1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

good morning ladies just thought id let you know the bloating has stayed and feeling heavy down there,boob still ache and cravings for oranges getting worse so tested again and got a very faint second line,you can see it in any light and tell its got colour but a pic wont pick it up,ill retest tuesday day af is due and hope to god it gets darker as if it doesnt then it could be a chemical again which i dont think i could cope with as its took 4 months to get this again,good luck everyone else who is in there 2ww or about to go in and a big thankyou for any support you ladies have given to me over the months ive nipped on here,will let you know how i get on tuesday x x
Oh wishing wow that is amazing news keep us posted I have everything crossed for u x x x
Oh wishing wow that is amazing news keep us posted I have everything crossed for u x x x

thankyou starchase,i want to scream and shout with excitment but the other part of me is very scared that it will all end in tears on tuesday but gota try stay possitive till then :hugs: x x
PMA all the way honey keep ur feet up and enjoy some quiet time until tuesday I'll do all ur shouting and excitement for u and once ur happy u can claim it back deary so chuffed xxxxx
Wishing congrats!!! Can you try to post the pic anyway? I wanna see it! GL hunni and so much :dust:!!!

How's everyone else doing this morning?
thankyou jojo,i tried doing it earlier but couldnt work out how do it so deleted them and now the test is lighter than it was when i first did it so defo wouldnt pick it up now as i managed get a good one where if you have good eyes would of made it out,im going asda tomoz so might get a pack of two just so i can test again tooz night so will post that one if i can work out how do it,also is it normal for a faint possitive go lighter hours after doing it,you can still see it but only just x x
Wishing don't worry there is no normal rule for early pg tests... U'll be fine cos I know u will... I would just buy another 2 pack and use them once AF late but thats just me oh sorry Jojo lol just heard her yelling at me no starchase we wanna see the line tomorrow ha ha


good luck wishing, the first test on an ic was hardly there but got a really good line the next day, if you can get a superdrug test as they are pretty sensitive. keeping my fingers x'd for you xxxxxxxx
HAHAHAHA! Well, your right Star I DO WANNA SEE THOSE LINES! And I wana yell :test: But having had a chemical before I know how hard it is so, Wishing, if you feel that its better for you to wait then by all means that what you do! I personally just don't and didn't have the will power. Each month we TTC I started testing @ 8 DPO! So that should tell you my impatience right there! Either way I know you'll see that :bfp:!!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

How's everyone else doing today? I woke up this morning feeling huge but thought it was just myimagination. Walked out to the coffee pot and my MIL and hubby were standing there and both looked at me like I had 2 heads! Now, I know I'm not the prettiest thing 1st thing in the am but this was a different look. My hubby got up and ran to my tummy ( which he has never done with any of my other pregnancies) and said "HOLY CRAP! Where did that belly come from!" I popped over night! My BBS are Killing me today. The worst its been and they are on fire so maybe the milk glads are getting ready or something??

Hope everyone else is well!
Hi everyone

Finally getting a chance to catch up :)

Lou- I'm glad the procedure went well and DH results came back good too. I hope ur having lots of :sex: ;)
My mum is ok, she had another op to have her lymph nodes out. She's now waiting to start her chemotherapy. Thanx for asking :)

Fee- Turkey for a holiday sounds fab. Would love to see a pic of your dress if u get one :) fingers crossed for a beautiful day on May 5th 2012!! Will u be getting married in Scotland?
Big Fat Gypsy Wedding is hilarious...it amazes me every week.

Annie- hope your ok. I will be taking 1000mg of met from Tuesday. Dr told me to wait 2weeks before increasing it.

Duck- hope your doing well. I bet your so excited for your private scan!

Jojo- Fab pictures of your bump. I'm looking forward to hearing if ur having a boy or a girl.

NandO- hope your ok!! Will u be finding out if your having a boy or girl?

Wishing- FX that line gets stronger :) sending you lots of :dust:

I did take Soy CD3-7 120mg. Hoping the Soy & Met give me a strong healthy eggy :)
I'm doing OPKs so waiting to ov. Currently on CD13.

Hi ladies, hope everybody is well and dandy on this day of romance!
Good luck wishing! Can't wait to hear you've got a nice clear bfp on tuesday:baby:
I did get your response fee:thumbup:I dont know whether there has been any more 'activity'?!:haha:. May should be a nice month with the weather.
Jojo, Have you made your mind up on any names?
Beth, glad to hear you're ok. Fingers crossed for you that the soy works.
Nand and duck, how are you both doing?
Hello Hello

Crazy crazy eh.... well did u see the BFP announcement Lou yeah all time low if u ask me, never mind though, my venue is called Piper dam in Scotland it is beautiful very happy hopefully it will be a really nice day...

I just read the last 5 messages and u know what I got all teary and happy I do believe ladies that we are back all looking forward and happy with what may be its such a nice feeling knowing all my girls are back on the same page xxxx

Beth how addictive is gypsy weddings I'm horrified every week but guess what come 9pm tuesday night I am glued to it lol..., I wanna see new photos of this popped bambino jojo love it,,.... Beth what day do u usually get +ve OPK I am today ish sore last night so no sex for dh lol on this oh so romantic day next month whoo hoo well actually maybe next wknd lol

big hugs to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning fee, did you get treated to anything nice today. Oh and I are miserable old farts so don't bother:haha:. I hope wishing gets a nice positive line to show us.
I wish I had used opk this month cos I've got no idea if I'm in my 2ww or not:dohh:. I'm getting a heavy achy feeling low down in my stomach but it's difficult to know if that's some sort of bruising from the procedure or not. I've also had an increase in cm (tmi for a Monday morning!) but again I don't know whether to put it down to the procedure:shrug:
Happy Valentines Day ladies!!!

Toots, those symptoms sound like either O symptoms or could be your month!!! But when u had your procedure didn't they say your egg was there? So, I think your in your 2ww luv!!

Star, I am going to try and you tube the show your talking about so I can see for my self! I sounds like just the kinda show I would love!

Wishing, how you feeling hunn? Did u hold out and not test?

Duck and Nand, how are you and your bumps?
Hey Jojo, just to be sure that we cover all bases we are dtd every other night until the end of the week. They did say that there was a bulge on my ovary which looked as though it may have been an egg ready to realease. Now I've had my spring clean hopefully the eggy will accept a :spermy:.
I hope you can see my big fat gypsy wedding on you tube, it's so funny and the weddings are just so tacky!
good afternoon ladies well jojo im like you even though im worried i still cant help but test lol and thankyou for all your support ladies im really greatfull and can tell you i have got a darker :bfp: this morning still faint but so easy to see and even oh got excited :),il change my main pic to the test when i get in as its the only way i know how to upload it x x x
I got flowers this morning and oh yeah the FIANCEE card ha ha it is the little details that make me well chuffed, ds got squirty bum again lol his words not mine!!! so housebound and i really wanted to get to butcher for steaks hope i'm not having chkn nuggets and chips from freezer now!!!



enjoy ha ha ha ha its superb xxxxxxxxxxx
Oh wishing how did I miss that whoo hoo :bfp::bfp::bfp::happydance:

so chuffed for u honey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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