Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

Its the period from hell but hey ill take it! just hope it continues to come every month...and give me some what hope that my body might actually be working to get us that BFP :)
sugarpi I had a HCG trigger for my IUI last month, and today at 12dpo AF is starting. It's pretty bad too. The worst in awhile. DH and I have agreed to take a break. We need to save up money for continuing treatments and the weight I gained with PCOS and Clomid is outrageous. Here's to getting healthy and maybe a 2015 baby.

Hope your period lets up so you don't have to deal with the pain. :hugs:
Hopefully during your break youll get a surprise! Good luck with saving money :)
Hi Ladies can I join in please?? :hi:

Im only im only 22 with PCOS Im currently only taking metformin.

But Metformin must be helping me in someway because I usually nearly never have my af on my own with my PCOS and since starting metformin in May I have had two af's! Only on the 30th May and again on the 4th July! So I did a 34 day cycle :happydance:

Can I ask please on the very first post in this thread, there is a list of ladies on there and there quite a few :bfp: on there. Are these all ladies who got them with PCOS? If so this is quite an achievement for women with PCOS? Im trying to see it as positive to thing for me to read as I keep getting down and negative thinking I will never get there, I had a pervious partner and we TTC for nearly two years so this also gets me down while im TTC now. (My Ex turned out to be not such a nice guy in the end, he treated bad, but im more than happy with the Fella I have now he is my world)
Welcome Sarahlou!

Yep pretty sure those BFP's were got with PCOS. My BFP came on my 2nd round of clomid.

Stick around we're a good bunch :)
Spidermonkey OPK's don't work for me. My IUI cycles all have to be ultrasound monitored because they just don't pick up my surge. I think some of the other ladies on here have had good results. I hope that one of them can give you better information. :hugs:

Denyse tomorrow is the date!! Gracie will be here. How are you feeling? It's so exciting!! Congrats in advance! :hugs:
I found the cheaper ovulation kits were better. The expensive digital ones were inconsistent
Hi ladies, it has been a very very long time since I have ventured onto this site lol
I kind of hit a hard time in February when I lost my job and then the following month got a new one only to be offered a full time job where my husband works which has lead to us becoming the managers of our area of the company #_#
It has kept me extremely busy!
I was put on Extended release Metformin 500 mg once per day (due to stomach upset I can't go higher.) and it has started to regulate my cycles :)
Last month I had a couple weeks where I was sure that I was pregnant since my boobs hurt too much to touch which is unusual for me. Sadly AF came at 35 CD (better than 50 CD)
This month I pretty positive that I ovulated thanks to EW CM and I am currently about 11 DPO right now.
I have been having nausea, head aches, tender boobs (nothing like the previous month though) ever so mild cramping in uterus, had some spotting yesterday (very light brown) that is gone now, my back has been aching terribly, I have been super fatigued and a bit restless at night. I have been peeing every 2 hours ON THE CLOCK! But today I took a test and it was a bfn :(
though it was just a dollar tree test since that is all I had. I will give it another week and then test and then one more after that (Unless AF shows before then.)

I noticed that there are some pregnancies in here and CONGRATS TO ALL :D!!!
Hopeful you must have conceived about the last time I was on here!
What have been your symptoms?
Everyone PG momma please share!
BAB welcome back! Sorry you had a rough go earlier this year. I am glad to hear everything is better now.

I am not pregnant BUT, the symptoms sound promising. Was the light brown spotting just one day? Based on your dpo it could be implantation bleeding. I would wait until 14dpo and then test again and if BFN, wait until 18dpo unless AF starts. It does sound promising. I hope it's a BFP for you! :hugs:
Hi Mikihob, the discharge (idk how else to put it) showed ever so slightly on Wednesday evening and then on Thursday it was there when I wiped but went away as the day progressed.
I forgot to mention that my husband has noticed that my bb's are getting larger and when we checked they do feel much heavier as well.
I am more worried that my body is playing tricks on me.. It has done it in the past but that was usually when I was having irregular cycles, which now they are considered regular again thanks to me being able to religiously take my metformin with little stomach issues :)
Although I strongly want and desire to be pregnant this month, I will be happy if I am on an even more regular cycle at the very least. My obgyn told me to TTC on metformin only until October and then she will put me on Clomid and see if that makes a difference. I would much prefer for me to get pregnant before then though :P
Hey how many of u ladies have used the ovulation kits? And do they work? :)

Ive tried the smiley OPK's to take the guessing out of it and i think they worked...but with PCOS it can cause the results to vary...i dont think they work properly with some women with PCOS...others i think have had no issues with them. I just dont trust them so i dont use them.
Hi Mikihob, the discharge (idk how else to put it) showed ever so slightly on Wednesday evening and then on Thursday it was there when I wiped but went away as the day progressed.
I forgot to mention that my husband has noticed that my bb's are getting larger and when we checked they do feel much heavier as well.
I am more worried that my body is playing tricks on me.. It has done it in the past but that was usually when I was having irregular cycles, which now they are considered regular again thanks to me being able to religiously take my metformin with little stomach issues :)
Although I strongly want and desire to be pregnant this month, I will be happy if I am on an even more regular cycle at the very least. My obgyn told me to TTC on metformin only until October and then she will put me on Clomid and see if that makes a difference. I would much prefer for me to get pregnant before then though :P

I would guess that you are pregnant. I don't know for sure and our bodies play mean, mean tricks on us. Last month, I had some unusual symptoms and thought for sure I was pregnant- NOPE. But yours sound like early symptoms and the discharge when wiped only, for a short time, it sounds like implantation. I don't want to get your hopes up, but I would bet on you. :hugs: Do you normally spot before AF??
Hi Mikihob, the discharge (idk how else to put it) showed ever so slightly on Wednesday evening and then on Thursday it was there when I wiped but went away as the day progressed.
I forgot to mention that my husband has noticed that my bb's are getting larger and when we checked they do feel much heavier as well.
I am more worried that my body is playing tricks on me.. It has done it in the past but that was usually when I was having irregular cycles, which now they are considered regular again thanks to me being able to religiously take my metformin with little stomach issues :)
Although I strongly want and desire to be pregnant this month, I will be happy if I am on an even more regular cycle at the very least. My obgyn told me to TTC on metformin only until October and then she will put me on Clomid and see if that makes a difference. I would much prefer for me to get pregnant before then though :P

I would guess that you are pregnant. I don't know for sure and our bodies play mean, mean tricks on us. Last month, I had some unusual symptoms and thought for sure I was pregnant- NOPE. But yours sound like early symptoms and the discharge when wiped only, for a short time, it sounds like implantation. I don't want to get your hopes up, but I would bet on you. :hugs: Do you normally spot before AF??

Only literally the day before and it would be a darker brown than this then slowly over the course of a day become af
And thank you!! I really hope I am but I keep having doubts. :(

I have been noticing that my nipples feel weird when I both put on and take off clothes. Currently I am enjoying a bra free day but when I had to put one on to go into town there was about a minute of just idk how to describe the feeling... It is weird and then it did the same thing afterwards. I guess I can describe the feeling as that same feeling you get when a limb is awakening from being numb lol
I hope it isn't all in my head and then I sound crazy xD haha
Clomid makes me get that tingling feeling in my breasts sometimes. It makes me so mad when it happens during the TWW. That is supposed to be a good sign too. I really hope that you are pregnant too and that it's not your body being a meany. :hugs:
I'm not on clomid quite yet, I have to wait until October :)

Today has been a pretty symptom free day :/ my boobs are barely sore at all, I had a little cramping but that was it. I feel pretty normal now so I could very well be days away from starting AF x(
I'm considering getting some FRER but I don't really want to waste money if I'm not pg... We have renaissance fair this next weekend and for the following 2 after that. We do secuirty and I am a lead for the morning crew, so I really don't want to use anymore money before then than I have to, especially since we have to camp out.

It is going to suck if af starts while we are there because we only have port-a-potty's to use D:
Thanks Katerz <3


Have any of you tried Homemade pregnancy tests?
I just tried the bleach test and had immediate results! But I decided to test it on my husband and so did he. After further inspected we realized that our bleach is lavender scented and that could possibly be causing the same reaction (When pregnant it is supposed to fizz pretty well.)

Anyways, I am waiting to try the tooth paste and then the dandilion test next. The pinesol one was well but I might wait until tomorrow to do that..

Also, I tried the ring test over the palm to predict the genders of your babies. I keep getting boys xD It was boy boy girl boy. I gave up after the last boy lmao

Basically for this test you tie your wedding ring on a piece of your hair and then get it motionless above your LEFT hand. Tap it in the center of your hand 3 times and then if it swings back and forth it means you are having (or had apparently) a boy. If it does wide circles then you are having (or had) a girl.

I tried over my belly but it wouldn't work :(
Over the belly is to determine (if you are pregnant) what the gender of the baby inside you is.
Get it steady over your belly and then have someone else hold it. The same results for each gender will be as the palm one.

Has anyone had any actual results with these?? I am curious because I also just held it over my right hand and the ring started moving back and forth ALL ON ITS OWN! I was excited at first but then found no tests for this :/
Wow never heard of those home made tests, how interesting! If they work it would save a lot if cash lol

I did the over the belly thing with my wedding ring and it said boy so that was a bit out lol
Aww lol well they can't all work xD
I think it is just fun to do while in the 2ww. Gets that testing itch fulfilled a little.

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