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Zinc for Men and More?

I see so many girls on first tri getting super early scans like 6, 7 weeks I thought it was a US thing as they were always American. I paid for my private scan at 8 weeks as I couldn't wait til 12! Not long til the first scan though so that's good news.

I think proper kicks are at 24-27 weeks but it depends on so much, I reckon I'll feel it early because I'm so thin x
Oh ladies! The Dr. called and left me a message that I could go in for my u/s scan earlier! I'm trying to be very cautious, but can't help be excited! They had a cancellation so I go in first thing Monday morning. I'm hoping and praying for a healthy growing bean in there! I'm glad it's going to happen before I leave for my sister's bachelorette party that following weekend. I don't know what to expect to see at 7+ weeks, but hopefully it will be all good.
Love the positive thinking! I have been trying to figure out how much control I do/do not have in this process. How I can do my part without going nuts over things that may not make much of a difference. Here's what I'm currently doing:

-A cup of two of decaf coffee instead of regular (except on days 1-2 of my cycle when I let myself have regular)

- Alcohol VERY rarely, as in one or two drinks a month

- Take multivitamins

- Husband takes multis when he remembers (I really wish he would take them EVERY day, but I am not on top of him about it.)

- I chart my temp and CM, and use OPK's once I start getting EWCM. As far as temp'ing goes, it helps me see patterns of when I usually ovulate, and helps me know when we can stop daily BD'ing once I've had 3 high temps (or frankly, sooner if we're worn out!)

Hi Ladies!

I'm starting out this cycle with continued positive thinking!

1. I know there was a thread mentioning that ZINC supplements did wonders for their OH. I checked OH's mens' multivitamin and is has the 100% daily recommended value of Zinc. Can someone tell me how many Mg of Zinc they were taking/using?

2. I didn't plan on temping and learning all the BBT stuff - didn't want to stress out about. But seeing a BBT thermometer at Target the other day for just $8, I figured "why not". Not telling OH about it. Don't want him to stress out either. I still have a lot to learn about it - have not been good about the "same time", "don't get up and move", etc. Is there any "special temp" I should be on the lookout for? Or is BBT really just for tracking and getting more in tune with your own body and recognizing ovulation after the fact?

3. I've been terrible at checking CM. Every time I've checked, it's just nothing like what y'all describe EWCM, stretchy, clear, etc. I think I'm pretty "dry"? I heard a lot of mentions of Robitussin, so I did some research, bought Mucinex (which helps with my constant congestion anyways) and decided to start taking it today. [Key ingredient: Guaifenesin] Now for the fun of more checking CM! Note sarcasm. hahah

I'm not trying to stress much. Just love to exert every option, helpful hints, and even old wives tales to get this bun in the oven ASAP! Any more ideas ladies? What new things are you implementing this cycle?
Oh ladies! The Dr. called and left me a message that I could go in for my u/s scan earlier! I'm trying to be very cautious, but can't help be excited! They had a cancellation so I go in first thing Monday morning. I'm hoping and praying for a healthy growing bean in there! I'm glad it's going to happen before I leave for my sister's bachelorette party that following weekend. I don't know what to expect to see at 7+ weeks, but hopefully it will be all good.

That's excellent news hun!! Let's us know how it goes! :happydance:
love the positive thinking! I have been trying to figure out how much control i do/do not have in this process. How i can do my part without going nuts over things that may not make much of a difference. Here's what i'm currently doing:

-a cup of two of decaf coffee instead of regular (except on days 1-2 of my cycle when i let myself have regular)

- alcohol very rarely, as in one or two drinks a month

- take multivitamins

- husband takes multis when he remembers (i really wish he would take them every day, but i am not on top of him about it.)

- i chart my temp and cm, and use opk's once i start getting ewcm. As far as temp'ing goes, it helps me see patterns of when i usually ovulate, and helps me know when we can stop daily bd'ing once i've had 3 high temps (or frankly, sooner if we're worn out!)

best of luck singerwoman!!!
thats fab news sweetie!! i'm sure you will be able to see something!!! ps, dr told me at my first one that if i have a full bladder, they can see the bean better!

post a pic as soon as you get one!!

i'm seeing my bean again tomorrow!!!! yay!!!! cannot wait!

Yay! That's awesome J! Please post a pic afterwards! I bet your can see much more clearly the baby shape tomorrow!

P.S. I was reading all these "pregnancy Pee stories" last night. Made me crack up, but now I'm scared of what's to come! Here's the link if anyone wants to read them for a good laugh!
sooooo..... its a BOY!!!

no denying by the looks of his package... lol! :haha:

check it out, he's waving at us.... :) :cloud9:


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Ah congrats on the scan J, I wouldn't buy blue stuff yet though! It could be the clitoris, as that's enlarged at this stage. Earliest to tell for sure is 15/16 weeks. Love the waving, can't wait to see mine again in august
Oh that is such a sweet pic J! Congrats! Love the waving pics!

So do both J and OP have "boys" right now? I mean I've definitely heard of wrong guesses, but I don't have any friends personally where they've guessed wrong. :D
I've seen so many on the second tri boards which I why im holding out til 20 weeks , can't wait to go shopping then!
wel, i went to a ultrasound specialist for my down scan and according to her she is 90 % sure its a boy, the heart rate is also in the range for a boy. she says the way the little nub is positioned also indicates a boy even if its very early. i will try put the pic up that she took showing the little thingy..

going in 2 weeks again for a scan then i will be just over 15 weeks so the doc wil confirm if the specialist was right or not.

doc also said that he is measuring bigger/longer from crown to rump for his dates which indicates he might be a few days older than what we are thinking but this is a very good sign that he is growing very strong.

look if she was wrong and its a girl i would jump for joy! really wanted a girl but if it is infact a boy, i would be just as happy to have him! i was just joking about the shopping :) we will only shop in December, there is alway allot of special prices around christmas so it would be better that time and then we will also know for sure what it is.
pick of his thingy between his 2 legs.. :)


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Looks like a boy then, I was just saying best to wait til shopping cos of replies I had to my thread from lots of women told boy but was girl etc I wasn't being mean, sorry. I'll be happy either way too, not long to go til my next scan.

Been having a really bad time with oh. Last night I couldn't sleep and actually felt regret for getting pregnant with him and felt trapped, it was horrible :( he's just so utterly selfish but it seems to be worse now I'm pregnant? For instance I worked a long, hard shift on Saturday, came home and he barely looked up from his video game. Didnt offer to get me anything like a drink. It was dinner time but he didn't buy anything (I do ALL the food shopping and cooking during week). I said I was hungry and he was like "well IM getting this" but I didn't want that. He yells at me sometimes. I feel so alone and depressed. We used to be so close but now it seems like I'm a nuisance. He never cares or helps me. I don't think he loves me.
awww op :( wow i'm so sorry you are feeling so unhappy!! i must admit, sometimes they can be real assholes to put it bluntly. my oh yelled at me once or twice as wel but maintly because i was being unreasonable about something and so i can take part of the blame but it gives him no right to yell at me, and especially while i'm pregnant!! one evening i got so upset, i got in my car and did not go back until 3 hours later. he apologised profoundly but it still hurts.

i can't relate totally to how you feel but i sometimes feel oh is unsensitive towards me too and only when i get upset about it he realises it so sometimes it seems as if they just don't realise they are being real pigs!

you know what op, this might sound selfish from my side too but since i decided to get pregnant, i always felt first and foremost that this was my baby and even if i have to raise him myself, i would be content with that because sometimes, after it all, we realise that this person you thought was the greatest guy, turns out to be everything but that and you are left depressed, sad and trapped like you do. but this baby will always be yours and he will be the most important thing in your life even if things with oh is bad or even doesn't work out.

your oh does sound like he is not making life a happy place for you and thats wrong! the least he can do is be more considerate and at least acknowledge your presense for crying out loud! maybe talk to him about it and tell him how you feel and you know if he wants to be an asshole about it then maybe he doesn't really love you. i think sometimes they don't realise that they are insensitive and until we mention it (or like me get upset) do they actually think, but hey, maybe i can be a little more considerate, maybe i'm being selfish. trust me, i've seen my oh realise this only after i have a fit about it.

so talk to him hun, and that way you will also know where you stand with him.

Thank you J. I feel so alone. We've been texting and I've suggested relationship counselling, he agreed but money os an issue, he then suggested time apart so we can appreciate eachother. I think he just wants time away from me so he doesn't have to deal with me. I've been crying all day on and off. He wants to talk after work but I think I'm just going to pack my stuff and go and stay with my mum.

Even when ive said how lonely I've felt due to his obsessive game playing, he is in complete denial abut it. He nevers wants to do anything with me like go places. I feel so depressed and I kmow it's hormones but he has no empathy for me at all, says I'm being silly.

Last night we dtd and it was horrible, I just feel used, like an object. I feel worthless

I don't kmow what to do, I domt want to leave but the fact he's said it makes me just want to disappear
omg op!! how dare he say that you need time apart to appreciate each other!! when this is the time you need him most!! you are carrying his child! does that not mean anything to him! wow op i'm speechless and so angry at him for being so childish about this!!

you must be devestated :( i cannot believe this is the same guy that tried so hard with you to get pregnant, that was willing to do tests etc! do you think he feels threatened by the baby like you would like love it more and give more attention to the baby?

you are allot like me in the sense that i would just take my stuff and get away for a while just to think about whats going to be better for you and your baby. i mean in the end of the day, what kind of father would he be if he cannot even support you during pregnancy! sure, i'm convinced my oh has felt like kicking me out the front door many times during the pregnancy because my moods can be crazy but i know he would never in his life ever do that because he just loves me too much. he would take my crap and yes, lose it sometimes, but nonetheless, he'd never suggest we go apart ever!

be real honnest with him when you guys talk later on and tell him what you need him to be as a boyfriend and as a father! and if he cannot step up and do that much for you guys, then i don't know op, then you should firstly think of your baby and how an enviroment with a dad that does not want to be there would affect him.

i feel like my words are a bit harsh but reality is harsh and your baby and you deserved the best in life and if he is not it then its better without him! i'm sorry i don't want to make this worse for you. my heart truly goes out to you and i cannot believe what a copmplete ass he is being!!!
I messaged him and said I'm leaving and he messaged back 'what?!?! Don't be silly monkey stay there xxx" wtf? I'm so confused, he wants to talk so I've held back from running away just yet and will hear him out.

Everything you've said is right, J and is exactly how ive been feeling, if he can't support me now what the hell will it be like when baby is here?! A part of me knows he'll be a great dad, better than a boyfriend. I don't think he 'gets' women as he had a mentally ill mum who abused him. I think a lot of it boils down to this - his selfishness because he's always had to look after himself, his lack of empathy etc.

Let's see how it goes later. I've calmed myself down after talking to my brother and done some meditating as I got into a bad cycle of crying. Thanks for being there J, means alot xx
Oh OP...{{{HUGS}}} I'm so sorry you are going through this. I had a visitor from out of town staying with us for the weekend so I haven't been on BnB. I think J has a lot of great advice and points. I also think you understand yours and his situation better than any of us could. It sounds like he doesn't know HOW to be supportive or empathetic. Obviously you both really loved each other when you made the decision to TTC. I think many men, regardless of backgrounds, "freak out" when they actually find out they're going to be dads. I don't really know what the best solution for you is, but I do know that stress is not good for you or baby, so anything you can do to reduce your stress and take care of yourself is important. Glad you were able to meditate. And if you need to go to your mom's house, well by all means do it. Sometimes a day or two away can be good for everyone to just step away from the heat and cool off. {{{HUGS}}} We're always here for you if you need to talk or vent. No judgement. Hope you're feeling better today.

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