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Zinc for Men and More?

Actually J, my BFF wanted to use the name Ethan years ago. Then her sister-in-law and brother used it, and another close friend used it so she was pretty bummed. But agreed, it's not too common, and I don't know anyone named Ethan with any bad association! :)

We've had our names settled on for months. For the boy name, we both love it and it was set pretty fast. For the girls name, we could never really agree, so when DH came up with one I thought sounded pretty I said that's it. But honestly, I still waiver on it.

So my visit today was just mostly informational, got blood taken for screening certain problems, and set up my 12 week appt. I was kind of shocked to hear we don't get the scan to find out gender until week 18-20 (probably 20 they said). It seems soooo far away!

I think all the dreams are a good thing! Your maternal instincts are ready for baby already! :)

Yes 20 weeks for anomaly scan is normal here, they test defects etc but you also find out gender :)

Glad you've settled on names, I feel lost!
yes my timeline is basically the same as UK. i had a terrible baby dream about 3 nights ago and actually dreamt i miscarried :( it was really unnerving and horrible. i'm only having bad dreams lately, so hoping something good comes along soon :)

i went with my bff to her 20 weeks scan and its really great. they go into such detail and realy measure everything and check that everything is there that is supposed to be there. and then of course, gender!!

i'm going for my scan again first thing tomorrow morning and i cannot wait!! doc will be able to tell better if we are infact having a boy so we shall see. glad i'm having the scan after that horrible dream!

time is going really fast, in a month, i will be going for my 20 weeks scan!!
Yes I had some negative dreams earlier on, I think it's normal hun. Still not nice. Time is going so fast! All my customers notice now as my bump is big now and are v happy for me. It's really weird when people comment because I forget myself sometimes. X
Oh J - what a scary dream. I'm sure it's just your mama bear protective instincts kicking in. How many scans do you get?

It looks like I will only get 2 more scans: one at 12 weeks, and one at 20 weeks. I wish I could get them more often of course.

OP - That is so cute that you forget about the bump sometimes too. I'm sure it's common and you're like "huh? how did a stranger know I was pregnant?" :)
Hehe I know! I'm thinking 'is it that obvious?!' but of course it is!

Yes we have 12 and 20 only here but I bought a 8 week scan for reassurance as I couldn't wait until 12 weeks.
Ah J, what a horrible dream. My dreams have been really bizarre too. I think it's just a pregnancy thing. Good luck at your scan tomorrow! Looking forward to seeing pics and hope you can upload the DVD somehow!

I've been the same with my bump. I keep forgetting it's there and then I glance down and it takes me by surprise! :dohh: A couple of times I've even looked down and instinctively breathed in!

I've been really tired the last few days. My lo has started waking up in the night for a wee (having been dry at night for nearly 2 months). It's made me wonder how am I going to cope with waking up during the night with a newborn?!!?

Ive got my 3 way meeting with my managers tomorrow about my working hours so have been stressing over that too. And had an argument with my mum on Monday about childcare. She looks after my little boy while I'm at work which I really appreciate, but if I ask her to do something differently she gets annoyed. Anyway, I probably should call her and sort it out but I'm putting it off!

On the bright side, it's my scan one week tomorrow! Yay!
wel ladies, doc confirmed its def a boy!! he is growing very nicely and she is very happy with how he is doing.

we get a scan every 5 weeks. and the last 2 months, every 3 weeks. i love it because you can be sure your bean is doing okay especially when you cant feel him yet.

i wont be too bothered if i start feeling him because that is reassurance that he is still okay and moving! next scan now is only at 20 weeks in september.

good luck with all thats going on at the moment amanda!! hoping this too shall pass :)

my bump is showing only very slightly and people are also commenting on it which also catches me by surprise sometimes because i don't feel that pregnant yet so cant wait till my bean moves!!
wel ladies, doc confirmed its def a boy!! he is growing very nicely and she is very happy with how he is doing.

we get a scan every 5 weeks. and the last 2 months, every 3 weeks. i love it because you can be sure your bean is doing okay especially when you cant feel him yet.

i wont be too bothered if i start feeling him because that is reassurance that he is still okay and moving! next scan now is only at 20 weeks in september.

good luck with all thats going on at the moment amanda!! hoping this too shall pass :)

my bump is showing only very slightly and people are also commenting on it which also catches me by surprise sometimes because i don't feel that pregnant yet so cant wait till my bean moves!!

Congrats on a boy :happydance: how lovely, you'll feel movements next week probably as I felt my flutters at 16 weeks. Jeez you guys get loads of scan! We only get two/three I think!

Afm - felt some kicks so was watching my belly and saw it!! My belly jumped with a big kick!! Amazing :cloud9:
Amanda - Hope the meeting with your managers went ok. I've been so exhausted, I can't even imagine being preggers and having to take care of another LO. My poor dog doesn't even get to stick on her schedule as much as before. :/

J - Congrats on getting positive confirmation on a boy! I can't wait to start shopping and you get to know or sure what to shop for now! :)

OP - I am with you! Quite jealous of how many scans they all get! :) I think we only get 3 total here. I've had some friends with more scans, but maybe b/c they had bleeding issues and/or paid for extra ones. My BFF said she only got 3 scans too. It makes me want to go and buy a doppler now just to be able to monitor myself somehow. And YAY on seeing the baby move! That's amazing!

AFM - 1 day left till 9 weeks. I literally count the days till each following week and can't wait to see the what is the next "fruit". :) This week SMELLS are really bothering me and I can't help but think there is something that smells awful everywhere we go. And I take out the trash every day because I think there is a funny smell. *sigh* I even told my poor sister that there was a smell in her car that was like "toe jam". lol sorry :/
20 weeks today! Scan tomorrow! Eeek :)

How's my zinc ladies?
yay op, please let us know of the gender and post a pic!! i cannot wait to feel him move! it must have been amazing to actually see your tummy move with the kick!!

you are catching up nicely with us sweetie :) i only have a 3days of work week as we are going away for a long weekend from thursday!! its going to be so nice to relax and just take some time off!!
Will definitely do! Due a bump pic too so will take that too :)

Long weekend away sounds lovely, I've got Sunday off this week which will be nice so plan to go to the local farmers Market and pick up some nice produce.

I've booked a holiday in Cyprus for 8 nights on September 1st :D can't wait to get some real sun! X
Hi ladies!

OP - excited for you to have your scan! Can't wait to hear your results! A getaway to Cyprus sounds lovely! Is that where the Greek mythology has the eternal youth springs?

J - Thanks! A long weekend is something you definitely deserve!

Amanda - how r u doing sweetie?

AFM - I'm doin okay but getting a little stressed out. We're going to tell our family next weekend at 10 weeks. I'll be relieved because my FIL has been fishing for news a lot lately, "anything new?...any new news?... Anything exciting?". And my mom has been asking too how long it takes to get pregnant after a mc and have I been to the dr., etc. But I really want to get some kind of confirmation from the dr.s office that everything is okay before I tell them. And I'd feel a lot better having another scan or even for the dr. To confirm heartbeat before I go on my trip in a week and half. Idk what I can say to make them scan me again though. It's not normal procedure here and the insurance not pay unless the dr.s had good cause. Sigh...I think waiting 5 weeks in between scans sounds like an eternity right now.
It's where Aphrodite was born :) I'm half Cypriot so am staying at a cousins villa, saving alot of money which is always good when a baby is on the way!

Good luck telling family sweetie, I know it must be worrying. When is your next scan? Could you wait until 12 weeks and show them the scan pic as a surprise as mc goes to 5% after 12 weeks. Good luck whatever you decide x
Congrats on 20 weeks OP! :happydance: I can't believe we're half way now!! (well i will be tomorrow!) The last few weeks seem to have gone really quickly! Cyprus will be lovely, just what you need! And fab that you have somewhere to stay! Very jealous! Good luck at your scan tomorrow!

Aw Sweetie, I don't think you'll be able to convince them to scan you early. Already though, by 10 weeks your chances of mc have gone right down. As long as you're still feeling tired and/or nauseous like you have been, then just try to take that as a positive sign that everything is ok. Your first scan showed that everything was fine then and it was only a few weeks ago. There's no reason at all why everything shouldn't be fine now. Last time you knew something was wrong and this time everything feels different, with the sickness etc, so I'm sure it'll all be fine this time. :hugs: Just try not to worry, tell your close family and I'm sure they'll be really pleased for you! Also it'll save all the probing questions! Then you can save telling everyone else til you've had your scan. And you can go away and have a break, looking forward to your scan when you get back!

Ooh J, have a lovely long weekend! A three day week is a good start to that too! Did you get a DVD of your scan? That must be so amazing, I'd watch it all day long!!

AFM, all ok. 20 weeks tomorrow! And scan on Thurs. I have another glucose blood test on wed too. Fingers crossed for this one. Really beginning to feel the baby move more now which is lovey. Dh got about 5 kicks in a row last night which was great. I've been getting heart burn quite a bit this time which I didn't get last time which is strange. And I get the metallic taste in my mouth again too sometimes, which I quite like cos it reminds me I'm pregnant!

I sent a long email to my mum and we sorted things out which is good. I have to officially reapply for my flexible working pattern so will see how that goes.

It's good to hear from you all and glad everyone is well! I did email admin about moving the thread to the pregnancy discussion but haven't had a reply and it doesn't seem to have moved so far!
Oh yes! I knew it was a special place in Greek mythology! A family villa - sounds beyond lovely! You should get some special bump/memory pics while there!

I would wait to tell them till 12 weeks, but as I will be traveling with my family at 10 1/2 weeks, it would be hard to wait. The nurse already confirmed that I SHOULD as the airport security for a pat down and not to go through the scan machine. I read on BnB about some m/c after going through the scanner and when I asked the nurse at my appt. she agreed not to go through them! So I definitely just want to tell my family so I don't have to be all tricky when we're at the airport (especially since I'm going on 4 different flights). And I'd like to tell them a little before my sister's wedding as well. I will be 12 weeks on my sister's bridal shower and 14 weeks on her wedding.

We can also tell my in-laws at 10 weeks while we see them for DH's 40th birthday dinner. They are coming to stay with us for the weekend and I think it's nicer to tell them in person.

LoL - I'm probably over-thinking it all. But I seriously can't wait for 12 weeks and that scan! My GF that got pregnant right away when we both started talking about TTC had her baby yesterday! I will probably go visit today and see the little baby. :)
AFM, all ok. 20 weeks tomorrow! And scan on Thurs. I have another glucose blood test on wed too. Fingers crossed for this one. Really beginning to feel the baby move more now which is lovey. Dh got about 5 kicks in a row last night which was great. I've been getting heart burn quite a bit this time which I didn't get last time which is strange. And I get the metallic taste in my mouth again too sometimes, which I quite like cos it reminds me I'm pregnant!

I sent a long email to my mum and we sorted things out which is good. I have to officially reapply for my flexible working pattern so will see how that goes.

Ah Amanda! You and I were typing at the same time! CONGRATS on 20 weeks! Wow! That sounds so crazy when you say you're halfway there! That's awesome abou DH feeling the kicks. That all seems so far away for me still. I hear you on the things that remind you that you're pregnant. I hear the metallic taste and heartburn are both quite common (though not fun at all I'm sure).

That sure is good that you could sort things out with your mom. I'm sure that will be a big stress relief.

Well, today I didn't have any signs of m/s or nausea and I had a really big appetite and hungry! It was so strange, of course it made me worried. I talked to the nurse and she said that those good days do cause women to worry. After talking to her a bit, she told me I could come in before my trip and have a listen to the baby's heartbeat. :) It will be ON DH's birthday so I of course only want good news and good results. But after I hung up with the nurse I spoke to baby and told him/her that he could go ahead bring back the nausea and morning sickness to show me he/she's growing fine inside. Well, not even an hour later and I do feel queasy again. lol...maybe it's in my head. :wacko:
My ms stopped at exactly 9 weeks so I wouldn't worry, the placenta has started taking over and the yolk sac has decreased vastly in size, so all that may explain you feeling better.

Amandas - good luck with the glucose test x

One more sleep til I see baby, cant wait! X
Great news that you get to hear the heartbeat Sweetie!

Good luck tomorrow OP, looking forward to seeing the pics! X
You must post an update scan if you can tomorrow OP! Very exciting!

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