Hi, everyone... sorry I've been MIA, I'll explain after I respond to you all!
Jess- I'm so glad you were able to get Isabela into a daycare you're happy with, I'm sure that will make going back to work tomorrow a bit easier. I'm also glad your workplace has mom-friendly policies that allow you to pump at work. I have heard a lot of stories about places that don't make it easy! I'm sorry to hear that your in-laws are being overbearing... I hope Chris can stand up to them for you and you reach an arrangement you are comfortable with. I think sometimes grandparents think they have 'rights,' when actually they have privileges, which can be revoked at any time. I'm sorry it's stressing you out! I hope you enjoyed your first Father's Day.
Kels- I hope you are feeling better physically and emotionally. I'm sorry you had a rougher experience with the misoprostol but glad it seemed to all work in the end. I hope Ryan was able to come home and take some of the burden off of you and that you're enjoying Father's Day today. What kind of teacher is he? (I'm always curious!).
Linds- hope you and baby G are doing well. Sorry about Oakley's tantruming... hopefully he'll move past it quickly. Hope your sinus/cold is doing better also and that you're feeling good. I wouldn't worry at all about your weight, it seems like you're right where you should be. You were also so sick at the beginning of this pregnancy that I'd have been more worried if you weren't gaining sufficiently.
Mar- Ariah is gorgeous. I'm glad you're enjoying her! It seems like the first words I always hear people saying their babies say are either "no" or "dada" but then the rest is close behind and then you can't get them to be quiet!
Rach- I hope you're enjoying your new job! Are the hours easier? Did you get your insurance worked out?
Sam- You're so close! Enjoy your last little bit of work, I hope it passes quickly! Do you have a lot to do at home before your new one arrives? Have you thought of names yet? I'm sorry you're facing resistance from your doc about vbac, but I'm glad you are advocating for yourself about what kind of monitoring you do and don't want. So often 'protocol' is about what's easiest and most convenient and lowest-risk for THEM as opposed to what's best for you as a mom and your new baby. Glad you're standing up to them!
AFM, I've been in pretty rough shape. After I went to the gyno and got referred to the FS, my depression has kinda spiked... I hadn't been drinking for 9 months and I started again (not a ton until last night, but my tolerance is WAY down... and last night we're not discussing, but I think I got it out of my system!), I haven't been running as much, I haven't been eating well and have lost some weight, etc.
My temp spike was indeed ovulation, but since we hadn't had sex for several weeks, there wasn't even a 'chance' and I was upset about that, but things have been pretty bad between Rob and I so I think it was good to take a break. He and I have been arguing a lot... he's been pretty bad about taking care of stuff around the house and it's been making me feel like I have to be responsible for both of us, and I've had enough trouble just dealing with myself. We're actually going to seek couples counseling when I get back in August, which I hope helps. I just feel like I'm going through a lot of this alone.
I went to the FS last Tuesday, and they did some initial testing... my ovaries are SUPER CYSTIC (they actually looked like caviar on the ultrasound) and my hormones are, of course, totally crazy. As soon as I get my period I can start birth control, which should help a lot with my mood as well. I liked the person I saw, I think she seems on top of her stuff and apparently she's the one in the practice who deals primarily with PCOS so she's seen a lot of cases like mine. She also told me to stop temping altogether and not to use OPKs because with the hormone profile I have it is just going to stress me out, so that's helped a bit.
She seems pretty optimistic that it's not a question of "if" for me but "when," both because I'm young (31.5), in good overall health and on the lighter side, and that I was able to get pregnant on my own. Apparently they can't actually use injectables on me because there is a really high risk of ovarian hyperstimulation with the cysts and my AMH (anti-mullerian hormone, mine is very high and indicates FANTASTIC ovarian reserve, but very sensitive to the injectible gonadatropins) so they are going to try a really high dose of clomid for a longer period of time (starting me at 150 mg for 9 days as opposed to the typical 5). They will do bloodwork and ultrasound monitoring on me. I will definitely need a trigger shot as they are concerned at the thickness of the capsule around my ovaries... apparently that's really common in PCOS as well. Depending on the results of my other bloodwork that I have to get done next week, they may put me on baby aspirin and steroids as well to suppress some of my other hormones and make me more responsive to treatment. I'm also still working with insurance to determine what of this is covered (since they can code some of it as treatment for mid-cycle pain from the cysts, at least some of it is), but that's stressful as well.
Things around the house are okay... I've been trying to keep things clean and keep up with the housework just to keep things feeling 'normal.' Mini (new kitty) is doing really well... she is still very skittish and feisty and fights with the other cats but it's getting better every day. We are pretty sure she was abused so we're just trying to be patient with her and build trust slowly. She is so sweet and affectionate when she relaxes so I'm sure she'll get there.
My summer job actually starts on June 25th. I love being in the city and I love that work so I'm pretty excited for it to just happen already!
In the meantime I'm just winding down my school year (my last day with kiddos is June 24th) and trying to make the end of the year special for my kids. The person who's replacing me is not someone I know but she has a rough reputation in the district so I'm trying to set up as many systems as possible to make the transition okay for my kids. I got my class list for next year and I have some really neat kids in my class, but I'm still pretty sad about having to give up this emotional/behavior class.
I'll try to be better about responding, I don't want you girls to worry! I've just been finding the board hard to read from the pregnancy end, and all of the LTTTC boards are depressing for the other reason. Ugh, I feel like I don't fit anywhere! Anyway, thanks for your support as always, girls, I couldn't do this without you (even on days when I'm feeling jealous and depressed and bitchy and I don't want to talk to anyone).