★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Jelly a little over a week for you now! Oh and I think the rlp gets worse each pregnancy. It wasn't bad with my 1st. I'm actually a bit nervous how bad the after birth pains will be. They were fairly miserable after my 2nd baby.

Pine I got a belly band with my first as I had spd pain, but I didn't wear it a lot as I found it uncomfortable. I don't think I even pulled it out with my 2nd.

Co is nitrous oxide an option where you live? They don't give it where I live. It's epidural or nothing. Well other than pain management techniques.

Pine oh man I had a lot of lower abdominal pain last night.... but mine was just bloating and gas lol I hope it's eased off for you.

Joanna if you wanted you could maybe find an old pillow of your that's a bit thin to use as support for your growing bump once you need it. That's what I always did.
Flueky - I like your old pillow idea. I definitely have those lying around.

Foster - any reason why you don't like the idea of an epidural? My experience with one wasn't too bad (no pain having it put in, they freeze you first) but I did find I had some lower back pain for a few months after having my daughter, it didn't last forever though.

I had a quick and natural birth with my first child. My second child was breech so I had a c-section. Both ways have their positives and negatives. The vaginal birth is way more work to get the baby out and you feel a lot of pain, however, the recovery is soooo much easier. The c-section to me felt like cheating haha.. I got out of the initial pain of birthing the baby but then the real work was the recovery. I'm hoping for a vaginal birth this time around.
Flukey - yes the hospital I plan to give birth at offers it. If I'm freaking out, like hyperventilating or getting overwhelmed, I imagine it would help me a TON!

Joanna - I can't stand the thought of a) a huge needle in my spine while I try to give birth, plus loss of most feeling/ control below the injection site. I feel like our bodies are meant to handle this and despite the pain, I at least want to be able to feel things, b) I struggle with back pain enough, so the thought of having back pain for weeks or even months afterwards is ever so not worth it to me. Of course, I definitely would prefer a natural birth but am coming to terms with maybe not being able to have it, in which case that means that a c-section actually is the only option. I do however realize that the recovery is far worse with c-sections but it is what it is and I might not have a choice.
Co I'm not trying to sway you one way or another but the needle is removed after epidural is placed. You are just left with a plastic cannula like an IV site. I've done a vaginal birth with and without an epidural. A natural labor class was a must to get me through my contractions and I plan to attend the class again. I don't think I'll even have an option of epidural just like with my 2nd because my labors are just so fast. I'll be lucky if I make it to the hospital is how I'm feeling lol

Oh and that's awesome that's an option at your hospital (nitrous oxide). I'd love to do a water birth but it's not available where I go.
I love gas and air (nitrous oxide) puffing on it definitely helps control my breathing.
I only had it once I was 9cm dilated in my last birth (managed to use breathing techniques up until that point) and it really takes the edge off.
I don’t understand why some countries/areas don’t have it? It’s brilliant stuff :lol:
I’m planning a home birth this time all going well and considering getting a pool. The midwives will bring the gas and air to my house.
I always try to be open minded about labour and birth though. I have a plan of what I’d ideally like to happen but also my preferences for different scenarios.
Hi ladies, glad to see everyone is doing well!

Beautiful scan pic Pine, those long legs are amazing to see. Baby size: my first measured very large with a large head. He still really does have a large head! I gave birth naturally and the head came through fine, but he was twisted so his shoulder got caught and tore me internally and externally and I had to have an episiotomy. Thank goodness for the epidural. Healing was not too bad though.
How are your sugar levels currently?

Co_foster interesting to hear how you feel about the epidural. For me personally I wasn’t able to cope with the pain and I’m glad I had pain control when he was stuck and I tore. The epidural was bliss, didn’t hurt, I had no back pain after and could still move my legs (walking epidural). But I know not everyone has the same experience. Bump size- my growth has also been a bit slower or it seems so for a while, and some days I just look chubby. I think it might have to do with bloat perhaps.

Joanna- what a relief that your measurements came back low risk!

Jelly and Lissy, good luck with your scans!

I had my 12 week scan with a specialist today after the blood screening showed high risk for Down’s. The scan showed very low risk. Every measurement was perfect, some measurements she did over and over and over. It took about an hour all in all. And I’m having another boy!! I’ll try to upload a picture later. He is very active but I have an anterior placenta so I probably won’t feel him for a while, boo.
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Fern - I've also got an anterior placenta. I think I felt a movement yesterday quite low down (it was like a very quick kick) but I can't be sure. Congratulations on the baby boy! How confusing with the two different results and the risk factors, will you have more testing to find out more?

Jelly - I don't think we have gas and air here in Canada. If we do, I wasn't offered it with my first birth. I do remember getting something for pain in my IV drip... it helped me to relax and rest between contractions but it did nothing to ease any pain. I'll ask my doctor next time I see her if gas & air is an option here as I might try that over the IV drip pain med.

Foster - I can totally understand your fears. I didn't know I was going to be having a c-section until a few hours before it happened. If I did, I probably would have been very worried. But I promise you the epidural wasn't bad at all, they freeze the area before the needle goes in and the numbing sensation in my legs was just like a warmth feeling. Like Flueky said, the needle doesn't stay in, they insert a cannula, which they remove when your still numb after the surgery and you don't feel it. The back pain afterwards I didn't notice until a month or so later... it felt like a pinched nerve when I bent over in a certain way... it did go away on it's own after awhile. For that reason alone though I'm going to try not having an epidural unless I have to get a c-section. But not everyone get back pain from an epidural.

I had a lovely evening last night. It was my Birthday yesterday, so DH and the kids decorated the house. DH cooked smoked ribs on our smoker BBQ, then we had corn-on-the-cob, coleslaw and baked beans. OMG the food was sooo good. They ran out of time to make a cake, so that is today's project with the kids while I'm at work lol. We also ordered a trampoline for the kids, so hopefully that arrives soon so the kids have something fun to play with outside. How is everyone else doing?
Fern I’m really glad the scan went well! That’s brilliant news!

Joanna happy birthday for yesterday! Sounds like you had a brilliant time and the food sounds amazing. I hope you enjoy your cake!

I’ve been sat in the garden all day today. It’s been so lovely and sunny! Lockdown isn’t so bad when the weather is like this!
Happy birthday Joanna! It sounds like such a lovely time!

Jelly I agree sunshine on the skin is amazing. We’re headed into winter but some days are nice and sunny.

I’m going to try to post 2 pics. One is a side view and the boy nub/penis is visible under the “B” for boy. The other is a view from underneath baby’s bottom, showing the boy bits between the 2 legs.

I don’t know how to change them from pdf to jpeg!


  • Fri, 24 Apr 2020, 15:20 2.pdf
    266.1 KB · Views: 21
  • Fri, 24 Apr 2020, 15:20.pdf
    258.2 KB · Views: 10
Fernnnnn! :happydance:So happy that your scan went well, and I think its good news that the scan showed low risk? When will you know for sure? And congrats on your BOY!! You know I somehow had a feeling all along that your bub would be a boy! I actually want to have at least two boys ideally, just because I would love to see that brotherly bond between them growing up.

Yup, that nub is clear as day on those pics! And what a lil cutie! :hugs:

My blood sugar levels are really good ever since I cut out most carbs and all sugars! And thanks for sharing your birth story (and thanks all others who did as well, definitely quite reassuring that even a big baby doesnt always mean c-section).
Fern brilliant news! And congrats on the boy! It looks like boys are winning currently on this thread. I wonder how many there will be vs. girls in the end.

Joanna your birthday dinner sounds like such a quintessential summer picnic lovely yummy meal. Ugh, now I want corn on the cob! lol. Thanks also for sharing your story with me. I do know the needle comes out - what I meant was that I also don't want the tube in my back while I try to walk around. Basically, it's going to be natural or planned c-section for me. Maybe it's silly, but I just really, really don't want an epidural. I know women swear by them and I've heard they can help in situations where the baby is stuck or labor isn't progressing because mom is too stressed out from the pain and can't relax enough, and I think it's a wonderful marvel of science for those women who choose it. Totally not judging. I just get this really icky feeling in the pit of my stomach when I think about it for me. I don't know why. Intuition maybe? I just don't think it's right for me.

Yay Pineberry on keeping your blood sugars under control!!!
Ladies...can we be real for a minute? Who is struggling with their hair? My hair is practically down to my waist now and I needed a haircut in February but unfortunately didn't get one because I was busy and also worried about being newly pregnant and breathing chemicals. Then everything closed and the pregnancy hormones kicked in big time. I seriously cannot brush my hair anymore when it's dry, and it's getting progressively more difficult to brush it when it's wet. Anyone else struggling with desperately needing a salon? I seriously considered breaking out the kitchen shears yesterday. No, I didn't because I'm a chicken and love me a high quality haircut, and I'll wait patiently for salons to reopen, but ugh! This is probably the one quarantine thing that is really getting me down.
Foster - I've got a few split ends in my hair, so if hair salons were open, I'd probably be going around now. It's my son and husband's hair that need cutting the most... i'm too afraid to try cutting it for them. :shock:

Pineberry - great news on the blood sugars.

Jelly - my husband and kids have a much better day stuck at home when the weather is nice outside. We just purchased a trampoline (picking it up tonight and will install it tomorrow)... hoping to get the kids outside a little more and use up some of their pent up energy!

Fern - congratulations on the baby boy! Love the baby shots. Thank you for posting the potty shot... I'm now fairly convinced my baby is a girl. When I had my ultrasound we looked at the potty area and 2 legs.. there was no hint of any penis. I asked the tech if she could tell and she said it was too soon (maybe they have to say that so they don't accidentally get it wrong)... but I can clearly see the penis in your picture. There was no hint of any lumps or bumps between my baby's legs. Hmmm..
Jelly I like the idea of delivering at a birth center rather than a hospital but there aren't any in my area. Home births aren't done in my area and may be illegal in my state (I haven't looked it up), but I'm way too much a chicken to do it anyways.

Enjoy the nice weather! We have had gloomy weather but warm.

Fern I agree, I don't regret my epidural with dd1. I needed it and that's okay.

So glad the NT scan went well and congrats on baby boy! He's proud of his parts lol

Joanna happy belated birthday. Corn sounds really good right now. What kind of cake are they fixing you?

Hope they enjoy the trampoline. My oldest saw a kid on one last week and she got really excited.

Co I thankfully had a haircut in early March but I'm having it fall out more instead of getting thicker :(
Hi all hope your all ok. Lovely seeing everyone's updates.

@Pineberry my first was 9lb 5oz second was smaller and my first was actually easier and less painful to deliver than my 2nd. They also told me all the way through the pregnancy he was going to be really big. He was full 14 days late so if he had arrived on time he prob would have been average size.

On the subject of epidurals I compressed the discs in the bottom of my back after I had my first and suffered since, so for that reason I cant have an epidural. Would have to be knocked out if a section was needed, however I think this pretty much makes an elective section impossible for me as they wont knock me out unless absolutely necessary I dont think.

I'm quite nervous about the birth this time around. Not sure why. Maybe its because it's been nearly 10 years since my last baby and worried how my poor body will cope this time around!!! Hahaa
Happy 2nd tri stacey

The bump is out now guys... I don't think I'll be able to hid it from work (the few days I go to the office) much longer.

Anyone else have the beginnings of a bump? Or want to share an updated bump?

Glad to see all is well with you ladies and love seeing the gorgeous scan pictures!

Also lovely bump picture Flueky!
I just feel like I look a bit chubbier at the moment, not sure if people can tell its pregnancy bump or not xx
Flueky - cute bump!

Depending on what I am wearing will show off my bump more. Tighter clothing is very obvious, baggier clothing and you might not be able to tell. I'll post a picture later if I remember.

How was everyone's weekend? We assembled the trampoline for the kids on Saturday. About a half hour of the kids getting to jump and my son rolls his ankle. Instant lump on his ankle, thought he had broken it! My brother-in-law is a nurse, so he came over (wearing a mask) and took a look... just badly sprained. He's doing ok, we've kept it elevated and lots of ice... hopefully he'll be getting around a bit better today. Ugh, I debated over getting a trampoline for years because of kids getting hurt but it is what it is.
@stacey1986 - Good to hear from you and so glad everything is going wonderfully! Yeah I've read quite a few stories now from women whose doctors said their babies would be "huge" and turned out to be just normal sized. So I hope that'll be the case. With how well I'm managing my GD these days, he really shouldn't grow to gigantic extents.

When are you going to find out the gender? :)

@Flueky88 Awww now that's definitely quite the baby bump! Nope, you'll definitely not be able to hide it from work much longer!! My bump is very noticable these days (though tends to really stick out by mid-day/evening), so much so that at the queue in front of grocery stores (because of corona) I am always let in first, without me having to tell them I am pregnant.

@Joannaxoxo Aw sorry your little one got hurt! I do think a trampoline is a good idea though, good on you for getting it set up! Probably takes a bit of practice and getting used to it though :)


Weekend was GOOD!! We finally told his parents, whom had no clue so far. Borrowed our friend's car and made the drive (about 3h away). It's their first grandchild so we really didn't wanna tell them via videochat, hence our decision to go up there for the weekend.

Gave them a card with an ultrasound pic in it, as well as a text that read "I can't wait to meet you, grandpa and grandma".

His mom could barely believe it, and I think she was in shock for a good 20 mins haha. She didn't expect this at ALL. Once she processed the news a little, she did cry a little bit, and immediately asked us what we needed for the baby and how they'd wanna pitch in for costs such as the bassinet, bath tub etc. So lovely of them.

When we said our goodbyes yesterday she was so emotional. Put her hands on my belly and started crying. Think it was a mix of finally realizing that's her grandson in there, and not knowing when we'd be able to see eachother again due to corona (we usually visit one weekend a month).

Of course I got emotional too and my SO also had a hard time saying goodbye. He was teary eyed as we were driving off and they were standing at their window waving to us. Ugh. :(
Aw Pineberry that's lovely that you actually got to visit your SO's parents to tell them. It's so wonderful to have supportive family members!

Cute bump flueky! I thought I was getting a bump a few weeks back but I think it was mostly bloat. I'm 14 weeks now and really just want to stop feeling like a rollie-pollie and have a clearly visible baby bump. But it's my first and I'm not a huge woman but I'm not skinny either so I know it'll take time.

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