Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

Miki I've already posted in your journal, but definitely wanted to agree with bab. Is there any reason you need to be on birth control in the meantime? It might be worth letting your body have a few months off..and you never know, you could fall naturally whilst you're having a break!!
BAB and NLK The birth control was just to help my PCOS symptoms and hormone fluctuations. I could just wait a month and see if my body still ovulates and gets normal on its own, and if not, then move into birth control. DH has no swimmers so there is zero chance of falling naturally while waiting, so I assumed why not get BC again. :cry: What do you think? I love advice. :flower: :thumbup: :hugs:

Spidermonkey I am sorry you have to move into IVF. Surgery? What kind of surgery? :hugs:
:( I haven't had my hubby checked yet, so I am just hoping that he DOES have swimmers... It is fairly expensive here to check it, but I seen some DYI tricks online that show you how to make a high powered microscope from a smart phone :3
I just need to buckle down and do it!
I wonder why it's so costly to get him checked?? As my husband says, he just needs to "Jack-off in a dixie cup" and then get it checked. :rofl: He's a dork. I am sorry that the test would be so much. How cool to make a microscope with your phone. That would be neat. I hope DH has swimmers so you don't have to go through what I did/am. :hugs: How are you? Have you gotten a positive OPK? Still have EWCM?
No more EWCM and I still haven't bought an opk lol I am pretty sure I ovulated last week and sadly two of my most fertile days were wasted because my husband was too tired. We are now in a rut because I tried to get him to do the baby dance with me today and once again he claimed to be tired. I got upset and left the room which made him upset. We both stewed for a while and when I went to apologize he went ahead and told me that he doesn't think we should have kids because he thinks it will ruin our relationship. I'm having a hard time with all of this because having a baby is what I want most in this world second to him only by a little. I don't think he is going to feel the same way layer, unless he has been lying to me this entire time about wanting kids in the first place and just let me get my hopes up and talk about it just to turn around and break my heart like this. I know he can tell I am depressed and he seems to care. But I can't really feel anything other than pain right now.
BAB and NLK The birth control was just to help my PCOS symptoms and hormone fluctuations. I could just wait a month and see if my body still ovulates and gets normal on its own, and if not, then move into birth control. DH has no swimmers so there is zero chance of falling naturally while waiting, so I assumed why not get BC again. :cry: What do you think? I love advice. :flower: :thumbup: :hugs:

Spidermonkey I am sorry you have to move into IVF. Surgery? What kind of surgery? :hugs:

The surgery is called an ovarian drill :cry:
BAB I am sorry you missed your fertile days. With him saying he doesn’t think you two should have kids and then claiming to be too tired, it sounds like he said he was tired to avoid BDing. I can’t believe he would just randomly say that, after all the trying you have already done and right after you are married. My mom’s second husband told her that he wanted kids and then went and got a vasectomy and never told her. One day she was talking to him about babies and he told her, he can’t have any anymore. She was heartbroken and left him. Having a baby was too important to her. I hope that he is just being scared because of the idea of a baby and that he will come around and not actually lying about wanting babies. I am so sorry that you are dealing with this. :hugs:

spidermonkey I had the option to have ovarian drilling cause of the amount of cysts that I have, but I was too afraid. Do you know when you might be going in?
Ovarian drilling sounds painful x( I haven't heard of what the surgery does though..

Asm.. My husband clarified what he was saying. He apparently meant that he doesn't want to TRY to have kids. He says that he doesn't like the pressure and would prefer it being random. I suppose I should just stop telling him when I am ovulating then? Idk.. I have to get through this cycle so that I can start on the next. I think I will see if he is fine with doing the NTNP until January and then letting me get on Clomid and trying that for a few cycles.. I am still upset about everything because I hate the idea of never having a baby :( I am pretty sure that IVF is not an option for us, and I know adoption is an option but it just isn't the same.
BAB I totally understand. It's hard feeling pressure to perform, and each month if you get a BFN he feels like he isn't performing. I would just not tell him when you are ovulating. Initiate it like it's just random and then he will be in it, you will be in it and it may even increase your chances since you will both be more intimate and not feeling like you are "working".

I agree, if nothing by January, take Clomid. You can always let him know you will take it and not tell him when you are taking it, or when you are fertile. Keep the stress on him down and he should be ok. Glad he clarified what you meant and didn't leave you feeling hurt and confused.

My DH said something Friday-ish about getting the adoption process started. I have nothing against adoption, and have started numerous times, but you are right it isn't the same. I don't just want a baby. I want to experience pregnancy. Feeling the baby move inside me and seeing the u/s and hearing the heartbeat, breastfeeding, etc. In the end if it came down to adoption or nothing, I may feel differently. Hey, no labor. :happydance: :haha:

How are you doing otherwise? Are you going to wait for AF to show or POAS just to see??
It is probably a good idea to get all the background checks and home studies done at least 6 months to a year before you actually adopt, any sooner is a bit pointless because those expire after a year I think. But I completely understand how you feel about it. I want to wait until after I am 30 before considering adoption. I have about 7 years left so hopefully something will happen within that time!
I am hoping that Ivf works for you and that you end up with a couple bundles of joy :3

I have been doing good. Not many symptoms other than being extra emotional (crying over pizza and a movie lol) and then yesterday it felt like a bug was stinging my boobs! The pain only lasted for a few seconds and my boobs have only been slightly tender since then. What is really weird is that I haven't been nauseas at all. I usually suffer from nausea thanks to my metformin but I have felt great. I have felt like my uterus has been hard for about a week now but that could be in my head. Up until today I had been cramping daily since ovulation. It's really weird but I have a bad feeling that af will make her appearance at the end of the week :/
Hi everyone. I'm new to this site. I'm 25 years old and diagnosed with PCOS about a month ago. I was referred to a fertility specialist by my OB/GYN. Apparently there was nothing else she could do to help me. Anyway, my doctor ran blood work, did an ultrasound, and revealed the "string of pearls" on my ovaries. I'm relieved that there is finally an answer. I have been with my by for 2 1/2 years and we have been trying for 1 1/2 years. Once the doctor diagnosed the PCOS he prescribed me metformin. He instructed me to start with one a day (500mg) and once it no longer upset my tummy (and boy did it!!) I can increase by one until I was up to 4. Well lo and behold I've been taking 2000mg for about two weeks and the red witch showed up as brown spotting on Saturday and World War III by Sunday! I'm so happy!!! 😊😊😊 My doc has me coming in tomorrow for blood work, and if all is well I should be starting Clomid. I'm on cycle Day 2 and would love to hear others stories and see where they are in their journeys. Sites like these are what is helping me to remain positive. Bf's sperm analysis came back perfect so I know its me that's slowing the process. KMFX that I can start the clomid this cycle and maybe even get my BFP!!!
Hiya Meek :)
That's crazy that your doctor has you on such a high dose of metformin! I keep hearing about other ladies being put on these high doses and my stomach turns.. I was on just 1000 mg for over a year before I gave up due to the stomach issues. I tried many times to get back on it and now I am on only 500 mg extended release once a day. This seems to be working though I do still get nauseous (except for the past week for some reason.)
Glad to hear that your tummy is doing good with it though :D
I have been trying for almost 2 years now, I think lol I was going to be put on Clomid in October but some plans have changed and now I am going to have to wait until January. I am hoping that I can naturally conceive before then though :3 though I doubt it will happen :'(
You should install a period/fertility tracker app on your phone if you haven't already. They really help with us ladies who have irregular cycles. Mine currently is trying to adjust to my new found regular cycles so it is a bit off, but it is still nice to be able to use the notes section to keep track of body temp, weight, cervical position, texture, open/closed and mucus type as well as symptoms and emotions/moods. It records all of this and can help inform you when something is different. This is awesome because, for me, I am a terrible symptom spotter but I have found that with my regular cycles I tend to get early pregnancy symptoms pretty hard core. So if it notices that something different IS or something usual ISN'T happening then it will let me know.
I hope you are able to get on Clomid so that you can get busy and have a baby <3
I would recommend investing in preseed lubricant, you can find it at walmart or really any other store that sells condoms and lubes. I would also suggest having your man take multivitamins with high zinc levels or at least get some zinc. He should be taking about 60 mg (I think that is the correct measurement.) per day.
As for you, taking prenatal vitamins can help prepare your body for a baby so then when you conceive your baby has the best chances straight away! The folic acid will be great for your hair but make sure not to supplement that too much.. I didn't realize that I was overdosing on it and the hair on my arms started growing in a lot thicker than it already is. lol
Welcome meek!

I have no experience with met but fell pg on my 2nd round of clomid. We had been trying for 5 years and now have a healthy lively toddler. We are waiting until April '15 to try for number 2. I'm hoping that now I have lost almost 2.5 stone we can conceive without medical intervention...only time will tell!

Good luck on your journey xxx
Lol yes the side effects do pass, but man oh man, getting through them. To this day I still have tummy troubles when I eat fast food (my Wendy's went straight to the new toilet last night...TMI I'm sorry!:wacko:) but after blood work and ultrasound my doc gave me the okay to start 100mg of clomid on cycle day 5 ( Thursday) :happydance::happydance: I'm hoping you can conceive naturally as well!! Waiting til January seems so hard!!!
The only thing is I haven't been tracking my temps this cycle and I'm not sure that I can start now because I'm already on cycle day three. Can you start temping once your cycle has started? What a good fertility tracker to use?
I was taking prenatals but am running low and only have folic acid vitamins now so I will need to restock. I have tried to get my BF to take vitamins...he is do darn forgetful!! Lol :blush: I'm a huge symptom spotter so I'm going to try and relax this cycle, take my meds, and follow doctors orders. Doc says he is ready to get my ass pregnant, so I'm hoping this is our cycle!! Sending prayers for you as well my dear!
Hiya Meek :)
That's crazy that your doctor has you on such a high dose of metformin! I keep hearing about other ladies being put on these high doses and my stomach turns.. I was on just 1000 mg for over a year before I gave up due to the stomach issues. I tried many times to get back on it and now I am on only 500 mg extended release once a day. This seems to be working though I do still get nauseous (except for the past week for some reason.)
Glad to hear that your tummy is doing good with it though :D
I have been trying for almost 2 years now, I think lol I was going to be put on Clomid in October but some plans have changed and now I am going to have to wait until January. I am hoping that I can naturally conceive before then though :3 though I doubt it will happen :'(
You should install a period/fertility tracker app on your phone if you haven't already. They really help with us ladies who have irregular cycles. Mine currently is trying to adjust to my new found regular cycles so it is a bit off, but it is still nice to be able to use the notes section to keep track of body temp, weight, cervical position, texture, open/closed and mucus type as well as symptoms and emotions/moods. It records all of this and can help inform you when something is different. This is awesome because, for me, I am a terrible symptom spotter but I have found that with my regular cycles I tend to get early pregnancy symptoms pretty hard core. So if it notices that something different IS or something usual ISN'T happening then it will let me know.
I hope you are able to get on Clomid so that you can get busy and have a baby <3
I would recommend investing in preseed lubricant, you can find it at walmart or really any other store that sells condoms and lubes. I would also suggest having your man take multivitamins with high zinc levels or at least get some zinc. He should be taking about 60 mg (I think that is the correct measurement.) per day.
As for you, taking prenatal vitamins can help prepare your body for a baby so then when you conceive your baby has the best chances straight away! The folic acid will be great for your hair but make sure not to supplement that too much.. I didn't realize that I was overdosing on it and the hair on my arms started growing in a lot thicker than it already is. lol
Katerz, wow that's wonderful! I was on clomid before and I assume I was ovulating, but no baby! So I'm hoping now the met/clomid combo does the trick. My old on/gym always told me I wasn't getting pregnant b/c I'm overweight... So I do hope that your weight loss aids in you conceiving. Wishing you lots of luck in your journey honey!
BAB I am sorry you missed your fertile days. With him saying he doesn’t think you two should have kids and then claiming to be too tired, it sounds like he said he was tired to avoid BDing. I can’t believe he would just randomly say that, after all the trying you have already done and right after you are married. My mom’s second husband told her that he wanted kids and then went and got a vasectomy and never told her. One day she was talking to him about babies and he told her, he can’t have any anymore. She was heartbroken and left him. Having a baby was too important to her. I hope that he is just being scared because of the idea of a baby and that he will come around and not actually lying about wanting babies. I am so sorry that you are dealing with this. :hugs:

spidermonkey I had the option to have ovarian drilling cause of the amount of cysts that I have, but I was too afraid. Do you know when you might be going in?

I go in on the 11th of September :(
Meek- my hubby has the same issue with forgetting to take his vitamins x( he is doing better now though. You're doctor sounds awesome! I need to get my old one back :/ they switched my doctors after several years of me not using that clinic due to not having insurance. It was P.P. for me for a while lol

my suggestion for finding a good fertility tracker is to google which one is best for your type of phone. I use windows so I have very limited options :|

Relaxing is a major requirement for TTC but man is it hard to do!! I have been trying and have done better than before, but I am still constantly thinking about babies </3 if you know how to distract yourself then do that! And don't stress over fertile days as much either if you can help it!

ASM- I am now on 14 dpo. I started get a lot of nausea this week and smell sensitivity. My boobs are slightly sore with occasional stronger pains. I have been slightly constipated, some cramping, back aches, MOODY AS HELL, head aches and some dizziness. I should start anywhere between 28-30 cd. Currently I am on cd 29 and still no sign of AF which I usually spot 4-5 days prior to her arrival. Hoping this is a good sign and NOT my body mucking itself up again. My cervix is low soft and closed and the cm is kind of creamy and sticky. No clue what pregnant cm is supposed to look like but I usually dry up completely before AF. FX!
:Hi everyone. Just checking back in. I had a positive opk last night/this morning at 11pm and 3:30am, and then super dark test line by 7am. I am feeling some activity in my left ovary. I went for a scan on Monday and my one lone follie was 23mm!! I think I should ov today sometime, and I have another appt tomorrow to confirm. KMFX that this is our month...
Oh TMI alert...I am having the worst diarrhea of my life!! And I'm at work nauseous as hell! Ughhh. I've read this could be an effect of the estrogen hormone being so high so I'm hoping that's a good thing and Boo's little swimmers are really close to that egg! Meanwhile I'm thinking of a way to discreetly let my supervisor know I have some "business" to do at home... :loo:
2014-09-09 23.27.11.jpg



The first pic is from yesterday, top strip was at 530pm, bottom strip was 11pm. Second pic was from 330am this morning. Last pic, left strip 7am this morning, right strip 12pm this afternoon. I am having ov pains in my left ovary which is where my follie is. No other symptoms at this time....even the terrible headaches and hot flashes have subsided!

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