1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Hi ladies! How are all you doing?

Star and Wishing Congrats on being into double digits ( 10 weeks )!!!!!!!! See you have been having issues with being stopped up. I didn't really have a problem with that this pregnancy but with my DD I did and my AUnt recommended eating a cookie we have here in the US called Fig NEwtons. It worked! They are soft cookies filled with Fig. HOpe you guys are feeling good other than that!

How are you other ladies?? How is the TTC?

As for me these last weeks are dragging by!! Completely ready for him to come though. GOt everything we need! Go to my Breast feeding class in a couple weeks and also have another ultrasound that same week.

Nand, ur LO still in there?
Well done Jojo 32wks that is superb go girl lol :).... Bet u can't wait to meet little man now so close is the midwife really happy with u?

I am ok ish MS not great but soldiering on I suppose lol enjoying my week off before I start new job next week

Hey ladies.

Sorry not been around lately. Been a rough week. My mum collapsed on Tuesday because they have changed her chemotherapy treatment to be stronger.

I'm 10DPO and haven't tested yet. I've got some asda tests so might try tomorrow.
Had achy goin yesterday and af type cramps. Had a glob of creamy/pinky cm today.
I'm assuming af is going to turn up soon!!! :(

Congrats on getting to double digits Fee & Wishing.
New profile pic looks fantastic jojo.

How's duck, Lou and Nand?

hey Beth
Sorry to hear about your mum, hope she is feeling better today
Jojo - fab pic, love the bump
WIshing and Star - 10 weeks, fab news.
Beth, I am 2 dpo today. I am determined not to symptom spot as it always causes disappointment so i will just take it and see.
Nand - how are you doing ?
hi girls hope you are all ok. I'm still here with bump. really had enough now, need him/her in my arms, so desperate to know if its a him or her! got most things ready now so i'm ready to go so baby get your wriggly little ass out my birth canal now. i'm dreading the pain though!!!!!
beth sorry to hear about your mum i hope she is better now, will be stalking for the results of your test tomorrow. good luck hun xx
Jojos 32 weeks and you are still cooking him, you have done so well, hope you are feeling better these days xx
Star and wishing how are you and your bumps progressing?
duck and toots how are you gals doing???
hi ladies well im feeling so much beta its untrue,can defo tell im almost 11 wks as everything is slowly easing now :),ive also been naughty and brought the pushchair i so desperatly wanted as i spotted it in the sale at £160 instead of £290,it faces both ways too which is why i wanted it so much,im such a happy little bunny at the moment hehe,il ad pics in a min plus my bump picture,i dont know if its still bloating or if it is a real bump with waking up with it :),
jojo n nand im so glad to see your both doing great,well done jojo for keeping him warm n safe a little longer youve definatly helped him get stronger :),nand i know uv had enough now but just try remind urself it will soon be over and when it comes to the pain ul get through it and the moment you hold ur baby all pain is forgotten :),
duck n beth i have everything crossed for you both that you will be joining us before you know it :),beth im so sorry about ur mum too it must be hard seeing her ill,sending big :hugs: to you and all your family,
hope ur doing ok too toots,well here are my pics :) x x x



loving the bump and the pram wishing, always nice to get a bargain xx
thankyou i know i didnt want leave it and have to pay full price as soon as ive had my scan in 2 wks,if anything were to happen then id prob use it for my ds or put it up if we decided try again but i do have a feeling this one is here to stay :) x x x
Thanx ladies!

Its been pretty easy not to symptom spot this month with everything going on. But the groin pain and cramps were really obvious yesterday and the pinky cm today. I've got my fingers crossed for u duck!!!

Nand I bet u can't wait to hold your baby!!!

Wishing great pic of your bump! Pram looks lovely! I know your baby is here to stay!

I'll let u know how I get on with my test in the morning. Think it might be a bit early!

lol oh my goodness wishing u are terrible ha ha love the pram so cute and well what can I say about the bumb WOW.... :) just called OH through too see it I now feel like a fraud nothing like that for me hee hee

Beth sending u and ur mum huge hugs sorry they didn't take care of her by warning her about the stronger dose and any dizziness associated with it did she hurt herself or was her pride just hurt what a shame Xxx Can't wait to see ur test results I am officially ur stalker lol was it streaked cm or just pinky?

Jojo I love ur pic it is so cute xx

Yeah Nand not long now honey really can't wait to hear if it is a boy or a girl I'm thinking boy thou?? Have u got any feelings about the sex? x

Duck welcome to 2ww whoo hoo 2DPO now we expect daily updates of symptoms ha ha xx

Lou sending u big hugs and kisses xxx

My other BF has just been taken into hospital tonight to get her waters broken whoo hoo can't wait to meet this little beanie either xx

My BF had a baby girl this morning whoo hoo Mollie Jessica so cute she was 5lb 8 oz teeny tiny but everything all good

Sorry ladies it wouldn't let me post yesterday.
Was a BFN and AF turned up this morning :(

Onto another cycle.

hi everyone, whats happening ?
nothing much here, symptoms for this week are cramping since O day, shooting pains in nipples
basically could be PMS or could be something else, TORTURE !
Hey everyone started my new job on monday I am knackered oh me oh my didn't think I could get even more tired boy was I wrong..... I've felt flutters crazy eh!!!

how is everyone doing? not long till scans now wishing whoo hoo xxx

Duck how are the symptom spotting going?

Sorry about AF Beth how's ur mum doing? xxx
hi everyone im doing ok been getting some bad headaches laterly but apart from that im on count down for my scan,how are you star except very tired and how is the new job going,are you enjoying it,bet ur getting so excited now for the scan as i know i am :)
beth sorry af got you hope ur ok,
duck how is the symptom spotting going anything different for you :) x x
Hi everyone, well I am
Fed up of the 2ww.
I think I have eaten something bad as feel sick to the stomach and have pains like I am going to have diarrohea tmi then nothing happens
Am tired and have cramping too but definitely think I am out...
ooo duck you never know try stay positive ive heardopf plenty of ladies thinking they were coming down with a bad bug when they got there bfp so you never know,i have everything crossed for you even my legs :rofl: x x
Thanks wishing, have a terrible thirst and nausea which is how my last bfp started however I also have the shivers so might be sick
Might test tomorrow, think I am 1 dpo behind my ticker - too early to test??
How is everyone else today??
Oh wishing headaches are not good I am intolerant to dairy again just because I'm pg if i eat any I get gut head (migraine) it is awful and I just throw up everywhere,... yuk..

I'm really excited had some brown cm again today :( hate it when it happens no red spotting whatsoever so taking that as a good sign xx

I am shattered job good but so very different and I am so so tired xx

Duck fx'd crossed for u this cycle thirsty was my clue big time from what I've been told never deprive ur thirst drink like mad helps beanie attach and eat pineapple or drink the juice if u can stomach it I love it so it didn't make a differene to me it makes the womb nutricious :) XXx


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