★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Jess I hate that awkward period of when it's hard to distinguish bump vs looking like I'm eating too much.

Joanna I'm glad it was not a serious injury. Sorry it happened though.

Pine I have went shopping during hours for pregnant women and elderly and gave felt a bit guilty. Shouldn't have to feel that way much longer.

So glad your reveal went well! It felt so good telling parents with our first.

Co, thank you. For several years I've been considered overweight by BMI and bad a little bit of a belly. I believe I was 18 or 19 weeks before I started showing with my 1st. So probably not much longer for you.
Joanna - hope your sons ankle is getting better. Trampolines always bring accidents but I find the benefits outweigh these most of the time.

I have a scan tomorrow, this lockdown has sent my anxiety crazy and I have been getting so upset that something isn't right with baby so have booked a private wellbeing scan.
I'm at that stage where my symptoms have gone but I'm not feeling movement yet so I just don't feel pregnant and because I have too much time on my hands with my own thoughts I'm driving myself crazy with it. Fingers crossed tomorrows scan goes well and reassures me xx
Jess I do think the current situation is making anxiety worse! All the best for your scan tomorrow!

Pine How lovely that you got to see family to tell them! I’m glad we got to tell parents before the lockdown started here. No idea when restrictions would be lifted enough to do that here. Sounds like it was a lovely day for all of you!

Flukey my bump is definitely popping too! I was well over 30 weeks in my first pregnancy when I got a bump and then about 16 weeks in my second. It’s all happening a lot earlier this time!

Hi all just to keep you updated. Had my
Scan today - very awkward baby as kept rolling into a ball and was upside down, raised NT level at 3.7mm so I’m having a CVS done Thursday to check everything is ok. Pretty down about it all but I had this with my youngest last time and he was fine. So just hoping Thursday goes ok and I get the results back before the weekend!
Hope everyone is ok xx

Holy moly it has been a while since I've been on here. So sorry for dropping off the face of the earth for a while! It was great catching up through all the posts since my last visit and those ultrasounds are looking AMAZING!

I've been struggling hard the last several weeks. The nausea has been debilitating (I'm on Diclectin and Ondansetron and it's still an issue). Add in severe constipation the last couple of weeks, I've been a right digestive mess with all of this! I'm cautiously optimistic it'll get better in the next couple of weeks, though. Fingers crossed!

I've been blessed with the greatest partner through all of this, though. He's way more excited about this than I am and has been taking the best care of me, especially with this quarantine going on. I feel bad for him for the fact that I just don't want to be touched or close to anyone right now, though. Definitely cannot wait for that to pass!

Super excited to go for my NT ultrasound and blood work tomorrow at 12w+3d, especially since the first scan was too soon and we didn't see anything but an empty sac. Really sucks that my partner can't join me but we're going to try to FaceTime so he can see what's going on. I had a phone appointment with my new OBGYN for this and I'm super happy with the choice I made there already. Although, he will be off the next couple of months because his wife is giving birth!

Also, LOVE seeing the bumps! I feel enormous already and blame bloat plus weak stomach muscles. Quite glad I've been wfh for the past couple months because there's no way I could hide this at the office. Even my hoodies constantly ride up now, too, lol! Didn't think I'd show this much already with my first, especially hearing that some ladies don't start showing for several more weeks.

Cute Bump Azure!

Jelly - wait...30 weeks before you saw a bump? What? Also, cute bump.

Lissy - lovely scan photo but I'm sorry the scan didn't go very well. I hope it turns out just like your last and everything is A-okay!

Jess good luck at your scan tomorrow!!!

AFM no real news. I feel like I don't really have symptoms anymore but can't feel movement and I took my weekly bumpie today and I don't see any progress from week 12 to today (week 14). I know it takes time but this is frustrating! I just wanna know everything is going well.
@Lissy_Sweetie all the best with the CVS. I hope it goes well and the results come back quickly :hugs:

@AzureOrchid I’m sorry to hear how poorly you’ve been! I hope the scan goes well and that you’re feeling better soon!

@co_fostermom I weighed a fair bit more back then which I think made a difference but DS1 was only 6lb 3oz when he was born so I think the combination of me being heavier and him being small kept him fairly well hidden!
@Lissy_Sweetie hope the CVS goes well hun, please keep us updated!

@AzureOrchid hope you enjoy the scan, it will be a big change from the first one for sure.

I’m loving all the bump pics. My tummy is definitely larger but atm it goes between looking nice and round like a bump, to puffy and lumpy like I’ve just gotten fatter. I’m still eating way too much junk but am doing better with healthy foods. I’m getting to a point where my weight gain is starting to bother me a bit so I want to try to stop comfort eating.

Sorry to bring this up but regarding covid... our government is expecting the peak to hit in September. It seems like it’s less a case of “flattening the curve” and more a case of delaying the inevitable so that hospitals could become slightly more prepared. Our public health care system isn’t going to cope regardless though! I’m very upset to think that we’re going to be in a huge big covid mess around the time I’m going to give birth. I keep reading horror stories about covid positive ladies being separated from their infants and children and being horribly sick. Have your countries made similar, or any, predictions?
@Fern81 my country is currently passing through the peak. I do worry about a second peak next winter but I feel like we’d be better prepared for that now.
There’s WHO guidance about Mothers who give birth while infected and it advises against separation from the baby. My local health trust also regularly updates and publishes it’s maternity guidelines. Would you be able to access similar information for where you are?
I’m being very careful about where I get my info from at the moment. The media is full of fear and sensationalism which of course is what sells papers and gets clicks. It’s a very serious situation but there’s also a lot of rumour and guessing. I used to be someone who watched and read a lot of news but I can’t handle it now. I just read the official guidance and try to avoid too much predicting. I think everyone has different ways of coping though!
I agree Jelly I’m so scared today and it’s not as if I can do anything about it so will just stay away from covid-related media and wait for our school principal to announce when schools will reopen, and for the president on the occasions when he addresses the nation. Other than that, I’m grateful that from Friday we will finally be allowed to go for walks again (masks are compulsory) after 5 weeks of not being allowing out except for food, medicine and dr visits!
Jelly & Fern - My doctor said she predicts a second wave in September. She thinks over the summer things are going to be fairly quiet with a few social things/businesses being able to reopen. However, in September when school/colleges/other types of businesses resume my doctor predicts the 2nd wave will happen. She also said that anyone who might have a c-section will have to be tested for Covid.

I think there is still a lot of time until September/October and a lot could change between now and then. I'm also not watching the news too much anymore, staying informed a couple times a week but not everyday, it's too stressful if I do.
Not watching the news has also been a thing for me. Between the president suggesting we inject ourselves with lysol to hearing from military friends that infants are, in fact, being separated from moms who just traveled, is just way too much for me. Currently I'm concerned about my hospital's policies and need to try to find out what their policy around support people are during labor.
Just got all caught up reading the replies & loving all those cute bumps! Not long left until we are all HUUUUGE haha cannot wait!!!

@AzureOrchid SO good to hear from you and lovely seeing an update! Sorry the first trimester has been hitting you so hard. Hopefully that goes away now that you are approaching the 2nd tri. I am glad your partner is being so awesome <3 and do let us know how your ultrasound went!!

It's been an overwhelming past few days for us here (in a good way!) - my SO's parents have decided that they want to buy us a car. A brand new one :shock: So we are no longer buying the used one from our friend (it had way too many issues anyway).

They told us during a phonecall yesterday and we both cried after the call ended. So so lovely of them. We are going to get a brand new Ford fiesta... can't believe it! It'll be our first car ever! Also, they are going to send us money every single month for any baby stuff we need. We already have a baby fund ourselves that we've been putting money into every month, but that extra help is just such a relief.

I just can't believe how amazing they are. :'(

Just ordered the bassinet I've been wanting for baby, from the brand chicco.

Hope everyone is doing amazing!
Hi guys!

@Pineberry how lovely of your SO's parents, I bet you're so grateful to have them in your life.

@AzureOrchid lovely to hear from you and gorgeous bump, sorry you've been so sick!

@Lissy_Sweetie good luck for the cvs. Hope all goes OK, please let us know, will be thinking of you.

My scan last night was great, pictures were all a little blurry but they did let us have the video so that is fab. We heard and saw a lovely regular heartbeat so that has definitely reassured me somewhat as my sister died of a heart defect as a child which is genetic so the heart is always double and triple checked on my babies when I'm pregnant but so far so good!
We opted not to find out the gender but I'm now thinking we are possible team blue as at one point baby had its legs wide open and the sonographer quickly moved away and said "there would have been no surprise there". Makes me think it was a boy with it all proudly on show xx
Morning everyone!

I've had a couple of early scans due to pain and bleeding which i have been told has been caused by fibroid and ovary cysts :(

Baby is fine and i was dated at 6+5 for 2nd December but yesterday i've been told another date now of 30th November! LOL

I have my 'real' dating scan at the end of May but can i pop in here an say hello as i think my due date will be November.

A bit about me;
Im 36, have a wonderful daughter who has just turned 10! Secretly hoping for a boy this time around
Been feeling ok during this pregnancy just exhausted and with a heavy feeling on my bladder x
Pine wow! That’s so lovely of them! How very exciting for you as well!

Jess glad the scan went well, that does sound like it might be a boy!

Miss_Bump welcome! Sorry to hear you’ve had to deal with pain and bleeding but glad everything is okay! I can relate to feeling exhausted. I always suffer with pregnancy fatigue but it’s been on another level this time. Just want to nap all the time!

After feeling like this pregnancy has been going really quickly, time has massively slowed down since I got the date for my scan. 4 more sleeps to go! Can I fast forward time please?
Jess - so glad the baby's heart is good. I think your the first team yellow in our group (that I'm aware of at least). We didn't find out the gender of our second (DH wanted it to be a surprise... I wanted to know lol). We will find out for sure with this baby at the next scan.

Welcome Miss Bump :hi: Sorry you've had a difficult pregnancy so far but glad to hear that baby is doing well.

Pineberry - that's exciting for your in-laws helping you out with a car and finances for baby! Our first vehicle my Mom purchased for us when we were in our early 20s, it was a big help for us to not have any car payments when we were just starting out.

I've made a second online order for a few more maternity clothing. I've also picked out a couple new bras, which I can use for nursing bras too. I have not bought anything for baby yet! I think I'm scared to buy too much in case something bad happens to the baby. I have been watching for good deals and might pick some things up in the coming couple months but I don't seem to be in too much of a hurry yet. Anyone else not bought anything for baby yet?
@JessdueJan Aww amazing to hear that scan went well & that heart looks fine so far too. What a relief! I think I’ll then add you to Team Yellow if you dont mind, unless you find out for sure that it’s a boy? :)

@Miss_Bump Heyyy and WELCOME! :hugs:What a surprise to have a new November bumper joining us :happydance:

@Joannaxoxo Oh my gosh, maternity clothing! I’ve been looking these past few days and it’s proven to be very difficult... Literally ALL the good maternity stuff from the H&M online shop (and desperately NEED by now... I underestimated how quickly my jeans would become uncomfortable, even my larger sized ones) is sold out in my size ](*,) I really really need some comfy jeans, joggers and tops! I did find a pair of maternity jeans at c&a though, so they should be here next week.

I also made an order for 4 bottles of organic, non-alcoholic wines (red, rosé and 2x white). I’ve been craving some wine lately and since both my SO and I are off work for the next 2 weeks, I thought I’d go for it - to enjoy some when we BBQ on our terrace or in the evening with dinner. :) haha, its the little things in life that get me so hyped up these days!
@Pineberry , that's amazing that they're helping out!! And welcome @Miss_Bump!!

Omg maternity clothing has been a godsend. I've mostly been in PJs to this point but tossed on my mat pants yesterday for the ultrasound and it was heavenly!! No digging!!

Had our 12w+4d ultrasound yesterday and it was so exciting! I wound up FaceTiming my partner throughout and the technician was amazing, answering our questions and showing us all sorts of stuff. The little one was super active in there, stretching and showing off! NT measured 1.7mm so I think we're in good shape there. Also looks like a thumb sucker!

Shared the news on social media last night and with my team at work this morning. So nice not to have to hide it anymore!

Azure - Love your pictures. I'm so happy that you got such a lovely experience at your scan!

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