★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Oh and... Since yesterday I have been feeling very suspicious flutters in my lower belly and I think it might be baby... :cloud9:
Joanna glad scan went well. Do you have a gender preference or indifferent? I know a healthy baby is the most important to us mamas.

Glad you won't have to wait to long until lease is up to upgrade to a van.

Oh and yes at the start of the week I was basically feeling normal then yesterday was awful and today about the same. So ready for 2nd tri. I know this is my last and I should savor it, but feeling like crap just makes me want to male the weeks speed up.

Co I'm glad you had a lovely scan. I'm looking forward to mine in 2 weeks. They won't tell me what baby is measuring as it's not a medical ultrasound at my OB office. I'll just be happy to see a baby looking like a baby.

Fern I'm sorry for that news. I have heard of false "positives" for increased risk of Downs. I hope that at your next appt you get a definite answer, and hopefully negative for Downs. I'm glad he's keeping quiet for now. If things escalate please get somewhere safe. :hugs:

Jelly I hope your tests go well today. Did I miss when your first appt/scan is?

Pine it is hard not to use the doppler every day. I'm excited to feel movement again. I had an anterior placenta with my 2nd and didn't feel movements until 17 or 18 weeks I think. I'm hoping to feel sooner since this is my 3rd.

Enjoy the binge watching. I do miss doing that with DH. I know it'll happen again though when the girls don't want to hang out with us lol

AFM there is a possibilty of a furlough in my dept at work. We will just have to see how our patient census keeps going. If I am it will be okay, I can withdraw from 401k without a penalty if needed.

I had a dream the other night that I was having an ultrasound and we saw definite boy parts. I hope my dream comes true and it's not just wishful thinking influencing my dreams.
Flukey - I'm leaning to wanting a girl more than a boy but not by a lot. I'll be happy with either really! The only dream I've had baby wise has been about the name "logan", which popped up in the dream. I assume the name meant 'boy' but I guess Logan could be a girls name too. Hopefully your dream comes true.

Pineberry - I was literally just coming on to ask if anyone has felt any movement yet?! Yes, little butterfly flutters is what it feels like to start with. I've felt a few things that could possibly be baby but not where I'm convinced it is. The ultrasound tech said the placenta is at the front this time, so I might not feel movement as early on this time around.

Fern - I'm sorry for the diagnosis, but hopefully future tests will give a better diagnosis.

This last hour at work is dragging... can't wait to start the weekend. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Fern, I meant to respond earlier but got distracted. I'm glad things have settled down a bit, but please don't hesitate to talk to your parents if you need a safe place to go. Also, I do hope everything works out with testing, but if this baby has downs, there are so many resources for people who raise kids with downs as well as resources for adults with downs available anymore. People are becoming much more informed and enlightened about cognitive and physical differences! And depending on the level of functionality, some people with downs become some of the sweetest, funniest, most wonderful people to be around. I personally know one young adult with downs and he is such a sweetheart.

Pineberry to answer your question, honestly, it's a long story as to why I secretly hope this is a girl despite all the evidence to the contrary. Granted, if I were to believe old wives tales, I most definitely am having a girl - acne, faster heart rate, early weight gain. The only "girl symptom" I haven't had a lot of is extra nausea. Of course, these are myths and not really based in fact. Anyway, I own a bunch of girl stuff that my mom kept from my childhood (heirloom quality), but that's not the only reason I want this to be a girl. All of our embryos but one are boys, and that one we lost last pregnancy. Knowing that she was our only hope for ever having a girl without an outright miracle kind makes me sad. But, I do think boys are a LOT of fun, and having mostly fostered boys, I can honestly say they were easier to parent, or maybe I'm just naturally more inclined to mother boys well. So, it doesn't make sense that I want a girl more lol.

I can't wait to feel flutters! With as wiggly as this baby has been on my last two scans, I'm thinking we are going to have a super active child lol.
@Pineberry how exciting to be feeling movement! I love that part of pregnancy! I’ve been a bit addicted to my Doppler as well. I was also going to stick to once a week and that has become every other day now!
The midwife will call if there’s any issues with the blood tests, she did the 3 month blood sugar check and a random one. She thinks when I see the consultant at the hospital they’ll probably ask me to start doing finger pricks which I’m fine with and I’m hoping I can avoid any high readings.

@Flueky88 I know what you mean about wanting to enjoy the last pregnancy but at the same time wishing the time away to the second trimester! I’ve had my midwife appointment now and they’ve sent my notes off to the hospital who will book my scan appointment so that should hopefully arrive by post in the next few days. The midwife thinks the appointment will be the week after next.

@Joannaxoxo do you think you’ll use that name now? That would be quite a cool story to tell the baby!

@Deethehippy I hope you’re keeping well! Are you testing soon?

@co_fostermom I hope the bleeding has stopped now. You’ve really been through it. Take it easy lovely!
Aww @Deethehippy thanks for checking in, I hope you are doing well and will get your BFP soon. <3 :hugs2:

Hope my fellow bumpers had a lovely weekend?!

Wasn’t exactly great here, both SO and I had diarrhea the entire yesterday :-s:-s my poor guy had stomach cramps and a high fever on top of that. Was extremely worried it might be covid, but diarrhea AND stomach cramp doesn’t seem to be that common with covid. However, he’s feeling a lot better today already. And I just think it would be very unlikely for us to have picked up the virus, as we really only go out to the grocery store and take proper precautions when doing so.

Weirdly, last night after wiping there was the slightest bit of pink spotting on the paper :-k wiped again and it was red. After that, nothing. Dont know what that was about, but will ask the doctor at my 16 week ultrasound on Tuesday.

I did some research online and realized that the bubbly water sound I’d been hearing on my doppler is actually the baby moving / swimming around! I freaking love that sound now. I hear it every time I listen, so safe to say he’s quite the active baby! And that "wind in the tree" sound I’ve been hearing is the placenta! So cool.
Dee - good to hear from you! I often check into your testing threads and are hopeful to see some BFPs from some of you that I recognize. I'm hoping your BFP is around the corner for you.

Weekend was good, minus the fact that my kids are trying to kill each other. They've always fought a bit, but after 7 weeks stuck together, it seems like every second of the day we are breaking up another shouting fight (sometimes one will get a bruise from the other). I didn't realize how much kids NEED school and routine and the ability to run around at a park when they have pent up energy (parks closed in our area). Our once a day walks really don't do much to help. We are looking a getting a trampoline for the backyard but no where seems to have any in stock. I hope everyone's weekend went well... anyone else finding their kids fighting a lot?
Joanna I'm sorry you're dealing with that! Yes, routine is paramount for kids, especially those under 10, but I would argue even teens need the safety of routine in their daily lives as their bodies and minds turn chaotic. Pinterest has a lot of at home ideas for "gym class" that you might be able to try that wouldn't involve a lot of spending or require special facilities. Hope you are able to figure something out!

Pineberry that's so cool about the doppler and the new sounds you're recognizing. I seriously need to invest in a real doppler. I can't seem to get the heartbeat for longer than 10 seconds anymore because the little turd (I say this with all love and affection) keeps moving away lol. I'm really sorry that you and SO were sick this weekend though. I hope you both feel 100% better soon.
Joanna I've personally never heard of Logan as a girl's name but thinks very so much in different regions of the world.

Sorry your kids are fighting. Mine are younger and their routine hasn't been disrupted so they are behaving like normal.

Dee I hope you get your bfp soon. I've been silently stalking the April testing thread.

Co happy 13 weeks! I know this is super jumping the gun but do you think you would want to do another FET in the future or just see what happens? There is absolutely nothing wrong with stopping with one. If my question is offensive feel free not to answer and I'm sorry, I meant no disrespect.

I'm sorry your baby is being a little ninja after you find the heartbeat. Mine does the same most of the time.

Jelly yay for getting a scan date soon! I paid my OB office for the early, now, and later scan package so I'm getting a scan next week. Can't wait to see lil bub and hope we can see the nub. I'm getting so anxious about finding out gender lol

Pine I'm so sorry you were both unwell. I hope you are both back to normal today. I got food poisoning around 38 weeks last time and it was awful. More vomiting than anything else but those stomach cramps were very painful.

Sorry you had another spotting scare. Excited to hear aboutyour appt tomorrow.
Pineberry - I hope you are feeling better, sorry you and SO were so sick.

Foster - Gym idea sounds great. Maybe we can get them to do laps around the yard haha. I forgot that a few weeks ago I had the idea to do an obsticle course with the kids... using hoola hoops, side walk chalk and lawn markers. I'll have to remind DH of this. Hopefully the warmer weather comes back soon, +3F (37.4 C) doesn't keep us outside too long.

Flukey - good luck at the scan next week... post pictures if you can. I love seeing ultrasounds pictures. I've also not known any girls with the Logan, but my mom does. I quite like the name for a boy but DH doesn't, so we might not use it.

Does anyone know anything about the NUB theory in regards to ultrasound pictures? I looked up the theory and find it quite interesting but can't quite decide what I see in my ultrasound picture. For those of you who don't know, the NUB theory is where you look for a little 'nub' on a 11-14 week ultrasound and it will relate to the supposed gender of the baby based on it's location. I'm interested mostly for fun, but know quite a lot of people believe the theory is quite accurate.
Does anyone know anything about the NUB theory in regards to ultrasound pictures? I looked up the theory and find it quite interesting but can't quite decide what I see in my ultrasound picture. For those of you who don't know, the NUB theory is where you look for a little 'nub' on a 11-14 week ultrasound and it will relate to the supposed gender of the baby based on it's location. I'm interested mostly for fun, but know quite a lot of people believe the theory is quite accurate.

I have read a lot about it, if you want I can take a look and see if I would have any guesses with yours, do you have any pic where the nub is clearly visible?

My 12 week ultrasound for example shows a clear boy nub - angled upwards :) but I dont know how common it is for it to be that visible and obvious - also depends on the quality of the ultrasound machine etc, I would suppose.

Joanna I like Logan for a boy as well. We've had our boy name picked out since April 2015, it's not Logan but it's one we both really like. It can be hard coming up with a name you both like.

I don't have a girl name ready and will only cross that bridge if we find out I'm team pink again.

I was never good at spotting the nub so I'm not any help there. I've found it to be pretty accurate though. You should post a photo in the gender prediction forum.
I have read a lot about it, if you want I can take a look and see if I would have any guesses with yours, do you have any pic where the nub is clearly visible?

My 12 week ultrasound for example shows a clear boy nub - angled upwards :) but I dont know how common it is for it to be that visible and obvious - also depends on the quality of the ultrasound machine etc, I would suppose.

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I can't post a picture right now as I'm at work, but my ultrasound picture is on page 35 about half way down in this thread. I'm torn as it looks like the nub is pointing up (boy) ... but then the baby's position shows the spine and nub more parallel (girl). Also my friend said the skull looked more feminine... so the skull theory is interesting to take into account. I'm really not sure haha. (happy with either but very curious!).
Skull looks girly, nice and rounded. I'm not sure on nub.
Thank you so much ladies for the hello's - I'm 11 dpo today (possibly 10) and just BFN's along with some cramps so feeling out again this month unfortunately. :(
Don't suppose any of you had cramps around or before your BFP's (clutching at straws)
Take care everyone
@Deethehippy I'm so sorry that it's not looking good hun :( that limbo phase between end of luteal phase and beginning of next AF is always the worst, I hated just feeling AF impending. On my BFP cycle I did have "cramps" before my period but they didn't feel like period cramps at all, they were very mild and not all that noticable. But everytime I had "period" cramps, AF did come. I hope you won't have to wait much longer for your BFP :hugs:

@Joannaxoxo Oookay so I'm totally afraid of making a guess and possibly being wrong but here we go! I looked at the pic closely and the nub does look like it's kind of rising, and I dont think that the end of the spine and the nub look all that parallel (see orange lines):


So IF that is the nub (and not the smaller thingy below it) I'm leaning toward boy but dont take my word on that hahah! Very curious what it turns out to be now! :flower:

PS we are sure that that pointy long bit at the end is definitely the nub though, right?! I'm only wondering because the end is very pointy, unlike in other ultrasound pics I've seen.
Pineberry - that's how I first looked at the nub too. But seconded guessed lol. I think I'm secretly hoping for a girl so I'm looking for girl answers haha. But I have a feeling this one is a boy.... though I had no clue when I was carrying my daughter.

Dee - I had some slight cramping on one side before my BFP, but it was very light, lighter than period cramps.

Flukey - I see a girl skull too.

I'm also very interested in finding out what this one is! Can't wait for my next scan (end of May though!). Thanks for all the guesses!
Dee I had some cramps but like the others they were very mild and didn't feel like AF was on her way.
Thank you so much ladies for the hello's - I'm 11 dpo today (possibly 10) and just BFN's along with some cramps so feeling out again this month unfortunately. :(
Don't suppose any of you had cramps around or before your BFP's (clutching at straws)
Take care everyone

I didn’t with my first pregnancy but with my second one and with this one, my cramps felt exactly like AF cramps around the time I got my BFP. Keeping everything crossed for you!

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