Well girls Ive not done a bump pic for ages, and seeing this is my last bump pic now in 2nd tri thought I'd do another lol.
https://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj163/janeandbump1/20wk.jpg This one was taken at 20 weeks!
https://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj163/janeandbump1/25wk.jpg And this one was taken at 25 weeks!
Great bumps girls by the way!!! x
hey are you in brighton ontario?
Great Bumps x
Was that a question for me?If yes then the answer is no, I'm in the UK
darn, I got excited as I live 20 mins from Brighton Ontario lol... I thought maybe someone lived close!
You all have stunning bumps. I feel like a pudding!