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Zinc for Men and More?

AFM - We went to my first u/s scan today. I'm glad DH could go with me. They did it trans-vaginally, which I wasn't really expecting, but it's okay. They had a huge TV screen in front so I could see straight on what was happening. They said my dates seem pretty spot on, the size is measuring, and the heartbeat was about 130BPM (which is normal for 7 weeks). It was very reassuring to see the heartbeat, but I think DH and I are both still feeling so cautious and not wanting to get too excited yet. Can't wait for week 12!
Thanks sweetie. Glad your u/s went well :) I and a transvaginal scan at 12 weeks as well as a belly one to check cervix length, was very weird to have in front of oh !
Sorry I haven't been on since getting back from Italy, it's all been a bit manic this weekend.

Aw big hugs to you op. :hugs: have you had a chance to chat to him tonight? It sounds like maybe he's just burying his head in the sand a little and escaping into his gaming, so that he doesn't have to admit responsibility to himself? How long have you guys been togeether? It's obviously completely different, but a while after dh and I got together, and I had moved in with him, dh had a bit of a blip and suddenly wasnt sure what he wanted. I think of it now as his midlife crisis! I think he just suddenly panicked and realised that this was it. Big decision time, if we stayed together then that would be it, and he had a panic. Could it be something similar for your oh? Now your pg, he's suddenly realised that he's tied down? Men tend to panic when they think that!!! And it sounds like he may have other attachment issues from when he was a child too? Anyway, what made me think of that was his reaction when you said you were leaving. I moved out for a while at the time and it was when I cleared my wardrobe and obvious things that he suddenly realised that he didn't want to lose me after all. I just wondered if you saying that to oh made him think that too? Perhaps some space for him to realise what he could lose wouldn't be a bad thing. Dh and I are about 10 years on from that now so it shows men an overcome their panic! Hope you are ok. As the others have said, we're all here for you.

J, congrats on your scan. Looks like a boy to me!

Sweetie, I had the same surprise when I had my 8 week scan! :happydance: for you that all was ok!
Hi ladies, I was just thinking that all four of us are pregnant now but we're still in the ttc forum. Shall I email admin and ask them to move the thread to the pregnancy groups forum? I think they can do this? What do you all think?
Hey amandas, thanks for the support. I'm ok much better than yesterday, I feel like I had a dark cloud over me and everything seemed much worse than it was, damn hormones.
Congrats on 18 weeks

Yes pm admin! X
So did you and oh talk things out then op??
Yes we talked that night after dinner until very late. I told him what I need from him, what I expect and if he thinks he can't support me then I want to know rather than after the baby comes so I can make decisions. He said he wants to support me and care for me better and is going to be there for me more than he has. We had tears and anger and got everything out.

Let see how it goes x
:) I'm happy for you op!! i think that we are much more sensitive with regards to how we feel about things and react to things during pregnancy and what we expect from our partners. it might be the hormones but its also because we are taking things more seriously because we want the best for our baby and ourself and all of this is very real now and we want to make the right choices and be happy with them and our life now and in the future.

best you talked so he knows your expectations and you know why he might have reacted in the way he did. i truly hope this works out for you guys and i'm sure it will!! once the baby is there he might transform into the best father and exceed all your expectations!!!

we're always here if you feel you need to talk :hugs:

i have been quite teary myself this week as work is hectic and putting allot of pressure on me and i'm trying my best in the circumstances but its just hard while you are pregnant to keep everyone at home and at work happy!!

but, this too shall pass :) :ignore:
So the saying goes! :)

We're going to keep communicating, it's important we share our hopes and fears together rather than sitting in separate rooms.

I think he will be an amazing father, hence why I chose him! We shall see, I do have a lot of faith in him. I've probably made him sound awful but he is a great partner, he is very affectionate and kind and so generous. I just hope he will grow up a bit over the coming months as I think he's been very used to a bachelor lifestyle of only having to look after himself, his mother doing everything for him didn't help either!

Sorry you've bee emotional. I agree keeping everyone happy is hard, concentrate on yourself, maybe go to a relaxing massage once a fortnight/week x
Congrats Amanda on 18 weeks!

Glad to hear you guys opened the lines of communication OP! I agree w/what J wrote and couldn't have said it any better. All my best and we don't think your OH is horrible. I'm sure it's a combination of a lot of emotions on both sides. Hey, that's what girlfriends are for!

J - That is a great attitude! I've been SOOOO exhausted, I keep thinking what would I do if I was working right now? I literally could fall asleep ANYWHERE lately and can't explain myself really to whomever I am with yet. I now know why my GF said she use to lock her office door and lie down on the office chairs after lunch to take a nap everyday when she was preggers! lol

AFM - I've been waking up before 8am everyday (which is early in our household, b/c we go to bed very very late). I guess it will be good adjustment for a baby. I've been getting heartburn and nausea everyday. Not much of any kind of appetite. Breaking out with painful bumps (going to get a facial today to see if that helps). And omg - brushing teeth has become a painful and dreaded event. :(
Went to a networking mixer last night and think I did pretty well fooling my friends with my mocktail of Grapefruit juice + Club Soda. Everyone thought it was my normal Greyhound. Getting ready for my sister's bachelorette party this weekend. :/ I don't know how I'm going to last. I think I will want to go home early every night and pass out every afternoon. Despite it all though, I'm glad to have symptoms b/c it seems to make for a more sticky bean.
Thanks sweetie, I'm glad you have good symptoms! :) I had all of those and boy am I glad to be in second tri now and have my energy back and no more sickness. It goes soo fast! X
OMGosh Ladies! I finally told my first person! My BFF called and told me she was expecting her 2nd baby and she just found out :BFP: today! I felt obliged then to tell her that I was also preggers! So exciting since she's always wanted to be pregnant at the same time! But I think my sister will be sad that she wasn't the first one I told.
I think I'm planning to reveal to our families around the 10 week mark b/c it will be DH's 40th bday dinner w/his family, and then I have to travel with my family immediately after. As tired as I've been, I think it'd be hard to conceal during travel.
Anyhow - just wanted to share my little milestone and exciting news.
Aw how nice, I told my bf before anyone too, I sent her a pic of the test! I wouldn't tell your sis that you told her first, my sister was so upset I didn't tell her til 12 weeks we're not even talking one (other issues too) x
i'm glad you could tell someone sweetie!! :) i also told my bf first... hehe!

great you are feeling the symptoms! it must be very reassuring!! i think revealing it at 10 weeks in your circumstances is a good thing bcoz it will get harder if your symptoms persist! and also like you said, really hard with your lifestyle! you are nearly 8 weeks!! and you are doing great and i'm so happy for you sweetie!!

i must say i'm also glad i have more energy now! still dead tired at night before bed but during the day is much much better!! cant believe its nearly weekend again!! ladies, before we know it, our babies are going to pop out!! :haha:
Aww shucks, you guys are great! :hugs2: Yes, I actually feel better about telling BFF first. After telling my sister about the m/c, she didn't handle my feelings very well. She is younger than me, getting married, getting a new house, etc. Everything has been about her, her, her this year. So she said some things so nonchalantly - when I told her she was being insensitive, she said "well, I don't even know why you chose to tell me." Things have been tough for me w/her (emotionally) since then. But yeah, I don't think I'll tell her that I told BFF first. We're traveling together next month, so hopefully me revealing the pregnancy will make for some good bonding.

J - Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better w/more energy! I was reading online last night about when to start ordering stuff and setting up a nursery and apparently most people say 2nd tri because delivery takes a long time and by 3rd tri, they're dead-tired again! :) And thanks! Yes, I look forward to counting down the weeks!

P.S. Who was in the U.K.? Are you in the London area? Gearing up for the Olympics? :)
So glad you got everything sorted OP. Sometimes it just takes having a big argument and then all the talk to get things out in the open. I think most men are still big kids themselves at heart and can struggle to the idea of becoming responsible! Shame about your sister, is it the sister you work with? :hugs: Families can be such a nightmare at times.

Sweetie, in the nicest possible way I'm glad you're feeling ill!!!! It's definitely a good sign that you've got a good strong bean this time. And so exciting for you that you're pg at the same time as your BFF! That will be so lovely for you to be able to share all the stages at the same time and your LOs will grow up the same age! It makes sense to tell your family early, we told our parents at about 5 weeks! But as the others have said, perhaps don't mention that you told your BFF first.

Bigs hugs to you too J :hugs: I know exactly what you mean about balancing everything. I feel like my life is a constant juggling act at the mo. it doesn't help that we have these damn pregnancy hormones that can change us from :happydance: to :cry: at a moment's notice!! Hope you're feeling a bit better. Glad you're not too tired now either.

AFM, work has been pretty stressful this week. I've got a new boss who is being a real bitch. She seems to have this whole power thing going on. Anyway yesterday we ended up having this argument about my work by email and she told me that I had to get some stuff finished by the end of the day, so I ended up working til 10.30pm on the computer. I was so tired. The main problem though is that I work 2.5 days so on my half day (3.5 hours) I just work from home. My previous manager was happy with that but the new one isn't and wants me to go to the office. The prob is it's an hours drive away so I'd end up travelling for 2 hours just to do 3.5 hours work! It's crazy! Anyway she's booked me in for a 3 way meeting with the senior boss to discuss it next week and I've decided i'm going to go to the union about it to get back up. Especially now I'm pregnant I don't think they can just change stuff like that with no reason. It's so annoying, I just want to do my job without all this stress :growlmad: Anyway rant over! Sorry about that!

Pregnancy wise, I've really started to feel the baby now which is lovely! You're right, it's going so quickly! I really need to get round to taking another bump pic to show you all! There's a proper proper bump now! Oh and sweetie, was it you that asked about maternity clothes? Anyway, I've been in a size up or maternity trousers since about 8-10 weeks!! Ha ha! Still ok in tops for now, they're just nicely fitted!

I'm still pretty tired, although not really napping in the day any more. Shattered by the evening though :sleep:

As for the olympics, I live in the south east so there's no actual events near me. We did debate getting tickets for something but never got round to it! I'll watch the ceremony tomorrow though! And I'm sure there'll be some local stuff on that's Olympics related. OP, you're London aren't you? Are you going to anything?

Glad everyone is ok!

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