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1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

hey toots you'll be joining us soon!

jojos/loobs any news yet?
JoJo re: reading gail was the one i connected with most, although i did love psychic star, but a few things gail said were spot on..
A mega dose of PMA and :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: to you hun, have you tried preseed lube coz im sure it helped me, had tried conceive plus but didnt work first month preseed and bfp, had been trying for 8 months with no luck.
I haven't tried it but I have read good things about it. Might be worth me looking into getting some and giving it a go, got nothing to lose by trying it. :hugs: thanks nand.
Tigger With my ds. who is 10 months old now, i went into labour and it went on for about 20hrs and stopped for 4 so had 3hrs sleep then it started up again and 12hrs later he was born didnt sleep much that night and havent caught up since, having said that posting on the internet at midnight doesnt help either,

Saying that Nand, i have three girls, my oldest is 16 now and the youngest is 6. And i cant remember when i have had a full 5 hours sleep, since i had my eldest. Mainly when she goes out, and never answer her phone, and she always 4 hours late , from the time she says she be back. God us women, we love to be punished dont we. But its worth it, cos that whats life all about, Im 37 now and my mum still have kittens, if i dont call at least once a day:dohh:.:hugs:
I haven't tried it but I have read good things about it. Might be worth me looking into getting some and giving it a go, got nothing to lose by trying it. :hugs: thanks nand.

Toots and Nand, i used preseed for the first time this cycle, and i got my :bfp:. Me and DH had lots and lots of problem.. for a start, im type 1 diabeic on insulin, have unactive thyroid, long and anovulated cycles and if thats not enough, early onset of kidney disease. Dh bless him, has a over enlarged postate gland, making him have lumpy semen (tmi), and his semen count came back under 15 million. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MY SECRET, ON HOW I DID IT?
Well, ladies, I woke up this morning with my temps the same and spotting:cry::cry::cry: Its so crazy because I woke up this morning queazy again but I guess it is what it is. I had HORRIBLE cramps last night, almost called my Dr. cause they were so strong. Spotting is really light and hardly there and pink and cramps are gone but I'm guessing its :witch:because my temp is the same. :cry: But, it is what it is right? Always next month. My heart is still desperatly trying to hold out any hope possible trying to tell my self maybe its IB but my head is telling me to wake up and get over it! Its not to be this month. GL to the rest of you ladies!!! On to next month! Going to look up that preseed stuff. Where do I buy it? I really want to get a reading I just have to figure out a way to pay for it without my DH knowing. He is VERY against those types of things, he's cheap so wouldn't want to pay for it anyway, and our Ebay account is under his name. Any sugg ladies?
Ok girls follow these steps, and im sure you get your BFP. :thumbup:

1; Start charting, cos even if your opk might say positive, you might not really release the eggie. Charting will tell you when you have ovulated.

2; Start testing for possible ovulation, from cd 6, even if you have long cycles, and make sure you test at least twice daily. Test at these times only, NOT THE FMU, 11am-4pm and 6pm-10pm. Make sure you hold your wee if possible for 4 hours, before testing. And save your test strips so you can compare the colour change, as the days go by. Also 1 more thing, if your like me and you cant tell if the colour change is dark enough, invest in the CLEAR BLUE OVULATION DIGI, the one with the smiley face, if the strip seems dark, just test with the smiley to be certain.

3; Try not to bd, at least 3 days before 'o', but no longer than 7 days, as semen starts getting stale after 7 days, but its at its strongest after 3 days.

4; Start checking your cervice mucus, once its EGG WHITE looking go for the kill, also if your opks are saying go go go.

5; If your like me, and you dont get EW CM, invest in a sperm friendly lube, i used PRESEED, it gives your swimmers a fertile state, so they live longer, and have a better chance to get the eggie.

6; When bding try and bd just before bed, so afterward you stay in a lie down position, giving the swimmers an extra boost. AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT BIT GIRLS, ORGASM AFTER YOUR PARTNER HAS CLIMAXED. I can hear all you ladies screaming at me right now!! but its important, your cervix acts like a vacum, when orgasm, sucking most of the contents of your 'V', meaning the sperm. Hence giving your swimmers a head start, to reach the eggie. Also if you can try and bd in the early hours like at 1am, as that will cover the day before and the day after, if you know what i mean.

7; This is optional, if you have problems with ovulation, or sperm count, invest in a supplement, that is ideal for your problem. for myself and DH we both invested in fertile blend. But that doesnt mean it be ideal for you, PLEASE DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE TRYING ANY SUPPLEMENTS.

8; Last of all, start the 2ww. And GOODLUCK:thumbup::happydance::dust:
Oh jojosmami:cry:, i really thought, this was it for you hun. Are you sure its not IB, cos you just spotting, and you do get cramp, with spotting. And your temps do drop when the eggie implants.:flower:
Thanks for the advice Tigger! I know I REALLY thought this was it! When I just went and checked the spotting has stopped! I just have TONS of EWCM? It still could go either way I suppose but really am putting in my head that its the :witch: so I don't get to excited. I would rather be pleasantly surprised the crushed:winkwink: Where do you buy that preseed stuff?
Ok girls follow these steps, and im sure you get your BFP. :thumbup:

1; Start charting, cos even if your opk might say positive, you might not really release the eggie. Charting will tell you when you have ovulated.

2; Start testing for possible ovulation, from cd 6, even if you have long cycles, and make sure you test at least twice daily. Test at these times only, NOT THE FMU, 11am-4pm and 6pm-10pm. Make sure you hold your wee if possible for 4 hours, before testing. And save your test strips so you can compare the colour change, as the days go by. Also 1 more thing, if your like me and you cant tell if the colour change is dark enough, invest in the CLEAR BLUE OVULATION DIGI, the one with the smiley face, if the strip seems dark, just test with the smiley to be certain.

3; Try not to bd, at least 3 days before 'o', but no longer than 7 days, as semen starts getting stale after 7 days, but its at its strongest after 3 days.

4; Start checking your cervice mucus, once its EGG WHITE looking go for the kill, also if your opks are saying go go go.

5; If your like me, and you dont get EW CM, invest in a sperm friendly lube, i used PRESEED, it gives your swimmers a fertile state, so they live longer, and have a better chance to get the eggie.

6; When bding try and bd just before bed, so afterward you stay in a lie down position, giving the swimmers an extra boost. AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT BIT GIRLS, ORGASM AFTER YOUR PARTNER HAS CLIMAXED. I can hear all you ladies screaming at me right now!! but its important, your cervix acts like a vacum, when orgasm, sucking most of the contents of your 'V', meaning the sperm. Hence giving your swimmers a head start, to reach the eggie. Also if you can try and bd in the early hours like at 1am, as that will cover the day before and the day after, if you know what i mean.

7; This is optional, if you have problems with ovulation, or sperm count, invest in a supplement, that is ideal for your problem. for myself and DH we both invested in fertile blend. But that doesnt mean it be ideal for you, PLEASE DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE TRYING ANY SUPPLEMENTS.

8; Last of all, start the 2ww. And GOODLUCK:thumbup::happydance::dust:

I did most of those, but i had one cup of green tea a day, good for ewcm, one glass of grapefruit juice again good for ewcm, took prenatal vits, used preseed and soft cups, (didnt like those as it felt unnatural) oh and charted, if i hadnt charted i wouldnt have tested yet. Oh and just to cover all bases bought myself a moonstone bracelet (come on i was desperate) Its the stone of fertility.

Jojos do you have those prepaid credit cards in us? coz you could set up your own account and just top it up when necessary. Dont give up yet as I had spotting with ds, was convinced af was coming, :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:Im sending in a hired :gun: to scare the :witch: away
Tigger i couldnt even clap me hands after 8 days on the trot never mind climax!!!!!!!!:wacko::shock:
They have Visa or MC gift cards. He handles all the money so I guess I have to figure out how to get $25 (the smallest amount you can get) from him :winkwink: Thanks for the idea! I guess it could be IB because the spotting has stopped. Guess can't uncross those fingers just yet?
Thanks for the tips tigger and nand:thumbup: I'm getting desperate so I'll give anything a go! What are soft cups?

Jojos I'm feeling positive for you:happydance: ewcm and the spotting stopping has got to be a good sign! What's all this about readings? Is it all done online? :dust::dust::dust:
jojosmami, i still got alot of thing crossed for you (pls dont ask for details:haha:). Just keep waiting, if the witch doesnt arrive by tomorrow, and hoping that temp will rise for you. See your GP, and demand a blood test, to check your HCG levels. GL hun, keeps us updated.

Oh and i got my preseed from ebay, you can also get it from amozon. And if DH is being mean about the money side, just make him understand, its for him as well as you. I mean it takes two to make a baba:baby:.
toots i posted the links on the other page, all done online, soft cups are strange contraptions designed to catch menstrual blood rather than using tampons but i used them to keep swimmers in, put a bit of preseed in to help them on their way.

Jojos good that the spotting has stopped and your temps are above the coverline and thats good too, chin up hun, I'm sure you can dupe oh out of $25 use that feminine charm, if all else fails....cry, always works for me.

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