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Zinc for Men and More?

i'm just glad its weekend so i can sleep in again!!! :D this is what i live for these days! i really want to do something outside this weekend as well, get in some fresh air like go for a nice picknic or something similar! its like my body wants me to spend more time outside.. it sounds weird i know, but i really want to just be outside all the time!!

maybe its because i'm in the office all day too. seems our jobs are making things hard for most of us lately, long hours, crap from the boss etc! cant wait for my maternity leave!!

i cannot wait to feel my bean move!!! the pregnancy would seem more real then because even now, i still don't feel pregnant. my bump is still barely there and having more energy during the day, i honestly feel like i did before i got pg!! going for another scan next week friday and i'm going to get a dvd of the baby then!! yay!!! so i can watch it over and over and over!!

its scary for me sometimes you know, not feeling the baby yet and feeling better these days because i get worried if he's okay in there. will really feel allot more relaxed once he starts morving!!

anyhow, enjoy your weekend girls!!! :shipw:
Just thought it was about time for another bump pic! Here's mine at 18.5 weeks! :blush:


  • Bump end July12.jpg
    Bump end July12.jpg
    4.5 KB · Views: 2
Omg Amanda! Cute bump pic!

J - that sucks about ur work situation! Here in the states, pregnan5 women are pretty protected in the workplace.

AFM - In San Diego for my sister's bachelorette party. Went to the Dr. To get checked gain and they said I have a virus, not a bacterial infection, which is why antibiotics haven't gotten rid of it. And she said since I started the pregnancy with it, I'll have some low grade form of it throughout the pregnancy. Bc if my body rejected the virus, then it would probably reject the baby. Ok, gotta run b4 all the other girls wake up.

Hope y'all have a great weekend w/ some r&r!
Ah Sweetie, shame about your virus. Hope it isn't affecting you too badly. Hope the party's gone well and you've got away with not drinking!

I'm just trying to work out our time difference cos you said you were going before everyone woke up but it was 4.47pm here Saturday afternoon!! It's 9pm Sunday now for me, so what time is it for you guys? xx
Ps, J how exciting that you get a DVD of your bean! I'm very jealous!!! Is there any way of posting it on here?
i'm not sure how to... i'm not too hot with all the computer things so i will try though!!

yes, my friend who has a different doctor gets a dvd with every single scan!! since 8 weeks!! and for us we get a scan every 5 weeks so you have dvd footage of your bean since the beginning. it is very cool! i will get my first one only now at 15 weeks but still very excited about it!! then my next scan will be the fetal assessment which i will have to get done at another clinic which specialises in these scans and as far as i know, they don't give dvd's which is a bummer since your really see your babay nicely at the fetal assessment!!

anyhow, your bump is gorgeous amanda!! mine is still barely there... will post a pic soon as i turn 15 weeks!! :)

enjoy your party sweetie and hoping the virus is not something serious!!
Hi Ladies!

Amanda - I'm in California with is Pacific Standard Time? It's 9:23 pm Monday night here for me. I checked with London time and it's ahead of California. :)

J - That's exciting about the DVD! My nurse told me I could bring a blank DVD to me next scan too so I could get a copy if I wanted. If you upload it to a site like vimeo or youtube a link share might be easier? I know it's pretty personal though so it's just a thought.

AFM - I was so sick this weekend it was pretty easy to get away with not drinking, though I think my sister is pretty suspicious now w/not drinking 2 weekends in a row.
I go in for my first office visit tomorrow. I guess they will go over testing and stuff to prepare for. They usually do the visit before the first scan, but my Dr. had me go in earlier for the scan. I'll let you guys know what happens tomorrow! :) Been so tired, just passed out this afternoon and ready to go to bed again.
has any of you felt you baby moving yet amanda and op? i cant remember if any of you mentioned this yet.. if so when did the baby start moving?

i cant wait to feel more pregnant and feel my bean moving. i'm 15 weeks now and cannot believe the baby is measuring up to 10cm already!! that is big already!

oh, and we might have decided on a name for a boy :D i think the winner is Ethan. :cloud9:
Yes I felt movement at 16 weeks, little flutters. They're strong now x
Yes I love Ethan. We still haven't come up with a boys name, it's much harder than girls'!
agreed op!! i had a ton of girl names but no clue what to call a boy... now we have kinda decided but will see if the name sticks :) doubt we will change our minds though.

thanks sweetie. its also a name that we don't hear often and no one we know has that name so we cant make some sort of connection to the name which is great.

hoping i will start feeling my bean soon then! my tummy is really stretching etc right now as its constantly painfull but i can feel its my muscles. cant wait till that passess!!
I'm getting lots of cramps and stretching now, I guess it doesn't stop for a while as uterus is stretching loads. I can't wait for my scan on Tuesday :)

Anyone dreaming about having baby? Last night I dreamt I gave birth and he was here!
It looks like we're 8 hours ahead of of you then sweetie! Which is why we're not often online at the same time!

What time is it for you J?

I have been feeling flutters for a few weeks now, but I didn't feel anything with my first pregnancy until 18 weeks. I'm just beginning to feel proper movements now too which is lovely! Particularly first thing in the morning, and then in bed in the evening. Dh even felt the baby move for the first time yesterday which was great!

Love the name J! We're the same. I've got loads of girls names that we love but are struggling to come up with boys names!

Is your scan next Tues OP? That's come round quickly!
Oh and I've been having loads of weird dreams too! A week or so ago I dreamt that I found a baby and someone told me that it was mine so I kept it!
I can't wait for DP to feel the kicks! Yes the scan as come round quick as I haven't been counting down days or anything. Is the 20 weeks scan much different to the 12?

I think j is in south Africa so time zone is nearly the same as uk

Actually J, my BFF wanted to use the name Ethan years ago. Then her sister-in-law and brother used it, and another close friend used it so she was pretty bummed. But agreed, it's not too common, and I don't know anyone named Ethan with any bad association! :)

We've had our names settled on for months. For the boy name, we both love it and it was set pretty fast. For the girls name, we could never really agree, so when DH came up with one I thought sounded pretty I said that's it. But honestly, I still waiver on it.

So my visit today was just mostly informational, got blood taken for screening certain problems, and set up my 12 week appt. I was kind of shocked to hear we don't get the scan to find out gender until week 18-20 (probably 20 they said). It seems soooo far away!

I think all the dreams are a good thing! Your maternal instincts are ready for baby already! :)
From what I remember the 20 week scan takes quite a bit longer because they go through and measure all the different organs and things. Not I that I could make out what she was showing me! They do a thorough check of everything which is reassuring. I think we'd going to take our little boy to it so he can see his little brother or sister!
Have you got your first scan on Friday Sweetie?
Forget that, sorry Sweetie, I've just remembered you've had it! I have such baby brain at the moment! I can barely remember my own name!!! How many more scans do you get?

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