Zinc for Men and More?

Op, hope your panic attack wasnt too bad and you don't get any more :hugs:

Sweetie, just realised you said you're 5'3" so I guess you're in proportion! I'm nearly 5'10" so it's probably a good job I weigh more than you otherwise I'd look like a stick!!! I haven't needed to buy any new bras just yet but now only have a few that I can wear as the others are just too small. And yes nursing bras are sooooo unattractive!!

Not sure about when to tell work, our manager left last week and the new one doesn't start til next week. Don't really want to tell her too quickly but then at the same time I think she prob needs to know soonish. Hmmm, so many decisions!

Speaking of which, went and look round two nurseries this morning for my little boy. Can't decide which to go with! I'm having to plan it around when I'll have a new baby!! Fingers crossed!
J - I've gotten positive OPK smiley faces two days in a row before. May just mean you have a bigger window! I would try to get to :sex: today/tonight if you can! Isn't it funny how when TTC we have to try to convince OHs to BD? Despite what all the media would tell you about men wanting sex all the time, and women not wanting sex, I think it's the opposite! ;)

OP - That's great you get to work with your sister! Hasn't it been hard to keep it a secret from her? I know I'll have to tell my sister soon, but I really want to have the u/s pic first. I guess it doesn't feel real enough without the proof to show. Oh and I do hope you don't get any more panic attacks. Maybe try to think of images with you and baby to relax? I know I get super smiley and calm when I think of our future LO.

Amanda - You're welcome! I'm finding it hard to remember what I cannot eat on a daily basis. Things like and goat cheese, mmm, then I have proscuitto to remember I can't have those. And tuna? That's one I wouldn't have thought of as bad! I'm sure I'll get better at it when the belly grows.

How are you ladies doing with the M/S? I'm surprised it hasn't hit me yet! I had a small bit of nausea yesterday after I ate, but nothing too bad.

Amanda - Is your nursery for your boy for your existing son? Sorry if I don't remember if you mentioned it. How old is he and what is his name? Will your two kids have to share a nursery?
The ms hits at 6-8 weeks usually sweetie, I real, hope you dont get it. I'm constantly worrying about nibbling on little snacks to keep it away. It's so horrible combined with fatigue. The only positive is that means baby is sticking when you feel it. Apparently when the placenta takes over you feel less sick.

Thanks girls, I'm trying to not feel anxious - burning some mild oils and having baths. Being at work on my own is tough. I run a cafe so when I'm alone seerving food etc it's worrying for me.

Sweetie, I was so close to telling my sister today but she kept talking about people being pregnant so I didn't feel it was right time. I've invited all family over for a dinner soon at about 8 weeks so will tell then.

Amanda - thank you. I hope you figure out how to tell work, it's hard isn't it

Ah Sweetie, when I said nursery, I mean pre-school! He's called Luca and is just 2 1/2. I was originally planning that he'd start pre- school in January, which is when his free entitlement starts. But now I think that actually I'm going to start him in September because if he starts in Janaury I think he may feel pushed out by the baby. I want him to be settled before then.

Nursery/room wise. We'll move Luca out of the room he's currently in and make a new bedroom for him. Then we can redecorate the nursery again as it needs it now. Not sure if we'll change it at all. We just did cream last time so it was neutral.

Oh and I'd completely forgotten about a tuna too until you just mentioned it!!

OP, it must be hard working alone in a cafe, especially with ms! Hopefully once you tell your sister, you may be able to take a back seat a little more? Or even if not then she will understand if she catches you sitting down for a few minutes! Although I guess it must add an extra pressure to telling her, because you may have to be looking at getting someone to replace you? I hope people don't order anything that makes you too queasy!

:dust: for J
Yes the bacon and eggs make me feel ill. Yes that's what I'm worried about telling her as we'll have to get a replacement. I can't work there heavily pregnant on my own, my DP won't let me anyway as he doesn't like the thought of me alone. Neither do i. It's best I tell my family soon so I'm planning to at the dinner in a couple of weeks x
Oh Amanda! Luca is such a sweet name! You're so thoughtful about the timing of his nursery school! I guess I have heard that before, but more commonly just called pre-school in the States.

OP - I think you can tell your sister the earliest. She will want to know and help alleviate some work from you I'm sure!
Ladies - I had SUCH a SCARE today! I went for one of my normal walks (which I haven't done since we found out that we're preggers). It's about 4-5 miles each way, where I stop for lunch at a cafe and then turn around and come back home. Well, I was having cramping on the last part of getting home and I thought it was because I had to pee, but was just holding it till I made it home. Got home and found that I had blood in my underwear (sorry if TMI?) I nearly broke out into tears immediately!:cry:
I called the OB's office right away and they asked me how much. I said maybe like 2-3 teaspoons worth of blood? They asked if that was spotting, and DH also thought that sounds like spotting. But to me, spotting means, you just see a couple of spots?
I haven't been bleeding anymore since then (about 2 hrs ago), but I am having cramping that comes and goes. Dr. sent me to a lab to get my blood drawn and Hcg (hormone) levels checked. Then I have to go and do it again on Friday so they can compare. Apparently the hormone levels should go up by 60-100% by then if the pregnancy is still fine. She said it's too early to check via ultrasound.
I was having a major freak out and holding back the tears while calling DH about it. :sad2: He was very calm though and said it's a normal thing. And if it's meant to be, it will be.
After reading a lot of similar situations online that make it sound somewhat normal, I feel a bit better, but won't feel safe until after my Friday blood results. :sad1: For now I've been told to take it easy, no housework, no walks, and try to lay down. Ugh! I don't know how I will handle the next two days.
Aw sweetie, big big big hugs for you :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine, but how stressful for you. A friend of mine spotted loads during the first tri with her little boy and he is just fine. It may well be your body just giving you a sign to take it easy and not go on any 10 mile walks! my fingers and toes are all crossed for you. Just try and rest and I'm sure it'll all be fine xx
Thanks Amanda. Just went to the bathroom and more bleeding. :(
It's like I have a regular period now. Trying to not stress and read that it's pretty normal for some women, but it's hard to not cry when I see it.
Sweetie, my mom had a couple periods while she was pregnant with me.
Other than me being a little goofy, I turned out fine. :haha:
omg sweetie!!! you must be going out of your mind!! :hugs: i would try not to worry until friday at least... i know its hard to not to but please keep us updated on how you are doing!!! i'm sure you are fine though, this is quite a normal thing for some people.. is the blood red at all? or just like brownish type of stuff?

it must be soooo scary!! thinking of you girl but i know you will be just fine! :) you and your baby!!

wel i just came on to say you ladies should check out my chart! seems you were right op and i did o on cd 12 acc to ff... i'm not really convinced though? i had a 0.2 temp rise today only and kinda think i only o'd yesterday. i mean why would my opk be positive the next day if i already o'd the day before?? and it was a dark positive the 2nd day on a normal opk and on the lines for the digi?

i know my confusion re my chart is small compared to whats going on with sweetie.. :nope:
How are you doing today Sweetie? Xx

I agree with you J, I think you o'd on day 13 too, especially as that would fit with your usual 27 day cycle. Last month you o'd a day earlier and then had a 26 day cycle. But, hey, I'm no expert!
Hi Ladies. Thanks for your sweet words. I feel very down. I don't want to, but kind of think it's the worst. :cry: Every time I go use the restroom there is a lot of mucous-y blood. It started out dark brown and thick so I wasn't as worried from reading stuff online. But then it got more red and frequent along with cramps. I'm feeling very down and out. I know we try to stay positive on this thread, but I've been reduced to tears after every trip to the bathroom (which is pretty frequent). DH is being wonderful and just telling me everything will be okay no matter what and try not to stress because there is nothing I can do. I know I shouldn't stress b/c it can make things worse.
I hope to go to the OB today and just get a checkup to see if the cervix is still closed (hope) or open (gone). And maybe and u/s. At least that way I will just know. I don't think I can handle another day and half or 2 days of this not knowing.

Thanks ladies for your support. I don't want to bring this board down so I might be quiet until I hear back on results.

J - Yay on the OV! I sure hope you caught that egg and you get a sticky bean!
Ah Sweetie, good luck with the ob. We all really hope for the best for you. But whatever happens we're all here for you :hugs: xxxx
UPDATE: The OB's office called me back and confirmed with my HcG test that I am in fact miscarrying. :( My hormone levels were waaay low. I still have to go get another HcG test tomorrow and then go in to see the Dr. I'm very bummed and trying to sound strong here. As DH said, this will just make us appreciate when we do have a healthy, strong baby that much more.
I'm confined to bed rest today, although I have no idea why since it doesn't do anything to stop what's happening.
On the bright side, we know that we can get pregnant and I didn't have to wait until tomorrow afternoon for the confirmation.
Thanks for thinking of me ladies. I wish you both H&H 9 months and wishing J will catch that sticky bean soon! :)
Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. I don't really know what to say, but I'm in tears here for you too. I hope that you're physically ok and hopefully some time will help you emotionally. You're right though, at least now you know you're both working fully functioning and can get pregnant. Sometimes these things just happen and we have to just believe that they happen for a reason. Next time I'm sure you'll have a strong sticky bean. Xxxxx
Awwww sweetie :cry: my heart is breaking for you!!! This is the worst!! And its okay to be sad and down! Don't blame yourself, I know ppl who run marathons while pregnant so it was maybe just not a good bean.. :( and like ur dh says, you want a strong bean!

Sometimes the reason is far greater than what we know!

Really sad with you! :cry:
Thanks ladies for all your guys' support! I feel quite a bit better today after dealing with it. I waffled back and forth about telling anyone, but I finally called my mom and sister and told the two of them.
I also did more research and it looks like a lot of women have gone on to have successful pregnancies pretty quickly after m/c (quite a few even just weeks after the m/c)! So that's some promising hope! DH wants me to just check with the OB Dr. today about what I can and can't do, etc. And I guess I might be classified as High Risk going forward, which I think means I would get more check-ups and scans, which I would feel good about. Some people only get 2 scans during their whole pregnancy, and I would feel comforted with having more, so if high risk means I get more scans and check-ups, then yay for me.
I will also ask the Dr. today how soon I can start taking my Fertility Blend and EPO supplements again, and when I should start temping so that it would even mean anything. I just know my HcG level is supposed to get down to under 5 before we can start TTC again, so I just hope that happens quickly. My boobs and bloat have already gone down significantly.

OP & Amanda - How are you ladies doing? Is the M/S a regular thing now?
Do keep us posted! I promise I won't be upset or anything. :)

J & MsSpurbeck - How are you ladies doing? J, did you convince OH to do it one more time that night? ;)

Will report back after my Dr. appt. today. Wish me luck.
Sweetie, im so sorry for your loss. I cant imagine the hurt a MC causes. :(

AFM: I saw a new Gyno on Tuesday, she perscribed progesterone to force AF. Ive been taking it for 3 days now. If AF shows, I will have bloodwork done on CD3 and CD 21 to check hormone levels. She asked that I call her when AF does arrive so we can discuss my previous bloodwork history and if I should take the Clomid I was perscribed by my old Gyno.She assured me that if I was already pregnant, that its safe to take the progesterone. although im worried if I did concieve how shedding the lining would be okay for the baby.....
Im reeeaaally hoping for AF so I can move foward. If this doesnt work she said I may need to go ahead and see a FS :wacko:
DH and I have been BDing every other day since my positive OPK
Aww... MrsSpurbeck - gosh it sucks to have to wait for AF when TTC is all about not wanting AF.

I just got back from the OB's office and only got to see the Nurse Practitioner. Basically was told that M/C is not my fault. That it happens about 25% of the time. That I should wait a whole cycle before TTC. Also, I would only be considered "High Risk
after 2 m/c (which I pray won't happen!)

My HcG levels were waaay low. Dropped to 12.7 today. She said a normal 6 week pregnancy would be in the 4,000-15,000 range. Well, I figure that I'm at least MUCH closer to the <5 that we need before TTC again. I have to go back for another HcG test next week.

I think after I stop bleeding I will start up Fertility Blend supplements and temping. I can continue with Pre-Natal Vitamins she said, and I will start using EPO today because I'm having cramping from m/c and back aches. I know you can use EPO for menstrual cramps, so why not for this right? Praying that this m/c will be my one and only and that we can just move on with things ASAP.

Thanks for being there for me. I don't really feel like talking about this with anyone IRL and getting a ton of unsolicited and ignorant advice. Thanks again ladies.

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