Zinc for Men and More?

wel its not really about culture for me, as we don't do things a certain way because of culture. its just as you said, your choice. our doctors who do the c-sections here are really good and barely leave any scarring. our recovery time is 2 weeks max and they don't give us antibiotics that are not baby safe and encourage breastfeeding. all my friends that recently had babies via c-section are still breastfeeding and they are going about their lives as if the baby just appeared one day. no discomfort what so ever.

obviously allot of babies are born the normal way too. it really is just a personal choice as is waterbirth etc. for me, it was the better option especially also because of my job. i'm a lawyer and cant just wait for my baby to arrive one day, so its just better to have a date and be prepared.

everyone is different and has a different type of lifestyle i guess :) its great that you ladies are giving normal birth!! i'm sure your baby is growing at a great speed now causing the tiredness! i cant wait for all this to pass either but then we will be sitting with the discomfort of big bellies and sore backs!! lol
That's good to hear, I generally hear negative things about it here but then the NHS can be a bit hit and miss with cs. I hope we all have good birth experiences, that's what I'm looking forward to now, I can't watch birth tv shows as it makes me jealous and/or cry! :)
That's good to hear, I generally hear negative things about it here but then the NHS can be a bit hit and miss with cs. I hope we all have good birth experiences, that's what I'm looking forward to now, I can't watch birth tv shows as it makes me jealous and/or cry! :)

I'm with you on that one OP, everyone I know watches one born every minute but I just can't watch it!

I think the cultural thing is just the different cultures' views on it all. Over here, unless there is a strong medical reason then a c sec is just not an option. If someone wanted an elective c sec then I think they would have to really fight for it. We're definitely encouraged here to have a natural birth. The whole process is also midwife led, as opposed to doctor led, which probably makes a difference.

I ended up with an emergency c sec for ds. Unfortunately he got stuck and despite them attempting to pull him out by ventouse, he was firmly wedged and a c sec was the only option. I was really upset about it at the time as it wasnt the birth that I had hoped for, but I now realise that it was necessary for him to be born safely. I've got an appt in Nov with a consultant to discuss my birth preference. I do get the choice of an elective c sec this time but I'm hoping to have a natural birth this time. I'm hoping for second time lucky!!! In terms of recovery, my scar was about 6 inches long but did heal well and is now barely visible. It was painful though for a while and I did have to take it easy. I guess however good the surgeon is it's still major surgery. I had no antibiotics and no problems breast feeding, although I think i remember it taking a day or two longer for my milk to come in which was difficult at the time.

J, there's no reason why you should feel judged, everyone has the right to make the choice, and it sounds like it's really common where you are for people to have c secs. I seem to remember reading that you're in South Africa, is that right? I may have completely made that up!! What sort of lawyer are you? Any symptoms yet? I'm still very jealous at your lack of m/s!

I'm really tired this week too OP. How is work going? Are you managing to take it easier at all yet? My work was pretty hectic this week which is probably why I'm tired. An early night for me tonight!
Yes if I need a cs due to emergency, i won't mind. As long as my baby arrives healthy I'll be happy. I think women put too much pressure on themselves to have perfect births with no painkllerd etc. Someone on the board said, you wouldn't refuse pain meds to have a tooth out so why for birth!? Lol. I hope to do it as natural as possible but if I need an epi or cs so be it.

My works been good, less workload. I've been feeling faint on odd occasions so I'm not alone much anymore.

I'm already in bed! :D
I'm already in bed! :D

Ha ha! Brilliant!

Well first time round I had hoped for a home-water-hypnobirth! I couldn't have ended up with anything more different! Hospital, gas/air, ventouse, cs! :wacko:
It's good your work has cut down, hope the faintness goes away.

Have you ladies had any cravings at all? For the last 6-8 weeks I've just wants carbs to help with the sickness, but the only real thing that could pass as a craving is that I've felt that I've 'needed' a bowl of cheerios every evening!!
i do live in south africa :) i don't know, i have heard that our obgyn's here all specialize in c-secs because we have the option and its not just for emergencies so in a way it is a comfort that they are extremely well trained in that way. infact they do 3 c-secs for every 1 normal birth here. but yes, it does make a difference that we use doctors and not midwives for sure!

my sis really wanted to have a normal birth, like c-sec was NO option for her and then they were in a car accident when she was 8 months along and her placenta tore and she started to go into labour. they tried to hold off on the contractions for 4 days and then decided a c-sec is needed as the baby wont survive otherwise. she said she cried from the moment they told her they were going to take him out now until after he was born, thats how badly she wanted a normal birth!! but now he is a beautiful 1 year old and she is very healthy too!

lets hope every body's birth plan goes great with no complications and that we will all be very happy!!! which we will!!

i still have no m/s at all!! :D tired at night, but its getting better too! i don't have any cravings yet aside for ice cream sometimes but i try to eat as healthy as possible! i'm still getting the stretching, light cramping in my lower abdomen but thats it. very irritable sometimes though! poor oh, he always gets the bad side of it lol.

glad you ladies are feeling good and that you are taking it easy!!
Hi Ladies! Sorry to have been MIA! I was off in Vegas for a girls weekend and just buys busy busy!
I haven't read through all the past posts yet, but OMG to those adorable BABY BUMPS!!! *squeals w/happy envy*
AFM - I'm in the TWW, but not feeling too hopeful. I finally got the positive OPK and we only DTD on THAT day. DH was feeling sick and not up to BDing again the next day. I was quite let down that we didn't get to BD the next day. But I'll have to leave things to be and just wait my turn.
Ahhh... Amanda & OP - I can't get over how cute your bumps are! Seriously, I'm so thrilled for you guys!
OK, it's soooo late here, but I will catch up on reading in the morning! :)
infact they do 3 c-secs for every 1 normal birth here. but yes, it does make a difference that we use doctors and not midwives for sure!!

Wow, isnt it amazing that there can be such differences in the same thing, just depending on where you are. I think the stats in my local hospital are that 32% of births are cs.

Welcome back Sweetie! It only takes once so hopefully you were spot on!
Hi LADIES!!! OK, trying to catch up:

J - OMGeeee!!!! CONGRATS CONGRATS! What a gorgeous ring and proposal story! So excited for you! Do you guys have plans to wait until after LO is born, or before? either way, it's such great news. And what a wonderful, strong heartbeat! I do hope you get your wish for a girl too! :happydance:

OP - You look so adorbs with your little bump! Cuter to be slim with an obvious bump than have people just wonder if you're getting chubbier. hahah. Like I think anytime I eat or drink soda I think I look to have a 2nd tri bump! :p
Hope your cold is gone and that you are feeling better. I hear most women get their energy back 2nd tri!

Amanda - Awww... well I am a firm believer in that 2nds are always quite the opposite as 1st child's in pregnancy and personalities, from siblings I have known. Medicinal orders for cake - heck yeah! :) Oh I am so glad your slip didn't affect you at all. I did have a slip in the tub b4 my m/c but I caught myself on the side of the tub. I don't think that caused the m/c but I still know it's a scary possibility.

Shells - Hi! And Welcome to the thread! I didn't get DH tested, but I did make him take his multivitamins w/zinc everyday. And started him on Fertility Blend for Men. I'm not sure how often he really took it b/c I didn't watch him and I know he'd let it slide. But if we didn't get pregnant by month 6 of TTC I know I would have had him tested. My GYN already recommended him to be tested when I first told her we were TTC. Maybe b/c he was close to 40?

AFM***** I got a :bfp: today! :blush:
I haven't told DH yet (it's only early afternoon here). I'm actually pretty scared of getting my hopes up. I think b/c my sister found out my cousin's wife had TWO m/c before they got their first LO. And I've heard that from someone else this weekend too. So, I just want to be very calm and not get my hopes up too much. I had such a feeling about it yesterday. DH and I started getting hacking coughs again this weekend, and I'm like, "Oh no, the bronchitis is coming back... I bet I'll get pregnant and not be able to take meds again and then what if I lose it again?" I know... such a negative way to think. But I'm just scared. I'm even kind of scared to tell DH, and then what if it happens again. Of course I'll tell him. But I know we wouldn't want to tell anyone until we are definitely out of the 12 week mark. I know I should be so happy. But I'm so scared to let myself get so excited like I did last time.... Thanks Ladies for letting me have this safe place to talk.
I just can't wait till I'm in the 2nd tri like you ladies!
Hi LADIES!!! OK, trying to catch up:

J - OMGeeee!!!! CONGRATS CONGRATS! What a gorgeous ring and proposal story! So excited for you! Do you guys have plans to wait until after LO is born, or before? either way, it's such great news. And what a wonderful, strong heartbeat! I do hope you get your wish for a girl too! :happydance:

OP - You look so adorbs with your little bump! Cuter to be slim with an obvious bump than have people just wonder if you're getting chubbier. hahah. Like I think anytime I eat or drink soda I think I look to have a 2nd tri bump! :p
Hope your cold is gone and that you are feeling better. I hear most women get their energy back 2nd tri!

Amanda - Awww... well I am a firm believer in that 2nds are always quite the opposite as 1st child's in pregnancy and personalities, from siblings I have known. Medicinal orders for cake - heck yeah! :) Oh I am so glad your slip didn't affect you at all. I did have a slip in the tub b4 my m/c but I caught myself on the side of the tub. I don't think that caused the m/c but I still know it's a scary possibility.

Shells - Hi! And Welcome to the thread! I didn't get DH tested, but I did make him take his multivitamins w/zinc everyday. And started him on Fertility Blend for Men. I'm not sure how often he really took it b/c I didn't watch him and I know he'd let it slide. But if we didn't get pregnant by month 6 of TTC I know I would have had him tested. My GYN already recommended him to be tested when I first told her we were TTC. Maybe b/c he was close to 40?

AFM***** I got a :bfp: today! :blush:
I haven't told DH yet (it's only early afternoon here). I'm actually pretty scared of getting my hopes up. I think b/c my sister found out my cousin's wife had TWO m/c before they got their first LO. And I've heard that from someone else this weekend too. So, I just want to be very calm and not get my hopes up too much. I had such a feeling about it yesterday. DH and I started getting hacking coughs again this weekend, and I'm like, "Oh no, the bronchitis is coming back... I bet I'll get pregnant and not be able to take meds again and then what if I lose it again?" I know... such a negative way to think. But I'm just scared. I'm even kind of scared to tell DH, and then what if it happens again. Of course I'll tell him. But I know we wouldn't want to tell anyone until we are definitely out of the 12 week mark. I know I should be so happy. But I'm so scared to let myself get so excited like I did last time.... Thanks Ladies for letting me have this safe place to talk.
I just can't wait till I'm in the 2nd tri like you ladies!

OMG!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: amazing news sweetie!! Congratulations!! So happy for yoou! :flower:

I can understand you not wanting to get your hopes up yet, the best advice I got was take it one day at a time :flower:

Have you told your dh yet??!! Xxxx
Also, thank you. My cold is better, still got a cough! It takes soo much longer to get over viruses when preg. My bump is obvious now and customers have guessed, my staff guessed!
Oh wow Sweetie I'm so so happy for you!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: Yes it's still early days but I'm feeling very positive for you this time!!!! I know of lots of people who had a mc before then conceiving their first. It was almost like their bodies were having a trial run. Good luck telling dh. Xxx
Thanks ladies! :)
I did tell DH. He is still working, but I called to tell him since he was emailing me about booking our vacation. So yeah, I told him over the phone. Not romantic or anything, but he still sounded a little surprised.

Now I have to figure out how to handle all the summer events we have w/out letting anyone know. We have his parents' anniversary party/Independence Day this week.
Also I am traveling in a few weeks. All in all, everything has me nervous.

P.S. How did you ladies handle if anyone point blank-asked you if you were pregnant before the 2nd trimester? Last time I lied, but I don't want to jinx myself either way. I get this question ALL the time anyways since everyone has been expecting us to get pregnant for so long already...
Nobody ever asked me outright, even when I got my bump in second tri and my staff and friends suspected, they didn't ask. I don't think it's polite to ask outright! But if I was, it would depend on who was asking, if family or close friends I would tell. Anyone else I would deny! X

first off, MASSIVE CONGRATS ON YOUR BFP!!!! YAY!!!!!!! :happydance:

i am so so so so so happy that it happened so fast and i have so much faith that this is a strong bean and will stick like super glue!!!

just my 2 cents but i think you should see a midwife earlier maybe so they can keep an eye on you and to monitor that everthing is going smoothly! you will get to see your bean allot more as well which would be a bonus and it will give you peace of mind. i know you only had on m/c but one for me is enough and if i were you i'd want to be checked out more often!

its good to wait until 12 weeks and if all is ok and your bean is happy and healthy you can have a fabulous pregnancy/ gender reveal party when you are ready to tell! what i tell people when they ask or suspect or overhear me saying something to dh is 'not that i know of' and if its a family member or close friend, i always add 'but you will be the first one i tell if i ever find out i am pregnant! its a little lie but its the easiest one to sell.

i am so happy for you!! :hugs: and thank you re the engagement etc. we will get married after lo is born when we are happy to do so and have adjusted to life with lo. there is no rush now :)

ps! post your bfp!!!!!!
Agree with J, see a midwife sooner and get an early scan booked in.

J - congrats on double figures! Nearly 11 weeks yay!
Thanks Ladies! I just called the OB/GYN and they said the nurse will call me back. They want to probably send me to do blood work to confirm. I am nervous, every little cramp and twinge I worry. I've checked my undies more times than I care to admit. :blush:

Here's a pic of the BFP. hpt pos jul2.jpg
The bottom one was using FMU. I didn't have a HPT so I had to go out and buy some, but as soon
as I dipped the stick I could see the positive sign!
The top one was using Afternoon sample. Much more diluted.

Thanks OP on your advice. Last time I lied when asked outright. It's because everyone around us (including us) always drink in social settings. So it's like "why aren't you drinking? Are you pregnant?!?!" I know now that it's rude, but I don't think among friends, it occurs to them. In fact, that's how I knew 3 of my friends were pregnant too. First time they don't take a drink. :/
I did read a couple of good responses yesterday though :
* "We're working on it"
* "I hope so!" or "I wish!"
I think these sayings might be ok and I wouldn't be lying (and tempting fate as they say).
You can say you're going teetotal while ttc or detoxing? I think people should be less nosey and outright personally!

Ah so happy for you, please try not to stress. It must be so hard but try and stay positive. That's a lovely strong bfp, what cycle day did you get your bfp?
thanks op! cant wait till i get where you are though! then at least my bump will start to show! there is still no noticeable bump :(

sweetie i'm so happy for you really! those are nice strong lines, i agree with op! it would be for the best to be checked out regularly at least till you are 12 weeks! it must be hard and stressfull time for you now, i can just imagine! try to relax though, the less stress the bean gets at this stage, the better. at how many weeks did you lose your first bean??

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