everyone is an expert on twins even though they dont understand. my sisters friend said "ooh i want twins" my sister said "you dont look after the two youve got, how the hell would you look after twins" i think they like the novelty of them.
I already had 3 boys when I fell with the twins and the most common thing people said to me was " oh my gosh, what will u do if it's 2 more boys " :dohh:
On day this lady at school said it to me and I said " already talked to hubby about that and we have decided to put the 2nd boy on eBay " she just stated at me with a numb expression. I then said " well what do u expect me to say to a stupid question like that? " she apologizes.
Howevere that was my response everytime someone asked me that and I can tell you they asked me a lot.
People can be so inconsiderate and ignorant. I was told it takes a special woman to be blessed with twins. Unless the advice is coming from someone who has already had twins or more then I tend to take it with a pinch of salt. Some people can't cope at all with a single baby so we must be supermums to cope with 2.
I agree.. I think twins scares a lot of people. There really is no way for them to relate so they try to fill the silence by making inconciderate or ignorant comments.

My mother tries to relate a lot and I think she is frustrated because this is the one thing I have done that she has not. She has always been the "been there done that" kind of mom and loves to help people by giving advice on what to expect. Once the combined weight of the babies outweighted her 10 lbs baby experience, she has backed off a lot and allows me to wallow and cry without interuptions, because that much baby really hurts!

As far as the BFing goes, I get it too. I have had complete strangers ask me if I plan on BFing! I don't mind explaining myself to immediate family because they are FAMILY, and will even make an exception for another twin to be mom... but a total stranger? With no babies? Why does it matter to them? Bfing is not that hard if baby turns out to be a good latcher. If not, it can get frustrating. My daughter took right to it, so I had no struggles (with her) in regards to BFing and do so for 12 full months. These babies could be different! One can make it easier than the other. There are so many variables, you can't make that type of prediction until you try it for the first time.

I was joking once, and was asked if I was planning to BF and I said no. I told her I was gonna offer them steak and if they can't figure it out then they can starve. What do people think? One way or another, their bellies will get full and they will survive.
Ha i STILL get all the stupid questions it doesn't go away when they arrive the difference is that you aren't the tiniest bit scared anymore because you are doing it and it's totally doable!

Ps I have three dogs x
the big one is "ever get back in shape and loose those stretch marks"

it seems everyone is an expert when it comes to twin pregnancies - hahahahah!
Thanks everyone, I'm now starting to think those who think I'll not be able to bf or look after my dog are just saying deep down how they would be if they were to have twins:winkwink:

There are 4 other woman at my work and all have said how amazing twins are with not one single negative so I'll stick with their advice:winkwink:

It's funny hearing some of the comments others have been hit with - love the baby on ebay one:haha:

Vicky 3 dogs and twins, you might convince me to get another whilst off on mat leave:haha: xx
after all the months of hearing how "difficult" things were going to be i feel like things couldnt be going easier tbh! both my dudes are sleeping soundly as i'm on the computer and sipping coffee , life is good lol. you'll be awesome and find your balance no problem the universe doesnt give us more than we can handle :)
oh and i was a tad worried about my dog as he's young and silly but he's very calm and protective now that they're here i'm sure your pup will be the same
Thanks everyone, I'm now starting to think those who think I'll not be able to bf or look after my dog are just saying deep down how they would be if they were to have twins:winkwink:

There are 4 other woman at my work and all have said how amazing twins are with not one single negative so I'll stick with their advice:winkwink:

It's funny hearing some of the comments others have been hit with - love the baby on ebay one:haha:

Vicky 3 dogs and twins, you might convince me to get another whilst off on mat leave:haha: xx

hehe weelllllll maybe I wouldnt recommend a puppy and twins lol - being completly honest they did suffer a bit when the boys were tiny they missed a few walks and kind of stopped being our priority (we used to do the day long walking take them to the beach for days and camping etc etc) and you just cant do that with newborns. BUT its sooo short lived as now the boys are just about getting to the age where we can all pile in the car and go out for walks - all we need is Sam to start walking (he has weak ankles so is very late) so we can fit everyone in the car as atm buggy takes up the whole boot!!!
I was worried about breast feeding so asked my maternity nurse - she said of course and you can even feed them both at the same time (although she said train them separately first before attempting this. Whilst I have been asked l
I was worried about breast feeding so asked my maternity nurse - she said of course and you can even feed them both at the same time (although she said train them separately first before attempting this. Whilst I have been asked lots of silly questions I think I have lots of equally silly ones going through my head - like can you walk up the stairs holding two!!
I am just developing selective hearing
I have had a giggle reading this thread, it is true I think that people just don't know what to say when they are told you are expecting twins, so they say something stupid/offensive.

I was never worried through my pregnancy about how I would cope when they arrived and my OH was at work, as I know things will just fall into place and we will get into a routine. But so many people would say things like, how will you cope? or first baby and its twins, you are going to struggle. Why would I struggle any more than anyone else having twins? stupid people.

:) Kirsty
Thanks everyone, I'm now starting to think those who think I'll not be able to bf or look after my dog are just saying deep down how they would be if they were to have twins:winkwink:

There are 4 other woman at my work and all have said how amazing twins are with not one single negative so I'll stick with their advice:winkwink:

It's funny hearing some of the comments others have been hit with - love the baby on ebay one:haha:

Vicky 3 dogs and twins, you might convince me to get another whilst off on mat leave:haha: xx

hehe weelllllll maybe I wouldnt recommend a puppy and twins lol - being completly honest they did suffer a bit when the boys were tiny they missed a few walks and kind of stopped being our priority (we used to do the day long walking take them to the beach for days and camping etc etc) and you just cant do that with newborns. BUT its sooo short lived as now the boys are just about getting to the age where we can all pile in the car and go out for walks - all we need is Sam to start walking (he has weak ankles so is very late) so we can fit everyone in the car as atm buggy takes up the whole boot!!!

That's what I can't figure out - how can we get out as a family including pooch. So far the only way it will work is me in back with twins and dog in front with DH:haha:

It's good to hear that having two doesn't automatically mean doom and gloom xx
I think the further along we all get, the more annoyed we will get at the comments... lol.

Since this will be baby #3 and 4 for us, I always get "oh you will be busy". Or since we will have three girls and one boy, "poor guy". And of course "do twins run in your family".

When I meet the random stranger that says something like, wow how wonderful, that makes me smile. And it just reminds me to be positive with people and whatever their situation is, because they are probably tired of hearing the same old negative stuff...
someone called me a poor ******* the other day when i said i was having twins. how mean is that!! i said-actually were really pleased.

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