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Won't be long J, your uterus hasn't risen out of pelvis yet, it's around 13-14 weeks it does, so not long!
You can say you're going teetotal while ttc or detoxing? I think people should be less nosey and outright personally!
Ah so happy for you, please try not to stress. It must be so hard but try and stay positive. That's a lovely strong bfp, what cycle day did you get your bfp?

Thanks OP! I got a positive HPT on CD31. I kind of felt it though on CD29/30, but I didn't want to test. Was just waiting for AF to show and finally bit the bullet and POAS on CD31. :)

Detoxing is a good one, but even DH says I need a better long-term reason, The next 2 months is leading up to my sister's wedding, In fact, won't be 13 weeks until a few days after her wedding. So from now until then, I have her Bachelorette Party, Bridal Shower, Rehearsal Dinner, Dad's 60th Birthday Party, Mother In Law's Birthday Party, Nephew's Birthday Party, and DH's 40th Birthday! So, lots and lots of events where I have to avoid drinking or pretend I am drinking maybe to fake people out. ;)

Are you feeling more energy now that you're in the 2nd tri? Are you moisturizing your belly so you won't get stretch marks? :)

thanks op! cant wait till i get where you are though! then at least my bump will start to show! there is still no noticeable bump :(

sweetie i'm so happy for you really! those are nice strong lines, i agree with op! it would be for the best to be checked out regularly at least till you are 12 weeks! it must be hard and stressfull time for you now, i can just imagine! try to relax though, the less stress the bean gets at this stage, the better. at how many weeks did you lose your first bean??

Aww...J, I'm sure your bump will pop in no time! I can't wait to see pics!
BTW are all you ladies taking weekly bump pictures? I think those are so cute, if only for yourself to track and have memories of down the line!

Yes, I am trying to relax and not stress about it. I lost the bean last time at 6weeks 4days. Since it's a total mystery, the things I did around that time make me worry to do again. ex: We DTD the night before (1st time after the BFP) and I went for a long walk when it happened. So now I'm scared to have sex or do any kind of exercise.

On a GOOD NOTE, I had my blood tested yesterday and the nurse called me back to say that yes, indeed, I am pregnant! :) I was in the car with a friend so I didn't want to spill the beans by asking any more questions. The nurse said "it looks very good" but I don't know what the HcG levels were. I go back for another test tomorrow. I think a good thing now is because of my previous loss, they will monitor my blood and levels more. Hopefully I can get an early scan. They don't do those very often here. And most of my friends never got a blood test to confirm their pregnancies as long as they got positive urine samples.

Hope everyone is well, and I'm excited to hear what you guys are all going through now in your 2nd stage of pregnancies. What is new and strange or exciting?
Glad your blood results were good! Can't you bring along a bottle of non achoholic wine and pour it into a normal bottle before you get there (screw lid) hehe!

Yes I'm much more energetic now! But then I collapse into a deep nap everyday and I'm in bed by 9.30pm. My belly is sooo itchy so i bought some Mothers Balm from neaps yard which is fragrance free but has almond oil, coconut oil, Shea butter and lots more, it's lovely!
I'm sure you'll be fine this time sweetie, but I can understand why you would worry. The websites all say sex is fine although in high risk pregnancies it may be worth waiting until the second tri. It probably had nothing to do with the mc, but maybe avoid DTD for a few weeks. There are other things you could do instead?! :blush: As for exercise, well I didn't really do any mainly because I felt so awful!! :sick: I decided that it was my body's way of telling me to take things easy and look after myself! Well that was my excuse! I seem to remember you had a really long walk last time? Again probably nothing to do with it but maybe take it easy for a while. It sounds like you've got a massive run of drinking bouts coming up! Luckily no one asked me outright in first tri if I was pg, but a few asked about when we were thinking about it and I just gave a vague answer. Could you vary what you try? Maybe pretend to drink at one do, and then at the next say you had a heavy night the night before and can't face it? Or do a detox month? Or tell everyone that dh has bet you that you can't give up alcohol for one month?! So you're proving him wrong!!

Glad you are both ok op and j! Don't worry j, im sure you'll show soon! I'm tired too op, I've felt shattered all day today.

I prob need to take another bump pic soon. I'm huge! I even had my first stranger ask me today when I'm due when I was in m and s!! I'm smothering my bump in bio oil every night. I did it last time and managed to avoid getting any stretch marks. Although dh did say it was like going to bed with a basted turkey!! It's very greasy! :wacko:

I can't believe we're all pregnant now! So exciting! :happydance::happydance:
Trying to reply from my phone as we are at my inlaws house for one of their parties. Thanks for all the encouragement ladies! Yes, I hear the bump gets so itchy. Im pretty lazy at moisturizing my body but since we've been ttc I've been trying to moisturize everywhere to start the habit.
I do hear a lot of women say bio oil is great!

At our girls weekend to. Egas I saw bff's stomach for the first time postbaby and she has a lot of loose skin. Ive read about skin tightening exercise for weight loss and thinks she probably ought to have done some of that. Its been over a year now and she's been sad about her post baby belly. So im trying to read up a lot on what to do before and after so the belly gets back to normal. It makes me wonder how the heck miranda kerr looked sooo amazing 2 months after having baby! :)
It's very much down to genes I reckon, my sister and mum are slim and snapped straight back without any exercise, as did some of my friends. Whereas some others did a crap load of exercise and never looked the same, luck of the draw.

I'm going to start swimming on the weekend, there's an antenatal aqua aerobics, can't wait x
hi ladies!!

wel i took a pic for you guys this morning since i am now 11 weeks :) yay!!! only one more week!! the belly is starting oh so slightly :)

i agree with amanda sweetie, the bd and walk might not have had anything to do with it and it just wasn't a good bean.. i mean i have been dtd like mad as oh has this urge to dtd at least every 3rd day!! where i get the energy from i don't know because i am dead tired lately but poor guy, cant take all the fun out! and actually in the beginning we bd'd even more an my belly use to hurt afterwards but i'm still going strong!

also i exercise like a maniac lol! at least every 2nd day and its quite harsh exercises so not taking it all that easy but yes it depends from person to person and if i were you, i would take it easy but if you want to bd, then just you know, take it slowly and stop when you get uncomfy. my dr says that your body will tell you when you should stop something so you can always just take it easier than last time? and go google what not to eat while pregnant! thas very important too and can have an effect on the bean!!

google what to avoid during the first trimester to give you a few pointers on what might be bad for you! i'm sure you will have a very happy and healthy pregnancy sweetie!!

wel, here's that pic ladies... :) hope you can open it!


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You've got great abs J! Your bump might take longer to pop if you have really strong tummy muscles and aren't a lazy arse like me :) keep posting weekly ones so we can compare !
Ah! Such a cute tiny bump J! I think I look bigger than that already! :p I bet you can't wait for the next week or 2 for your reveal! Are you going to announce it at 12 or 13weeks?

I went dress shopping w/my sister today and I'm so bloated already my sister already noticed. I was having a tough time fitting my normal clothes and told her I was getting fat. And she said, "No, but you DO look more bloated than I've ever seen you look before!" I told her "Maybe I'm getting my period soon" as an excuse.

J - You are right on the BD and exercise. I'm sure I will ease back into soon. :)
wel, i'm telling most people that don't know already next week sometime when i hit the 12 week mark :) its going to be great because i cannot wait to tell everyone!!

my tummy muscles are quite strong because of all the running i did prior to pregnancy and i still work out so i guess it will just take a little longer. i must admit though only at this stage my bloatedness has subsided somewhat. earlier i used to have a really big bloated tummy regardless of my ab muscles so people who might have thought something was up before now re-think the whole thing as i look like i did pre-pregnancy again :) lol!

but honestly, i cannot wait for my bump!! but soon it will rise like you said op and then i can look the part!! i will keep you updated on pics!

sweetie you are doing great sofar with finding excuses! good luck with the upcomming weekend and all the parties over the next few months! hoping your 12 weeks fly by with no problems!!
wow ladies, i just saw someones post that was the most beautifull and most heartbreaking thing i have ever seen. if you want you can take a look at her story but its very sad. you should watch the video clip.. wow

Oh I think I'll have to skip reading any sad stories for the time being. I'm trying to stay as upbeat and positive as possible despite my ongoing bronchitis (and tonsillitis this time too). I've just spoke with the OB Nurse again and they told me that my HcG levels and Progesterone levels look good. I looked them up online and the HcG levels seem a wee bit low, but that might be because I'm not actually as far along as my LMP date suggests. I ovulated late this cycle, so I think I could be off as much as 5 days.
Either way, just trying to keep positive and stay healthy.

What are you ladies researching these days? I know you were talking about natural births vs. cesareans. Personally, I just don't want to have a huge tear down there. My BFF had 3 cuts (like all the way to the anus) because the Dr. basically delivered her in less than 10 min.! I don't think the baby was in any life-threatening danger, so even she doesn't know why they made her push and cut-cut-cut so fast! Her recovery was intense and she was in pain for a couple of months. So if I had to choose between that, or a C-section, I would choose the C-section. I obviously didn't want to use her Dr. after that! eek!
I'm interested to hear what else you guys are all learning/looking into at this stage. I love researching if you can't tell! :)
Wel yes I guess there's pro's and cons to either type of birth. Some ppl prefer natural because that's how its supposed to be and others prefer c sect as its more planned and just easier and really with the technology these days and doctors being more trained in these type of things I can't see why not choose a csec if that's what you want.

Personally for various reasons I decided on the csec and I'm happy going with that! I dunno if I'm really researching much more than how my baby develops each week and how soon they can tell te sex and how reliable it really is etc. I don't check out things that could go wrong.. Try to stay positive! And like I said sweetie,google what not to eat and what not to do in 1st tri. :)

Let us know when u can go for ur first scan ok!!
Thanks J! I'm not reslly researching anything that could go wrong. I guess I've just been looking up stuff to buy so far, besides health, food, and nutrition. I think I will start looking into the testing stuff (for disorders, etc.) after my first scan, which is still sooo far away. But thanks for the kind words. I'm trying to take it one day at a time. :)
Hi ladies, sorry I've been quiet for a while. Hope you're all ok? We went to Dublin this weekend for a wedding which was lovely. I've also been feeling a bit down. When I was pg with ds I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and I think I may be getting it again :cry: Last time I only found out at 28 weeks when I did the lucozade test, and then I had a restricted diet for the remaining weeks. This time I have my first glucose tolerance blood test tomorrow but I have also been testing my blood sugars after eating a bit too, and I think my results are higher than they should be. If I do have it then it means no sugary foods at all for me for the rest of my pregnancy, and I have to really restrict my carbs. It's basically a low gi diet. It also means I think that they won't let me go overdue, and because of my prev cs, I also can't be induced. So if I don't go into labour naturally before my due date then it will be a compulsory cs. :cry: I'm seeing my mw tomorrow for the first time to check that I've got that right. I knew there was a great chance of me getting it second time but really hoped I wouldn't. I don't fit any of the risk factors, high BMI, certain ethnic backgrounds, family history of diabetes etc, so I don't know why i got it, just bad luck I suppose. If I do get it, I'm sure I'll get used to all the testing and the diet etc again. And I'll just have to try every option available to try to go into labour naturally!!

Love your pic J, I'm so jealous of your stomach! This time first pregnancy I hardly showed at all at this stage. This time and I'm huge! How are you feeling? Have you totallly managed to avoid all m/s in first tri!?! Not long now til you can tell everyone!

How's the non-drinking going Sweetie? Any signs of any m/s yet? The only thing I've been researching recently is the gestational diabetes.

How are you doing OP? 16 weeks now, yay! How's that ump coming along? Has your tiredness subsided at all?

Hope you are all well. Sorry for my moaning!
Hi Amanda! Glad you had a lovely weekend in Dublin! I'm sorry to hear about the possibility of Gestational Diabetes. I haven't researched that at all, but it does sound very complicated. {{{Hugs}}} I did hear though that it is easier to end up with normal diabetes after GD so it sounds like a good sign that you didn't in your last pregnancy? Is CS = cesarean section? I bet you can't wait to talk to your midwife tomorrow for some answers. On the semi-bright side (I hope?), it seems if you can't have sweets or carbs, you should not gain too much weight and can bounce back to pre-baby body pretty fast?
I will look into the GD a bit and maybe cut back on sweets and carbs too just to be safe!

Re: the showing sooner. I hear that with each pregnancy you DO show/pop sooner and I think it is pretty true from the few girls I've seen.

AFM - I did start to get some waves of nausea since yesterday. Both days I've woken up and it has hit me when I get out of bed. It would come and go yesterday. But no throwing up yet. Not looking forward to m/s, but I DID read an article that said the more m/s a woman felt, the less likely there was a chance of m/c. At this point last time, I didn't feel any nausea yet, so my FX'd that the article was right. No drinking this past week, we cancelled attending 2 parties b/c I've been sick w/bronchitis again. :/
I'm going to try to use the "antibiotics" excuse for as long as I can. :)

Hang in there!
Woohoo for nausea sweetie! Great sign, especially so early! Mine started at 5 weeks too. I know J didn't get it (lucky!) but I think it was due to progesterone cream? Mine eased off at 9 weeks. Make sure you have crackers/biscuits by your bed, if I got up before eating a little cracker and some water I felt much more sick.

Amanda- sorry to hear about the possibility of gd :( fingers crossed.

Afm, my bump is growing! I love it :D I still have to have naps but not everyday which is good. We had such a busy weekend seeing friends everyday, just want to chill out now! I have my 16 week appt on Friday x
Thanks OP! Wow! 16 weeks! It's just flying by now isn't it? Are you near the time when they start doing all those tests? Do they do that where you are (U.K.?)
You're going to be at your cutest preggers months during the summer! :) You can wear all sorts of cute clothes to show off your bump!
Yes it really flies! Yeah it's really cool because summer will be second tri so not too big/tired when it's hot - although it's prob going to rain here all summer! And in winter when I'm huge I can hibernate!

I'm not not sure about tests, I had my downs test already but I think at the 20 week scan in august they do more?

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