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great pics op!!! are you happy that it is most probably a boy? i cant remember what you said you would like to have... a few ppl have had the docs confirm early with a boy because at this stage of the pregnancy the 'tail' has disappeared so if there is still something down there looking similar to a little 'tail', its probably a boy.. :haha:

i would really loooove a girl but either way i'd be happy. with our 3 dogs, there is 4 women in the house, so my oh would appreciate another man lol. he really wants a boy but would be happy with a girl too.

glad you are having fun sweetie! cant wait for you to join us as bump buddies!! i'm still far from the 2nd trimester. still a whole month to go but time does fly so i'm hoping it will all go well..

and ps op... do you have a bump yet???? :D
Hey J :) that's interesting about the tail bone! Yes I'm very happy either way, I would like 3 children so hopefully I'll have boys and girls. DP is very happy as he's very into football etc lol.

I think I'm starting to pop and have a mini bump, DP commented on it yesterday as i wore a clingy dress and it does feel hard, so maybe in a couple more weeks I'll be sure!X
Wow great pics OP! So exciting! I didn't realise they could even try to work out the gender at this stage. But very sensible not to buy any blue just yet! Good news about your nuchal measurement too. How are you feeling now?

Sweetie, two trips to Vegas! Very cool! Hope you get that smiley face soon! But good that you've got lots going on so you're busy. I hope you'll be joining us too!

J, I guess it makes sense to hold fire on th wedding. It will be nice for your baby to be there too! And now you can eat lots of cake without worrying about a wedding dress to fit in! Any signs of m/s yet? Are you beginning to feel tired yet?

I think about 10 weeks was my worst but I think I'm over the worst of it. The last couple of days, although I've still felt a bit nauseous, it hasn't been as bad as it was! Fingers crossed the m/s is going away! But I have a definite bump! Dh took a look at me this morning when I was getting dressed and couldnt believe it! I guess 2nd time bumps reemerge more quickly! I can't wait for my scan on tues so that I can go public! I've only got about 3/4 tops that are baggy enough to hide my tummy so I keep having to wear them over and over! I want to go back and look at photos of my bump from ds cos I'm certain I wasn't this big then! I'll try to upload a bump pic on here too!

Anyway work has been rubbish this week so very glad it's the weekend!
Thanks sweetie, I'll be in second tri at 13+1 so on Monday, cannot believe how fast it's gone.

When did you start checking opks? Your cycle might have changed so I would start v early just in case. Vegas sounds awesome, always wanted to go, sounds like you're having a great time and SWI alot :happydance::thumbup:

*waves to J and amandas*

Yay to it going by quickly and smoothly OP!

I started checking my OPKs on CD12. Today is CD14 and still getting negatives (where I used to get them positive on CD13 and C14). :wacko: It's driving me nuts though. I want to SWI but I don't want to tire DH out and then get a positive the day he's exhausted. Hmmm... if I DID OV early, I hope all our BDing in Las Vegas were useful! That was CD8-CD10. But the days in between (CD11-12) we were so tired. I'm quite frustrated at the moment with just not knowing when I did/will OV? I just want to get SWI and make a baby already! :) argh!
hi amanda, wel no m/s as yet! no nausea either, i'm feeling pretty good actually. i am dead tired most of the time though and my days at work feel soooo long!! everything seems to make me tired!! i stil exercise as often as possible but man its hard!! that gets me tired very quickly. another thing i have definately noticed is that my muscles in my lower abdomen are causing me discomfort. they are def stretching down there!

i'm having my 1st scan on thursday ladies and i cannot wait!!! will post pics!

i'm hoping your m/s eases up amanda!! i have also heard in the 2nd pregnancy some women show allot earlier so its not uncommon. i would like an early bump but hey guess i will have to wait another couple of months!!

glad you guys are happy about the gender op and since you want 3, there is still a great possibility for a girl! guess you nailed it on the day you o'd since boys are the fast swimmers and your's reached that egg quickly :) i think i might have a girl for a few reasons.. the girl sperm are stronger and since i had no noticable fertile cm and we did not exactly do it on the day, chances are good. my hcg test was also quite high for 12dpo and i've read that can also be indicative of having a girl.

wel who knows, will have to wait and see! as long as its not twins!!! :haha:

sweetie, hang in there!! if you don't get a smiley now, lets hope you tested too late and that vegas did the trick!!!
Thanks J! That's really great you don't have any m/s or nausea! It can be possible you won't have any. My BFF didn't have any of either except for m/s on one day. My other bridesmaid on the other hand had terrible m/s all day and night for the whole pregnancy! I bet you are soop excited for your scan this week! :)

Amanda - Yes, I have heard it SO many times that with each pregnancy you show/pop much sooner than before. Do you guys have the reality show with Tori Spelling? Her 3rd pregnancy she showed basically as soon as she tested! It was so hard to keep it a secret! lol

OP - I always hope for a boy first because many Asian families want boys so bad. I think if I could have a boy first, I would just be relieved of a lot of family pressure (b/c DH is the last male in his family name). Silly stuff I know, but I hope you get all the babies you want! :)

AFM - I FINALLY got a positive OPK early this morning (well, actually after midnight last light). Even though we were so exhausted after spending all weekend out w/friends and family for Father's Day, I told DH we HAD to BD at 2:30 am. LOL. And I'm making him come home tonight to BD again (even though he was supposed to go straight away out of town for a night for work). I'm not letting him slide this week w/out proper SWI! ;)
Ha ha sweetie, your post made me laugh! I had to tell dh to make him realise that it wasn't just me who used to insist on bd even when we were both exhausted and not 100% up for it! Great news that you got your opk finally. Your whole system must be getting back on track, as I'm guessing you're only a few days later than normal. Happy :sex:! I feel rally hopeful for you that you'll catch that egg this month! You already know that everything is working right for both of you so hopefully it won't be much longer :hugs: I don't think we get that programme here, but I have been able to tell virtually since we found out. And my friends on hol said I had a definite bump and I was only 8 weeks then!

J, well done for still exercising! I've hardly done anything the last month or so as I've felt so rubbish and tired. Let's hope you're just one of the lucky people who doesn't get m/s! It sounds like the signs are good for you having a girl too. Especially as you were maybe a bit early before o. I'm pretty sure when I conceived ds we were pretty much bang on o day. (no pun intended! Ha ha)
Good luck for your scan on Thursday! It's great that we all get ours at the same time! When would you be due to have your next one?

Congratulations OP, you're 13 weeks! :happydance::happydance: Finally into 2nd Tri! So exciting! How are you feeling now? Have you gone completely public since having your scan! How's your little bump coming along? I'm jealous that you're still fitting into clingy dresses! I haven't been able to wear one since about week 5! Having said that, I'm looking forward to wearing more fitted stuff once we tell people after our scan! Bump and proud then!

Well, it's our scan tomorrow! I'm so excited, although pretty nervous too! I can't wait to see our little bean again, I just hope everything is ok. I'll post my pics on here when I get back! The last couple of days I haven't felt so bad, so fingers crossed the m/s is beginning to go. I even managed to not fall asleep when my lo was napping today, which is a first for a while!
ladies check it out!!!!! my baby bean :) the dr says heartbeat is 180! and even though its old wives tales to say a high heartbeat is a girl, she has delivered enough babies to know that this tends to be true!!! i knew it!!! i surely hope she is right!!!

it was so beautifull to see my baby for the first time, it was moving about and dr says everything looks perfect! baby implanted perfectly and the right size and strong heartbeat! she is very happy with how i'm doing! such a relief! also there is only ONE!! THANK GOD!!

we also got ENGAGED last nite :cloud9: :wedding:

so here's a pic of our little sweet pea and my pretty ring!!!


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Wow!! Congrats J on an amazing perfect scan and beautiful engagement ring!! What a great week for you lovely! So glad it went well and it does sound girly from the hb but you never know! Mine was 178 at 8 weeks and at 12 weeks it was 150

Sweetie, excellent news on the opk! So glad you got your positive, I was worried you had missed it but sounds like perfectly timed bding! Keep us posted

Amandas - hope your scan went well love

Afm - yay for second tri!! Feels so weird to have finally made it! I've got a mini bump and my boobs are huge! I'm sure people could tell if they looked as I'm so slim.
Had an awful cold so have been in bed resting, hit me really hard at work and felt terrible!
I've definitely got more energy now and no more nausea at all so I was lucky there. Most of my friends and DPs friends and family know, just a few more to tell but I prefer to tell in person.

Just waiting for my next scan now on august 13th!
Wow J, congratulations! I'm not sure which one to say congratulations for first! Gorgeous ring! Did oh actually propose? If so I want to hear all about it! Lovely scan pic too! Isn't it such a relief to just see the little bean there with a heart beat! It's amazing. :happydance: Hope you still don't have any nausea! When do you have your next scan?

Well done for second tri OP! And glad you're feeling better, hope the cold improves too!

Sweetie, any more opks?

AFM, well had the scan on Tues which was great. I ordered myself a calm, sleeping baby this time (ds hardly slept at all as a baby!) and I think I may have got it!!!! I ended up having two scans because no matter how much wiggling and jiggling I did, the baby was just chilling out and wasnt in the right position for the measurements! So I was sent off to eat cake and have a cup of tea! It was great, I've never had a medical instruction to eat cake before!!! Anyway, second time round the baby was in a much better position, i think it liked the cake! All was ok, nuchal measurement was fine although we don't get the proper results for a few days. Apparently they now combine blood tests with the measurement before sending out a probability. But hopefully all ok. They didn't tell me heartbeat rate, and ive just checked my notes and all it says is that heartbeat was present. I think I'll get a rate on my next mw visit in about 3 weeks. Baby is 6.8cm now. It's amazing how quickly they grow at this stage! They have now changed my due date to Christmas Day!!! :xmas16: Which means I whizzed through to being 13 weeks without having to wait! So second tri for me too! So exciting!

I did have a scare yesterday, I was outside and I saw my cat catch a squirrel so I chased after it up in the wooded bit opposite my house and shouted at him until he put it down! But then coming back down the slope I slipped and landed on my back, winding myself a bit. I was so worried for a couple of hours but fingers crossed everything seems to be ok. I had a funny low pain earlier today for about 2-3 minutes whcih got me worried but I think it was wind!

Next scan already booked for 9th Aug!
Oops forgot to upload my photo!!! Here it is!


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thats so amazing how much they grown in a month!! from a tiny bean like mine to a baby human :) could they not comment on the sex of your baby yet? i'm going for my next scan at 13 weeks for the same as your's to check the nuchal measurement and do bloods to see if all is ok with regards to that. then i will go back to my obgyn at 15 weeks for my next scan! she said we would be able to see the sex then!! yay cant wait!!

your baby is beautiful amanda! and on the engagement, oh actually did the whole romantic proposal thing!! i so did not see it comming! i was in complete shock! he cooked a whole 3 course meal for me at home with candles everywhere and nice music on. he made a little wooden box for me with hearts on it and inside was small hearts that filled the box and the ring around one of the hearts. he actually went on the knee and did the whole will you marry me thing :) it was really a beautifull moment. told him i now know how he felt when i told him i was pregnant! lol! totally in shock.. its still not sunk in yet!

i was not sleeping well the whole week and was very tired which is why he decided to do the whole thing at home where i can be relaxed :) he was really considderate about how he planned it all! look, nothing beats seeing our bean for the first time but this comes pretty close!!

and you can imagine how relieved i was seeing my bean moving with a strong heartbeat since i have had nearly no symptoms and still dont. doc says i'm just very lucky because the bean is perfect and growing nicely! i cannot wait for my next scan!!

oh and congrats ladies for entering the 2nd tirmester!!! :happydance: i want fodies of your bump!!
Ladies sorry to jump in on your thread :flower: congratulations to all those with BFP's!

We just got DH first SA results back, we knew they were not great as he has been recalled for a second test on 3rd July before we even knew what these results were!

I'm planning on giving DH multivitamins and 30mg zinc everyday till his next test.

My question is did any of your DHs have their first test done, you ply them with all the vitamins we know they need to help (mine has no idea lol) and then have a second sample come out better?

Thanks in advance if you can offer any insight!

Wow J, how romantic! Bless him for being so considerate. It sounds like he made it perfect! And what great timing too, a week of emotion! Do you get three scans as standard then! That's great! My next one is 20 weeks. We got our downs syndrome test results back today which gave me a probability of 1 in 12305, so that's great news. There was no mention of gender during the scan and to be honest, I don't think we're going to find out anyway. We didn't find out with ds, and although I'm more tempted this time, it think we'll probably wait for the surprise!

Hi Shells, welcome! Wow 11 years ttc, I'm wishing you lots and lots of luck! I can't really answer your question sorry because dh didn't have any tests at all. We were ttc for just over a year. I was making dh take multivitamins from the start but then gradually added extras in as time went by! He had extra zinc with vit c, omega 3 and for a while he was also having Korean ginseng. I was taking the same, plus oil of evening primrose for the first half of the cycle. Who knows whether it was that the made the difference? It could have been, but then it could have just been timing. Or the legs in the air approach that we adopted! :blush: I hope you get promising results when you go back to the dr. Good luck!
Ok, so I've decided to be brave and upload my first bump photo for you! This was taken first thing, so I'm sure it's got bigger as the day has gone on and I've eaten lots! You can see why I've had trouble hiding it from people!!!


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Lovely bump amandas :) here's mine:

awww how cute are those bumps!!!! i have no bump yet... cant wait for mine to show its face :)

amanda, we have 3 scans standard. first one usually at 8 weeks (mine was 9 coz the obgyn could not fit me in earlier) then the downs one at 12 weeks (mine 13 coz once again they are too full at 12 weeks) and then my 3rd one at 15 weeks (supposed to be 14 but no surprise, they were full.. lol) but i don't mind bcoz i get to see my baby when he/she is bigger so i'm ok with that!
- where i live we actually have a scan every 4 weeks till i'm 7 months and then every 2nd week till 8 months, and then every week till i give birth!! oh and btw, my baby will be born on 16 Jan since i will have a c-section!! thats if all goes well :)

we cant wait to find out what gender as i already talk to my bean allot, even though they cant hear yet, i just like acknowledging its tiny existance :) so i would like to address it correctly if you know what i mean... hehe.

we are so blessed really, being pregnant is such a beautifull thing!!! :cloud9:
Lovely bump OP!

Wow J, that's so many scans! I'm very jealous of how often you'll get to see your little bean! We only get two scans here as standard, 12 and 20 weeks. I only got the extra one because of the bleeding. How come you will have a c section? Have you got a medical condition? December/January seems so far away but I bet it'll come round really quickly! I can't believe I'm already at 14 weeks! That's already over a third of the way now! I'm just glad I'm beginning to feel better now.

How are you doing Sweetie?
wel, i don't really want to give birth the normal way.. yes i will get allot of judgment on this probably but i just prefer a c-section. in my country our obgyn's are more trained in c-sections than normal births anyways so its just better for me. i also don't have the biggest hip bones and dr told me that might have caused a problem anyways, so i'm happy going for the c-section.

here we have allot of options and they are very accomodating, like with the scans. we also get a 4d scan standard. i would have gone mad if they told me 2 scans only!! wow that must be awful.. i am so happy i get to see my bean more than that!

i think our 12 and 20 weeks are much like yours. 12 is the downs and then at 20 they do what is called a fetal assessment where they check the baby from head to toe to make sure it has everything that needs to be there. we just get the option of allot of scans inbetween and afterwards too.

how are the rest of the ladies holding up?? how are you doin sweetie?? where are we in the cycle??
I must be a weirdo but I cannot wait to give birth :) I think of it as a rights of passage for woman. I don't judge people who have elcs though, it's completely a personal choice. My friends have had cs and it just seems like a long recovery, a lot of pain, scar and less chance of breastfeeding due to antibiotics. I'm hoping my birth goes well and I don't need a cs as my pelvis is quite narrow. I can understand different cultures sway different ways though and it's good you've thought about it J.

I could literally sleep all damn day, I'm so tired this week, maybe baby is growing a lot :)

Sweetie - thinking of you, hope you're ok.

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