1 DPO- (2nd Jan) 30th Jan

how's everyone doing? any testers yet? I woke up feeling so sick...and hopeful!
I am 10 dpo and have had sore bbs and slight cramping. Not much other then that! Early testing tomorrow 11 dpo! What about u dahlia? I like the saying under ur name..so true! Goodluck to all u girls this cycle!
I think I will test tomorrow at 11 dpo as well. I'm so nervous to, though! I've had cramping 7-9 dpo. also empty acid-y and nauseous stomach...very tired yet can't sleep. pulls, twinges, tugs. I am so praying it's time! and, yeah, it has been hard for me to remember throughout all this - but God is in control. ;)
Dahlia- :happydance: for feeling sick and hopeful, and list of other symptoms oo good luck for testing!
Aries- :happydance: for sore boobs and cramping good luck for testing also!
Hopefully they will be bfp and we can party :wohoo: :happydance:
I’m not testing till 20th but I’m 9dpo and keep getting twinges in tummy, I’ve got achy hips and back and need to pee a lot :blush: and got strange firm bbs which I don’t usually get, I think I might be out as I also have a lot of AF symptoms but keeping up PMA cause I really want my bfp! Lets hope this is a lucky thread!

I'm 9dpo, my main symptom is nausea in the morning, but I also went out to eat last night so that could've been the reason. Holding off til at least Thursday, preferrably Saturday.....we'll see how it goes

To satisfy my poas I'm still doing OPKs, I know they aren't reliable like hpt, but they are so much cheaper and it curbs my poas craving!! :) :)
ttcmikeandme- I am also 9dpo and i will be holding off till next thursday (20th) and will start peeing on opks if i miss af, sickness sounds like a pretty good sign :thumbup: OPKs aren't reliable but if it helps you hold off testing then go for it :haha:

i don't understand what opks show? if the line is close to test line then you could be preg? thx lupine! I hope this is our month - sorry you have af symptoms - but remember they all seem the same!
Aww thanks and opks also pick up hcg so yes you could but they are less sensitive that hpts so are not reliable, plus they don't work for everyone and sometimes pick up lh just before af but they are just fun as long as you take hpt if you get pos and not just rely on them but pg ladies who pee on opks will get positives :thumbup:

:hi: ladies!!

I've been following this thread for the last couple days even though I haven't commented yet. I'm 27, first time ttc and it's been about 4 cycles of really trying. I'm 9dpo too ladies (just like lupinerainbow and ttcmikeandme).. My plan is to test this Thursday morning and then test again on Saturday! I want this so bad!!!! I'm sure you can all understand just how bad. :winkwink:

I've had some heartburn right after dpo (I never usually get heartburn), and my stomach's been weird ever since but it could just be bad food! :haha: Still, I'm keeping fx'ed!!

Best of luck to you lupinerainbow, ttcmikeandme, aries and dahlia!! Praying for a :bfp: for all of us! :happydance::happydance:

Hey h0peful! :wave:
Goodluck with getting you bfp be sure to let us know when you have tested whichever result you get! Your symptoms sound good if they are out of the ordinary :thumbup: how long are your cycles usually?

:hi: lupinerainbow!! Thanks for the warm welcome. :D My cycles are annoyingly long.. anywhere from 32 to 40 days. I came off seasonale (with 4 periods a year) last March/April so I'm guessing my cycles haven't regularized since then. What about you?

I'll definitely let you guys know on Thursday either way! You're so smart (and PATIENT!) to wait a whole extra week. :thumbup: I can barely wait til Thursday as is. I also feel like if I'm not pregnant I'd rather find out from the -ve test rather than by seeing af arrive. ugh. I don't know if that makes any sense!

Ahh i see then maybe you just have to wait a little longer for them to regularise, are they getting shorter or just a little :wacko: My cycles vary from 28- 34 days hence not testing for so long because i won't actually be that late :haha: I look forward to hearing :thumbup: there are 2 testing tomorrow so hopefully you will be joining them with a bfp :winkwink: Yes it makes sense :haha: but for me i don't test because to ensure its not a false negative you have to wait for AF anyway and i would rather see af rather than negative and then AF and as i been ttc for 2 years it gets a bit expensive even using cheap tests :haha:

bfn for me at 10 dpo. :( and I hear ya Lupine about testing versus AF...I usually don't POAS...just wait for witch or lateness. but this month I really felt like it was ours. boo.
Yeah lupinerainbow, I can imagine the cost of pregnancy tests really adds up over time! I was sooooo tempted this morning to test, even with a opk, but I also had to pee really bad so I took advantage of that and just peed. :haha: I'm going to stay strong and wait til 12 dpo which is thursday!

Although... somehow I don't feel pregnant.... I feel like any real (or imaginary!) symptoms that I might've had have disappeared too! I just hope I get surprised anyway!

:awww: Dahlia, don't give up hope completely.. It was only 10 dpo for you and there's still 4 more days for the implantation to occur!!! :hugs:
Dahlia- Chin up hun, still got till the witch comes lots of ladies don’t get a bfp till after missed af so try to keep up the pma :hugs:

H0peful- Keep hoping hun, lots of ladies don’t get any symptoms of any kind as early as this :thumbup: Well done for resisting your urge :haha:

Asfm- CP is back to high again today and cm is back so hopefully I am actually in with a chance, keep getting heartburn but unfortunately this has become a standard af symptoms the last few months and I keep needing toilet a lot but this could be just because I’m paying attention to how much I go :haha: Had bad back and hip ache yesterday and kept thinking AF was on her way early but never happened PMA is still here :happydance: I think it is actually possible I have won the battle this month :thumbup: Goodluck ladies!

How is everyone doing today? I've had a stomach virus since yesterday, starting to keep down fluids which is good........10dpo today, tested and bfn (I know it was stupid, I pretty much spent the last 12 hours in a bathroom and they were right there lol). Probably going to test Friday now, which is when I would be due.

Major props to you lupine for being able to hold off til next week to test :)
hope you feel better mikeandme! sucky! and 10 dpo is so early ...at least I am telling myself that too!

lupine - do you have a journal? dh and I have been married for 4 yrs 8 months...we are so close on marriage and ttc dates! age too? I'm 31 - dh 40.
Hey ladies! Sorry to hear some of you have had BFNs testing early. I am in the same boat! I tested yesterday at 11DPO and it was BFN. Are any of you temping this cycle? If so, how are your temps? Mine are still way up..so holding on to that! Remember..we arent out until the Fat Lady (in this case AF) sings! Lupinerainbow sounds like you may have a winner! and I agree with mikeandme..I dont know how you can hold off!! major willpower!! :dust: to everyone!
Ttcmikeandme- Don’t worry about bfn at 10dpo especially if you are ill, I hope you feel better soon hun :hugs: that will probably mess with your result also as you are bringing up a lot of fluids, goodluck testing on on Friday!
Dahlia- Me and Oh are not yet married, we will be getting married in November this year we have just been together that long :haha: and yes I do its in the LTTTC section and I’m not sure how to put it on ticker but you can have a look for it if you like :thumbup: Not in ages though I am 18 oh is 21, we are young but not in ourselves we have been through a lot in our lives and both had to grow up quickly and see that age doesn’t really matter we both know what we want and are in a stable relationship and we can provide for a child :)
Aries- Sorry to hear about bfn but its still early and if your temps are holding that’s a really good sign! And thank you!
When we first started ttc we thought it would happen really quickly because of our ages and the amount of friends we have having babies (most of our friends are in their late 20s- 40s neither of us really relate to younger people as we are not interested in drinking, partying or immature arguments and changing partners every few days :dohh:) so we thought we would fall in no time if older people are having success but we were wrong in this assumption but a few of my friends are recently pregnant so it will be nice to have our children around the same time as them :) but I have been thinking this every time I hear of a new pg :blush: so we will have to wait and see. Sorry for the essay I just thought I would let you know a bit more about me :D
ASFM- Nothing really new tbh with you I did opk and it had a line (theres the willpower gone :haha:) but it wasn’t positive so I don’t know what this mean :haha: but I had to confess :blush: main reason I can hold off is because I have no hpts in house so I can’t do one unless I go to the shop and then oh will be upset with me as we agreed so :shrug: AF is due tomorrow btw!
:dust: goodluck to you all! :dust:

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