1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Well I don't think I ovulated either!!!! no positive OPK no faint line now at all oh well who knows..... not sure what too do or make of this eh.. xxxxx
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't be around but I've had a week off and stupidly decided to start decorating our bedroom. I hate decorating!!!!!!!!!! I'm knackered and I've broken all my nails plus the room is still a bloody mess!!
How's everybody else? :hugs:
good morning ladies how are you all on this loverly morning,
Toots i know the feeling,me and oh decided to decorate the frontroom last monday and even though its almost done the rest of the house is now a tip and halfway through i was asking myself why i started it hahaha,how are you feeling though as ive noticed your one day behind me,i was doing so good with not symptom spot but these last couple of days have been hard,im stupidly tired,bloated,feeling sick when hungry but mainly in the morning,achey boobs,very moody and even woke with bloating this morning and im bk on my oranges haha,i really want it be possitive but part of me is thinking its my body playing tricks,
Star have you seen a doctor about your ovulation as i was talking to a lady a few wks ago who told me she only ovulates from one ovary so it doesnt happen every month for her,i would like to say though she now has a gorgeous little girl,maybe your doctors could look into it for you to check as it wont hurt,il keep my fingers crossed that you have though or it happens any day now :),
how is everyone else doing and are you feeling beta jojo x x x x
I have no idea what is going on with my body pretty gutted will make dr appointment for next monday,

Jan - m/c
Feb - 25 day cycle (usually 28-29 days without fail)
March - no ovulation


star it could be ur bodys way of getting it ready to carry a healthy baby for the whole 9 months as it took me 4 months get preg after my october m/c to m/c again last month and im also worrying i dont ovulate from my left ovary as i only get ovulation pain from my right one but the doctors wont look into it for me because they said they cant see me having a problem with having 2 kids and being young,i really hope things get sorted for you soon hun big :hugs: and please let us know if there is any change :) x x x x
18DPO No AF. Ive kept my FMU so I can test later.
Had some snobby type cm just now. Have no idea what's going on!
:( :( :(
Hello all

Right are u ready for this?/?/? Well I pee'd on an OPK on sunday low and behold line appeared again but still not positive... I had EWCM loads yesterday and now cramping low down like Ov... I also had a lot of EWCM again this morning and it was very blood streaked cm??

Now I am offcially confuzzled any ideas?

Hello all

Right are u ready for this?/?/? Well I pee'd on an OPK on sunday low and behold line appeared again but still not positive... I had EWCM loads yesterday and now cramping low down like Ov... I also had a lot of EWCM again this morning and it was very blood streaked cm??

Now I am offcially confuzzled any ideas?

hi hun :wave: they only thing i can think of is and dont take me up on it completerly but maybe ovulation will be happening any day soon so id keep testing and for the fact ur tests have picked up the ovulation hormone since sunday i have read that some months you can have extra and so it will pick it up anywhere in ur cycle and will give a light line so that could be why it picked it up so defo keep testing and hope you could just be ovulating a little late than normal :) x x x
Thank you wishing well i pee'd on a stick and positive tonight was light at 3pm so bding for me whoo hoo I did not know that ovulation can give u blood streaked mucus ?? learn something new everyday x
Hey everyone.

Tested again today...can see something on an Asda HPT but I really have to look for it, so not sure if it's a'n EVAP. It probably is an EVAP as I'm 19DPO today. We didn't BD at all after 1DPO so unless DH has Super sperm and that i ov later than i thaught I find it highly unlikely Will test again on Thursday.

Great news bout the positive opk fee. The blood streaked cm could be OV bleeding I had it my first soy cycle but was more like spotting.

Morning ladies! Sorry haven't been round much! So much going on here. Tried to catch up a bit by reading thru the posts.

Star, I've heard of lots of women who have had light bleeding during O time. Do you think stress could have anything to do with the weird cycle stuff going on? Did you and OH :sex: I really didn't like using the O sticks. I only used them to help with my POAS addiction. I always had very strong symptoms around O time and pretty much knew what day It happened for me, and I never got a true Pos test. When is the wedding again?

Beth, I hope this is it for you hunni. I know how you feel with just wanting a new cycle to start.Its so emotional and you just want a definite yes or no! The guessing, tipping tests and getting your hopes up, its all so hard! But when you get that :bfp: its all worth it!! I can't wait to share that with you! (All of you)

Toots, my love! How's everything going? Def want to see pics of the room when its done! How many sessions of acupuncture have you had so far? Do you feel different? When is the next Dr appt?

Ladies I feel you all need some PMA!!! A little pep in your TTC step!!! :smug::smug::smug: ladies! They say being relaxed and happy is the best thing for getting knocked up!! Also I was watching a morning news program and a lady was on there talking about TTC and fertility issues. She had trouble conceiving and tried for 8 yrs or something and finally got her DD after IVF and then conceived her DS naturally! She had joined a support group just 2 months before her :bfp: The point of the story is she promised that if she ever got pregnant she would help other ladies who were going thru the same thing. She did tons of research and started a group of women who get together once a month and talk about there issues and such! She was convinced that joining that group helped her conceive. So she took the idea to some big college and they did a study on it. They found that once a woman joined a support group, something like 67% of them got pregnant within a couple of months. They did the study over a couple yrs and they couldn't believe the results!!! So maybe you ladies could find one in your area. It can't hurt being around other women who are going thru the same things! Sending lots of love and hugs!!!!!!!!
Hey Jojo

You girls are my support group wonder if that counts or whether u have to be close enough to share the hormones?? My wedding is on the 5th May 2012 so excited getting things booked whoo hoo so much fun, I have no idea what my body is doing just wait and see now hopefully sort itself out next month oh well never mind this month eh lol :)

Yeah I think I just have to much stress going on in my life just now causing everything to go stupid

Morning girls, how's everybody feeling?
Well I think I'm out yet again as I had some brown tinged cm this morning. I always get that a few days before af. I really have had enough now. WTF is going on with me?! We've both had the all clear from the hospital and we do all the right things and I've not once got anywhere near a bfp in 2 years!!!!
AWWWWW Toots!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel better hunni. I wish I could take all the pain and heartache away from you and give you the BFP you deserve! Have you decided to go with the IUI? How do you go about that? I just feel so gutted for you luv. I really wish I could be there for you in person and give you a big hug!
Thanks jojo:kiss:. I was feeling crappy this morning so had a little moan but I'm trying to muster up some pma. Hows things with you and bubba? Is mother in law still with you?
Its totally understandable how your feeling TOots! I would be freaking out by now! I really admire all your strength!
Me and Jadiel are doing good. I can't wait to see him. Today is actually my V-Day! Feeling relieved that I made it this far considering all the trouble I've had in the beginning. I'm having reactions to my shots now. Its crazy. They give me the injection in my butt so now I have 2 big,swollen, itchy,painful lumps above each butt cheek! THere is nothing they can do because if I stop the shots I'll go into labor so guess I have to deal with an itchy ass!! Baby is moving around alot and I don't know how women complain about it! I love it! Getting pretty big though. Starting to get uncomfortable. But I'm loving every second! Sending you sooooo much love and :dust: to all!!!
hey everyone.. how is everyone im sorry i anit been online in for ever we just been livin life day to day'!!!!

Wishin and toots- im so sorry .. yall are in my preys!!
Jojo- congrats on the baby boy!!
Beth- how r u ??

ASFM- i went to the dr on the 28th of feb. and we talked about my cycles and they look at me down there but did not give me a pap im not due for a pap till april.. Anyways they took me off the metforphin and took 8 vilves of blood and i got to go back on april 11 for my blood results and see if im ovulating... But they got my tempin untill i go back... I have my chart on FF but im so confused if i am ovulatin are not... is there anyway yall could look at my chart and see what is goin on.. me an dh are doin good just waitin to see what the results are gonna be...
Congratulations on v day jojo:happydance:. A painful itchy arse, oh dear!!:wacko:. What is it that they are jabbing you with to stop labour? Is it a hormone?

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