1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

See thats why I love this thread ha ha we all think the same yeah I have done spreadsheets and worked out that the excess wage i'd bring in if saved for 9 months would cover maternity pay for 6 months... plus I went on the gov. website and used the SMP calculator and if I start working on the 14th April I can conceive in May or june and that would still work out good for the wedding and I'd get the 90% for 6 weeks xxxxx

Thank you for that Beth it really does help honestly trying really hard to map it all out xxxx

I told one of my bosses and he said I couldn't leave and he would promote me now I've been told that they don't have the finance till april and that it will happen then i think it is just false promises again so I loose this job and then I won't leave it makes it worse that they have admitted I'm working at the wrong grade yet they wont reduce the responsibility, the work load or the stress levels..

What upsets me the most is they know about the miscarriage and nothing has changed!!! that really hurts xx
I hate the end of the financial year! I'm partly funded and always waiting to hear if we get it for the following year.

That's terrible that they aren't being fair on you especially knowing about the mc.

Sucks doesn't it..... hate having to worry about money and finance when all I wanna do is focus on baby making!!! We are trying so hard to be positive but my gut is telling me that nothing will change stress wise that is it really worth it I'm thinking probably not xx
Morning all, how's everyone today?
I'm 33 today:jo:. Had a few glasses of :wine: last night with friends and Im feeling a little tired today! Haven't got much planned for this evening as all 5 of our cats have caught a cold but 2 are actually quite ill so it's a trip to the vets tonight. No doubt that'll cost a bloody fortune!
Oh has changed his shift for today so at least I get to spend the evening with him.
Morning all, how's everyone today?
I'm 33 today:jo:. Had a few glasses of :wine: last night with friends and Im feeling a little tired today! Haven't got much planned for this evening as all 5 of our cats have caught a cold but 2 are actually quite ill so it's a trip to the vets tonight. No doubt that'll cost a bloody fortune!
Oh has changed his shift for today so at least I get to spend the evening with him.

:cake: happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear toots happy birthday to you hiphip horray :flower:
hope you have a great day :) and enjoy another glass or two of :wine: :hugs: x x x x x x

Sorry I've been MIA. I have so much going on right now! Have you ever had so much on your mind and been so busy you think you'll explode? I wonder if that's how Spontaneous Human Combustion happens? If so I'm in big trouble! :wacko: I have so much going on right now. I wanted so bad to get pregnant and because this will be my last one I wanted to be able to cherish every second. In stead my life is full of fighting,arguing and stress. My Mother in law is driving me crazy! I'm trying so hard to be patient and caring but its not easy considering my hormones and her being... well... her! She is impossible! Its causing so much tention between me and DH, its stressing my 5 yr old out and the worst part I can't do anything about it because I don't want to do anything to hurt my DH. That's his mom and I would never except anyone telling me to kick my mom out if she needed help like his mom. Its really not sexy to see what a mama's boy my hubby is. She has taken over my life and the whole house. Sorry for the rant but I can't talk to my DH about it because anytime I do he gets angry. I just want to scream! I'm almost 6 months preggo and I feel like I've missed the whole pregnancy!
Penblwydd Hapus Lou <<= Welsh for Happy Birthday Lou :)

Hope uv had a lovely day. Sorry to hear your cats are unwell. Hope they get better soon and the vet bill isn't too bad.

Jojo sounds like a very stressful time for you! Hope things get better soon. How much longer is your MIL with you for?

Morning ladies, I had a fairly quite bday apart from the trip to the vets which cost £100!! One of the cats played up so my hands are covered in scratches.
I've got my first acupuncture session tomorrow and I'm really excited about it:happydance:. I've done a bit of research and it seems to have v good results in helping people conceive. The clinic I'm going to charges £35 per session. I'm hoping to get 3-4 treatments in this cycle. I'm still eating the manuka honey at least once a day, it's actually v nice put in fruit tea.
How's everybody else?
Jojo, it sounds like you're having a crappy time Hun. It seems v unfair that you're not able to fully enjoy your pregnancy. Is your mil living with you perminately now? It is definately not an attractive sight to see your oh behaving like a mummies boy!
Evening ladies

How are we all, happy happy belated birthday lou, hope the cats are feeling bettter wee bugger though scratching u,.,.. Jojo u are a saint i'd go insane!!!

Started baby aspirin opks arrived this morning whooo hoooo :) lou good luck with the acupuncture honey hopefully it will work think i'd freak out at it

Evening fee, apparently acupuncture doesn't hurt so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! It's got to the stage now where I'll try anything:wacko:. I'll let you all know how I get on. At £35 per session it bloody well better work!:haha:
Is this the first cycle youve tried aspirin?
Evening everyone.

Oh your poor hand Lou! I've always wanted to try acupuncture to see what it feels like.

Fee u actually managed to get the aspirin! Where from? When ate u starting the opks?

Hey Beth, I've posted on the first and second tri asking ladies to tell me their success stories while ttc using acupuncture. It's got to be worth a try I think.
How far into the tww are you now?
Yeah good idea! Have u had much of a response?

I'm 7DPO today :)
I still have achy boobs (armpitish) creamy cm.
Not much else really :(

Are you still taking soy?
I've had some responses and they are encouraging. Honey also seems to be a good thing to be eating, I think I'll pretty much try anything as I really don't fancy having iui:wacko:
I took the soy at the beginning of the cycle. Cd3-7 only.
It's great your having positive feedback about the acupuncture and honey!
Have u thought of trying soy?

Hey there

I finally got them in Boots but they were behing the counter and boy did I get questions why did I not get a prescription and how long was I gonna take them just wanted to say one cycle cos boom they are gonna work and oh yeah most importantly WHY IS IT ANY OF UR BUSINESS!!! lol silly lady panicing about me buying 75mg aspirin and u can buy 300mg for 35p in tesco get a grip lol sorry but it took me 5 chemists to finally get them ha ha

Lou first time taking them lots of good stories about it..... has just been from women who have suffered m/c before though so will let you know? I have a friend who has had acupuncture its not sore it is just freaky seeing them in u ha ha oh actually u know what I have had it done it is fine I'm being silly xxx
hi girls, happy belated bday Lou
i have had acupuncture before for knee problems,
it is ok, doesnt hurt at all, just a bit cringy when they twist the needle to produce more of a reaction, but feels really lovely afterwards, like a surge of endorphins or something ! good luck with it.
i am feeling much better now, off the the docs at 5 as have a terrible headache and they think i might have an infection, so hoping i dont get signed off again, have to be in court 3 times next week and work think i took last minute annual leave, so wont be easy to explain that one away....
i had wine on wed night and had the most godawful hangover, can almost think about giving up the booze permanently, so that is one benefit of having been pregnant.
looking forward to getting back to ttc, but still bleeding lots at the moment.

Jojo - the MIL thing sounds awful, how long do you have left with her ?
Beth - fx'd for BFP
starchase - hope the aspirin works - my husband has a blood condition called g6pd which essentially means his blood is too thin, so i am not going to try it as he is totally allergic to aspirin, but hoping it gives you guys results
toots - how are the cats

did Annie get thrown off BNB ??
Hey toots hope the accupuncture works, things like reflexology are supposed to be good too. belated happy birthday hun, hope it was a good one xxx
beth your symptoms sound good fingers x'd for your bfp.
star dont you just hate being interrogated by friggin staff over whether you can have a tablet or not, if they dont want you to have them then dont bloody sell them.
Jojos what a rough time you are having, you are too nice.
Duck i know you have an important job but you have got to take care of yourself first, so if they sign you off they sign you off.
I had a bug i think yesterday was vomiting like linda blair without the headspin thing! I also got a surprise in my verbaudet order, lovely pair of maternity jeans and a dirty thong, (it smelled) Am disgusted! oh and i did get a fab bunch of flowers from oh for our anniversary today... bless him, he must be keeping the diamonds for when he gets home...not xx
hi girls, have an infection and signed off for a week but doc said i can go back on monday if the antibiotics have kicked in and i feel better.
What are everyones plans for the weekend ?
i have my husbands cousins hen do today, though fortunately she doesnt drink so it was supposed to be pampering, lunch then chocolate making class.
I had already pulled out of the chocolate making as it is £45 each ! and i wanted to save that for the baby, but am feeling so rubbish am also pulling out of lunch, so have a manicure at 12 and then home again.
SIL is pissed off with me for letting her down, and keeps posting things on facebook like "i have had such a bad day.." if only she knew what a bad day was !
Do you think now is the time to remind her that she turned up 4 hours late to my hen do and stayed for 30 mins, due to her period pains...." !!! LOL
oh yes and forgot to add that GP was so lovely, she said she was amazed at how well DH and are were coping and that we could TTC straight away, as soon as i have a BFN !

feeling v. positive

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