★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Can you please remove me? I had my scan yesterday & it has put me in limbo. I should have measured 8w 1d but baby was only 6w 6d. The good news is the heart rate was 153. I am pretty sure on my dates so I feel very concerned. Either way it pushes me to a December due date. I wish all of you ladies a very happy & healthy rest of you pregnancies!
Luv I hope your dates are just off from what you thought.
Dee - I got cramps (different from AF) before each of my BFPs, but I could tell they were bfp cramps if that makes sense. I'm also super in tune with my body due to all the years of ttc.

Okay, y'all need to help me out with understanding girl/ boy skull and nub theory. My 12 week scan pics aren't the best because my fertility clinic doesn't usually do abdominal scans or scans for 12 weeks. That being said, if you can decipher anything from the photos, I'm supposed to be having a boy.

IMG_6642.jpeg IMG_6643.jpeg IMG_6644 2.jpeg
Luv I’m sorry you’re dealing with that worry! I hope that everything turns out okay for you. Take care!

Foster I’m really bad at nub theory and skull theory! I feel like I spent my first two pregnancies trying to figure it out and am still no better at it. My understanding with skill theory is that girls apparently have more rounded skulls but I think the angle of the ultrasound can change how the skull looks. As for nub theory, I understand it’s about angles and I think I can see the nub on yours is going upwards?
Sorry, I’m so bad at it! I’m sure someone else who knows what they’re doing will give a much better reply.

Still no scan date here! I got excited when the post came through the door this morning but it was just junk mail.
Co it's hard to tell from photos but skull looks boyish to me. I don't even try to decipher nub theory because I stink at it.

Jelly sorry your scan date hasn't arrived. Maybe tomorrow
True story, I had a pseudo dream that they measured that his head was huge at my anatomy scan. All I could say was, well, DH had a big head apparently when he was a baby too! He fit into his grandma's motorbike helmet at just a month lol. Oh my poor pelvis.

Also, I asked this on my journal, but maybe someone here can help me too. I didn't notice much growth or difference in my baby bump this week from last. I noticed a difference from week 11 to 12, but it just doesn't seem like the bump has grown at all this week. Is that normal? Was the difference I saw from week 11 to 12 in my head?
Co lol about the dream. Pregnancy dreams are so strange. Last night I dreamt my DH was hiding our oldest daughter from me because he was mad at me. I kept searching for her but couldn't find her an I finally got him to open up he did it because he was mad over me preferring him buying a guitar over a keyboard and some ridiculous comment about him farting.......

It's definitely normal to not notice a change in bump from week to week. Hell sometimes mine would appear smaller than the previous week.
Had a check up at my doctor's yesterday. Got the results from my NT ultrasound last week, baby looks great and has very low chances for any chromosome issues. Heard the heart beat for the first time (150 bpm) <3 and my doctor has sent the request to our local hospital for the 18-20 week ultrasound. I feel like the next couple months are going to fly by.

Flueky and Foster - those are some crazy dreams. I feel like I had more pregnancy related dreams when we were TTC then I have since becoming pregnant. Also, I feel like my bump grew like crazy between weeks 8-11 and has since not grown too much. So yes, it changes week to week... perhaps baby must get growth spurts and we will notice one week but not another.

Foster - I'm awful at nub theory, skull theory seems to be a little easier to read to me. But I also don't know how accurate it actually is... it can also depend on the angle of the baby in the photo too. I just like to guess for fun.
Can you please remove me? I had my scan yesterday & it has put me in limbo. I should have measured 8w 1d but baby was only 6w 6d. The good news is the heart rate was 153. I am pretty sure on my dates so I feel very concerned. Either way it pushes me to a December due date. I wish all of you ladies a very happy & healthy rest of you pregnancies!

I hope all turns out okay and that you just ovulated later! That does sound like a very good heartbeat though, so I would not lose all hope yet. I wish you the best :) :hugs:

@jellybeanxx Ugh, hope you get you scan date ASAP!

@co_fostermom Ahh, its soo hard to tell from those pics :( I am not even sure I can definitely see a nub in any of those photos, maybe in the second one but its so hard to see which angle the spine is at. Sorry I cant make a guess! When is your next scan? Maybe they will have better pics for you then :)

@Joannaxoxo Yayyy, SO happy to hear that bubba is doing wonderfully and is low risk for everything! That is brilliant news. It's such a relief isn't it! :flower:

I had a 16 week ultrasound yesterday! Here are the pics:



He is strong and healthy, and doctor confirmed he's 100% a boy :)

The only thing that SLIGHTLY concerns me is that apparantly he's pretty big for his gestational age. Weighs 182g when the normal range for week 16 is 90-100g. I'm quite sure it has to do with my gestational diabetes (it's known to lead to bigger babies). Now I can't help but worry that he'll be gigantic by the end of the pregnancy and I'll have to have a c-section :-s

Anyone here with previous babies that had a big baby in the second trimester but turned out to be normal weight/size at birth?
Pine both my girls were petite, but both my brother and I were 9lb babies. My mom delivered both of us vaginally without an epidural.
Pine I’ve only ever had little babies even with the GD (6lb 3oz and 7lb 2oz) but both my husband and I are quite small! Are you and your OH quite tall? If your blood sugars continue to be controlled, it shouldn’t cause the baby to grow too big. I also found that weight estimates from scans weren’t always that accurate. I was told from a scan that my 6lb 3oz baby was going to be 8lb!
Pine - Both my babies were small too. But I can say that experiencing both a vaginal delivery and c-section that both have their perks and down falls. Your baby looks so cute in those pictures!

My thoughts for delivery day are: you can't control how the day goes, no matter how much someone might plan, pain meds are there if you decide in the moment that you need them, and ultimately you want a healthy baby. These things help me not to worry too much about delivery day. Plus raising a kid is WAY harder then pushing one out! haha.
@Pineberry my youngest was 10lb 1oz and despite numerous scans they never thought he was going to be that big. But I had a water birth and only gas and air, so all natural, and actually the birth was a lot better than my 1st who was only 8lb 2oz! So even if he does end up a bigger baby doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t have a natural delivery xx

Scan came through at the weekend for 28th April! Nervous and excited for it - just hope everything is ok!

Glad everyone seems to be getting on well, in definitely finding this trimester is dragging! I think I’ll be a lot better after my scan next week xx
Joanna I totally agree with going into labor with an open mind. It's how I was with my girls. I had some preferences but I was up for whatever was best for health of baby and me.

Lissy hope your scan goes great! Hard to believe all of us will be in 2nd tri in a few weeks
Thanks for your feedback ladies! That's all quite reassuring :) I'll try not to worry about it too much, and like jelly said, with my GD under control he shouldn't be too big by the end. But even if I have to have a c-section, at the end of the day I just want him here safe and healthy so that's all that matters.

@jellybeanxx No, both my partner and I aren't very tall. Quite average really. The doctor asked me the same question though (whether my SO is very tall) :lol:
Yayy for your scans being booked, Jelly & Lissy! :happydance:So curious to see both of your lil bubbas!

Having quite a lot of what I think are growing pains since yesterday. Feels like mild AF cramps in the lower abdomen, and also like muscles are being pulled apart. And wow, round ligament pain is no joke y'all! Coughing, sneezing and getting up from bed can be so painful lately.

Thinking of getting a belly belt as I've seen others recommend them and that they've helped ease growing pains, but not sure I wanna spend the money hah. I go all out when it comes to baby stuff but am somewhat stingy when it comes to buying things for myself :lol: am definitely ordering a yoga ball to sit on soon though
Pine I know what you mean! I keep hurting myself from sneezing or getting up! I feel like it’s something that’s got worse with each pregnancy. I’m taking it as a good sign that baby is growing though!
Pine & Jelly - YES! I felt the low belly pain yesterday. It almost felt like baby was sitting really low down, but I think it was more pressure or stretching of that area then anything. I also have to brace my right side (ribs area) when I sneeze, I always seem to pull something there and OUCH it can hurt.

Pine - I heard belly bands are good if you don't have acid re flux. If you suffer from heart burn of any kind then the belly bands make it worse by bringing your belly up higher and puts more pressure on your stomach. I've never tired them.

The only thing I have started to miss is my pregnancy pillow that I had with my other previous pregnancies. It wasn't one of those huge C pillows, it was just a small wedge (triangle shape) that you put under your belly... I'm a side sleeper so I like them to help support the belly weight. Might have to look for one of those pillows again soon.
Pine I hear you about pain coughing, sneezing or getting up too fast! Sometimes if I sneeze too hard, I apologize to the baby because I'm sure that wasn't fun for him either!

As for baby birth size - I obviously don't have personal experience, but my good friend gave birth to an 11lb baby last summer. She didn't have GD and she didn't have a c-section. Both she and her husband are on the taller side though and their 2nd child (this was their 3rd) was a big baby too. I mean, their 3rd is adorably chubby but I'm pretty sure he was wearing size 3mo at birth lol. Poor thing also gave birth on the later side too. I have no idea if she got an epidural but she didn't have a horror story to tell after the fact. Honestly that woman amazes me with how calm she always is.

As for birthing experiences - I'm learning it's best to be open. I once dreamed of having a home birth, or at least a birth at a midwifery birth center. I know now that will absolutely not be an option for me because of my unicornuate uterus and the high chance that my baby will be small and preterm. I am absolutely positive I don't want an epidural, but I am open to the idea of a c-section, especially if it's planned (I might have to have a c-section because once Baby reaches a certain size, he won't have room to turn around, so if it's nearing birth time and his head isn't down, I will not be allowed to have a natural birth). So, all that being said, I've had to come to terms with what will be will be. I hope for a natural birth, but I'm open to a c-section. Just no epidural. Absolutely no epidural lol. I'll do nitros oxide though.

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