Zinc for Men and More?

Awww.... your doggie looks like my first LH Chihuahua, Bailey. He's pretty emo and was adopted by my future BIL and sister. I still have my second LH chihuahua, Chloe. And my mom has one of her babies!

Oh jeez - I'm like the old lady around here :) I'm 32. Eeks! It's still hard to even remember that I'm over 30! Everyone pressured me to hurry up and have kids younger, but DH wanted to enjoy being married for a few years first and I'm really glad we did. Though I will worry big time if we don't get preggers by 6mo.
:) yes she's the love of my life.. she's a pomeranian and i wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.. she's like my baby now :)

luckily af is nearly gone now so life can get back to normal!!

i feel a little down today... its one of those days where you feel like you've got it all but yet you still feel so deprived... like life is just not what you need it to be right now!! i guess the moment you decide to have a baby the way you think about things change.. i guess i have a great life, i really cant complain, i just want something to better it!! and its soo frustrating that i feel stuck in the same place month after month!!

i really do hope things can just move along now! move to the place where we are all happily pregnant :)
Aw my nan had Pomeranians too, so sweet.

It's awesome we're all at similar stages of our cycle!

I'm going to start opks earlier this time as I'm sure i left it too late last month. Twice a day this time too.

Think i temper too early today as it's dropped a lot but it doesn't matter this early on any way as ov isn't near yet.

I know what you mean J, you just want that missing piece of the puzzle. I feel the same.

Sweetie, you're at a nice age for ttc dont worry, it good you had some child-free years. My oh is 32 and wants to have children soon, doesn't want to be too old. I've always wanted children quite young, not too young though x
My oh is 31 and he also doesn't want children too late. it just needs to happen already!!

will do opk's earlier this month too although my o is always right on time.. maybe just bd a bit more or something!!

and yes sweetie, you are still at a good age!! most of my friends are only having babies at that age.. i would like one early thats all. maybe if you and me get the bd timing right this month we would get lucky! ocean pearl has that part sorted ;) i must say if the flu just does not interfere again there would be allot of that going around!! starting today! i hate af...
Aww... pom poms are so cute! We go up to Mammoth a lot since my DH is a ski bum. The hotel we always stay at has a resident Pom and he is never scared of the cold or snow! So cute!

J - sorry you're feeling down today. {{{Hugs}}} I know what you mean exactly, and my GF that tried for over a year called me yesterday. She said it precisely, "Once you are ready to have a baby in your life, nothing else seems to matter and you just want to get started already!"

OP - It is cool that we are all on similar cycles! AF was ugly for 2 days and then yesterday and today I am barely spotting. I think the EPO did help with the cramps too (but I started taking it on Day 2). I would also start OPKs from right after AF leaves. I've read on here a few women got preggers/OV the day after AF! I did that last month and did the OPKs 2xs a day after CD8. I would do one cheap one in the day and one CB at night. :)

Thanks for the nice words about my age. I don't think I'm too old yet, but if it doesn't happen soon, I'll have to bite my words and face my mom (who was telling me to get preggers before 30 forever!)

Glad the week is half over! And HAPPY LEAP DAY ladies!!!
Happy leap year!

Apparently today women can propose to men. Entered my head for a second but I'm a traditional girl and would like him to ask me! Would be cute though.

Sweetie - glad AF went easy on you this time around.

I did an opk today but negative. My chart is really cool as you can enter everything on there. Don't think I'm temping right though as it's a bit spiky. My cats wake me up a lot so I have broken sleep, I've got to try and temp the same time every morning or there's no point!
happy leap year to you ladies!!

ocean pearl, the thought entered my mind as wel, but just like you i feel that is not my place.. thats something he needs to do! for a change something he needs to do lol!

i read that with the temping you have to sleep for at least 3 hours straight before taking your temp. and at the same time every day.. so maybe try set your alarm and keep the themometer right next to you so when the alarm goes, you just immediately take your temp! i know what you mean tho, my dog also wakes me up all through the night so would be a mission for me to get it right too... wel at least we will not be bothered too much with a baby waking us up even few hours since we've pretty much have that already with our pets... :)

still one whole week till o... my af is strange as wel sweetie, have 2 days of fairly heavy af then for the next 3 days its very very light.. and very little cramping! i do prefer it this way than a week of bad af!! since i have fairly regular o times i will only start to temp next friday. should get my positive on saturday and o on sunday.
Exactly! I've put forward everything else : moving in together etc, this one is for him! Problem is I think he is the type of guy that is happy just rolling along in life and without a prod he wouldn't even think about it! I do say things like 'when we get married' so we do talk about it.

My AF is similar, first two day horridly heavy, next three light.

J- yeah you're right, I always leave my bbt on my bedside table and have an alarm for it so I hope it'll be able to read ovulation. I check my cm the same time everyday too. Oh if only guys knew what we were up to they would run a mile! :)
lol ocean pearl, ur right!! they would run a mile!! to them everything is soo simple.. when in actual fact, we know the truth!

my oh is like urs as well.. he loves the way things are, he loves his comfort zone.. why should anything change?? so i have to prod him now and then as well.. but it would be nice if he makes a big descision on his own too and don't just always leave me up to do it... its frustrating sometimes but i get what i want in the end so its okay i guess.. we do talk about marriage as well but it always seems like its a distant thought..

funny how they don't mind having babies with us but they are in no hurry to get married.. to me a baby is a much greater commitment than marriage! all in good time i guess.. the thing is just, you can always get married.. its easy.. but you cant always have babies.. thats not so easy as we all know!

wel, lets hope the baby thing works out for all of us soon!! :)
Yes and you can always get divorced, but having kids is forever! A life long commitment. I wasn't keen on getting married for a while, and even now I'm on the fence a bit. I would like the security of it but to be honest i am happy like this. Marriage would be a bonus I guess. If it happens, it happens.

My sister has been with her partner for 15 years, not married. My mum had 3 failed marriages so I guess it doesn't hold promises.

Sounds like our fellas are v similar!

Waiting for the eggy now, getting impatient! Opk neg again today, will keep testing everyday now as I'm convinced I missed it last time. Since I've only got a 27 day cycle its very easy to miss ovulation.

Aww... ladies. I don't quite know what to say. When DH and I were dating he would always make comments about us having a baby together before we were married too. I would always reply "No carriage before marriage!". When we got engaged/married, THEN he wanted to wait to have kids. It's funny how things work out. But I've also known a few women who got engaged as soon as their BF's found out they were preggers!

I'm on CD5 and even though I should still be on my period, I haven't seen any sign of AF today. I might do an OPK tonight to start if AF doesn't show up again.
I said the same to my partner, I said I would prefer to be married first but it's not essential. I don't want to force the issue on him, I would like to wait until we're both ready. I would love to be married one day though.

Yes start opks asap now your period has finished sweetie x
I've been feeling crafty lately and made these headbands for my BFF's daughter. It's making me hope I get at least 1 daughter sometime in the future so I can dress her up!

Definitely agree that the order of things or marriage isn't even always necessary. I just come from very traditional, strict parents. I would never hear the end of it. I even got hassled for "staying over" with my DH when we were engaged and one month till the wedding. ay. gives me a headache just thinking about it.

OK gonna start OPKs tonight.

Baby dust to all 3 of us ladies! Let's HOPE that MARCH is a winner for all of us!!!



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Those are beautiful! You are very creative!

I too would love a daughter, or two. Would love to teach them to cook and bake and dress them up, do their hair. I would love a son too.

I'd love to not find out the sex when I get preggers but I know I wouldn't be able to wait!

I come from a Muslim background sweetie, so understand. Luckily my mum and dad are a more relaxed generation, whereas my grandparents aren't but they don't know much about my life. They just hear what they want too!

I'm sure you will get your precious daughter soon

hi ladies..

wel, i would really love to be a mother and a wife! but for me too its not a necessity... it will hapen sometime and when it does it would be great!! everyone wants things to be in a certain order obviously, especially the older generations but you know, in the end of the day its still your life and its still you who has to live in it. i don't want to pressure my oh into it either as i don't want to wonder whether he really wanted to do it or just because thats what i wanted. i want it to come from his heart!

in the meantime i would like to have a baby girl myself!! more than anything! so i hope that we get blessed with one first! i woudn't be able to wait to know what i'm having.. it would drive me crazy not knowing! bcoz i'd want to talk with my baby etc while pregnant and i'd like to know who i'm talking to ;)

sweetie, those headbands are beautifull!! i would dress my baby girl up too and i cant wait to do that!! i do hope we can all get pregnant soon!! and what would be greater is if we all get bfp's the same month!!! how fabulous would that be!! so ladies, lets take this month and give it our all at conceiving!! and ps.. for girls, get yourselves an additional calcium, magnesium supplement. aparantly this increases the odds of having a girl :)
ps . . do you ladies have a name yet? for your baby.. a girl and boy name?
Oooooh I'm so ready for the egg this month J! So is DP, he keeps asking when he's on duty :haha:

We're going to dtd everyday starting today and twice a day this time during the three days before ov and day of ov. Its going to be knackering, but it needs to be done!

Definitely doing preseed in the run up to ov too, just so the sperm have a longer life.

If it doesn't happen this month, and my blood tests show I'm ovulating normally, I'm definitely pressing my gp for a scan/hsg to check my tubes.

I don't really have any names in mind yet, but can't wait to start thinking about that once I am pregnant. :cloud9:

Let's do this girls!!!:happydance::thumbup:
wel, what you should try as wel is to keep your hips elevated after you bd'd.. keep them in the air for at least 10 mins. you can do this during the days prior to o only as thats when you really want the spermies to stay in there! pre-seed is a great idea which we will also use this month! i read, the problem is the acidity of your vagina, not cervix. since most spermies die before they even reach the cervix. so what pre-seed does is it makes the whole inviroment sperm friendly which promotes more spermies to travel into the cervix and if you keep your legs elevated afterward, your chances are so much better! also sexual position is key..

i've started drinking 1 cup of green tea a day as wel.. its a good antioxidant and it also promotes fertile cm. i've read your chances can increase when drinking 1 cup a day! i'm religiously taking my fertileCM and epo! so i'm also very much ready this month!!

so excited! oh and myself has already started bd'ing the last 2 nites.. going to do it every 2nd nite until thursday. then every day until monday. i shoul o on saturday!

really having high hopes for all of us this month!!

Oh! Don't know what happened to my reply post yesterday? It disappeared. :(

OP - Thanks about the headbands! That's awesome that your parents are more modernized and cool with stuff. I was born in the U.S. but my parents still are very traditional. And I've always thought it would be so great to wait and have the gender be a surprise! But DH is not keen on that idea. So OP you want 3 kids then?

Everyone always assumes I want/need a girl because I am really very girly-girl and worked in the fashion industry. Yes, it would be so fun and probably a lot easier for me. But being from an Asian background, everyone always wants boys. DH is the "last male" in his family line, so all the aunties and parents are always "wishing [me] to be blessed with boys"... so you see I feel some pressure. If I have a boy first, I would be relieved. But honestly, I really don;t care as long as I get 2 happy and healthy babies that grow up to be be nice and good people.

J1405 - Thanks for the nice words! Yes, girls are so fun to dress up and make things for! At least my BFF had a girl so I get to do all that stuff for her! I know what you mean about wanting it to come from his heart and no pressure. My GF is going through that now too. Guys just like to take their time don't they? But once you guys have a baby, I'm sure his heart will catch up real fast!

NAMES: Omygod do I have names! We've been playing "the name game" since before we got married. I love to toss out name ideas and google meanings. I even have a spreadsheet I started last year to keep the names we liked, ranked, and the name meanings - so we don't forget.

PRESEED: Yes definitely!

GREEN TEA: I never knew what the green tea was for or about, so thanks for explaining. I also heard you can't drink the green tea during TWW?

GOODLUCK BD'ing GIRLS!!!!:happydance: FX'd it's the lucky month for us all! I really do hope we all get :bfp: around the same time! We will start :sex: this weekend (even though I think it's early for me still).
If you guys have names, what are your favorites at the moment?

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