1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Happy Anniversary for yesterday Nand. Hope your feeling better and that the bug has gone.

Duck I hope the infection clears up and the antibiotics kick in. Do make sure you take it easy.
Great that your GP is so supportive! I'm glad your feeling positive about things :)

I'm 9DPO today. Really want to test! Lol. Boobs are much more achy and felt a little nauseous first thing this morning. Had lots of creamy cm yesterday.
I have cheapies from B&M bargains that are 25mui I might try tomorrow.

Duck glad to see you are feeling positive hope you enjoyed your manicure, a few months back there was a load of things about ttc after m/c and it said that you were 40% more likely to have a healthy full term pregnancy if you didnt wait the 6 months they recommend, hope the antibiotics kick in soon. Dont know what happened with annie but she certainly was a strange one, I work in a hospital and see some terrible things and it makes you realise how trivial some people can be, you sil doesnt know she is born if her worst day is because someone pulled out of a hen do!

beth your symptoms sound really good, really want to say test as would love to see a bfp but giving it another day is sensible, but hey when has ttc been a sensible process.
Still feel a bit ropey from the bug dont feel like eating but thats doing my expanding arse a favour!

How are we all doing? I've been taking the aspirin now so hoping to have some answers this month...

Well the job drama is still here and very much annoying I was head hunted on thursday so now I have 3 job offers and it is bamboozling my mind more than ever, I have told the newest company as of yesterday that they have to pull together the package by tuesday they are the best company offer so fingers crossed it comes out good... the CEO of the company said to me on the phone that he wanted to hire me but he understood that I really wanted more family he then said I only have to work with them for 1 month before I am eligible for maternity pay!!! He sadi that they would be hiring me for the long run not the short term which really did make me feel happier

How is everyone else getting on? Now Beth did you behave or did u POAS already ha ha I am on CD 9 so I can POAS tomorrow onwards hence if job offer crap on tues we try this month no matter and try not to miss a month

Congratulations on ur anniversary Nand xxxx

Duck hope ur infection clears up really quickly I am delighted that you are having a PMA day focus on the future it is great I wish I didn't have the drama then I could focus on TTC again oh rrrrrrrrrr this is really hard

Hi girlies, how's everyone doing?
Nand, belated happy anniversary Hun.
Duck, sorry about the infection Hun. Keep feeling positive and I very much admire how well you are coping:hugs:. What do you do for a living, I seem to remember that you are in the police but I may be getting confused about that:dohh:
Beth, anything new Hun?
Fee, head hunted! How fabulous!!!
Jojo, where's our updated bump pic? You must have grown more since the last one!
I'm on cd11 and the grapefruit juice has certainly made a difference to the cm! I'm leaking!!!!!! Tmi!!!!!!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: I've eaten so much honey that I've now got to buy another pot and at £18 per pot that's not great! Eating natural yogurt with flax seed and drinking fruit tea with a spoon full of honey in it plus drinking pineapple juice and having acupuncture. What else can I do?!??!
Hi ladies.
Toots, I think that's all you can do luv! But it all sounds great! I remember that leaking feeling too!!
Nand, sorry so late but Happy Anniversary.
Duck, how are you feeling
Beth, how are you doing hunni?

Here is an updated bump picPhoto 140.jpg
However this weekend I popped again so there will be another one to come. Sorry if this is TMI but I was on antibiotics for a sinus infection a couple weeks back and I got a serious yeast infection from them. Worst one I've ever had! Called the Dr to see what I could use and they gave me the name of the meds. Well the drug store I went to didn't have that brand so figured I'd wait till the morning(this was Fri) but I went to pee and there was blood( plus unbelievable itchiness and burning) So I had my hubby take me to another store to grab the meds. As soon as I saw the blood I was really freaked out but it was pink and I kept trying to figure out where it was coming from, inside or the outside. I thought I only had it on the outside so I figured the cream would help. Sat,Sun no blood and slowly but surly infection going away but I've been having unusual cramping. Baby boy has been jumping,kicking and what feels like running in there so I haven't put much thought to it but now I have more bleeding and its more red. I'm freaking out and really trying to avoid going to the hospital especially having them digging in my parts while having an infection:shy: Just took a shower and gonna wait a bit and if I see one more drop of anything with color I'm gonna call my Dr. Wish me luck ladies!
Hey everyone (wave)

Any news on the job front Fee? Great that your being headhunted!
Toots your routine sounds great! Are you gonna do opks to detect OV?
Jojo what a lovely bump :) Sorry to hear if your infection. The bleeding must be very worrying. Make sure you call the doctor if u see anymore!
Duck how are you feeling? Is your infection clearing up?

I'm 12DPO I'm testing negative with 25Mui. I have saved some urine and I'm tempted to go get a FRER but they have given me evaps in the past :(
Maybe I'm just out :(
My sense of smell has increased tho lol
What do you all think?

Well Beth, If you were me I would be running to get a FRER. I'm crossing everything I have for you!!!
Fee, I think you should go with your heart! Or you could always put your options in a bag and pick randomly? :haha:

I haven't had any more bleeding so I think I'm ok. Have to go get my shot today so will ask them about it.

Toots, how you felling hunni? Still leaking?
Hi girls,
jojo that is a fantastic bump you've got there! I'm so glad to hear the bleeding has stopped, what a worry that must have been.
Beth, don't count yourself out yet. It's still early, maybe try a frer and see what happens. I've got my fingers crossed for you.
Hows everyone else today?

I'm not leaking as bad as I was so maybe ovulation has happened:shrug:. I wish I'd bought some more opk to keep track of it but I didnt get round to it:dohh:. I've got another session of acupuncture on thursday so I'm looking forward to that. I'm feeeling hopeful that it'll help:thumbup:
hi ladies sorry not been on much but i really am trying to take ttc off my mind as much as pos and i even didnt realise that i was in ovulation week till right around the day i ovulated which i think is good because i was stress free completerly :)im not holding out that this is my month though so not even thinking of what my body is doing and not been this relaxed for a while about ttc but my friend is due to have her baby in a wk so im sure when i see hee little baby boy it may all come bk and il be like i just want it now haha,
jojo-glad the bleeding has stopped but id defo go the doctors if it appears again as even if it is nothing and has been caused by the infection you will know and wont worry as much,im loving the bump too,it seems everywhere i look there is bumps at the mo hehe
toots-hope the acupuncture works for you and you soon get ur bfp as that would be ace
did any of you watch one born every minute last night,a lady had 4 late m/c in the space of 3 yrs so in between them it must of took a while to get caught again but she finally gave birth to a healthy baby boy so it will happen for us still ttc im so sure of it :) x x x x
Hi everyone, how are you all ?
Nand, happy anniversary Hun.
Beth, fingers crossed, symptoms sound good
Fee, head hunted that is fantastic - what do you do
Jojo, Great pic, hope you are feeling better and all those nasty symptoms have stopped
Toots fx'd for O !! I am a Detective on the fraud squad.
Wishing - thats cool about not thinking about things, i wish i could be that chilled !

Well my infection seems to be clearing up, work is busy which is good, am feeling very PMA about things and just want to stop bleeding now, but it seems to have tapered off which is good. Going to test this weekend, as am was still testing BFP last Sunday which is quite annoying.
Want my pregnancy symptoms to go, have nausea still and a thickness around my waist which is not going, would like to go swimming for exercise but cant for 6 weeks as infection risk.
Also want to be close to DH again but we are both scared to DTD in case of bleeding and pain - sorry TMI !
Hi there

Thank you all for your advice on the job front I am a Marine Renewable Energy Manager I now have 3 job offers and a promotion offer at my existing work!!! It's annoying but if the package comes in tomorrow which was due today :( unfortunately it didn't arrive as the CEO was very busy he text to apologise which must be good sign then I am well and trully out of there whoo hoo :) and I will save all of the excess money each month as maternity leave then use the stress free surroundings to get pg...

How is everyone getting on?

Jojo bump is amazing so cute bet you just sit with ur hands on it all the time, sorry about the infection that trully sucks guaranteed that the blood is coming from the infection rather than bubba but if anything else materialises u get that ass to the dr we have come to far with this bubba we really don't want anymore jojo drama lol,....

Lou we are so close this month this is exciting when do u think u are ovulating have u had niggling yet?

Beth its not over yet doll we have been through this one to many times now sense of smell ooohhh good sign see what tomo brings fx'd for u xx

Duck I really wanted to be a forensic criminologist but couldn't get a job in Scotland did pathology as my degree loved it though what an amazing job u have and I'm sure you can keep urself busy if need be just try not to get to involved and have some time for u to get over all of this honey don't worry about getting close again we were devastated the first time after m/c but it does get easier just try and focus on what will be not what has happened xx

Wishing I am sending you big hugs honey xxxx

Nando big ass ha ha its not big ur pregnant, oh I know when has ttc ever been sensible eh never I think its gonna be funny though especially if lou and I are due AF same time as I am gonna have u all screaming at me test test test as not gonna do it for 2 weeks so funny can hear the post now lol...

Well my OPK is getting there.... I think it might actually be positive on thursday whoo hoo wondering if the aspirin is making it a day earlier... feeling mega bitchy this month though poor oh actually have to stop myself screaming and shouting at everyone oops

Thanks Star! WhOO wHOO on the pos OPK! Was it pos today? THe bleeding stopped and noe the infection is going away so I am super happy! ANd yes, I do just constantly rub my belly. Even though Its my 3rd one I'm still in amazement that there is a baby in there! I'm glad things are working out for you on the job front!

How are you ladies doing?

My friend who TTC for 2 yrs, who had 2 IUI's and is now 2 wks behind me in her pregnancy found out today the sex of the baby. She having a boy, AND ANOTHER BOY! She's having TWINS! Its so exciting and such a surprise. They said when she was getting the IUI that there were 2 eggs present ready to be released but @ her 7 wks scan they only saw 1 baby. She hadn't had another Ultrasound till today so she had no idea! Just goes to show you that there are not always clear signs of twins. She losing weight, I had way more :sick: than her, she didn;t feel movement extra early, at all her prenatal appt each month they only heard one heart beat, and her belly is measuring at a normal belly size for a single baby @ 21wks, and I'm measuring big! This means I'm going to be caring for 3 newborns, 2 two year olds, 1 4 yr old and 1 6 yr old everyday! And the sick thing is I CAN"T WAIT!
Oh wow twins that is amazing what a surprise that would be I couldn't imagine what it must feel like to be told or to carry two!! carrying my son was an amazing feeling and I think its the whole bump and stroking it is what I miss most lol

Not quite positive yet but feeling really ill I have a massive bug that is making me feel worse when I think about bding... not done it yet as I have felt so bad so reckon I'm out this month after all that :(

glad ur feeling better Jojo and the bleeding has stopped honey xxx
Hey everyone.

15DPO today no AF and Negative HPT.
Don't know what on earth is going on dont think I'll get a BFP. Maybe I didn't even ovulate :(

Hang in there honey how is ur tummy feeling??

Felt like AF was going to start the other night and had a few twinges accross my stomach but that's it really.
I know deep down that I'm out :( just wish AF would turn up now, just wanna start a new cycle now.

Sorry to hear your feeling ill Fee. Hope y feel better soon. What CD r u on?

Today is CD15??? very faint opk not getting dark at all?? hopefully it will darken this wknd but hopefully i feel better to bd doubt it though :(

Hi everyone.

Fee r u feeling better, did u get that positive opk?
How's everyone else?

I'm 17DPO today. Had a negative test yesterday so I'm thinking maybe I didn't ovulate.

Do you think I should take Agnus Castus to bring on AF so I can start over again or just wait it out a few more days?

hi everyone, fx'd that you did ov and af is late, it is a nightmare waiting
how is everyone ?
i am good, the day i came off the antibiotics i got a sore throat and bad cough - WTF !
so didnt do much this weekend, just cooked sweet potato and chilli & leek and potato soup as part of my economy drive to cut lunchtime costs and DH is slow cooking a harissa lamb shoulder and chocolate pudding, yum yum.
Well TMI but we DTD and it was fine, a bit painful but not so bad.
I stopped bleeding 3 days ago, 9 days after erpc and have started bleeding again today heavily nearly 2 weeks on. I dont know what to think - it cant be AF as no cramping, but surely not still from ERPC ?
wish it would all stop now !

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