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1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

CONGRATS TIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: :happydance:!!!! I'm so happy for you hunni!! Healthy & happy 9 months!!!
Well, good morning ladies. As of this morning I am sooooooo confused! I got another bfn this morning:cry: BUt, I was so sick to my tummy all day yesterday, had a horrible headache, last night the same and now this morning the same.Abdomen feels heavy and tight. No cramps just a stretching feeling and bbs still sore. Don't you think if I was preggo I would get my bfp by now? I guess time will tell. Even my hubby was excited to see the test this morning.:cry: Will just keep on testing till I get my :bfp: PMA right?

How's everyone else feeling this morning?

Well, good morning ladies. As of this morning I am sooooooo confused! I got another bfn this morning:cry: BUt, I was so sick to my tummy all day yesterday, had a horrible headache, last night the same and now this morning the same.Abdomen feels heavy and tight. No cramps just a stretching feeling and bbs still sore. Don't you think if I was preggo I would get my bfp by now? I guess time will tell. Even my hubby was excited to see the test this morning.:cry: Will just keep on testing till I get my :bfp: PMA right?

How's everyone else feeling this morning?


Hi jojosmami,
I got such a faint bfp at 10dpo, that you really have to look up close against the light to see it. Also all the signs your saying, are so much like mine, if you remember, i was chatting about a pulling and heavy sort of feeling down below. It was like cramp, but very mild, it all most felt like 'o' pain. Keep faith, its very early at the moment, im confident you get your bfp, very very soon.

GL Hun:hugs:
Hi everyone! Well a lots been happening to you all while I've been away! Congratulations tigger and jna:hugs: I'm so pleased for you both! Have a very happy and healthy 9 months.

Hi jojos and nand, how are you girls doing? I've spent the whole weekend baking cupcakes for the christening yesterday! I'm knackered! Unfortunately I started spotting yesterday so it's all over for me this month. I want to see those bfp for you so fingers crossed!
A massive congratulations to the girls with BFPs! Wishing you all a happy and healthy 9 months. Tigger, I'm also hoping that because you had that tugging feeling that I did, that my BFP is on the way too!

I have had an awful weekend, OH and I went to visit his family 50miles away on Saturday morning. Then our car wouldn't start so we had to stay the night before a mechanic would come and look at it yesterday. We got home at 9pm last night!

I had terrible nausea all day yesterday along with on/off af style cramps. I am feeling some of the same today. My boobs feel just like they do before af.

Despite all this, I am sat here staring at a FRER showing nothing but a BFN. Grrrr!
AF is due tomorrow hun. I went from having loads of symptoms to none and then loads again. If I'm really not pregnant then this nausea is a bit worrying! The only time it settles is when I have got food in my mouth :haha:

And if AF does show, that means I am going back to BCP. I have a new job (going from private to NHS) and if I want all the perks like mat leave etc I am going to have to give it a while. Plus I am going from working in care of the elderly to the operating theatre so loads and loads to learn.

But everything happens for a reason, right? x
hi girls am in total shock.... got bfp this am, i felt so negative about this cycle and now look. its so early but hoping this is a sticky bean

Congrats tigger hope you have a healthy pregnancy

jojosmami how you doing today?

toots prodding my boobies was not the cause of the tenderness, are you sure you are out? I spotted with #2 around the time af was due.

baby dust to everyone xxx
hi everyone! I dont have time to read all the posts yet but looks like theres some more BFP's so congrats!! I finally tested and got a :bfn: with an early response but no period yet and today is cycle day 31. I have gone to cycle day 32 before so assuming its coming tomorrow, but its so annoying to wait. Has my sore throat again last night, so when there was no period this morning I was sure I must be pregnant but no. I know theres still a chance, but I think its just a longer cycle...I didnt get my smiley face till cycle day 17 and could have ovulated up to cycle day 20 so I think everything is late. I dont think theres many people who get a :bfn: on cycle day 31 then get a positive, so Im just waiting for aunt flo so I can try all this again it was fun!!! will read all the post and update the list tonight, congrats again I knew my thread would be a good one!!!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Good morning ladies!
@ Tigger, I do remember and because of that I am trying to hold out hope.How you feeling? Feeling preggo? I bet your over the moon! Hey, I have a question, hope it not to personal. What kind of cm are you having if any? I was having creamy but Sat & sun it turned to EWCM. My temps took a little dip yesterday but are back up this morning. I thought maybe I had an inplantation dip on 6dpo which is possible, but I had another did yesterday and my temp is up higher so I don't know. Maybe I'm just grasping at straws here. Do you think you could look at my FF chart and see what you think?Thanks :hugs:
@Toots, so sorry to here about the Af. Are you sure its not IB?
@Loobs, sorry to hear about your weekend.:hugs: Hopefully a BFP will turn everything around for you!
@Nand how you doing?

For me, tested again this morning and another BFN!:cry: I'm pretty much giving up, but because still have a couple major symptoms (dizziness which is getting worse,bbs sore,back aches,and queazy belly,increased temps)I still have a small glimmer of hope. AF due Thursday so not testing again till after she's late. :af::dust::af::dust::af::dust:
hi girls am in total shock.... got bfp this am, i felt so negative about this cycle and now look. its so early but hoping this is a sticky bean

Congrats tigger hope you have a healthy pregnancy

jojosmami how you doing today?

toots prodding my boobies was not the cause of the tenderness, are you sure you are out? I spotted with #2 around the time af was due.

baby dust to everyone xxx

WHAT?????? OMG!OMG!OMG!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::thumbup::happydance::cloud9::hugs::bfp::dance::laugh2::friends:

I am so happy for you!!! How many DPO are you again? I'm really, really happy for you love!!! How you feeling? Did you tell DH yet?
I'm 13dpo got a bit suspicious when after my big dip on my chart it went higher than ever, took 2 ic tests and there was something there but could have been an evap on both, I then took a frer which was a month out of date and had a pos almost instantly but i couldnt trust that so first thing this am i trudged into town to stock up on hpts took one when i got home and there were 2 lines, I was shaking like a leaf, sent a pic to dh and as he didnt reply a nanosecond later i rang him to see if he got my message, he hadnt so left him to retrieve it then rang him again.
when you testing again as your chart looks like mine, will try post a link so you can see, I hope we can be in 1st tri together xx
:happydance::yipee::yipee::yipee: oh my god Nand!!!!!!! So pleased for you! Well done:hugs: how you feeling?

Sarah it's still possible cos af isn't here yet so don't give up hope.

Jojos I'm probably being thick but what's ib?
:happydance::yipee::yipee::yipee: oh my god Nand!!!!!!! So pleased for you! Well done:hugs: how you feeling?

Sarah it's still possible cos af isn't here yet so don't give up hope.

Jojos I'm probably being thick but what's ib?

Implantation Bleeding
thanks toots am still reeling, so seriously didnt think it was our month. i feel fine but have been the bitch from hell all weekend i put it down to stress of the final throes of the tww.
I'm 13dpo got a bit suspicious when after my big dip on my chart it went higher than ever, took 2 ic tests and there was something there but could have been an evap on both, I then took a frer which was a month out of date and had a pos almost instantly but i couldnt trust that so first thing this am i trudged into town to stock up on hpts took one when i got home and there were 2 lines, I was shaking like a leaf, sent a pic to dh and as he didnt reply a nanosecond later i rang him to see if he got my message, he hadnt so left him to retrieve it then rang him again.
when you testing again as your chart looks like mine, will try post a link so you can see, I hope we can be in 1st tri together xx

Just looked at your chart and we have almost the same chart.We both had a drop @ 5dpo,a rise and another drop @ 10dpo, and really high rises. Fingers xx'd for me! Do you have pics of you :bfp: I'm really so happy for you! What did he finally say when he saw it? You said your 13dpo right? That means I your 2 day ahead of me. Can't wait to see what happens!:thumbup:And it looks like your baby predictions were right! Maybe I'll get one now.
:dohh: oh yeah of course that's what it means, I was being thick! Great news about all the :bfp: isn't it. You sound as though you've got loads of positive symptoms going on. I'm pretty sure it's not ib, I get this spotting every month so I'm not going to kid myself.
I no, was jealous of your chart and once mine took a nosedive i really thought i was out, my cycle is about 34 days so its probably only a day ahead, he was in shock and he started laughing so hormones kicked in and i wanted to no what was so funny! He is thrilled though, i had an additional prediction which said this month and a boy aswell, hun you probably wont need predictions, when u testing again? fingers x'd we'll be bump buddies xx
:dohh: oh yeah of course that's what it means, I was being thick! Great news about all the :bfp: isn't it. You sound as though you've got loads of positive symptoms going on. I'm pretty sure it's not ib, I get this spotting every month so I'm not going to kid myself.

:D I did the same thing with the abbreviation for PMA :haha:

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