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***Young Yummy Mummy Section*** <3 For people in their 20's to 30's!

Hey Amy :)

Does anyone mind if I take the front bit off with our names and such? Finding hard to keep up with as im not on here as much as I used to be. Which is a shame lol! Jake's all of a sudden become really hard work :(
he used to be really content but now he just wants to be held all the time or cuddled!!

Anyone got any ideas?! xxxx
Hey Amy :)

Does anyone mind if I take the front bit off with our names and such? Finding hard to keep up with as im not on here as much as I used to be. Which is a shame lol! Jake's all of a sudden become really hard work :(
he used to be really content but now he just wants to be held all the time or cuddled!!

Anyone got any ideas?! xxxx

Could he be teething hun? Olivia was a nightmare when she started teething...Couldn't go for a wee if there wasn't someone else in the house to hold her!
Hey Amy :)

Does anyone mind if I take the front bit off with our names and such? Finding hard to keep up with as im not on here as much as I used to be. Which is a shame lol! Jake's all of a sudden become really hard work :(
he used to be really content but now he just wants to be held all the time or cuddled!!

Anyone got any ideas?! xxxx

Could he be teething hun? Olivia was a nightmare when she started teething...Couldn't go for a wee if there wasn't someone else in the house to hold her!

Yeah that's pretty much what he's like. Can't leave him on his own or he's screaming the place down.
Finding it so tiring!
I hate it because I wish he was a bit older so he could kind of communicate what it is thats bothering him. But then im wishing away his baby days! :nope:
Try not to feel bad hun:hugs:.. When Olivia was teething I would have quite happily of dropped her off at an orphanage :rofl: She was a different baby completely. After her 1st tooth cut though she was fine. She's got more coming through but they don't seem to be bother her at all.. Have you tried the Ashton powders? Their BRILLIANT!
Try not to feel bad hun:hugs:.. When Olivia was teething I would have quite happily of dropped her off at an orphanage :rofl: She was a different baby completely. After her 1st tooth cut though she was fine. She's got more coming through but they don't seem to be bother her at all.. Have you tried the Ashton powders? Their BRILLIANT!

I agree, Ashton powders are great!
at least teething ends with the appearance of teeth so its not a forever situation hun
Can I join pleaseeeee? I wouldn't go as far to say I'm yummy haha but I am young(ish!)

My name's Lauryn & I'm 23 years old and mummy to my beautiful Amber Rose :) xx
hi lauryn

hows everyone tonight?
finley hardly slept last nite im knackered lol dont kno whats wrong with him thou!
hopefully he will sleep better tonight
Hey :hi: I'm exhausted... Amber has pretty bad nappy rash :( she's in so much pain it breaks my heart!! Everytime she pees or poos (which seems like its happening every 5mins!!) she screams & screams :nope: so not much sleep happening here!! The GP gave us some steroid cream which is useless, but I've changed nappy brand and switched to a barrier cream rather than sudocrem and its slowly getting better! x
Hope LO one sleeps for you tonight madcam.
Ollie is doing so well at the minute he is sleeping 9-5 then having a bottle and going back off till 8:30- 9 so am getting sleep dont know how long this will last, touch wood he just keeps getting better
Jake's teething seems to have calmed down a lot today. He slept for ages too so I think he's been missing some of it out! Bless him.
Ive now discovered he's out like a light if I get him into bed before 8pm, any later and he's on a mission. xx
he still didnt sleep any better last nite dont kno whats wrong with him mite try and put him in his cot tonight in our room because he keeps hitting his arms on the side of moasis basket so hopefully that will help!
what a crap day! (weather wise) im scared one of the trees might come down in this wind. eeeek
I know! I have to take Ivy to get her last jab and the walk to the health centre is down a really steep hill and i'm scared the wind is just going to knock me over! I miss summer already...
It is really windy isn't it!
Im watching wedding house with Lisa and Mario from big brother in it.
She looks bloody awful.
She used to be quite pretty but now she's just horrible!!!!!
The weather really is bad!!! Amber has her 6week appt at 2.30pm and we have to walk to the doctors :( I'm going to get soaked! And I'm ill myself so should be even more fun! x
Yep it is so windy over here too! I have to say I really like Autumn & winter, it's so cozy, minus the wind though! Me & OH were out in the car today & people were fighting there way through the wind it was that strong, the car was shaking. OH thought we were going to have a mini tornado! :dohh:

There were loads of leaves whirling around the road though which was pretty.

Brooke makes me laugh, she has been whinging for a while today until now, when I give her a little piece of choccy & put cbeebies on :lol:

Bad mummy!!
its not too windy here compared to earlier and seems to have cleared up a bit as welll but its blooming cold
Today's weather is a lot better!
I have a job interview this afternoon and im crapping myself!! Been a long time since i've had to do one.
More of a worry is WHAT TO WEAR. All my smart clothes look stupid because I have a big pouch of stomach hanging around.
I can't beleive a lady was killed by a branch of a tree that hit her car last night :( so scary! I hate this weather!!!

Cherryglitter u need some magicpants!!! I bought some from Primark for £6, I thought they'd be crap (seeming as they only cost £6 I think!) but they are brilliant! x

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