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Zinc for Men and More?

Got a call late from the Dr.'s office today with my bloodwork results. Friend was over so I couldn't talk too long.

Last Thursday, HcG was 468 and Progesterone was 24.
Today, HcG was over 5,000 (yay!) but Progesterone dropped to 18. :(
I guess I am still in the safe zone, but the extreme bloating and breast tenderness I felt last week has noticeably decreased. They want me to test again on Friday, but I am going out of town and so nervous, I will push for another test tomorrow before I leave.
They said if I get a Progesterone 16 or below, they will put me on suppositories.
I'm so nervous, but hoping for the best. :/
I'm wondering if Progesterone was a problem/cause from my m/c but I guess I can't ever know for sure. Just hoping the Dr. will be extra proactive and do everything possible for me. FX'd they'll see me tomorrow!
Wow 5,000! that's excellent news sweetie! Fingers crossed for progesterone but I'm sure that's easily fixed. Many women have to take it I've seen on the forum x
Hi sweetie! wel i used progesterone cream until 10 weeks and you know what i'm sure that affected me having any m/s! they say it helps with m/s because your estrogen rises dramatically and too fast for the progesterone to catch up and causes an imbalance which cause m/s in most women. but when you take extra progesterone then it evens the hormones out better!! i have heard of allot of women on supposotories and the cream who had no m/s so i would be happy if the doc prescribed me some!!

i know it gave me peace of mind too! and your levels are a little low but hopefully it will pick up!! let us know what the docs says okay!! gl xx
Thanks ladies and for the info J! Was there a reason you only had to use the cream till 10 weeks? It looks like a lot of things I've read onlie says you use prog till 14 weeks? Did they put you on it b/c you had low prog too? Yay! You're only a day away now from the 12 week mark!

I forgot to mention why I am in rush for them to see me TODAY! She originally told me to test again on Friday and then if needed, put me on suppositories. But we leave for the mountains tomorrow. My numbers are so close to their worry-mark, that I don't want to be "below" for any amount of time while I'm gone.

It's funny how the HcG and Progesterone levels work. Like it makes sense I am feeling more nausea and queasy b/c the HcG went up. But I noticed immediately when the bloating and breast tenderness & swelling went down! I was already worried before they even told me the prog went down (and that's what caused the bloating, etc.)

OP - Just saw your ticker and how cute is today's baby development!!! "Baby's eyelashes and hair are filling in." When do you get to find out the gender?
I never had sore boobs, only twinges now and again, maybe mine was low too? I never knew my levels as they don't really do that here.

I know it's so sweet isn't it? Its very strange to imagine a little baby in there. I'm sure I'm feeling little flutters :) I find out august 10th but I'm going to try and move my scan forward a bit, I want to go shopping straight after!!
:) Oh OP! I can imagine! I've already been restraining myself but secretively have bought stuff here and there (for both genders) ever since we've been TTC. I always figure the stuff can go to my sister or as gifts if I can't use them. :)

If you can get a scan earlier, they might be able to tell. I've had friends who've found out the gender at their 13 week scans!
I was told 80% chance boy at my 12 week scan but I've heard they can be wrong so thought best to wait! I've had a couple of gifts already which is nice. Just can't wait to go for a proper shopping spree!!
Wheee! OP, that's a very good chance it's a boy then! I think they can be more "certain" earlier in the pregnancy with the boys! All 3 friends that knew at 13 weeks had boys too! :)
wel sweetie, i went on the progesterone cream without a prescription. just for my own peace of mind because my lp was so short every month and i thought that maybe it would help if i use the cream from after ovulation and see what happens and low and behold, i got pregnant that month!! so i went on to use the cream until 10 weeks because i read online allot of ppl went of at 10 weeks and they were fine. since i did not get put on it by the dr, it was more of a peace of mind thing like i said.

but if the doc gives you suppositories, you use it till they tell you to stop. because obviously there is a reason you are using them. but i would get something like progesterone cream if they don't put you on the suppositories! it doesn't hurt, it will only help you sustain this pregnancy!!

i'm ***12 weeks**** today **** :happydance: :cloud9: and not a day with problems!!! i'm so lucky this pregnancy is going this well!! truly blessed!!

love my bean soooo much!!!! xxx 2nd tri here i come!!!! and my bump will start showing sooon!!! yay!!

hope you get your scan moved earlier op!! i'm going at 13 weeks and they will also be able to say what gender it might be and then i'm going again at 15 weeks where they will be able to say for sure!!! hoping its a girl!!!
Congrats J on 12 weeks! And thanks for the cream info!

I've already noticed that some of my bloating came back within hours of the first progesterone suppository. Not that pleasant, but reassuring.

Hope all you ladies do well this weekend! We are off to the mountain cabin w/DH's wine-guzzling family today! The nurse already told me to take it easy w/the high altitude! FX'd they don't suspect anything and the weekend goes smoothly pregnancy-wise.
Have an amazing time lovely!

I just bought my first baby item!! For £10 a gorgeous Moses basket :)

wow that is gorgeous op!! :) cant wait to start shopping too!!

enjoy the weekend sweetie and i'm sure everything is going to be just fine!! its such a relief to hear they gave you the suppositories!!

i'm going to also take it real easy this weekend and relax!! :coffee:
I'm working tomorrow and it's super busy on Saturday :( but my dad has invited me and DP round for Sunday roast so that'll be lovely!

16 week appt was pretty much a non event, saw a moany midwife who just checked my bp and urine. I told her I've been quite faint and she just said all part of pregnancy lol
Hi ladies! Congrats J on 12 weeks! Yay! :happydance: Welcome to second tri. I can't believe you didn't have any m/s, I'm so jealous!

And Sweetie, congrats on getting to 6 weeks, which means you're now past your m/c date so fingers crossed for a sticky bean for you! Have a lovely weekend away. Hope you get away with not drinking! I don't have a clue about those figures as they don't do it here, but it sounds like everything is going well. I used to cling on to knowing that the m/s was a good sign because I felt so rubbish!

Glad you're doing well op. I can't believe we're nearly 17 weeks already! Time is whizzing by! Have a lovely meals!

Afm, saw my mw on fri and heard the heartbeat for the first time which was great! She sAid that even if I get gestational diabetes I could still be induced, it wouldn't necessarily be a c sec which is good. I had my glucose tolerance test on wed and got the all clear for now which was a relief. Next one is at 20 weeks. Although I got a student taking my blood and my whole arm is still bruised :growlmad: But the best bit is that I can feel my bean now!! :happydance: Last time I didn't really feel anything until about 18 weeks but I can definitely feel it already and I love it! I had a panic last night because I looked at my stomach and was convinced I'd got a stretch mark already! But fortunately I looked again this morning in the day light and it is just a vein under the surface! Phew! But it's made me realise that I've grown faster this time so I need to be extra vigilant at applying bio oil!! If you're looking to get any op, I get it from chemistdirect online. At boots it's £20 for a big bottle, and you can get two for £21.99. I'll be getting 4!!!! It worked last time so fingers crossed!

Anyway, we're off to lake Como in italy in the morning, so I'll catch up with you all when I get back. Hope you all have a lovely week xx
Aww Thanks Amanda! I am quite a bit relieved now since I'm 6 weeks. I know it's still REALLY early, but like everyone says, one day at a time. I'm anxious to get my blood test taken tomorrow and hear the results. I think I can only expect the HcG levels to go up and the progesterone to be stable or not drop. FX'd.
Glad that you didn't get a stretch mark yet! I will have to get some Bio Oil! IDK much about the GD but it sounds like things are going to be ok. FX'd. And Lake Como...swoon! Please blow a kiss to George Clooney for me if you see him! hehehe

OP - That is a BEAUTIFUL Moses basket! I've never heard that term before in the States, I think they call them bassinets here.

Are you both starting on Maternity clothes yet? You guys are well into 2nd tri! I'm green with envy in a good way! :)

J - I bet you're going to have so much fun revealing your news this week! :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Amanadas - very jealous of lake como! Say hi to George clooney!! Glad you heard hb and can feel baby!

Sweetie - yay for 6 weeks! That's gone quick already! Good luck for bloods, I have a good feeling :)

J- hope you had a nice weekend

Afm- I felt baby on Saturday for the first time, amazing little bubbly, flutters while I was working - amazing! My bump is getting bigger! Went to my dads for a big family dinner last night and he was amazed at bump and started taking loads of pics :)
OP - That is AWESOME you could start feeling flutters! It must be amazing to think someone is growing inside of you!

AFM - Woke up at the crack of dawn again. So eager to go get my blood drawn! Just got my results and the nurse said they were fantastic! She said I must have been very good and dedicated to using the suppositories b/c my progesterone level went back up, plus some, to 24.2 and my HcG levels are 27,000+ now! She told me we'll stop blood testing until my first doctor's visit. Makes me a little nervous, but I'm hopeful and will be religious with the suppositories! :) Thanks for all your good thoughts! I'm sure they've all helped!
OP - That is AWESOME you could start feeling flutters! It must be amazing to think someone is growing inside of you!

It's a lovely feeling but it's not proper kicks yet, I bet that'll be weird!

AFM - Woke up at the crack of dawn again. So eager to go get my blood drawn! Just got my results and the nurse said they were fantastic! She said I must have been very good and dedicated to using the suppositories b/c my progesterone level went back up, plus some, to 24.2 and my HcG levels are 27,000+ now! She told me we'll stop blood testing until my first doctor's visit. Makes me a little nervous, but I'm hopeful and will be religious with the suppositories! :) Thanks for all your good thoughts! I'm sure they've all helped!
:happydance::happydance: that's EXCELLENT news!! So happy for you sweetie! When's your next drs appointment? Will you get an early scan? Xxx
Thanks OP. No, I won't get an early scan, I don't think that's something that usually happens here in California. I don't know anyone who got a scan at 5-6 weeks. My first appt. is July 31st and then first scan is a couple of days after that. Yes, I will be so eager to just see something! :)

Kicks don't happen for awhile right?

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