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★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

@Flueky88 we don’t get the heartbeat Doppler until the 16 week appointment with the midwife. There’s so many differences between the antenatal care around the world!
We get so many appointments in RSA!
First at 6-8 weeks, ultrasound with heartbeat (well, every appointment is with u/s and heartbeat). Then bloodwork for first trimester screening and a scan @ 12 weeks for NT with a fetal medicine specialist, I think it’s called the fetal growth/abnormality scan or something. 16 weeks; can find out the sex. 20 week fetal anatomy scan. Long appointment. Then at 24, 28, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39 weeks! And I’m getting an additional scan before 12 weeks (one at 6 and another at 9 weeks because I’m switching from the fertility clinic and the new gynae wants to meet me before I see the specialist for the 12 week scan). I was also thoroughly spoiled with my previous pregnancy- my dr did various 3D pics and a 4D video with every single appointment. Mind you, this type of care is only available at private hospitals/doctors. Definitely not at state facilities. Our public health care system is really bad...
@Fern81 that level of antenatal care sounds incredible! I do appreciate our national health service though. I feel well looked after once I’m booked in at around 9 weeks. It’s just the waiting until then and the 12 week scan that’s tough!

@Pineberry that’s exactly what I did! The only thing I can’t think of is that’s there’s not enough space on my signature but surely BnB would give me that notification?
In my last 2 pregnancies I used a fruit ticker that I loved and was sad to see it’s no longer there. It was easier to add too :haha:
Jelly on appts that we have an ultrasound we don't do doppler as they see the heart via ultrasound. So maybe that's why they wait until 16 weeks?

Pine that sounds lovely. I hope the announcement goes over well with in laws.

Oh and I've not checked front page, but if you'll put me down with edd November 16. Thank you :)

Fern sounds similar to US schedule except ultrasound for dating at 7 to 8 weeks and anatomy at 20. We also have 40 week and up to 42 weeks if you haven't delivered by then. I've never made it to 40 week appt.
Ugh bnb took me away from looking at people's posts.

Jelly you got your ticker!! Did you test today? FX for progression :)

AFM finally got frer test line a smidge darker than control. I'm going to do frer every other day and I only have 2 left. My IC is darker as well. I'm having tender breasts, mild nausea and omg the bloat!
@Flueky88 yay for progression!
I ended up going for a different ticker and it was much less stressful :haha:

I’m off to pick up the form for my midwife referral today. The receptionist at my surgery was on about booking my 16 week midwife appointment when I phoned today, so I asked about the booking in appointment and she said the midwives would use the form for that and book my 12 week scan. I can’t imagine they wouldn’t do a full booking in appointment so I’m hoping she’s wrong!

I did a cheapie test today and it was darker than the last one which is good.
Planning on doing a clearblue tomorrow, then a cassette test on Wednesday, FRER on Thursday and a weeks indicator on Friday!
Jelly, last week I went to Amazon's UK site so I could order the CB digi with weeks indicator :rofl: I should get them Wednesday or Thursday. I really love them and hate US stopped selling them.
Jelly, last week I went to Amazon's UK site so I could order the CB digi with weeks indicator :rofl: I should get them Wednesday or Thursday. I really love them and hate US stopped selling them.

I heard the US stopped selling them! Is that because women get quite worried over them?
I was on holiday in Barcelona when I was newly pregnant with DS2 and wanted a weeks indicator. I had to ask at the pharmacy for it and the pharmacist went off on one about how inaccurate they are and that they should be banned! She did sell it to me though and I got my 3+ in Spanish :haha:
Hey all wow what a load of posts to read since Fri! Love that the group has picked up!!!

I'm awful with names and my phone won't let me me go back but glad the bleeding stopped (think it was fern??)
Foster what a lovely ultrasound glad baby is sticking and u both got to see the heartbeat!!

Jelly bean I am with you on the awful tickers took me ages to figure out how to do mine and I miss the fruit ticker too!!

Afm I got my 3+ on Friday (got 1-2 when I first tested) so that is me defo done for testing and as soon as I get the new car (hopefully this week) I will book in with the midwife. Been taking my prenatal vitamins so few days won't hurt. This past weekend I just seemed to sleep I was exhausted. Running after 5 kids with fibromyalgia is wiping me out. If had to come off my medication obviously and because baby was such a surprise I didn't have time to wean off them. Iv been battling withdrawal and depression BUT im starting to come out the other end. Im weird because im excited at how tired i am, only time iv felt this wiped out was when I was carrying my boy (1 boy 4 girls) and I'm so desperate for my last to be a boy. I'm scared about gender disappointment has anyone else felt this before?? Xx
Morning ladies - I've finally caught up from Friday's posts, so glad to see the thread pickup.

Flukey - glad the bleeding stopped.

Foster - so happy to see a happy baby on the ultrasound picture! You must feel some relief.

Catmum - not too worried about gender disappointment, I have one of each right now. Though I am hoping more for a girl then a boy (so is DH) ... but we'll be happy either way really.

Jelly - time went by so slowly for me the first 2-3 weeks. Now that I'm into the 7th week it's picking up faster.

AFM - I was dizzy all day on Saturday but then it stopped by Saturday night. Is this something to worry about? I've only experienced dizziness when standing up too quickly or something but I woke up feeling strange and dizzy. It lessened when I got up but I still got several waves of dizziness throughout the day. It was gone the next day.

My morning sickness is lessening but not gone (did the same around 7 weeks with my daughter). My first ultrasound is not until Mar 21st, so still a couple weeks away. Should I be concerned about feeling dizzy or only if it comes back? Feeling super bloated again today and was nauseous this morning, so my symptoms haven't disappeared.
So many posts!! :)

@co_fostermom great news with the ultrasound! Yay!!

@Flueky88 so glad to hear the bleeding stopped and things are progressing on :)

@jellybeanxx I hear you on time moving slowly!! Pretty sure that's going to change soon, though, with so many things we have to take care of in the next couple of months to move me.

AFM we spread the news to my parents on Friday night, his dad and step-mom Saturday morning, his mom mid-day Saturday and then his sister, her husband and their five kids Saturday evening. It was quite the whirlwind! We caught a few of them off guard (my parents, in particular, had the best reaction! This is also their first grandchild from their only daughter). It was nice to finally tell some folks and everyone was so very happy for us. Talk about an exhausting weekend, though lol!

Looking forward to my first ultrasound on Friday :) Now to get through the workweek somehow.... :-k
Joanna- Dizziness could be your blood pressure? I would go get it checked just on the safe side hope the sickness continues to fade, im very jealous Lol!!

Azure- I'm glad everyone took the news well and didn't time drag when you are waiting for something!!! X
Jelly yes it's because ppl getting upset that it said 1 to 2 or 2 to 3 weeks. They didn't understand it meant from ovulation and not that many weeks pregnant. Always a few ruining it for the many.

Cat I seriously can't imagine running around after 5 kids right now. You are super mom :) I'm also worried about some gender disappointment. I would love a boy because this will be our last and I'd love a little boy. I will come around if it's another girl though as I'm sure anyone would.

Joanne dizziness is most likely related to your increased blood volume which lowers your blood pressure.

Azure yay for telling family! It's so much fun, especially your first. It's the best when they are caught off guard. Can't wait for your scan :)

Anyone else dreading announcing? Our babies are very close in age and just dreading reactions. With my 2nd a few asked if it was planned and we will have essentially same spacing (21 months vs 20 months). The plus side.... we get done with baby stage faster and not starting at square one after years. I'll also be able to sell some of the baby items rather than hold onto them.
Hi all!

Joanna, I don't know about the dizziness, but I'm glad to hear about the morning sickness easing off. I think mine might finally be kicking into gear (though it's in the evening) but mainly it's caused by smells. Work should be fun today.

Flueky I'm not looking forward to announcing, but I think I've been feeling so cautious with this pregnancy because of my previous two losses that this time I'm waiting until like 12 weeks to tell anyone. I told my mom right away and sister-in-law, but they're the only ones. I think DH's dad knows which means his wife knows, but that's it. I haven't even told my dad yet and my mom said she wouldn't tell anyone else until she got the okay from me. At any rate, both sides of the family now have grandkids so this is old hat for them. I'm the baby in my family, so there was never any hope of having the first grandbaby (in fact, I was 16 when my brother and his gf got pregnant with their first). DH, however, is the oldest in his family so I had hopes many, many, many years ago of producing the first grandkids on that side but of course infertility damned my plans and his sister got that honor. I won't lie, it was super hard for me when she told us she was pregnant with her first. She has two now, and I'm still here waiting. Okay, maybe I'm still a little bitter but I think I'm just feeling disgruntled in general today. Hormones.

AFM I'm moody today. A big part of that is because my boss crossed some lines this weekend and my job has been frustrating altogether for the past 3 months that the thought of having to go in to work today just sounds awful. Combine that with an hour of lost sleep due to the time change (I LOATHE spring forward) and you get b*&%$y me.
@co_fostermom I can relate to that feeling! I’ve been so grumpy today. Everything and everyone is irritating me. I remember this from my pregnancy with DS2 as well.

I’ve been obsessing over symptoms today and worrying that I haven’t felt quite as sick as I did. I’m so tired though and have been since I got up!
I managed to getting my midwife referral sorted with the GP surgery but confusingly they’ve booked my 16 week appointment but I have to speak to the midwife to arrange my booking in appointment and 12 week scan.
Hi ladies! Glad to see this thread is becoming more active!
I had my scan last night and was moved forward by 3 days so my due date is now 12th October. Baby was measuring 9 weeks exactly on scan and had a lovely strong heartbeat going on!
Happy Tuesday guys :hugs:
Flukey I can so relate to everything in that post this is baby 6 and 2 years between them all! 10,8,6,4,2 when baby is born so yh I just told everyone in one go and sod the haters Lol!!
I will obviously get over the gender disappointment but atm I'm so worried!!

Foster- must b something in the air I was soo awful yesterday pinging all over the place LMAO feel sorry for everyone lol

Afm just woke up (6am) and I am sooo tired!!! But feel ok atm here's hoping for a quiet peaceful day lol xx
Yes all these good signs lol nearly threw up on a woman on the bus lol I didn't but I was so scared lol x
Morning all. I can relate to the tiredness... we had daylight savings on Sunday, so an hour earlier to get up and it's killing me. I was in bed at 8pm last night... plus dozing on the couch around 4pm. I just don't have energy right now for simple tasks.

So I've also noticed that when I'm tired my nausea kicks up again. It's definitely not as severe during the day now but by the evening I feel rather gross. I was snacking on crackers last night to help but I think my body just wanted sleep.

Jess - lovely scan! We go on the 21st of March and I'll be 9 weeks then too, so I can now picture what my little one will look like. <3

No grumpiness for me... I find pregnancy easier on my mood then PMS. Except maybe when I'm overheated.. this summer is going to be tough haha.
Co well I've got everything crossed that this is your rainbow baby! Sorry for moodiness.

Jelly any updates? Also, I think symptoms come and go this early. It is still nerve wracking though. Glad you seem to be getting everything sorted.

Jess beautiful scan :)

Cat so glad I have someone to relate to. Also here's to team blue for both of us! Do you plan on finding out gender at anatomy scan?

Also, so glad you didn't get sick on that women, ugh that would have been awful for both of you.

Joanna I despise daylight savings time as well. I went to bed before 10 last night but passed out after nursing dd2 before bed.

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