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★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Beautiful bump and I love your top co_foster! I don’t understand why people would comment, you look perfect.

I picked jasmine and filled my house with it, it feels and smells like spring! We’ve been having lovely temperatures. 28 degrees C today and our official “spring day” is only on Sept 1st! I think we’re going to have a scorching summer. Can’t wait to have our pool cleaned and start swimming season. Although I did burst into tears the other day because my swimsuit won’t fit me (I bought it in December after finally losing the baby weight from ds1). I suppose I’ll have to swim in a bikini. No-one will be able to see me as the pool is in our back yard.

Here is my 30 week bump. Idk why it’s always sideways...

Morning ladies.

Co - lovely bump photo... it doesn't look like bubs is too low but I know it probably feels differently. My bump feels low most days but I think it's baby's position... sometimes he shifts and it feels like he's almost at/under my ribs. So it could be his position at that particular time.

Fern & Pine - my first was born without gas/air or epidural. However, it was a fast labour (5-6 hours from water breaking to baby being born)... I do remember when the doctor checked me at I was at 10 cm and I said "but I wanted an epidural." But the nurses were so good, they reassured me that I could do this and actually the pushing was easier then the labour leading up to 10 cm. I did tear but didn't feel it and they numb you if you need stitches after. But I do think I would have got an epidural if my labour had been long... plus everyone feels pain differently, so do what feels right to you.

Not much to report here, we did pack the hospital bags this weekend. It's nice to have them ready to go if need be. Plus, I've got a little list for things I'll need to grab last minute (phone charger, hair brush, makeup bag, etc)... so my husband could get those things if I cant.

Is anyone suffering with seasonal allergies and any tips? For the past 3-4 years in the fall (Aug - Oct) I get allergies... I think it's ragweed which is high at this time of the year. I sneeze a lot and have itchy/watery eyes... this has been going on for almost 2 weeks now. I tried calling my doctor yesterday but gave up after 6 tries. We've been leaving the windows closed and having the AC going, which helps a lot.. I also cleaned the floors and wiped down surfaces where the pollen might be landing. But I'm not sure if there is anything I can take, the usual antihistamines aren't allowed when pregnant. Tips?
Cute bump Fern! Joanna - I sometimes get allergies when the pines pollinate, but that was a couple weeks ago. So annoying. There are plug-in air filters you can get from Amazon but other than that my only advice is to keep a box of tissues handy for nose congestion. I also found a soothing glass of pure white tea or decaffeinated earl gray was comforting, especially in the evenings.
Joanna- over here we are advised to take chlorpheniramine maleate (our brand name is allergex) for allergies and hayfever during pregnancy. It’s mild enough so that young children can also take it. I’ve taken it once during my pregnancy, during autumn, and no problems.
Glad to hear there are no problems, Fern! Also, that sounds like a great score with the baby bag! So nice that you'll get more from the hospital, too. Sorry to hear your work is giving you a hard time now. Cute bump pic!!

Joanna, I thought they did offer gas and air in Canada? I got a pre-registration form for the hospital I'm going to and they have a "Getting to know you" form where they ask things you're open to using during labor and gas/air was one of the options. I know my SIL used air with her last one (while also sitting in the tub! lol) I also hear you with restlessness at night. Kudos to you for sticking it out at work so long! As for allergies, I've been taking Aerius since the end of the first trimester to combat the worst-year-of-allergies-ever. I also run a cool humidifier every night. Both my family Dr and OB say that antihistimines are completely safe, even things like Benedryl that knock you out (had to take one for a random rash a couple weeks ago).

That's great news co_fostermom! Must take a load off having such support from everyone. Super cute baby bump and hopefully he's just hanging out low! My guy likes to get really low sometimes, too. It's so uncomfortable :x

Awww Flueky, that's so cute! Old ladies are seriously the best with the compliments and comments.

Hope the pain and discomfort stays at bay, Pineberry.

AFM we had our second (and final) 3d/4d scan on Monday and he was slightly more cooperative but the pictures were still a bit disappointing. It was neat seeing him but he is breech and had a pile of umbilical cord over top of his face, along with his hands and his feet (little acrobat). Managed to get a couple of pics but he's going to make his appearance a mystery for the most part until he comes out.

I'm very open to an epidural if the pain is too much. I tend to have a high pain tolerance but also feel like I should do myself the favor and not suffer unnecessarily if it comes down to it. We'll see how it goes.

We FINALLY sold this house yesterday after over a month of stress - and less than 30 days before closing on our new house. At least that's off our shoulders now, new tenant at the other house is behaving after a talking to on the weekend (after getting caught smoking indoors), and we finally started to buy some clothes for the little guy.

Pain and discomfort has been picking up this week. Started experiencing BH for the first time on Friday and hits every so often. Already finding it hard to get comfortable and the swelling is unreal. I finally got fitted for some compression socks yesterday and have zero shame wearing them with my shorts/sandals or dress lol! They make such a difference in just the couple of days I've had them.

Here are some pics! He was also opening/closing his mouth and sticking his tongue out a bit which was pretty cute.

Yay for selling your house Azure!!! OH my gosh those chubby cheeks! Also I'm sorry about the BH.

My belly looks super funny today (and lower) so I think Bug did actually drop a bit. Also, I've had at least two BH today if not up to four. Still random, but the fact that I've had more than one today is significant as I've never had more than one in a day before now.

Do any of you veteran moms have advice for us newbies on how to deal with the postpartum stress? I've been reading all about how awful it is and am now properly more terrified of the postpartum aftermath than I am of childbirth. In fact, the way I feel about it at the current moment is childbirth ain't got nothing on postpartum yuck. Help?!
All I can advise for postpartum stress is go with the flow, don't worry if things aren't going the way you planned, it's OK.
With my first I had this ideal in my head that those days after birth would be a happy little bubble of us getting to know our baby. They were not, he wouldn't feed, he screamed the house down and I was a wreck. I convinced myself i was obviously a rubbish mam and I got annoyed if someone else managed to settle him because that meant he clearly didn't like me.

If course, this wasn't true. He had swallowed a lot of mucus etc in the birth and so had tummy ache, his feeds kept coming back up due to this. I was exhausted so easily tipped over the edge which meant the calmness of my mam or whoever settled him easier than me who was stressed and worrying I was doing it all wrong. Once I realised it wasn't going to be the way I envisaged but it was still OK I was a lot more chilled, I let people step in and take him when it was too much for me and I rested when I needed to.

With my next two I was a lot more chilled and "whatever will be will be" and those first few days those times round were much less stressful. I think with my first I just had this picture/movie perfect view of we will be in a little bubble and it'll all be perfect and this baby will sleep when we rock him etc. Then when it wasn't exactly like that I fell apart.

Basically my advice now is always take any help and support you need, pass the baby to someone else and take 5minutes if you need to xx

Also, as far as postpartum recovery and avoiding PPD, which is always a major issue for me - I’ve learned how important proper nutrition and support is during those postpartum months.

I’m a lot more strict about my vitamin/herb supplements immediately post baby than I am the entire pregnancy. I also will be sure to drink a ton of water and #3 taught me I truly do need to prioritize and value my sleep - with homeschool, the other kids and the newborn to be I’ve really invested a lot into our sleeping arrangements to make sure I’m wanting to and more inclined to get more rest right away.

I will be strict in taking:

-Omega 3s
-Vitamin D
-Iron/b12 (I’m always anemic)
-Postnatal herbal support (placebo or not it helped me a lot, there are many, I just spent some time looking into what fits my needs best)
-evening primrose oil (I take throughout and prior to pregnancy, but will continue after pregnancy too)
-red raspberry leaf tea (same as above)

I have also asked my close family for frozen meals so it’s not easier to eat junk while in the newborn daze. xx

Got my hospital bag packed! I even packed a bit for DH. I feel accomplished. I do still need a robe and a nursing nightgown for the hospital, but I bought extra toiletries like even a new hairbrush so I didn't have to make DH worry about it on our way out the door. I also packed a few extra phone charges that we're not really using at the moment in there too. Again, something that normally would have to wait til the last minute. I didn't want to leave anything to the last minute and I *think* I got everything covered. I just want us both to be able to leave out the front door with no second thoughts of things we might need or haven't packed yet.

CC your bump is SUPER cute. :)
Hey ladies!!
Had my growth scan today and baby boy is measuring 3 weeks ahead. They are estimating he is about 3lb 3oz just now. With him only getting half my uterus because of it’s shape, I’m not concerned it won’t get big enough for him if he’s going’s to continue to be so big .
I’m now going to make sure that everything is prepared and ready so just incase I do go early then I am ready.
My DD was 6lb 4oz and had been running out of room big time before my waters broke so hope she had stretched my uterus enough and it can carry this little man for quite a bit longer yet.
DD also took a bump pic this morning for me, so here’s me at 28+5.

Good news that you managed to sell the house Azure! On the pics- well at least you can see the cute little button nose and and in a few short weeks we will all have our babies to stare at endlessly every day! I hear you on the discomfort. This morning when I woke up I was ready to give myself a csection... jk of course but I’m SO over the pain, huge heavy stomach, waddling, fatigue etc. I really hope the next 2 months fly by. My mom says “you’re pregnant for 7 months and 2years” and boy is it true!

Congrats on getting your hospital bag packed co_foster! That’s a milestone in itself! On the postpartum yuck- I suffered from postpartum depression made worse by it NOT being diagnosed (I didn’t seek help) and me already having a psychiatric issue namely an anxiety disorder. I would say take it easy on yourself, accept help but put firm boundaries in place when you need to (I didn’t and family constantly visiting, even invasively bothering me when trying to bf, really got me down), know that you probably WILL cry or be up and down a bit due to the hormones changing, oxytocin leaving your body after birth and of course the life-changing event etc but please seek professional help ASAP when you need to. Rather get help if you feel at all if it’s needed, than try to tough it out. PM me anytime if you need to chat.

CC and Victoria- thanks for the bumpdates and the reminder that we’re all gorgeous even though all of our bumps are so different. Honestly seeing the different ways we all carry, weirdly makes me feel better about my huge weight gain, huge bump and my waddle.

My baby shower is in a week aaahhh! I can’t wait. I can’t wait to see all my friends and celebrate this little life. The year has been shitty; work and family life with husband and a not-so-easy “geriatric” pregnancy all contributed to me feeling guilty for not enjoying the pregnancy and the last bit of time of having my ds1 as an only child. Next weekend will be all about forgetting the stress and celebrating all the positives and both baby A and I really need it!

7 weeks left at the school... actually it was recently announced we’ll have a one week holiday at the end of September so it adds up to 6 weeks... during our week off I’ll be 34/35 weeks and want to finish up everything for baby. I took one day off last week (still taught online but didn’t do any other schoolwork) and regretted it BUT managed to catch up a lot over the weekend with my mom helping to look after ds. I’m going to miss some of the learners and the actual teaching but not the chaotic management and stress. It continues to amaze me how fast the weeks actually go!

Before we know it we’ll all be writing and reading birth stories.
Last edited:
The countdown to finishing work is on then Fern!!

I woke up to pee at 1.30 yesterday morning, stood up and had another gush. My waters had broken. Had to come straight into the hospital to be monitored. So far he is staying put and they are hoping he will stay in there for as long as we can keep him in there safely. Hopefully getting home for bed rest today and then have to come back in regularly to get checked out and make sure all is still looking ok. Otherwise they will be getting him out!! Been a scary day or so
Oh my GOODNESS Victoria!! How are you two doing now?? Could they figure out whether it’s a small tear or is he coming out?
Thinking of you Victoria! Hopefully you can get home and get some rest soon and baby stays put as long as possible :hugs:
Oh my! Hope baby stays put a little longer, Victoria! Sending good vibes and thoughts your way.

p.s. Loving all the bump pics ladies! Will have to post an updated one too, soon.
Fern, yup and the only reason I've ever had a scan in 3rd tri is non-medical. Never had an actual growth scan. Really, other than a preterm labor/birth, and having fast labors, I'm pretty textbook pregnancy. Which isn't a bad thing, imo :) also, nice bump

I'm glad it isn't much longer until your leave begins. You deserve a break before baby. And agree, cheesecake would be delicious!

Pine you have such a healthy outlook on labor. I do hope you can go unmedicated but there is nothing wrong with going with an epidural. Unmedicated is my preference even without factoring in I won't have time to get one most likely.

Co, beautiful bump. I hope your scan goes well tomorrow so baby can keep growing :) as for the comment. It doesn't look like you've dropped.

Honestly, my pp recovery was much better with my 2nd than my 1st. Both times bleeding was only heavy for like 4 days max. After that it lessened. Sometimes you won't bleed for a day or two and it comes back so keep a pad on for awhile. A donut cushion helps get pressure of hemmrhoids, tears, and perineal swelling, total lifesaver with my 1st. Rest when baby does, have someone else worry about cooking, cleaning, etc. Aka don't try to be super woman. Those are some of my pp tips.

Joanna, I like a humidifier when allergies are bothering me. I think you aren't in the US and medication names can be a bit different but I've taken benadryl per my OB. I think claritin is okay too, but best check with your midwife or OB.

Azure what a cutie and I hope that stubborn boy turns head down soon :) congrats on selling so quickly as well

CC lovely bump! It's wondeful how bumps come in many shapes and sizes.

Victoria beautuful bump and I hope baby boy continues to stay put longer. Thoughts and prayers with you.

AFM we moved out of our old house and are set to close in less than 48 hours. I think we are going to make an offer on some land this week too. All the moving, well unpacking and cleaning really wore me out this weekend. My ankles swelled up some and I can tell baby E is head down by the discomfort in my pelvis, waddling, etc. Oh here is a pic from 28+5. I feel like my bump is so big but I've gained 16lbs so right on track. Also I had my hair pulled back so it made me look manly :rofl:

On a different note, we are strongly considering DH taking care of girls after delivery and our bonding time. I love my mom but she is having issues caring for my girls. I'm not sure what's going on with her. You have to micromanage her about changing them, feeding them, giving them drinks, etc. We learned the hard way when she watching them this weekend while we set things up. My mom wasn't like this before. I've debated about asking her if something is up, but don't want to embarrass her. In any case, we want her to just watch for like 5 hours or so. I hope to be discharged quickly too so I can get back to my family.

Oh Victoria, hope baby stays where he is a little longer for you. Thinking of you, sending hugs x
After being head down for the majority of my pregnancy I found out yesterday baby has decided to now move to transverse position at 34 weeks #-onot ideal and very very uncomfortable. It was pain and discomfort which had me in hospital yesterday and this is the reason why from what we can work out.
I have a scan at 36 weeks anyway so they are hoping baby has turned by then.
If not I will be offered ECV or section for somewhere round 38 weeks xx
Morning ladies!

Victoria - I hope baby stays put a little longer, I can imagine it would be scary to have waters break at 29 weeks. But like you said, baby was measuring 3 weeks ahead so perhaps he will be a good weight.

Flukey - thanks for the suggestion of the humidifier. I hadn't thought about using it and we do have one. Hopefully it will work for my husband too, he's been snoring an awful lot more because of his stuffed up nose (I made him sleep in the spare room last night because his snoring was so loud!). Also, I love the bump picture, my bump looks around the same size as yours.

Jess - hopefully baby turns on you soon. The babies are getting so big that even small movements are a little uncomfortable, so when they do a big turn it can hurt.

AFM - I noticed that I've got colostrum already! I don't think I noticed that until my previous babies were born. Anyone else notice this yet? Also, I've had a bit of insomnia at night... I seem to fall asleep just fine but when I wake up to pee in the night I can't get back to sleep for an hour or more. It doesn't help that DH has been snoring loudly either... and he get's rather mad when I suggest he goes to sleep in the spare bed. He doesn't normally snore except when he's got a cold or allergies that have stuffed up his nose. I will be trying the dehumidifier tonight for sure.
Victoria-thinking of you!

Jess- oh no hun I can imagine it causing a lot of pain! I hope baby manages to turn around again!

Flueky I think you look a lot like me; your body shape and even your facial features lol! Wow that was quick to move out already, I cannot even imagine how hard you must have worked and how sore you must be. I hope you get everything sorted out smoothly before E is born.
On the topic of moms- my mom is starting to get old, clearly :( I still trust her to look after ds but eg on Friday he got into their dark garage somehow (ds and I were visiting them for the weekend but I wasn’t there yet) and she couldn’t find him/hear him cry/think of looking in the garage. So he was stuck there in the dark for a while poor thing. And she’s getting REALLY forgetful. Still, she’s much better than mil who thinks a healthy meal consists of crisps and chocolate, and bedtime/bath time to be determined by the toddler’s WANTS. Mil lets the kids run amok. So my mom will still be looking after my ds when I’m in labour, in fact I want him to go and stay with them for those few days. It’s sad to see your parents getting older and worrying about them, sorry to hear that about yours :(

I have been wishing for a mystic bells necklace for my pregnancy and found one today by chance! Our power has been off since yesterday so I couldn’t teach & went to run some errands instead. I popped into the jewelry store to look for birthstone rings but found the necklace with bells pendant instead! With a dark grey/blue bell. It’s gorgeous and I can actually afford this one, unlike the ones I found on takealot and in other stores (and boy they are scarce!) She’s lengthening the chain for me and I’ll get it on Saturday. I’m so thrilled. I’m not going to take it off for the next year lol! Just wish I got one sooner but A has got at least 7 + weeks to listen to it and then after birth of course.

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