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Hi Ladies! Sorry to have been MIA from BnB lately but I feel like I kinda keep up with ya'll on FB nowadays! Wow! Everyone is in the final stretch now right? I know my original DD was Christmas so I think all of you girls are pretty close now!
I'm officially 27 weeks and in 3rd trimester now! Just did a bump update pic on FB so I won't re-post here.
Baby girl is kicking A LOT and I feel it every day and night (especially) despite being told I have an Anterior Placenta and that it would be harder to feel her kicks. DH even feels them since about 20 weeks.
We had a little scare a few weeks ago. The radiologist spotted some calcium deposits (echogenic intracardiac focus) in the baby's heart from the ultrasound. I went in over a week ago for a follow up ultrasound at another office and both that Dr. and the tech didn't see anything, which is a good thing, but supposedly is very common in thin women and Asians. It was just a relief to hear both specialists didn't see it anymore.
Baby is always sitting low, low, low in my pelvis, behind my hip bones and/or towards my spine. Lots of low back pain and tossing & turning in my sleep.
I'm looking forward to seeing some baby updates and pics on FB any time now! :) Good luck ladies for those last few weeks!
Hi ladies, I've had quite a busy week. Last sat I realised that I'd been really itchy all over for the previous few days so rang the hospital and they asked me to come in for blood tests. The tests showed my liver scored a bit high so I had a liver scan on Monday and more blood tests. The liver scan was fine (and they scanned the baby too which was great!) but my blood tests were still a bit high. They're not really sure why though. There's a condition called choleostasis (sp?) but my bile levels and others should also be high for this, and it's only my liver. So anyway, had more blood tests yesterday, but haven't heard since. The obstetrician is now saying that boxing day is the latest he'll let me go before I have to have a c sec. And I wouldn't choose Boxing day for my LO's bday so when I go back in a week I think we'll ask for it to be a couple of days before Xmas. But I've got two sessions of acupuncture booked before then so fxed that does the trick!

Glad the calcium deposits seem to have gone sweetie. And great that you're getting loads of movement!

I'm not too sure how much weight I've put on j, they weighed me about 3 weeks ago but I can't find where they wrote it down. I have a feeling that I'd put on about 11lb which is about 5kg, but that was from my booking in appt at 10 weeks and id already put on loads of weight by then! Having said that I've been on a diabetic diet for 6 months so haven't had much chance to put on weight!

Yay op, we're full term! How are you feeling? Do you feel ready? I don't at all, still so much to do!
Amanda - Oh! Sorry to hear about your liver issue. So I think you mean they will induce or you will for sure get a c-sect? Gosh I can't believe your ticker says you only have 15 days left!!! And sounds like you've barely gained anything! Good luck hun!
Because of my previous c sec they won't induce me, which means they'll want to book me straight in for another cs. I'll find out the date on mon so I'll let you all know! Although I'm determined to get this baby out naturally before then!

I'm currently sat in the waiting room to see the Mw and just weighed myself. I've put on 5.6kg which is about 12lb since booking in appt. But I had definitely already put on weight by then so I think I've prob gained about 8kg in total.

I haven't been on fb to browse much recently so I'll have to go on to check out your bump pic sweetie!

Good luck if you have any movement op!!! The race is on now!
awesome amanda! hope you get the opportunity to at least try give normal birth!!

went to the doc myself today and he says my boy is doing perfect! weighs 2.5kg and will be around 3.2kg at birth! she also says she can see some hair on his head! so he will prob have my dark hair and not daddy's blonde. he has also turned already and in perfect position should i have wanted to give birth vaginally.

my section is booked for 9am on 16 jan which is awesome! then i have the rest of the day with my brand new son!! i cannot wait anymore ladies!! cant imagine how you guys feel with only 2 weeks left!! luckily just under 5 weeks for me!!

he is still very active and moves allot but doc says he will stay head down until jan as there is too little space now for him to flip around. luckily have not had any kicks in the ribs as yet even though he has long legs!! he is taking it easy on mommy! so in love with my son xx
That's great J that everything is going well and you have a date now.

I'm having a bit of a down day today. See the obstetrician later and have another scan when i'll find out more. I'm so torn about what to do. I really really really don't want a c sec but know I'll have to do what they advise. I so desperately want this lo to start moving on its own. I've got acupuncture booked for tomorrow so fingers crossed and I'm going to try to book myself a sweep for weds. There's not much more I can do.

Btw I won't put anything about acupuncture/planned cs on fb, as I prefer to keep things a bit secret, although I don't mind you ladies knowing. So pls don't mention it if/when I get a date. I'll keep you all posted.

How are you doing OP? Ay twinges yet? It's all getting quite close now eh? Hope you're feeling calmer about things than me!
Don't be forced into a cs Amanda, if baby is happy there is no reason you can't have a vbac. I saw an interesting article about this, I'll look for it now. Have a couple of sweeps, if not successful try the gel. I've heard of so many cases of successful vbacs.

I'm ok, did my Christmas shopping today and felt very tired amd faint during. Bump is so heavy now! People are so nice and helpful which is nice.

39 weeks today! Can't believe it! Been in quite a bad mood -almost pmt like since the weekend and quite tearful, I'm guessing this is hormones gearing up? I've had tightenings for a coupe of weeks now, and some period-like pains on and off but nothing exciting like waters going or a bloody show!

Hope you girls are ok x
Ok, if you 'like' these guys: https://www.facebook.com/positivebirthmovement

Then go down a little and they've got a post from a woman yesterday asking about vbac, lots of great advice there. The question is this:

Question: "Dear PBM, I need some positive birth vibes! I have an appointment with a consultant (how many times have I said that and never actually seen one? I should say a registrar) to discuss my upcoming vbac. It is my second vbac and I know in my boots that I want to have a homebirth. This is purely my instinct - I think it's my best chance of a straightforward birth with least risk to baby and me, but I have a feeling the consultant will think otherwise. I'm after some advice from other people who see things my way. Can anyone arm me with some pearls of wisdom that I can take with me?"

Let me know if you find it x
wow op!! still doing christmas shopping at 39 weeks!! respect!

we went today as well but it is hard on my back and feet! and i'm only 35w now! glad people are at least nice! hope your little one comes sooner rather than later

would not have minded being 39 weeks today then my little man would have already been born! now that i think of it, my section is actually scheduled when i'm 38 + 6! i'm super excited!!!

amanda, hope all the things you try to induce works!! xx
Haha thanks J! I just think if I keep active, it will hopefully start labour. I'm worried that if I rest too much that he'll stay there forever! Whenever I'm lying down for too long DP gets me on my ball for a bounce too :)
Sounds like a perfect date for Ethan to come :) you will probably get another little burst of energy soon, I was knackered at 35 weeks too.
I wonder if we'll have two girls and two boys at the end of this?! Amanda, I think you're having a girl x
I hear you op! If I did not have a scheduled date I would have done exactly the same!! :) it must be hard not knowing when he will show up but I'm sure when he comes it would have been worth the wait!!

Can't believe your ticker says 7 days to go!! It reminds me of the ovulation tickers we used to have lol!! Really amazes me every time I think that 9 months are nearly over for all of us!! Being pregnant was once all we could think of and now its over! Kind of unreal..

We're nearly MOM's!!!!!
I know, can't believe it it! A mummy :D

Haha @ ovulation tickers, in a weird way I miss those days a little! They were funny, symptom spotting :)

9 months have flown, can't believe we've all been chatting for a year!

My ticker is freaking me out, I keep double taking at the '7 days to go' *gulp*
Hopefully one day we can go through all the ovulation tickers and symptom spotting together again!! :)

i'm sure when i only have a week to go the nerves would get to me as well! i'm sure everything will go smoothly though and that the delivery would be an awesome experience for you!! unfortunately it is said that first time moms do tend to go over due.. hoping you are not one of them!! fingers crossed he gets here by christmas.
I don't mind going over by a couple of days but I'm worried it could be a couple of weeks :( hopefully the sweep at 40+4 will get it started x
Hi ladies

Sorry I didn't write yesterday, I was pretty emotional all day and kept bursting into tears! I've managed to get myself together a bit now :thumbup:

In summary, had a scan which showed the baby is looking a bit big for dates (estimate at 8lb 1oz) but the sonographer was a trainee and she didnt seem to have a clue! At one point she measured the head circumference at 41w+ 4 days, then she moved it slightly and ended up at 39w+ 3 - quite a difference!!! It doesn't make sense to me how the baby can have grown so much in 4 weeks when all my levels have been fine.

Anyway the obstetrician then suggested booking in for cs on Friday which I was fine with, as it was what dh and I had decided was the best option. Unfortunately when I then went to the desk to book it they are are full on Friday so I had to book for thursday. This prompted more tears from me!! I was just so gutted at losing another day to try to get this baby out.

I went for a sweep today and am 1-2cm dilated already and she said my membranes were bulging! So they've agreed that I can have my waters broken on Thursday before going for the cs to see if I go into labour. It's more invasive than I would like, but still better than a section so I'm pleased.

There's not much more I can do to entice this baby out! I had acupuncture yesterday and have spent the last 24 hours with tiny drawing pins stuck in my toes, I've had a sweep, i had a clary sage bath, ive been drinking rlt, I had a curry last night and tonight, I've taken epo and have even inserted some (!), I've been taking homeopathic remedies to induce labour, I've been sitting on my ball, and I've told dh that like it or not, bd is a definite tonight!!! So I think it's fair to say that if this baby isn't coming out after that lot, then there's not much more I can do! My fingers are crossed that something happens tonight!

I was just reading back over your posts, it's crazy that we've been chatting for so long! All that charting paid off for us all!

I'll keep you all posted, and good luck op, I hope things start to move for you soon too x
Ps what makes you think it's a girl op? The acupuncturist said to me that if it doesn't come out then it must be a girl cos it's stubborn!!
Pps thanks for the link about the vbac op! That fb page is really interesting.
Not sure, just a hunch! Ah lovely, sorry you've been emotional! :hugs:

I wouldn't take notice of that trainee tbh because even experts have got the weight estimates very wrong before. If you think about it, you aren't even due for another week! Relax and think positive

Sounds like you might go anytime of you're bulging and dilated, hang in there! I hope you get the birth you want. And if you don't, that's ok too. As long as you have your snuggly newborn with you soon :thumbup:
wow amanda, allot going on with you now trying everything to get your little one to come!! no wonder you are emotional and then they want to schedule your section for earlier!!

i surely hope that something happens and you can have a chance at normal birth at least!! if all else fails, once you hold your little one the birth would be so far from your mind so relax and get excited that you get to hold your brand new baby by tomorrow evening!!! i'm sooo excited for you!! you are the first of us and we want pics of her/him as soon as you can!!

ps.. i also think its a girl... :) good luck amanda and we are all thinking of you and hoping everything will go as you wish xx
Gah! My sciatica is back and is killing me! Can hardly walk! :( hope it goes before labour as it will make it much harder. Going to keep bouncing!


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