1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Afternoon ladies,
:happydance: I'm glad to hear you're ready to start trying again fee. Are you planning on doing anything different or just going to relax and take it as it comes? You might want to get your woolies out :cold: cos it looks like you've got a chance of more snow at the weekend. It's peeing down here!
How's everybody else today?
It's now 8 days till af is due and I've no idea how many dpo I am which is really annoying!! The af type cramps are quite strong today and I've got a monster appetite:pizza:. This is unusual cos I'm not normally one to pick much between meals. I have also noticed today that my wee has quite a strong smell:blush: a bit to much info! I guess I could be a little dehydrated but it's a bit strange:shrug:. I wish my boobs would start acting up a bit to give me more positive clues:haha:
OOOOHHHHHH! I'm so excited for you. I don't want to get your hopes up too much but it sounds so promising!
hey toots that sounds really promising, do you normally get achy boobs as maybe your no symptom is a symptom!!!!
Hows everyone else today? xx
hey toots you sound good hun,the no symptom thing i really wouldnt worry as i didnt have anything different than i would before af it was the cravings for oranges and the fact i got tipsy off half a small glass of wine that made me think i may be pregnant otherwise id be clueless lol,i started getting bad cramping the day af was due but was slighty different,felt deeper than af cramps so hun you have plenty of time for symptoms to start,i really cant wait for you test x x x
Thanks ladies, I know it's still early days but I just want some sort of siren to start sounding to let me know if I'm pregnant:haha:. As that is extremely unlikely to happen I guess I'll just have to be patient:wacko:. My boobs don't really tend to get tender apart from if I keep poking them:haha:. Maybe by next week I'll have more going on.
How are all you pregnant ladies feeling? Glowing and marvellous I hope!
Hi everyone :wave:

Congratulations on your BFP Wishing. Really chuffed for you!

Lou everything sounds really good and promising! I have everything crossed this is your month!

Fee I'm so glad ur gonna start trying again!

How's everyone else?

I'm CD15 today, still waiting for a positive OPK, it was slightly darker today so maybe tomorrow or Friday I'll get a positive :) FX

Another of my best friends gave birth to a baby boy yesterday. I can't wait to see him!!!

thankyou beth but getting a little scared now as my tests have stopped getting darker and some are lighter than the days before but keep trying tell myself that you neva get 2 tests the same with the same darkness in colour but off to the doctors today so ill see what he says,good luck for ovulation and hope this is your month too hun,wishing you plenty of baby :dust: and star glad to here your ready to try again so good luck and plenty of baby :dust for you too x x x
Morning ladies, hope everyone is well.
Beth it's lovely to hear from you. Glad to hear it's getting near ovulation time. You'll be into the 2ww before you know it:thumbup:.
Wishing, have you tried using one of them digi tests so you don't have to worry about the line?
What is everyone else up to? It's nearly the weekend thankfully:happydance:. It sure has been a long week! I just want next week to hurry up and come round although I shouldn't be wishing the time away cos it's my birthday in 2 weeks time and I'll be 33:jo:, getting on now!:haha:
A bfp at the end of next week would be a cracking birthday pressie though:happydance:
hi toots well been the doctors today and shown him my tests and all he said was i am preg but wants me go back and test again when id be 6 weeks and if the test is still positive then he will book me in with a midwife,with both chemicals ive had happened before the 5 wks so im thinking of using a digi once past that mark,im sure everything is fine n im just worrying myself lol,how are you feeling and are you looking forward to testing x x
I know it's easy for me to say but you must try not to worry Hun. Everything will be absolutely fine and you should enjoy the fact that you are pregnant:happydance:. Have you got any new symptoms or feelings of being pregnant?
I've got weird pinching sensations off and on at the moment, mainly towards my left hip bone. I surely can't be ovulating this late as af is due on the 24th:shrug:. I'm trying desperately hard not to get my hopes up but it's so difficult when lots of things are pointing towards a bfp. I've had a Gail prediction for this month, I've had the hsg and I've read a lot of ladies get bfp after that and also my stars today reckon I'm heading into happiness and it's closer than I might think:wacko:. Roll on next week!! I'll probably have gone ever so slightly insane by then:haha:
Well ladies just wanna stop in quickly and let you know my scn went great. Baby is great and Its a :blue::blue::blue::blue::blue::blue::blue::blue::blue::blue: Pics to come!
Omg! That's fantastic Hun!:dance::dance::blue::blue::blue::blue::blue::blue:
How do you feel being on team blue? Can't wait for the pics:happydance:
hi toots il be fine once i pass the 6 wk mark i think and started feeling sick today and the tiredness is horrid already and with 2 little ones cant just have a nap but it will all be worth it,you are sounding so good with your symptoms,it will be so nice for you get ur bfp this month,i really am excited to hear how your testing goes but i have everything crossed for you x x x

jojo congratulations on finding out u are carrying a little boy and that he is growing just fine,bet it feels more real now you can go shopping and spoil him ready for when is here,really happy for you and cant wait see your scan pic :) x x x


I am so excited! His name will be Jadiel (which is pronunced Jah-dee-el) Xavier!:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

So how you feeling Toots?
Oh jojo he is so beautiful! It's made me feel all teary eyed:cry:.
They are fantasic pics and I'm loving the name!
Is hubby pleased?
I'm feeling ok, had some really strange pinching sensations today so I'm hoping it means a little one is implanting:happydance:. I'm not totally sure when I ovulated but going on previous cycles I'm guessing I'm between 5-7dpo. Is that about right for implantation? I noticed an ache just above my pubic bone for a little while today and the pinching was higher up around belly button height and also around left hip bone:shrug:
OHHHHHHHHH Toots its sounds soooooo much like preggo symptoms!! I can't stand it! I would be so nervous if I were you. It would be so hard for me not to get excited but I would be so nervous too. If your around 5-7dpo then all those symptoms would be right for implantation. How is your CM? Hubby is excited. We would have been happy ith a girl too but we were really wanting a boy. As soon as I found out I sent a message to EVERYONE I know and when my friend came oer to drop of her son she brought me a gift. It was the cutest newborn outfit. Its green and brown with a little monkey on it. I hit me like a ton of bricks I'm GONNA HAVE A BABY BOY! It made it so real! OoooHHHH I really hope this is your month!
I think it's so lovely for you and you got what you wanted, how fab is that:happydance:. Are you going to start calling your bump by the choosen name or do you call it something else. I'm mega excited for you Hun. If you've grown since the last pic then we'll need new ones!
I don't really have a great deal of cm at the moment but I do have a constant wet feeling( tmi!!!):blush:
I'm feeling pretty positive and oh is as well. He doesn't usually say much cos he doesn't like me to get disappointed but this cycle he reckons we've cracked it!
jojos congrats on that little boy, hes perfect!
toots when you testing as everything sounds very promising! fingers x'd for you xxxxxxxx
I'm sure everything will be just fine wishing!

Lou your symptoms sound awesome!! I think hubby might be right about cracking it this month!!

Jojo I'm so pleased for you having a baby boy! Scan pictures are amazing!

Slightly darker OPK today but not quite positive! Met is playing havoc with my stomach I feel as sick as a dog and have a tummy ache :(
Feeling rather sorry for myself and to top it off I have a cold :(

Good morning ladies,
Beth, we're all allowed to feel sorry for ourselves every now and then Hun. Are you still following smep?
How's everybody else today?
Nand, do you know what you're having or are you waiting to find out on the big day?
I'm still really crampy today, it's almost as if af is due to arrive today. I'm also really sneezy and snuffly but maybe I'm just getting a cold:shrug:. Only 6 more days to go:happydance:

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