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ahhh thats awesome sweetie!! so happy all went well with telling everyone!! :)

i'm sure your dh will understand with everything thats been going on lately!! as for the stretching, i have not had itchy skin at all but i do use bio oil every day since i found out so my skin is very moisturised and maybe thats why i don't feel the itching...

but what i most certainly feel is my uterus stretching as this goes along with pain in the lower abdomen and sharp twitching sometimes. i have been quite uncomfy in my lower abdomen for the last month so its def stretching down there!! just keep using the cream or oil of your choice and all should be great!

aww your bump is soo cute op!! i will try take a photo sometime this week or so but my bump is still small although its coming along!!
Hi Ladies!

Just so excited I had to share! I just got back from the office visit and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat on the Doppler! I'm so glad I kind of pushed to hear it before I leave on my trip this week! At the first u/s it was more that we got to "see" the heartbeat. On the Doppler, it's so loud and clear! It definitely put me more at ease!
On a side note, it's DH's 40th birthday today and I have just been so tired and preoccupied with baby and my sister's wedding stuff, I didn't even order his gift or have anything planned. Such a bad wifey. :/

Ah so glad you got to hear the heartbeat! :happydance:

I'm sure you treated your dh, don't worry x
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't had a chance to post for the last week or so. We had our scan last week and all was good which is great! We're spot on for size too! I passed my 20 weeks gtt, so next one not til 24 weeks!

I'm so happy for you sweetie that your family were all so pleased for you! Happy anniversary too! I found at about 9 weeks that my skin was really itchy, not just my tummy, but my whole body. I had to put loads of moisturiser on and it soon felt better. Tummy-wise I'm not really itchy any more, but as J said I'm covering myself in bio oil so I think that's helping. Only a week and a half now until you're 12 weeks! Yay! When is your scan? And great news you got to hear the heartbeat too, it's such a fantastic sound!

Fab bump pics op! It's lovely feeling all the little kicks isn't it?! In fact, ive got a very active bubba in there right now! It must know I'm talking about him/her!
Well done for all the exercise, I'm afraid I still haven't started anything! I went to pregnant yoga last time so need to look into that again. I also did hypnobirthing classes and would definitely recommend it. I really think it helped me to relax

J, I'm impressed with your exercise levels! Running?! I will just about run to the car if it's raining! Did you have a good weekend away? So glad you can start feeling him move too! The flutters will soon become kicks! And then your oh can start to feel him too which is lovely!

I can't believe I'm 21 weeks already! The last few weeks seem to have gone really quickly! Hope you are all having a good week!
Thanks Ladies! Yes J, I think that what I feel is the uterus stretching. I've been looking at my stomach for signs of stretching, but it all feels internal!

Amanda - Glad to hear from you! Congrats on making it past the halfway point! Did you not get to find out what you are having yet? Boy/girl? Or did I miss it? Thanks for the lovely words. I go to get my scan on 12+4 after my trip. Hoping for at least a good guess on gender then!

P.S. What is the hypnobirthing? I will have to look into that. :)
Hi Sweetie, we decided not to find out the gender, we're waiting for the surprise at the end! We didn't find out with ds either and were pleased to find out when he popped out!

I was about to explain what hypnobirthing is but thought it'd be better if I just give you a link to the site that explains it much better than I can!


This is the uk site but I'm pretty sure it's worldwide? I also found this article which I thought was quite interesting.


Oh Amanda that's so cool! I originally told DH I'd want to find out as a surprise but he wasn't happy with that, and I realized I want to know to shop for stuff. :). But that's so awesome! My SIL waited to find out as a surprise too!

Thanks for the link on by no Orr ing! Will have to read it when I get back from my trip.
Hope u ladies have a great weekend!
hi ladies,

just though i'd post a bump pic... don't you ladies think that my bump is still small for 17, almost 18 weeks. everyone notices it now as its getting bigger but still seems small to me dont you think?


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You've definitely started showing but I think you are small because, it's your first and also because you have very toned abs so it'll be longer til you pop as your muscles are holding it in well. But that's a good thing hun as you'll spring back amazingly!! Can def see a difference though x
Don't worry J, you'll soon pop!! You know everything is fine from the scan, so just be pleased you're small!! I know it's easy for me to say, but hopefully it'll mean that you'll get your figure back quickly afterwards. I saw a friend of mine today who's 30 weeks and I'm bigger than her already!!! I'm going to be the size of a house by Xmas!
Lol amanda! Sure you won't be as big as a house even though you might feel like it!

Guess you ladies are right! We can't compare our bumps with others coz every person is different and their body as well.. Sure its gonna pop soon enough though! :)

Enjoy your weekend ladies!!
IM definitely attending some hypnobirthing classes, amanada. I want to stay calm during labour so I'm hoping the yoga and hypnotherapy classes will help. The preg yoga is amazing, we do lots of positions which are good for during and after labour, the breathing exercises are great too. Glad your gd test went well, and yay for team yellow, so exciting! I'm def staying yellow for my second x
Oh J yourbumpis so cute! But yes,you are so fit and thin I'm jealous! I look like that after a big meal. Even though I'm a size 4 but my belly can fluctuAte so much.

Sorry for the typos. Typing on iPad sucks.

Anyhow, u will bounce back quickly after baby!
yay for sweetie!!!! 11 weeks and counting!! weeks surely move quickly now.. cant believe in 2 weeks i will be in the 20's!! yay!!

i'm feeling so content and happy today, winter is nearing its end here and spring is in the air!! such a lovely time to be pregnant!!
Ah I had 3 week old twins come in my shop yesterday :cloud9: a boy and a girl! Made me so excited! The parents looked so chilled and happy! I thought you look like a zombie at 3 weeks?! :haha: good to know anyway!
Wow 3 week old twins, scary!

I definitely recommend hypnobirthing. Although obviously my labour didn't exactly go to plan,I do think it helped. I saw the mw a few days after birth and she said that when I came into hospital she thought that I would be going home as I seemed too relaxed to be in established labour. She was surprised when she checked me and discovered I was 6 cm dilated!

I really do need to to look into pregnancy yoga.

We have my vbac app tomorrow. I'm quite nervous actually because it's all getting nearer now! Hopefully tomorrow will help make me more relaxed about it all.

Hope you're all ok!
Hey girls, I'm a little worried. Not much movement in 24 hours, maybe he's changed his sleeping pattern? I'm not sure but going to call my midwife today I think as he's usually kicking a lot and didn't kick once yesterday until I got home from work at 6pm?
I'm sure he's ok just want to be sure, hope you're all good x
I've had some good kicks this afternoon so im not worried anymore, think he's sleeping more now or having a growth spurt. Used my Doppler for first time in ages and heard a good strong beat :)

Just realised I'm in the last box before third tri in my ticker! X
Hi Ladies!

I'm back and jet-lagged from my week long trip. Survived all the walking and not many naps, but glad to be back in a driving city! Got my sister's bridal shower to throw today, but wanted to pop in and say HI! And I can't believe I'm finally at 12 weeks! woot woot!
I'm still not ready to reveal to everyone though until I have my u/s scan on Wednesday. I finally meet the Dr. on Tuesday and have an exam I guess they do a Pap smear and some other stuff? FX'd it all comes out good. Then I can shout it to the world!

OP - WOW! You are moving along quickly! I'm glad the baby moved for you! I know my girlfriend had a worrisome day like that once and spent Valentine's Day in the Dr's office trying to get seen. She said, "I drank cold stuff, I drank hot stuff, I ate spicy stuff, and he won't move!" The Dr. told her, "sometimes the baby just needs to sleep." Hahah - she still wasn't happy until he moved the next day. I can totally understand the worry though.

J - You're so close to the halfway mark! :D

Amanda - Hope your appt went well!

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