1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Yea, its called 17HP its a progesterone shot. Since my son was wks early and my DD was almost 8 wks early trying to keep this baby inside as long as possible!

this is my chart please look at it and tell me what u think!!!:flower:
Oh Lou I'm sending you lots if hugs!!!! I'm cussing my fingers for you that it happens soon!
Jojo hope the shot works and that u manage to go full term!

I tested again today and as I thought it was a BFN. No idea what's happened this cycle. The soy can't have worked.

Fee any news on the job front?

Hi there

Well u wanna see the OPK I got last night it was BURGUNDY!!!!!! I have never in my life seen one as dark as that crazy we bd everyday since Monday as I felt so bad at beginning of week so fx'd... Got a telephone conference tomo for new job very excited about it but even more so we are heading to manchester this wknd for a break can't wait gonna be a right laugh and relaxed stick beanie stick ha ha XXxxx

Lou I am sending u big hugs that is just pants and not fair I wanna see ur BFP never mind my own lol xx

Beth what is going on with ur cycle? it's just nuts is this ur first cycle back on soya?

Jojo I didn't know they had shots to keep bubba in I will look into it as dh was 33 weeker

Off to bed knackered xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The burgundy OPK sounds fantastic!!!!! Lots of BD for you!!
Hope the telephone conference went well! Good luck! And enjoy a lovely weekend away!!!

I have a lovely weekend of cleaning and washing ahead of me :(

Hi girls,
Fee, Sounds as if you're in with a damn good chance this cycle:happydance:, a burgundy opk sounds great:thumbup:. Hope you enjoy your weekend away.
Beth, Did you try taking anything to try and settle your cycle down? Perhaps something like epo would get your cycle back on track:shrug:.
Jojo, hows you? Anything nice planned for the weekend?
Duck, Hope everything is ok with you.
Wishing, How are things going with you?

I'm only getting really tiny amounts of brown stuff at the moment (sorry tmi!) but I'm still not holding out any hope at all of a bfp. I'm not even going to bother testing, just wait for my usual monthly visit from af. I don't know whether to try another cycle of acupuncture or not, I'm just so fed up with this now. Tomorrow should be nice as I've got a friend that works for clinique and shes asked me to go and be a model for her tomorrow so she can demonstrate make-up and skin care so that should be quite good:thumbup:
hiya girls, how is everyone ?

i had another scan at EPU and they have found 1cm of tissue left from ERPC...
Am on antibiotics again for another week.
On the plus side, he said he could see a large ovulation follicle on my ovary, which was good and that hopefully my period would take the remaining tissue away with it, was told if i am still getting a BFP after 8 weeks to see the GP again - it is 4 weeks on Monday.
He said that even if we tried to DTD it wouldnt work this month as still have pregnancy tissue and that the follicle was abnormally large so not to risk it going wrong and to wait for a proper period first.

am knackered so sorry this is short and sweet but love to everyone
good morning ladies
awwwww duck your having such a bad time at the mo arnt you,bet you just wish it would sort itself out so you can try again,you sound like ur staying possitive though which is good,sending you :hugs: x x x

star that is brill news good luck for this month,bet ur over the moon now you know uv ovulated and come on little swimmers swim swim swim lol x x x

toots i have everything crossed for you and uv done well not testing but try stay possitive,hope you have a greatday today too it sounds like fun :) x x x

jojo hope ur little man stays all snuggled up inside ur belly till at least 38 weeks,bet its stressfull not knowing if he will or not,did ur other children have stay in hospital when they were early or were they strong enough x x x

well af for me is due today or tomoz,im feeling shattered,cravings for oranges are as bad as last month with my m/c,bloating for almost a week,achy boobs on and off,very irritable and a feeling of heavyness behind my pubic bone and cant stop eating,if its not pregnancy then id say im going have a very bad af when it kicks in but just got wait till tomoz night before i can say its late and if it is ill test in a wks time,now that will be hard but i just want get past the 5 wk mark which ive not done with my m/c x x x x x
good morning ladies hope ur all ok,well today af should defo show up but im having no af symptoms at all so will be suprised if it does but hoping that if it is going show it shows today because im starting to get my hopes up and once i come to tomoz i know il be upset if the :witch: does come,i really want to test now too so finding that hard as im craving vinto pop now too but im sticking to my guns and the earliest il be testing is friday,im off on a nice long walk today with oh,the kids and our dog so hopefully that will take my mind of it for a few hours x x x
Hello Ladies

wishing I just noticed that my son is ages with your daughter when is her birthday ds is 5 in June, Wow u don't have long to go until u test do u? I have ages and ages lol...

How is everyone getting on?

hi star yeah she will be 5 on 26th july so they are very close in age,its been the quickest 2ww ive had with being more relaxed about it but with af being due today n still no sign ive started getting impatient lol,it will soon come round for you to test n maybe try keep urself as busy as pos n it will come round quicker and at least you know u defo ovulated now :) x x
Fx for you wishing!

How did the job conference call go fee? Did u have a nice weekend away? Did plenty of bd I hope!

I'm still waiting for AF, been taking AC for the past 3days hoping that will bring it on and I can start the next cycle!
Had a pretty emotional day yesterday, we should have been celebrating the half way mark :( had a few teary moments. Feel much better today tho!

Oh Beth big cuddles honey... i hate those wobbly days so glad ur feeling better today, weekend in manchester was brilliant we went to the game as well which was a giggle.., think we more than covered the bases with bding so fx'd well job front bit crazy again have a second call tomo morning regarding contract terms so think it went really well.. I have to try and work out what DPO I am on forgot to look lol.. if thats not relaxed don't know what is really word AF would have been due this friday but I'm now 8 days late I think lol

So 13 day luteal phase is what I usually have so better start working it all out lol :)

Wishing they are really close aren't they my ds was due July but arrived 34weeks XXxx
:cry:I'm out yet again girls and I'm completely crushed. I've spent this evening in other halfs arms sobbing. I don't know where to find any more pma.
Sorry for being on a complete downer but I can't remember the last time I felt so low.:cry: I don't know where to go from here.
Oh Lou I'm so sorry. Sending you big hugs!!!!!
Im not really sure what to suggest. Do u feel everything u tried last cycle improved it at all? Maybe u need to give it another cycle.
Or try something else?
The months I got my BFPs this is what I used:

1st time
Agnus Castus

2nd time
Soy (days3-7) (120mg 3-4) (160mg 5-7)
Vitamin B 50Complex

Lots of love hunni. We are here for you!!!

hey ladies.... TOOTS im so sorry sweetie...

Everyone eles dont give up.. hey yall look at my chart.. do yall think i ovulated are what?
hi ladies how you doing,
im really sorry toots and i know nothing i will say will make you feel beta about everything and i honestly do hope you get ur bfp soon x x x x,
and sorry that af isnt coming for you beth,bet thats worse than anything cause you cant get on with ttc x x x x
annie i know nothing about charts sorry

i feel awful telling you all right now but i know ud want to know but i caved and tested today at 1 day late and got a bfp so been very lucky to get caught so soon after last months m/c but still got wait to see if its a sticky x x x
:hugs::hugs: Toots, I'm so sorry luv! Again I'm at a loss of words to make you feel better. I would be just as devastated as you are right now hunni. I'll say the same thing to you as I did to Beth, Cry, Scream, Shout, Be Mad, Be Sad be anything you have to! Go thru all the emotions! We'll be here for you as much as possible!:hugs::hugs:
CONGRATS WISHING!!! Did you get a pic of it? How do you feel? ANy symptoms? So you were 1 day late for your AF? Congrats again hunni! Sending you tons of sticking power!!

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