Your childhood Christmases

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Eleanor ace

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2010
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I loved Christmas as a child! Thought it would be fun to see what other peoples were like and what was (hopefully) magical about them. Ignore if there's already a thread like this :haha:

The build up to Christmas
We'd go to my grandparents for 2 weeks over Christmas/new year. We had family parties, days out to Chrsitmasey places and decorated my grandparents house :).

What did you do on Christmas Eve?
We usually visited family, played and went to this big store which had a lovely MASSIVE train set which was fun to see. We'd see Father Christmas and just get really worked up for Christmas! In the evening we'd put our pillowcases on the end of our beds, ready to disappear in the morning only to return full of presents! :)

What did you do on Christmas day
We got up and went to church and then when we got home we'd watch Christmas TV while the grown ups filled our pillowcases. We'd open presents at about midday. Then we'd play with our new toys while dinner was cooking. Dinner was at about 3pm and always delicious :). After dinner we played games, watched a Christmas film and gorged ourselves on chocolate/Christmas treats. In the evening we'd have another Christmas dinner :haha:.

What was yours like? :flower:
Mine is still similar if a bit adjusted to every one now having their own homes ;).

When i was a kid , we all had advent calendars, and we used to do a lot of crafts, like tin foil stars or transparent paper stars and stuff like this :).
My mother also did the advent wreath herself :). Every advent there would be the advent caffee ( christmas cakes and stollen etc )
on 6th dec there is Nikolaus, St. nicks day, and if you polished your shoes and put them outside the front door you got sweets nuts and fruit and other small stuff in it from St. nick.
In the morning of christmas eve the tree got brought into the house and got decorated, we did go to church in the afternoon for the kids service(involving a maternity play) and after the service we d go home and had to stay in our rooms for a while until we heard the song "oh come all ye children "being played on the piano by my mother . so we would come into the lounge where the christmas tree is illuminated by the candles and look at what Father christmas has brought to us.
We would have to tell a christmas rhyme or poem or play something on an instrument and then we would start the unwrapping . Afterwards there is dinner and after that playing with the new toys.
Nothing, the excitement all started christmas eve

What did you do on Christmas Eve?
Not alot really until evening. We never baked or anything, never went out to see anything lol. My mum would go out shopping (she never bought presents until xmas eve :dohh:) and then she would spend the evening wrapping them. I would listen to the same ABBA CD every year :rofl:. Leave out his mince pies, whisky, carrot and milk, then into bed. Oh and hang up the stocking too (on our bedroom doors)

What did you do on Christmas day
Woke up as early as possible :rofl: my parents really didnt care for christmas much and used to nab an extra half hour in bed by pretending santa was still in their room leaving one last present for me and my brother, we would open our stockings in our own rooms at this time (always filled with chocolates/sweets never toys). Then we would go downstairs and always be shocked by how much my mum managed to get in such a short time! (we easily had 50+ presents each every year). Then we would spend all day playing with our toys and watching films on the tele like shrek lol

then we would have a nice roast about 2pm and just carry on playing really and pigging out!

Doesn't sound like much fun but I LOVED our christmases! doing is slightly different with callum though as I want it to all be magical for him (think christmas but a whole week of it - without the presents of course!! well yes but on xmas day only :dohh:)

cannot wait for this year!
The build up to Christmas
Not much tbh, apart from going the week before Christmas to help Dad pick a real Christmas tree

What did you do on Christmas Eve?
Again not much, we had the whole excitment of Santa coming and such, we didnt bake or anything, to many of us to fit in the kitchen :haha: But we all did love watching dad make the stuffing and stuff the turkey. We alkways left a carrot for ruldolph and a beer for Santa.

What did you do on Christmas day
Woke up, opened presents then played all day. We very rarely went out on Christmas day and we very rarely had visitors, with 9 brother and sister the house was always full even without visitors.
The build up to Christmas
I used to help mum christmas shopping for the family and i used to wrap them all for her..and the tree went up on the 1st December and i decorated it whilest listening to christmas music on the hi fi :D

What did you do on Christmas Eve?
Visit family..have a bath with new pj's..mum would make a big buffet for me her and dad and we would eat whilest watching a christmas movie :D

What did you do on Christmas day?
Wake up at about all my presents..have breakfast..My mums side of family came for christmas dinner to our house and i used to show everyone my new things :D..then at about 5pm mum would do a big buffet for everyone :)
The build up to Christmas
Not much I don't think. I remember visiting family to see the trees but that's about it I think. Also I think the Kids Christmas Concert was the week before Christmas and I was either there watching or was in some of the plays.

What did you do on Christmas Eve?
My Aunt would have the family over to sing Christmas Carols and have a pot luck type of supper. It was so much fun! Then later sometimes we would go to Midnight Mass. We'd leave out cookies and Milk for Santa. I could never sleep much on Christmas Eve so always read most of the night.

What did you do on Christmas day
Got up really early and woke my parents up. Then we'd open our presents up and around 8 or 9 go to my Grandparents for breakfast with the whole family there. (this was by far my favorite part of it) The kids would always take their favorite toys with them and show them off. After that we'd go home and play with new toys and then later visit family. Most of the time we'd be invited to one of my families house for supper.

I loved my Christmas at home :cloud9:
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