★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Jelly thank you, this makes me feel better. I've looked at today's frer now that it's quite dry and I do see some progression. Not a lot but I think that's typical. Just worrisome with the bleeding. I'm so sorry if I'm upsetting anyone, I've never experienced this and just need some support. I had pink spotting once after sex with my 1st around 6 weeks but nothing like this.

Thank you, I do look forward to the party. I think she will dive right into the cake as she's my little piggy :haha:
Co_foster I’m so glad you and baby are ok! I’m so glad that your dh was able to see the heartbeat ❤️.

Flueky- sorry to hear about the bleeding... it sucks to be in limbo. Will you be getting blood tests done?

Afm- so much schoolwork to do and I can’t focus. I had the worst nightmare about what the tablets that I took could have done to my baby. I will be able to stress a little less after the 20 week anatomy scan, 4 months away :nope: Oh and twins? Terrified of having twins!
I wish I could just know that everything is ok so that I can start enjoying this pregnancy:(
Co thank you. That might be part of my issue as I've not drank as much the last couple days. Only about 70 to 80 oz instead of 100oz. I drink so much normally due to breastfeeding. 70 to 80 isn't enough for me because of that. I'll try to take it easy but today is DD2 birthday party and DH is working until then. I'll try as best as I can. :hugs: oh and I'll call OB Monday and tell them I'm experiencing bleeding if it continues.

Jelly thank you :hugs:

AFM no more bleeding. I felt really wet when I woke up and thought, "it's over", but just cm. Not sure what to think anymore. I did test with Frer and IC. Not sure there's progression on Frer but definitely on IC. What do you ladies think and you can be brutally honest. The top tests are 11dpo and bottom are 12dpo.

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So sorry to hear about your bleeding. Your tests look very similar to mine at 11 and 12 dpo - I don’t think FRER are as good as they used to be and definitely not with
Progression. Your 12dpo does look slightly darker though to me. I really hope your bleeding settles down and this is it for you xxx
Flueky - I used FRER, Wondfo, Pregmate and Easy@Home tests with this pregnancy, and your easy@homes look very similar to mine. I noticed for me that they didn't progress much every day, but if you switch it to every other day, you'll notice a huge difference. I've experienced that with Frers as well. I know it's hard not to test every day, but you will see more difference every other day. For me, I only had two Frers the entire time and wasn't able to get more, so I can't show you progression beyond week three, but the easy@homes started progressing much later on (like the end of week 4 into week 5) than all the other brands. I've been super impressed with Pregmates - though they seem to be strong if positive no matter what and also don't show much progression because they are strong out of the gate. Wondfo 10mIUs are the only ones that really show me any difference from day to day in early pregnancy but even then they needed time to. It's slow in the beginning. I'm SO glad the bleeding has stopped though. Might be good to get an OB appointment even if you don't start bleeding again. Have some blood tests done and get better answers.
Fern sorry you can't enjoy this pregnancy. I usually am able to relax once I hear heartbeat on doppler at 12 weeks. Bahaha I'm with you on fear of twins

I'm not sure if they do betas at my ob office. I never had them before but I never experienced this.

Lissy thank you. I think it is too. I'm hoping for darker line tomorrow. It's reassuring to hear your 11 and 12dpo tests were similar.

Co, thank you. I will probably still test tomorrow at 13dpo but compare it to 11dpo. I think I'll call OB office Monday. Hoping they will do betas.

No spotting, bleeding, or cramping so far today. I would think if it was a loss I wouldn't have stopped bleeding and/or started cramping. Going to just enjoy the party in a few hours and try not to feel so anxious about limbo.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
How’s everyone doing today?
I still can’t stop testing! I’m trying to remember when I felt able to stop testing in previous pregnancies! I’ve still got a few tests left so I guess I’ll just use them up. I’m planning to do weeks indicator tests once a week and hopefully see them progress! I’ve had a 1-2 and planning to do my next one on Friday which at this point seems ages away!
Here’s today’s tests, the FRER is finally starting to get darker. I’m still only 14DPO which is early really but 4 weeks pregnant today!

I’ve just spent the last half an hour trying to get the baby gaga ticker into my signature. I’ve tried all 3 formats they’ve got an I can’t get it to work! What am I doing wrong? It’s been 4 years since I put one in and I just can’t remember what to do!
Jelly tests look good :) I have no idea about the babygaga ticker. I never used theirs. Hope you figure it out :)

Very little reddish brown spotting yesterday during the party. I'm thinking I just maybe had one hell of an IB. I wouldn't be suprised if there's a sch that developed. Tests are darker today so I'm feeling much less anxious.

On a different note, dd2 had a good party. Lots of kids though. 8 kids with the oldest being 7. My dd1 fell in a toy box. Thankfully it just scared her. I got pretty worn out so I sat down a lot towards the end.

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@Flueky88 glad the party went well and those tests are looking great!
I’m still working on this damn ticker :haha: I feel like I’m putting all my nervous energy into getting it working. I won’t be defeated by a ticker!
Flueky I think you are right that you can relax now, it’s good that the spotting stopped and the tests look good.

Jellybean I couldn’t get their ticker to work! That’s why I’m using babysizer :-k

I did a tarot card reading about the baby and got an answer “stability, safety and security” so even though tarot cards are controversial (to say the least) I’m feeling better... hope it’s true
I’ve just spent the last half an hour trying to get the baby gaga ticker into my signature. I’ve tried all 3 formats they’ve got an I can’t get it to work! What am I doing wrong? It’s been 4 years since I put one in and I just can’t remember what to do!

I used a lilypie ticker and then entered it as a .png file if that helps?
@Lissy_Sweetie Just realized I missed your first post here! Added you now! Been so busy lately so it’s been a little hard to keep up with this thread :(

@jellybeanxx It took me a while to figure out too, but for me it worked by only copying the image link, the highlighted one like in this screenshot:


Without the [/img] before and after. Then when you edit your Signature, click on "Insert Image" and paste that link. :)

Hope all you ladies are doing wonderful, and no more bleeding or spotting for anyone!

Can’t believe I just passed the 10 week mark - time passes crazy fast! No more symptoms here except for LOTS of leukorrhea (the white pregnancy discharge), some moodiness and fatigue. Guess the placenta has taken over now, hence no more queasiness and nausea. Oh, and I’ve felt a lot of fluttering and pulling feelings in my uterus lately, especially at night - It literally feels like I can feel my uterus expanding! So cool!
@Pineberry no problem at all - I can imagine it is difficult keeping up! Congrats on passing the 10 week mark - soon be into the second trimester \\:D/ . I’m definitely struggling with the fatigue- but that might be due to a horrible cold I’ve had for this past week! Also got awful acne - just came out of nowhere. All worth it though xx
@Pineberry thanks for the tip, I gave it a go and not sure it’s worked for me. So frustrating!
Can’t believe you’re at the 10 week mark, that’s flown by (though I’m sure it hasn’t for you!)

It’ll be a week tomorrow that I got my BFP and it’s felt like time has been moving slowly but I still can’t believe it’s been a week. I’m going to phone the GP tomorrow and arrange my midwife referral. Also thinking about getting a private scan at 7-8 weeks as I don’t think I can wait until 12 weeks!
Fern I definitely thought about reaching out to a psychic to ask about this pregnancy. I hope the card reading is right :)

Pineberry happy 10 weeks! Have you told your family yet or waiting until 2nd tri?

Lissy sorry for fatigue and a cold. Ugh being sick while pregnant is miserable.

Jelly I agree, time has went by at snail speed. I have to say I'm glad that US typically does first scan in 7 to 8 week mark, but I wish they would scan at 12. Oh well, my office does check for heartbeat with doppler at 12 week appt.
@Flueky88 we don’t get the heartbeat Doppler until the 16 week appointment with the midwife. There’s so many differences between the antenatal care around the world!
@Pineberry thanks for the tip, I gave it a go and not sure it’s worked for me. So frustrating!

Hmm, are you sure you pasted the image link into the "Image" field? It looks like this for me (I circled the one you have to paste it in hahah):


And yeah I would most definitely get a private scan at 7-8 weeks if I were you, for peace of mind! It will totally be worth it I am sure.

Pineberry happy 10 weeks! Have you told your family yet or waiting until 2nd tri?

I told my mom at 8w+2, right after the ultrasound, then my siblings the following weekend (at 9 weeks)! All per facetime as they live back in my home country.

His family on the other hand doesn’t know yet - we were going to tell them when we visited them the last time a week ago, but decided to wait till the 12 week mark at the last minute. It will be slightly more special for them than for mine (in my family there are 7 grandchildren already), since this will be the first grandchild for my bf’s parents (bf is an only child, I have 6 siblings lol).

We’re visiting them again at the end of this month (they live about 3h away from us), so I will be exactly 13 weeks then and will have an amazing ultrasound to show them (since my 12 week scan is just a few days before).
Oh my gosh, it’ll be amazing to watch their reactions!! They have no clue we were even TTC!

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