★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

I hope you all had a nice Easter weekend. The Easter bunny visited the kids and left a little treat and some chocolate eggs to hunt. My husband also cooked a yummy turkey dinner. A little sad we were not able to visit the rest of the family as we usually see them for Easter but it was nice to just be at home and the 4 of us.

Fern - hope you are doing a little better today. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and I hope things go well for you.

Pineberry - love your enthusiasm... I was part of a group on here with my first baby and still have the ladies on FaceBook... it was amazing to see all our children turning 8 this year in March. It will be so exciting to see pictures of everyone's little one as they are born this fall.

Good news: my first ultrasound is still on for tomorrow, I called to confirm. So excited and trying not to feel too nervous about the drive and heading to the city with lots of confirmed COVID cases. I'll be going straight to my appointment and then straight home so I should be fine.

Take care everyone.
@Joannaxoxo Aww sounds like you had a sweet Easter despite not being able to spend it with family. I cannot wait to start doing stuff like that with my little one (hiding Easter eggs for him, etc.). And wow! 8 years later and you are still in touch with them! Thats truly amazing :) lets see how long this thread will go on for even after our precious babies are here <3

We had an okay Easter - we visited two of our friends (yes yes, we broke the social distancing rule for the first time), a couple that lives in the same street as us - they cooked a lovely dinner for us all. I have not seen them in quite a while so they were so thrilled to see my bump and it was just nice seeing them so excited for our babe.

All the best for your scan today - do let us know how it went :)

Also.... I may or may not have gone a little overboard with buying baby clothes recently :ninja: :laugh2: and I have three more orders coming this week ahhaha


And!!! The stroller arrived! Omg, it is so beautiful and practical. 3in1 that you can turn into a buggy, as well as has a carseat. Has so many useful extras, and is gorgeous (black, light-grey and some white).
Well I thought I was gonna have a scan today but no go. I am SO disappointed. I mean, I do like my new OB so that's good, but I just assumed it was standard procedure at 12 weeks to have an ultrasound. I did hear the baby's heartbeat and it was 175bpm but it was still a let down when I was looking forward to seeing Love Bug. My ob doesn't schedule scans until 20 weeks. UGH! So I emailed my RE to see if she would offer a scan this week or next. I just don't think I can go that long without seeing the baby and also checking on the status of my hematoma.
Jelly yay for finding heartbeat on doppler!

Pine it is definitely easier to find earlier being my 3rd pregnancy. My uterus stretches/expands quickly now lol.

I must also admit I have my hpt bfp pics saved from all 3 pregnancies.... I know it's a bit odd but I love the nostalgia.

I look forward to meeting milestones with everyone and for the day we all have our little babies earth side.

Cute bump and onesie. I think I'll wait until I know gender to buy anything. I have all kinds of girl clothes but would need a bit for a different season. I have nothing boy though.

Catmum so sorry about the loss your friend experienced. How are you feeling?

Joanna how was your US?

Fern I'm thinking of you.

AFM symptoms have improved a lot. It made me a bit nervous about mmc but I know placenta starts producing some hormones right about now too. I felt like crap last night too so that was reassuring lol. I was also able to find heartbeat with doppler yesterday. I want to use it again maybe this weekend with DH.

I bought a minivan over the weekend. My Rav4 can't do 3 car seats so I figured car salesman are desperate to sell right now so might as well jump in now. I got a honda oddysey and I love it!

Not much else to report here. Hope everyone is well.
@co_fostermom Noo I am so sorry you didn't get to see bub. I really hope you'll be able to get a scan with the RE. I mean checking on the hematoma should be enough reason for them to take you in for an ultrasound!

@Flueky88 Happy to hear you're doing well and that all seems to be going great! I know it was right aound 9 weeks I pretty much lost all symptoms and it did worry me too then. And wow, SO cool you bought a minivan. Sounds like great investment!!

Our friend doesn't need his car anymore so offered to sell it to us at a discounted price, it's a nice car in a good condition so we're EXTREMELY stoked about that.

Also the doppler arrived just now and I instantly tried it out and found the heartbeat! WOW, way better than that doppler app! Love love love it and was so reassuring to hear my boy's beating away.
Any news Joanna?

AFM my RE was willing to schedule a final scan with them so I'm going in tomorrow (yay!). Also, I was surprised but the doppler my doctor used today didn't sound as great as my app. I figured it would be the other way around. Maybe she had it turned down or maybe I've just gotten good at actually finding the heart. Who knows. Or maybe what I'm hearing isn't a heart? Doesn't seem like it could be anything else though. Maybe my OB's machine was just old.
Baby looked great... so happy to see him/her moving around. The ultrasound tech was great, explained everything we were looking at. She said the baby was measuring a week ahead... so new due date is Oct 17th. We could see the stomach, two symmetrical half’s of the brain and even a full bladder.... so baby is now drinking amniotic fluid and peeing. Heart beat was measuring 142 bpm. I won’t get the results of the scan (chromosome wise) until I see my doctor next week... but it was just such a relief to see the little one moving around and a strong heart beat.

Sorry the picture is sideways, not sure how it flipped.
So glad it all went well Joanna! Great scan photo as well!

Co I’m really glad you managed to get booked in for a scan tomorrow. Good luck!

I’ve got my booking in appointment with the midwife tomorrow. It’s over the phone so I won’t get my notes yet which is a shame as it’s one of my favourite milestones. It does mean I’ll get booked in for a scan though so will hopefully know the date for that in the next week or so!
I’m all booked in! Midwife was lovely. I have to see the consultant because of the previous GD and will have extra scans anyway as my eldest son had borderline low birth weight. If I keep my sugars stable through pregnancy and there’s no issues with coronavirus by November, the midwife said I should be able to have a home birth though. I was very pleased about that!
Jellybean - so glad you managed to get booked in for the appointment and that you might get your home birth. Let us know how the scan goes!

Foster - your one ticker say's "Love Bug is the size of a Minecraft Pixel"... I will have to tell my son, he's obsessed with Minecraft lol.

Flukey - yay for a mini van. We are going to get one when the lease is up on our one vehicle. We will have to deal with a car seat and 2 booster seats in the back of our cars for about a year but we will make it work. The kids might be a bit squished for a few months though lol.

Pineberry - I love seeing how prepared you are already. I haven't bought anything yet. I'm not really planning to buy anything until after I know the gender, which I won't find out until our 20 week scan (end of May or early June). Then I will go crazy and start buying stuff haha. I'm sure over the next few months things will start to return to normal and I can get shopping! (online shopping is slow here right now so no point unless something essential is needed).
@Joannaxoxo Yay so happy to hear that all went well at the scan and that baby is doing wonderful! Cute ultrasound pic! Do you have an inclination what the gender might be? And a preference? :)

@jellybeanxx Pleased to hear you were finally booked in! :yipee:cant wait to hear when you will have your first ultrasound!

@Fern81 - How are you? Please let me know how you and baby are doing. :hugs2: I'm thinking about you a lot.

As for me - had a tele-consultation with the diabetes doctor just now and felt like it was really useless. She has the traditional diet approach where she urges people with (gestational) diabetes to still eat a lot of carbs, and eat 6-8 times throughout the day. Thats just not working for me and I told her so. I have consistently good blood glucose values with the way I am eating right now (3 times a day, with the only carbs being 1 slice of organic bread during lunch).

That pretty much useless 5-minute call cost me 15€. ](*,)

5 days left till my next ultrasound. Seeing baby has been the ultimate highlight of my days ever since I got pregnant, so I cant wait and am soo excited <3 <3
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Pineberry - We could hardly see baby's fingers, let alone much detail of baby's privates, so there was no way the ultrasound tech or myself could tell, we did have a look though lol. I honestly have no clue what I am having... my friend said the baby's head look 'girly' in the ultrasound pic... my grandma thinks its a boy based on having more nausea this time around. This pregnancy has been overall different then my previous ones and I have a boy and a girl already... so I'm really not sure what I'm having haha. No preference really... maybe slightly more wanting a girl than a boy but I won't really care either way in the end.

Also sorry about the phone consultation, wish it wasn't such a waste of time for you.

How are the rest of you doing?
Joanna - honestly I wish we didn't know what we were having and I'm still secretly holding out that the techs got it wrong and we're having a girl but at the same time I'll be excited about having a baby lol. At any rate, I think it's exciting when a baby keeps you guessing. Gender neutral clothing and nurseries can be really beautiful too.

My scan went really well yesterday! Posting some pictures! I've now measured ahead twice (9 weeks and 12 weeks) so I've decided to adjust my due date back to the 25th (sorry for all the changes Pineberry!!! I promise no more changes unless I find out it's a girl at 20 weeks lol) which is in between my 9 and 12 week scan dating. So I'm officially 12 weeks and 4 days today and finally got my two tickers to match lol.

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Foster - love the scan photos! So happy the scan went well for you.

I'm actually not going to be buying anything 'gender neutral'... as this is probably our last baby I'm planning to get everything pink or blue. We did gender neutral the first time around so we could use things for the second baby. So I'm waiting until we find out the gender and then I will go crazy buying stuff for that baby lol.

Anyone else finding they go through a few days with almost normal energy, only to have a few days feeling very tired? I had lots of energy on the weekend but over the past 3 days I've been so very tired. I'll be glad to get into the second trimester this time around!
Hi ladies I’m doing ok thanks. Did everything I could to get myself out of the worst depression. Tested very high risk for downs and I have to decide on which further tests I want done but I told dr I need more time as it’s very expensive. My 12 week scan next week is at a fetal specialist who will do the nt measurements etc then we’ll take it from there. After hearing that husband has become quieter and things are ok now. I really don’t want to worry my parents unless I have absolutely no other choice.

Sorry I haven’t read back over everything, I’m glad to see the beautiful scan pics and to see that everyone is doing well. So happy none of us have gotten covid yet and that all the babies are doing good and growing like they should. Hugs x
@co_fostermom beautiful scan photos!

@Joannaxoxo I’m just constantly tired all the time. I always get quite a lot of fatigue in the first trimester but I’m sure it’s worse this time. Maybe it’s because I’m older. I’m also excited to get some second trimester energy!

@Fern81 I hope the NT measurements go well. Do you have blood tests with that at the same time? Over here we have the quadruple test when they do the NT measurements and take blood tests. It only gives a risk factor rather than a diagnosis though. Is there anyone in your medical team you can talk to about what happens next and how you’re feeling? It’s so important for you to have some support and not go through this on your own. I know you don’t want to worry your parents but you have so much going on right now, it’s a lot for one person to deal with! :hugs:

I’m off to see the midwife for my blood tests tomorrow. I’m genuinely excited just to leave the house! They’re not doing GTTs here at the moment because it involves being in hospital for a couple of hours and they don’t want that. So I’ll get a diabetes blood test as well as the usual early pregnancy blood tests. I had one just before I found out I was pregnant that came back well below the threshold so I suspect this one will too! Apparently it’s not the best way to test for GD but it’s the only option at the moment.
Joanna yes I will go a day or two feeling great and then a few days feeling super drained, bloated, tired, nauseous, etc. Waiting for this infamous pregnancy glow....
So I had the biggest scare yesterday. Had two moderate bright red bleeds about an hour or two apart. No tissue or anything and it has since slowed to just light spotting but geez, I thought I was finally out of the woods. Planning on downing a ton of water, oj, cranberry juice, and eating a baby spinach/ baby kale salad for lunch today, all of which should help prevent this from happening again. I seriously just need my body to absorb this stupid SCH once and for all!
@co_fostermom So glad your scan went well, and those ultrasound photos are adorbs!! Haha whyyy do you secretly hope its a girl, I feel like all the women I know online and irl just want daughters and I am the only one thats excited to be having a boy haha :lol: and ugh, so sorry to hear that the bleeding is back. I dont know how I could cope with another red bleed even though technically I would know it is most likely nothing serious and just a result from the hematoma. But your doppler will be able to reassure you that all is fine :) hope your SCH resolves once and for all soon.

@Fern81 Oh darling I’m terribly sorry to hear about baby being high risk for downs. I hope it’s a false alarm and that further testing shows a perfectly healthy babe. On other websites I’ve read plenty of stories of women that had a high or elevated risk for trisomy and it all turned out to be just fine. Hope that’s the case for you too. Do keet us updated. :hugs2:

@jellybeanxx All the best for your bloodtests! So you’ll find out whether you have GD with this pregnancy? I do hope that turns out not to be the case!

Nothing new here other than that I’ve become doppler crazy LOL - originally planned to only use it once a week but I’ve become addicted to hearing my little one and right now I listen to him about twice a day. :fool:

Also, just started watching Money Heist (La casa de papel) on netflix with my SO during the evenings and HOLY MOLY, how good is that series!! I’m absolutely obsessed! And makes the days pass so fast as we watch 2-3 episodes per night!

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