Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

Quick question for you guys. How soon after missed AF can you get a blood test from a doctor? I called my dr, and waiting for them to call me back.

AF has been MIA for a couple days now - Im on cd 44 which is my longest since i started met.

here's why i want to know: since may 3rd i have been getting positives and negatives on HPTs. My OPKs were all over the place this cycle. AF showed on mother's day, so i thought i was out, and that my + hpts were just evaps or something (they're wondfos). a friend suggested keeping a couple of the hpts for about a week, cause only true positives are still there, and keep their color. I now have I think 8 positive hpts, but im also told certain things can trigger a false positive.

I feel pregnant (but that's normal around AF time). im sleeping 10-12 hours a night and still tired. i have weird cravings - right now its olive "juice" and blueberry fig newtons. Yuck, i know. bbs are fuller, heavier (I swear they grew!) and i have a weird feeling in my uterus. twitches, i guess. not cramps, and not painful. sometimes it feels like AF is coming, but not as intense.

I dont think keeping HPT's for a few days will do anything. I think once the chemical reaction happens thats it its happened.
A doctor can tell alot more from blood samples than urine so best off getting a blood test done.
I too have felt odd this last week. I had cramps for 4days last week and Friday they were localised to my bottom left side. They had gone by Saturday afternoon. I have had a thirst which I cannot quench and I funny craving for cappacinnos - I dont even like coffee, I tried cappacinno a few years back and thought it was ok but recently I wanted to drink it ?? I have been awfully hungry so I eat and then feel hungry again 2 hours later.
Ive had very wattery cm and I feel erm....horny (eeek tmi!) so I either ov'd late or my body is doing so crazy things to me!!
I am cd38 today.

I dare not take a hpt as Im scared it will be negative then I will be wondering why this is happening?? I will see my doctor on Thursday and discuss matters then ask for a blood test.

I was sat at my desk in work today and I suddenly felt flutters on my lower left side. It was like a bubbly effect, not painful and it went away after around 10mins. Its twinged every now and again ever since.
Knowing me it will prob be wind......:haha:

does MIA mean missing in action when refering to af?
I was diagnosed with pcos in november, and been on bcps since then. I just finished my last pack of pills and i plan to start tcc in august/ september. So instead of refilling my prescription, i made a follow up appointment regarding my pcos in hopes that i can start on treatment. My appointment is July 6th, but before i go i need some advice.

What questions should i be asking?
What treatments are worth talking about? -(I'm hoping to get metformin)
What information is the most important to tell my doctor about?

and how do i get my doctor to take me seriously? I will be 19 in august, and i dont want my doctor to think i'm just some young girl who wants a baby so i can "dress it up and play with it." I'm really serious about this and want nothing more than to be a mom. I feel like most doctors now just want to put all the younger women on birth control and send them on their way. Thats what the dotor who diagnosed me did, and i know it had to be because of my age. I'm certain that if i was 30 she would have taken the time to properly explain my options for treatment, and so on- but she didnt. She just prescriped me more birth control, and sent me away. I've never felt so disrespected in my life and i dont want to go through that again.

Alycon - just be firm with them. Your age shouldnt even come into it. You are 19, old enough to drink, smoke, have sex, buy a are an adult no way can they fob you off!

The questions i would ask will be......
How can i self help my condition?
Can you help me ttc if i am not ovulating example give me clomid etc...?
Can i have regular blood tests to see if i am ovulating?

Thats all i can think of for now but i will post again if i have anymore.
I am seeing my doctor on thursday for the next step and i need a list of questions too.

Good luck!
mumface26- Thanks for the reply! I really hope my new doctor is more understanding than the last one. And good luck with your next appointment :)
I am lay in bed on my back using my phone to post this.

I can feel it again. The bubbly fluttery feeling in my lower abdomen. I also feel very tired and i have a headache.
If these flutters were wind (gas) then i would have cramps.....right....?

I wonder what they are.
I am not getting my hopes up. I know if it was a baby then i wouldnt feel a thing but they feel strange. Nothing i have felt before.

Alycon i hope your appointment goes well too good luck!
Good evening to all!

Im on CD18 and took last Clomid tab CD8 OPK test is allllmost positive have EWCM and sharp pains on ovaries that have been switching sides CD16 was right side CD17 none now today left this common? Also when is best to test for O? AM, afternoon or PM? Thank you!
Alycon - just be firm with them. Your age shouldnt even come into it. You are 19, old enough to drink, smoke, have sex, buy a are an adult no way can they fob you off!

The questions i would ask will be......
How can i self help my condition?
Can you help me ttc if i am not ovulating example give me clomid etc...?
Can i have regular blood tests to see if i am ovulating?

Thats all i can think of for now but i will post again if i have anymore.
I am seeing my doctor on thursday for the next step and i need a list of questions too.

Good luck!

Alycon- ask any question that comes to mind, no question is to big or too small...age should not be a factor...blood test, ultrasounds, medications..ask about each option, and the next step...

Mum-good luck on your appointment :)
Yesterday when I was feeling low I wrote three pages in my journal and finished the last day of my couch to 5k program. I have officially finished the 8 weeks. I ran 30 minutes without stopping. It was one of those moments that I was proud of me for finishing something.

I have a 4k coming up on the 4th of July and a 5k on the 8th of July. I hope that I do well.

I didn't manage to get pregnant but I got my body strong enough to run a 5k. That's something I guess even though I wouldn't mind being pregnant. Maybe next time seeing as I have three months before I go see the obgyn. I might as well keep trying.

-Woooo hoooo!!!!! Thats awesome!! Keep that motivation going!!
Quick question for you guys. How soon after missed AF can you get a blood test from a doctor? I called my dr, and waiting for them to call me back.

AF has been MIA for a couple days now - Im on cd 44 which is my longest since i started met.

here's why i want to know: since may 3rd i have been getting positives and negatives on HPTs. My OPKs were all over the place this cycle. AF showed on mother's day, so i thought i was out, and that my + hpts were just evaps or something (they're wondfos). a friend suggested keeping a couple of the hpts for about a week, cause only true positives are still there, and keep their color. I now have I think 8 positive hpts, but im also told certain things can trigger a false positive.

I feel pregnant (but that's normal around AF time). im sleeping 10-12 hours a night and still tired. i have weird cravings - right now its olive "juice" and blueberry fig newtons. Yuck, i know. bbs are fuller, heavier (I swear they grew!) and i have a weird feeling in my uterus. twitches, i guess. not cramps, and not painful. sometimes it feels like AF is coming, but not as intense.

I dont think keeping HPT's for a few days will do anything. I think once the chemical reaction happens thats it its happened.
A doctor can tell alot more from blood samples than urine so best off getting a blood test done.
I too have felt odd this last week. I had cramps for 4days last week and Friday they were localised to my bottom left side. They had gone by Saturday afternoon. I have had a thirst which I cannot quench and I funny craving for cappacinnos - I dont even like coffee, I tried cappacinno a few years back and thought it was ok but recently I wanted to drink it ?? I have been awfully hungry so I eat and then feel hungry again 2 hours later.
Ive had very wattery cm and I feel erm....horny (eeek tmi!) so I either ov'd late or my body is doing so crazy things to me!!
I am cd38 today.

I dare not take a hpt as Im scared it will be negative then I will be wondering why this is happening?? I will see my doctor on Thursday and discuss matters then ask for a blood test.

I was sat at my desk in work today and I suddenly felt flutters on my lower left side. It was like a bubbly effect, not painful and it went away after around 10mins. Its twinged every now and again ever since.
Knowing me it will prob be wind......:haha:

does MIA mean missing in action when refering to af?

i didnt think it would either.
ive read that some women just dont have enough HCG in their urine to trigger a + hpt

sounds like you're in the exact same boat i am. i have the weird cravings, and the funky cm. i did a cervix position check - its low, hard and very closed!

im now cd 45.

yeah, dont take a test. it just drives you insane in the end.

i have the *same* thing. i have this weird feeling, but its not always just one side, but mostly the left.

yeah mia is missing in action.
I caved in and did a hpt and it was bnf, my 3rd this cycle.
I do however think AF is on her way, My cm is drying up and my nipples are a bit sore.
Oh well, at least we can move on to my next cycle.

Should I still ask my doctor for a blood test tomorrow if AF hasnt come?

Quick question for you guys. How soon after missed AF can you get a blood test from a doctor? I called my dr, and waiting for them to call me back.

AF has been MIA for a couple days now - Im on cd 44 which is my longest since i started met.

here's why i want to know: since may 3rd i have been getting positives and negatives on HPTs. My OPKs were all over the place this cycle. AF showed on mother's day, so i thought i was out, and that my + hpts were just evaps or something (they're wondfos). a friend suggested keeping a couple of the hpts for about a week, cause only true positives are still there, and keep their color. I now have I think 8 positive hpts, but im also told certain things can trigger a false positive.

I feel pregnant (but that's normal around AF time). im sleeping 10-12 hours a night and still tired. i have weird cravings - right now its olive "juice" and blueberry fig newtons. Yuck, i know. bbs are fuller, heavier (I swear they grew!) and i have a weird feeling in my uterus. twitches, i guess. not cramps, and not painful. sometimes it feels like AF is coming, but not as intense.

I dont think keeping HPT's for a few days will do anything. I think once the chemical reaction happens thats it its happened.
A doctor can tell alot more from blood samples than urine so best off getting a blood test done.
I too have felt odd this last week. I had cramps for 4days last week and Friday they were localised to my bottom left side. They had gone by Saturday afternoon. I have had a thirst which I cannot quench and I funny craving for cappacinnos - I dont even like coffee, I tried cappacinno a few years back and thought it was ok but recently I wanted to drink it ?? I have been awfully hungry so I eat and then feel hungry again 2 hours later.
Ive had very wattery cm and I feel erm....horny (eeek tmi!) so I either ov'd late or my body is doing so crazy things to me!!
I am cd38 today.

I dare not take a hpt as Im scared it will be negative then I will be wondering why this is happening?? I will see my doctor on Thursday and discuss matters then ask for a blood test.

I was sat at my desk in work today and I suddenly felt flutters on my lower left side. It was like a bubbly effect, not painful and it went away after around 10mins. Its twinged every now and again ever since.
Knowing me it will prob be wind......:haha:

does MIA mean missing in action when refering to af?

i didnt think it would either.
ive read that some women just dont have enough HCG in their urine to trigger a + hpt

sounds like you're in the exact same boat i am. i have the weird cravings, and the funky cm. i did a cervix position check - its low, hard and very closed!

im now cd 45.

yeah, dont take a test. it just drives you insane in the end.

i have the *same* thing. i have this weird feeling, but its not always just one side, but mostly the left.

yeah mia is missing in action.

My cervix is odd. I check it the same time each day. One day it feels low and hard and closed, the next day its soft and slightly open and then I can barely reach it for days.
DP walked in on me checking my cervix once and he thought I was getting myself off :haha:
LOL mumface!

Sorry I've been away for a while...been so busy! Painting the house, and then travelling down to my mum's to help her paint the garden. Exhausted!

Today is 14dpo (CD27) for me today. I tested yesterday and thought I had the faintest of faint lines, but now I'm not so sure! I think I might just be losing it from wanting it so badly! It was on an IC, so tested today with an FRER, thinking that if it had been a line, an FRER would DEFINITELY pick it up...but no. It was completely blank :(

AF was due hoping she stays away? Still having cramping, but now it's more likely to be AF on her way...
Morning everyone.

I am feeling so bleh this morning. The alarm went off and I just wanted to turn over and fall back asleep. Things have been rather difficult emotionally for me. My best friend is going through morning sickness and although I want to help her, it is difficult not to want to cry. She's going through the things that I would be grateful to have right now. Instead I keep taking my 1500mg of Metformin and hoping that something happens. I keep hoping that ovulation happens so hubby and I can get our chance.

The sad thing is that hubby is going to be going on business when I'm supposed to have my fertile week this cycle.

That's just perfect isn't it?


September 25th seems hundreds of years away.
My body is doing some wierd things today......
Woke up to cramps, no cm and tender boobs.
Now its 5pm uk time, my cramps are still here and i have loads of ewcm tinged with white! Going to bd tonight but i hate my body! Its confusing me so much!
Never had ewcm before, its either lotiony or watery.
I think i might go against my word and buy an opk tomorrow........
Morning everyone.

I am feeling so bleh this morning. The alarm went off and I just wanted to turn over and fall back asleep. Things have been rather difficult emotionally for me. My best friend is going through morning sickness and although I want to help her, it is difficult not to want to cry. She's going through the things that I would be grateful to have right now. Instead I keep taking my 1500mg of Metformin and hoping that something happens. I keep hoping that ovulation happens so hubby and I can get our chance.

The sad thing is that hubby is going to be going on business when I'm supposed to have my fertile week this cycle.

That's just perfect isn't it?


September 25th seems hundreds of years away.

Stay strong babe! I know its hard what with our bodies doing things they shouldnt, friends getting bfps and stuff but if we didnt stay strong we would cave in!

Try and remain possitive!

My body is doing some wierd things today......
Woke up to cramps, no cm and tender boobs.
Now its 5pm uk time, my cramps are still here and i have loads of ewcm tinged with white! Going to bd tonight but i hate my body! Its confusing me so much!
Never had ewcm before, its either lotiony or watery.
I think i might go against my word and buy an opk tomorrow........

Dear mumface's body,

Please could you make up your mind what you are doing?! Being in limbo is frustrating and an inconvenience! Pull your finger out and give a bfp or an AF (preferably a bfp!)

Thanking you in advance!

Sincerely yours

Hope you get answers at your appointment if only we had buttons to control our ladybits!
Thanks katerz its doing my head in!
Never mind. Could be worse i keep telling myself.

Uugghh more mcdonalds....
I went to have my dinner at work. I work a late shift so i get dinner at 5pm. I had made myself spagetti bolognais to heat up only to find it had leaked. So i went to mcdonalds and had cheeseburger with small fries. I was fine but when i was at the bus stop i was sick in front of people. Bleh! Gross! I then had to go to.burgerkimg to be sick and their fscilities are horrid made me hurl even more!
So i got the tram home as its quicker but dp has to pick me up whereas the bus stops outside our place. I just about managed thru the door befoe i was sick again.
Yuk yuk!
So thats mcdonalds off my list now bleh!!
good luck tomorrow mumface!
be strong & assertive, you want, need, deserve some answers & help.

take care xx
You too sue88! Ditto!!
I will post as soon as i get home! I cant wait!!


Ps my appointments at 8:40am!!

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