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***Young Yummy Mummy Section*** <3 For people in their 20's to 30's!

I have a teething baby too! I can see the tooth underneath the gum and she wailed when I touched it today bless her. She's been in bed since 7 so I hope she sleeps through 'cos she's got a cold aswell, poor baba :(. My house is a tip too haha and now I feel like i'm too exhausted to do anything about it. Ah well, tomorrow it is then :p.
Hey ladies. Hope everyone is well. I had a pretty chill out day today. Just went to get Macie Moo weighed and that was about it but poor little thing has a cold so didn't want to keep her out too long lol xx
lol my house is forever a tip lol im off away for the weekend and looking forward to it but got loads to do before then
HI :wave:
Ive only just found this, how slow am i :haha:
Im Cheryl Im 20 and my daughter Paige was born on 10th March 2010
im ill today, iv been up all night being sick :( i think its the chilli i had yesterday. So my auntie is looking after Harrison so i can rest x
Hi Cheryl.

Aw bathbabe, hope you feel better soon x

I'm exhausted today and i'm hitting the gym tonight. I'm determined to lose 2 stone... so, not more takeaways and chocolates for me!
I am also trying to lose 2stone so eating very healthy and excersing when lil man is asleep.
My house is a tip too and got loads of ironin Ollie is going through a clingy stage and wont let me put him down so get nothing done.
Hope you girls are okay
hi everyone

we r off to our first carnival tonight cant wait will be finleys first ever carnival! my little girl is on one of the juvenile carts!!! she looks so cute in her costume !

whats everyone else upto today/tonight?
Hi girlies.
Jake is really hard work at the moment bless him :(
Not too sure what to do. He was awful last night, was horrible!
Teething must be so painful for them but there's not a lot you can do.
I hate it! xxx
:( Must be awful for you Cherry and little Jake. I don't know whether Amelia's teething now, just can't tell :(
:hugs: cherry. Bloomin teethies. Jacob has 4 more coming through... 4!!! Poor little boy. That will make 8 in total. Where's my baby going?
Howre ya all? hope youre all having good weekends. How nice is weather down here in Cornwall today Hannah!! Its lovely, so cold though.
We're having a few fireworks tonight :)
:hugs: cherry. Bloomin teethies. Jacob has 4 more coming through... 4!!! Poor little boy. That will make 8 in total. Where's my baby going?
Howre ya all? hope youre all having good weekends. How nice is weather down here in Cornwall today Hannah!! Its lovely, so cold though.
We're having a few fireworks tonight :)

Haha yeah it's grey and cold :haha:
like that every where then ive been at home all day with the kiddies my hubby has been out all day with his carnival mates!

finley is still wide awake he doesnt settle to go to bed till just before 9 but sleeps till 6/7 so i cant complain!

whats everyone else been doing all weekend?
Hahah it's was blue sky, sun and chilly when I said it was nice :)
Our fireworks were really pretty last night, Jacob wasn't that impressed though! He liked the pretty lights just not the noises.
Hey every1
What a crappy day!!! Im sat in all day waiting for my new tv to be delivered.
To cold to go out anyway.
Whats every1 up to?
Hey every1
What a crappy day!!! Im sat in all day waiting for my new tv to be delivered.
To cold to go out anyway.
Whats every1 up to?

its so cold isnt it!! :cold:
i have been to uni thismorning but have to miss my last lecture as i have to take paige to the doctors and the only appointment was 3.10. i hate ringing the docs i was trying since 8am and it was contantly engaged untill i finally got through at 20 past and that was the only appointment for thisafternoon. :wacko:

Poor bubby is really badly constipated she is crying every time she is straining, and has what looks like a small pile her bum is raw, i feel so bad for her :cry: i hate it when you cant help them .
Hey every1
What a crappy day!!! Im sat in all day waiting for my new tv to be delivered.
To cold to go out anyway.
Whats every1 up to?

its so cold isnt it!! :cold:
i have been to uni thismorning but have to miss my last lecture as i have to take paige to the doctors and the only appointment was 3.10. i hate ringing the docs i was trying since 8am and it was contantly engaged untill i finally got through at 20 past and that was the only appointment for thisafternoon. :wacko:

Poor bubby is really badly constipated she is crying every time she is straining, and has what looks like a small pile her bum is raw, i feel so bad for her :cry: i hate it when you cant help them .

Oh no bless her. Hope the doctor can give her something.
I bet its horrible, i hate it when jack cries and i dont know whats wrong with him
Oh when they are constipated its awful Ollie was so constipated it made his bum bleed I was told t give him cool boiled water with a couple of drops of fresh orange thats what my doc said and it worked straightaway.
Also for the Mummies with teething problems have you tried the aston and parsons powders they are supposed to be very good.
Hope you have all had a great weekend we went to watch fireworks on Sat and Ollie slept the whole time and then were at a christening yesterday so had a busy weekend so have had a nice chilled day today as we have had horrible weather its hailstoning and everything.
Can I be added!?

My name is Amy, I'm 20 and my LO's name is Kenneth!


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