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1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Well ladies, still holding out hope for my BFP!!! I just finished dinner and its taking everything I have not to loose it :sick: and my back and bbs are killing me.This is what happened last month was I had what I'm pretty positive was a chemical. Its crazy that I'm happy to be sick to my stomach. Well, I think I'm gonna hold out tomorrow but if :witch: doesn't come I'm gonna test Wednesday evening. Have a good night everyone and hopefully we'll see some more :bfp: in the morning! :dust:
fingers x'd jojosmami your symptoms are very very promising xx
Well ladies, trying to stay with a PMA but had big temp drop this morning:cry: No AF yet but with a temp drop like that don't think its looking good.

How are all our knocked up ladies feeling?
Anyone else test yet?
ANyone have new symptoms?
Sorry to hear about your temp drop jojos. Don't give up just yet though:thumbup: do you feel as if :witch: is on the way? Im keeping my fingers crossed for you still!
I've booked my appointment to see the doctor next week. I'm nervous but I think it's been to long now ttc that I need to take some action!
Don't give up hope yet jojosmami, your symptoms are really promising!

I have been having more nausea, af style cramps and a bit of back pain on and off. Boobs are a bit tender. AF is due today and I keep running to the loo thinking I can feel it but it's a no show at the moment. I feel so strange because yesterdays test showed BFN.

It's so hard being a woman!!!!
Sorry to hear about your temp drop jojos. Don't give up just yet though:thumbup: do you feel as if :witch: is on the way? Im keeping my fingers crossed for you still!
I've booked my appointment to see the doctor next week. I'm nervous but I think it's been to long now ttc that I need to take some action!

Thanks, but I do feel like its coming but who knows. My boss is going thru the same as you hun. She went yesterday to her Dr. to get and IUI and they saw an egg about to be released so they sent her home to :sex: and this morning her hubby gave a :spermy:sample and they did an IUI. It never hurts to go see someone. They told her her hubby and her both checked out fine and its just an issue of timing for them so could be for you too! Fingers xxd for you and all the :kiss::hugs:and :dust:for you!
Don't give up hope yet jojosmami, your symptoms are really promising!

I have been having more nausea, af style cramps and a bit of back pain on and off. Boobs are a bit tender. AF is due today and I keep running to the loo thinking I can feel it but it's a no show at the moment. I feel so strange because yesterdays test showed BFN.

It's so hard being a woman!!!!

Did you test today? Symptoms sound good! :af: for us both!!!
:hugs: thanks jojos. This seems to have been a really lucky thread for a lot of the ladies so hopefully you'll get your :bfp:
:grr::witch::grr: she won't come knocking on your door!
dont give up jojos ff says that one temp on its own doesnt mean much, fingers x'd for you hun xx
jojosmami, dont you dare give up now:nope:, your so close hun. Its not over untill that witch shows her face. :hugs::kiss::hugs:

im 13dpo now, and i feel sick, as anything, really tired, and feeling bit bit**y:growlmad:. Not a happy bunny, not sure why:shrug:.

I have my fingers, toes and everything else crossed, even my legs, for NOW!!:haha: GL HUN:hugs:
Thanks Ladies! :friends: :hugs: :kisses: I'm holding on for dear life at this point!!
@Tigger you feel yucky because you have a baby bean reaking haoc on your hormones. Enjoy every second!! :D
@Toots, I agree! If she shows up I think a good ole fashion beating will teach her!! :haha:
@Nand, how you feeling mama?

I have a question for you ladies who got predictions, I'm really interested now because Tigger and Nand your were right! How do I go about that and how much are they?
No didn't test today hun, I only have 1 FRER in the house and don't want to waste it! Thy is OHs way of dealing with my POAS addiction - only buy 2 tests at a time!

If AF is still a no show on Thursday (which will be 16dpo) I will test again.

Have you tested today?
Nope, gonna test tomorrow if no AF! Fingers XX'd for both of us!
:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: for loobs and jojosmami am crossing everything for you guys xxxxxxxxx
I got mine from gail she is on ebay gail123, https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Psychic-Reading-For-Pregnancy-Conception-Baby-Outlook-/170542431525?
again that was about 2 days and was £7 so i suppose about $10 pt=UK_Metaphysical_New_Age&hash=item27b51efd25#ht_1716wt_912 jennyrenny https://jennyrenny.viviti.com/ $8 for conception reading, that took about 2 days.
psychic star again ebay and i suppose about $11 and 2 days
my favourites were gail and psychic star as they put more info into them, jenny rennys was about 2 lines long but it gave me this month and a boy so she was right about the bfp
When will the cramping stop? And will I be tired for the next 9 months?
Good Luck everyone waiting to test
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
jna im still cramping a little but i think you are a little ahead of me. tiredness ends in about 18 yrs and 8 months or never!!!!!!
jna im still cramping a little but i think you are a little ahead of me. tiredness ends in about 18 yrs and 8 months or never!!!!!!

Jojosmami, Nando1 gave you all the correct links for the readings, and like she said star, and gail where really good, went really deep into the readings.
But i must add, star did say oct conception for me, and Gail is the only one who said conception in mid sept and postive in oct. She was spot on:thumbup:. They all said boy:kiss:.

GL HUN, hopefully you wont need one, and you get your bfp, very soon:hugs:
Tigger With my ds. who is 10 months old now, i went into labour and it went on for about 20hrs and stopped for 4 so had 3hrs sleep then it started up again and 12hrs later he was born didnt sleep much that night and havent caught up since, having said that posting on the internet at midnight doesnt help either,
jna im still cramping a little but i think you are a little ahead of me. tiredness ends in about 18 yrs and 8 months or never!!!!!!

No dont tell me that. Im hoping for one of those rare cute babies who never cry after the first month or two. Yes im a dreamer but im a college student and I have 19 credit hours this semester. I only have class on Tuesday and Thursday but its from 8-6:30 and it almost killed me today. I woke up at 6am because I couldnt sleep and by 10:30 I was ready to crash. Does anyone have a remedy for tiredness other than sleep. Also is anyones cramps worse in the morning than during the day?

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