Your Internet Provider


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Who are you guys with for your internet access? & have you ever had any problems?

My internet cut off last night I was well on one :x Will not be going with NTL again when we move so we will be with BT, Sky & need a new internet service provider!
Im with BT they are cheap and its a good broadband connection. The IT guy where my OH works recomends them because they dont have you share a line with loads of other people or something? Apparently really cheap ones like Tiscalli have you share your connection with other people so its a slow connection. Also Bulldog are regularly on watchdog as being utter crap so dont touch them.

One draw back with BT is that if you have technical problems you speak with a foreigner and this can be really annoying! But you can by them a set monthy DD and I pay them £33 a month for both my broadband and telepone.
wobbles im with BT have had the odd bit of bother but nothing major.

Sky are doing a deal three for thirty - phone, broadband and tele.
We are with Orange wireless - have no problems with them.
Im with NTL and havent had one problem with it in a year, touch wood **touches head**
we are with talk talk we had loads of problems with them at 1st but it turns out we had conected it all up wrong, (we are both crap with computers) anyway we have since had no problems what so ever!
BT & YAhoo I have heard are good so defo an option. Orange as well Beanie - Is it true if you have a contract on orange BB is free?
Wobbles said:
BT & YAhoo I have heard are good so defo an option. Orange as well Beanie - Is it true if you have a contract on orange BB is free?

I don't know sorry as we are with vodafone :?
Might be one to look into Beanie - I'm sure Orange give free BB with a contract :D
Im with Virgin media, well okay its NTL renamed to Virgin Media lol but ive never had any problems with them and im really interested in a new package thats being brought out. 4 for £40, its cable tv, broadband, phone and mobile phone for £40 a month.
We have had nothing but bother with it going down its pissing me off also the TV again nothing but bother even now the TV will flick on an off from the prgram to a black screen. We've had enough tbh!
i was with BT till they started mucking me about so changed to orange and only pay 19.99 a month for everything its brill :D havent had any problems as such but can never tell when the DD is going to come out though :(
Im with Karoo (Hull provider) the are ok I guess, but expensive. Im looking at changing ISP, and have looked at Orange, they have a really good deal.
Haha Hels I *just* told you about this thread elsewhere :lol:
LOL, right well. I have just checked with Vodafone, and they say that their package (£25) all you need is an open BT line, and you dont get the quartlerly BT bill like you do with all the others.
You get Norton spy ware but no wireless modem (((OK dont laugh here, lap top isnt wifi, i wouldnt be able to use a wireless modem in that case would i???)))
Im confuddled!!
We're with tiscasli. Three of us on at the same time on the same connection via a wireless router (although, DH and FIL are hardlined to it) and it doesn't slow down at all. Good speed. Did have a few problems a year ago with it disconnecting and the not connecting again, but we never found out what it was. I think it was the pc or modem. With use a Netgear router and its been connected since we plugged that in.

Be very careful when getting a new internet deal. You want one that's a fair use policy, like tiscali or pipex. Other wise if you go over your monthy bandwitdh limit, they'll either disconnect you or try to charge you extra. Its usually in very VERY fine print, so read carefully ladies :wink:
This has to be too good to be true, whats the catch apart from the 50 quid fee (not a lot hey?) and yes its a fiver a month more than most...but not bad. I guess 3 years is a long time to sign up for!
im with telewest (or as aggy sed virgin media soon to be!)
no thad any probs cept pc runs a little slow wen darrens uploading to ipod, but u can up ur connection speed.
Hels said:
LOL, right well. I have just checked with Vodafone, and they say that their package (£25) all you need is an open BT line, and you dont get the quartlerly BT bill like you do with all the others.
You get Norton spy ware but no wireless modem (((OK dont laugh here, lap top isnt wifi, i wouldnt be able to use a wireless modem in that case would i???)))
Im confuddled!!
£25 sounds harsh for just broadband - What speed? :oops: You can turn you laptop into wireless if you wanted to :D
gaby said:
Be very careful when getting a new internet deal. You want one that's a fair use policy, like tiscali or pipex. Other wise if you go over your monthy bandwitdh limit, they'll either disconnect you or try to charge you extra. Its usually in very VERY fine print, so read carefully ladies :wink:
No way lol I can't agree! I used Tiscali & it was pants! How you login too is pants. I found it impossible! Also Pipex OMG NO NO NO I was with them & I couldn't wait not to be. They charge for everything even if you move & when their service is SO crap they want a stupid amount of money so you can go & connect to a better one ... they don't even have support for broadband on the telephone you have to email :roll: THats ok if you can connect to the internet???

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