1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Hey Duck

We get today as a public holiday from the queen but not bank holiday our maternity unit is brilliant they have to work 24/7 so they just take apts for scans whenever someone qualified is working Xxx
thats an excellent service - not like here in North West London Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm !!!!
Fantastic pic Fee. Glad everything is going well!! 12 week scan will be here in no time!!
Are you still taking low dose aspirin?

Cd21 today. Hoping for a positive opk either today or 2moz!!

Hi ladies!

Been looking threw the posts and wanted to say:

Great pic Star!! So happy for you! Why are they planning a scan so much before your due date? I'm so happy for you! How you feeling?
Wishing how you feeling too?
Beth,Toots,Duck :dust: to you ladies! Keep up the PMA!!!! You guys will be joinin us in no time!
Nand, hope your hanging in there!!

As for me, I'm doing ok. The pregnancy has been really hard on me this time round. With all the complications and emotionally draining hormones that I've been having its been tough. I've been trying to deal the best way I can and keep my self busy with all the fun exciting things about having a baby like shopping for him and setting everything up.I've been talking with other ladies that are around 31 wks also and it seems to be pretty common how I'm feeling. They say in a couple weeks it should all settle down.I slept ALL Day yesterday. I guess my body needed it. I've physically be feeling huge and sore, and my bbs are KILLING me more now than at anytime thru the pregnancy.Hopefully that's a good sign I'll be able to breast feed this time round. Got my breastfeeding class in a couple weeks. I did get his bed all set up, got a stroller,diaper bag ( which I filled already :shy:) and picked out his coming home outfit. Just a few more things to get and I'm ready! I'm getting really excited about meeting him. I can't believe I'm gonna be 31 wks on Thurs! Well ladies just wanted to stop by and let you know little man is still where he should be and check on u luvs! I'll check back soon!
hey star great scan pic,bet you cant wait for the 12 wk one now,
jojo im so glad ur little man is staying put but sorry ur feeling so off n down,i think its harder with having ur children too as you cant rest as easily can you,bet uv enjoyed putting cot up and buying ur pushchair and outfits :),i sooo cant wait hehe,which pushchair have you gone for,
pma and plenty of baby dust to toots,beth and duck i so cant wait how you get on again during ur 2ww and joining us,
nand hope all is ok for you as uv been very quiet too :),

well im doing ok,sickness has calmed down again,still tired alot but it doesnt help waking throughout the night for toilet trips lol,the pain by my belly botton has eased and im noticing alot of pressure just above my pubic bone especially when i bend over to get things,clothes are getting very tight too so doing the bobble thing just till ive had my 12 week scan,boobs gone up a size and still sensitive so going av get new bras soon too hehe,im craving sunday dinners and skittle sweets too :) x x x
Thank you all I am just floating today, I always knew that this wee one would be a 34 - 35 weeker my DS was born at 33 wks 5 days as the placenta stopped working hoping that this time they will give wee one steroids this time at 28 wks and 32 wks that would make us feel a whole lot happier...

I am 100% happy about it and feel more secure knowing that they are treating it seriously this time round and not playing the wait and see game which almost made me loose my DS

Beth I managed 2weeks on the baby aspirin then had to stop it was the cycle after I stopped that I got my BFP, I forgot how daft that I had a duadenal ulcer when I was 16 and I am not allowed to take aspirin but to be honest I didn't forget and I didn't think it was a problem as it is low dose.... How wrong was I started coughing up blood and was really ill on it so no I'm completely off it now lol :)


oh wishing I'm doing the bobble thing too lol :) thought I was the only one!!! refuse to buy new trousers till I have too lol

I'm craving grapes and apples....

lol no ur not the only one,ive done it since the wk i got my bfp but more cause i dont like the tight felling around my waist when pregnant but now its cause they really dont fit haha,craving fruit is good as its nice and healthy instead of crap like me hehe,i just wish my scan would hurry up now as i just want to see my little bean again so it cant come quick enough :) x x
hey everyone,
star great pic, glad all is well and not long to wait til your 12 week scan, god you are lucky to have such healthy cravings, I haven't touched a vegetable since my bfp, the thought makes me gag! All i want is meat, cant get enough!
wishing hows the tooth? any better? That bloated feeling is horrible, i never did the bobble thing just spent my time in tracky bottoms,
Jojo glad to hear baby is still where he should be, I have to say this pregnancy has been the hardest by far, it just seems to have taken all my energy, but not long to go now.
beth, duck and toots how are you all doing, hope you get your pos opk beth and i hope you have been putting in the hard work....
Well i am coming up for 36 weeks and have had enough... I have a scan on thurs to see what placenta is doing, M/w said bubs was breech last wed so it will be interesting to see what the scan shows, my spd has revved up a notch and its so uncomfortable getting out of bed and chairs, once im up im ok, i've also (tmi alert) turned into the worlds largest manufacturer of cm, very yuk!!! but all the aches and pains and fluids etc is gonna be so worth it. It would just be nice to know whether im gonna give birth naturally or have a c-section. Sorry about the moans girls but just had to get it off my chest, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nando moan away darling you have more than earned it, have u had any problems with the placenta in the past? 36 weeks superb just think when I'm posting my 12 wk scan we can see a picture of your real life bubba

Hey everyone.

Great to have you back Jojo and good to hear baby is still tucked up inside!

Nand your almost at the finish line. So exciting!!!

Fee well done on the healthy eating!

Wishing I'm glad the sickness has eased off!

Duck & Lou how u both doing? Where abouts are you in your cycles?

I finally had a positive opk on CD21 & 22. So been busy BD. We missed one day because poor dh had a bad back. Hopefully we have covered it tho!

I'm still taking AC, vit b complex, low dose aspirin and Metformin.

I hate the TWW :( the symptom spotting drives me crazy!!!!

:hi: hi girls, hope everybody is ok. Anything new going on?
Af is due on Saturday but I've been spotting since Monday so I'm obviously out again this month:cry:. This month I've had a lp of only about 8 days:brat:
This is actually our 24th month of actively ttc and in all that time I've had nothing! I'm pretty depressed about it all and I'm starting to take it out on oh so it's all a bit miserable at the moment. Sorry for the moan!
Enjoy the rest of the day girls xx
Hi toots and Beth, big hugs to you. I hate TTC it is stressful and all consuming.
Nand and jojo sorry things are rubbishy but how exciting that there will be a little baby- you have to promise to post pics and updates when it happens, am excited for you
Wishing and star how are things going ????
I am nearly at o time so will need to get strength up for BD soon!!
oh my! im at the end of my ticker, shitting myself springs to mind, you would think i'd never done this before! Had my scan today and all good to go for a natural birth, nice to see bubs again
how are all you gals doing?
Toots i know its hard with ds we were trying for 2.5 years before i conceived him and it was rough going, dont give up hope as it will happen hun xx
duck where you at in your cycle?
beth, sounds like you did all you could so fingers x'd for you xx
star and wishing hows the bumps getting on? hope you are both ok.
jojos hows your little man behaving himself?
hi ladies glad to see you are all doing ok,
beth i have my fingers crossed for you,how is ur 2ww going :),
toots i honestly dont know what to say except it will happen one day and i really hope it will be soon for you so try stay strong :),
duck duck good luck for this month,how are you felling and are you looking forward to this tww :),
star how are you feeling,
nand and jojo im so excited for you both,cant wait hear youve had ur little ones and hopefully see a pic of them too :),
well for me there is nothing different really as when i last posted except im now craving veg and gravy lol,i have been out and brought a pack of 3 long sleeve cream vests with made with love,mummy and daddy love me,i love mummy and daddy on them as i just couldnt resist,got my midwife appointment monday and will hopefull find out when my 12 wk scan is which should be in the next 2 n half wks so cant wait :) x x x
Good morning all,
im awake as the rain is crashing down on my windows and has been since 5am - always on the weekend !
How is everyone doing ?
I am CD12 and normally ovulate CD16, however in 4 days time i have to work 5am through the the early hours as we have a big job to work on, so i am hoping that by the time I get home - if i get home, i can still find the energy to BD. There is no way I am missing the crucial dates this month, like i had to last month !
Had a bad day yesterday as suffering from hayfever which makes me lethargic, so 3-4 people who dont know about the mc said "oh you must be pregnant, tiredness is a symptom" My boss's wife then went into labour, my colleague brought a scan pic in at 34 weeks along with his heavily pregnant wife and i had to stand up on the tube for 1.5 hours to let a pregnant woman sit down.
I was like AHHHHHHH- that should be me, the world is not fair - so jealous of them.

Anyway, just to clarify i don't feel like that about you girls as I know about how hard we have and are trying and about all the problems we have had and I feel nothing but so chuffed for Jojo, Nands, Star and Wishing, so please dont take my ramble the wrong way !!!

Had a bit of a cry and some wine and am fine again now, PMA and lots of BD'ing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enough of my rant
awwwww duck big :hugs:,there isnt anything worse than feeling like everywhere you look and turn there are pregnant ladies but i think we defo notice them more when ttc,i also know that feeling of thinking that should be me as i thought that so many times before this little bean,it will happen for you soon im sure as it did for me and star so try keep that in your mind,i had 2 m/c after 2 healthy and easy pregnancys and then it finally happened again after feeling the pain so many ladies go through that ive neva once thought about big :hugs: duck i know you will join us :) x x x x x x x x x x x
Big huge bozzies for my Duck and Lou Xxxx Don't ever be sorry for ranting my goodness u have all put up with some huge rants from me... it's normal and shows that you are not a babyzilla u genuinely are happy for people u know are pg which is all that matters everyones elses bumps are just unfair lol :)

PMA all the way ladies thats what brings it what also happened for me was laughing loads out with the girls again drinking and just having fun... bd when u need to making sure u enjoy urself after he has and bob's ur uncle ha ha that simple don't u know!!! Yeah right in all honesty I had watched what I ate didn't drink didn't go out as we were TTC and u know what that is not healthy I put some normality back in my life and it happened xxx

I have full faith it is going to happen for everyone of my TTC buddies... Beth any symptoms yet I know ur looking for them lol :) Lou how's things today?

Well i'm doing good sorry not been on much had my last day at work yesterday extremely emotional been there 10.5yrs crazy... new challenge starts on the 16th May and they know about the bay and are delighted for me so that is less stress already Xx

I received my 20 wk scan date 25th May so exciting getting the downs screening as well, good luck at ur appointment wishing how are you? xx

Nando final weeks that is so exciting can't wait to see ur wee ones photos and Jojo I ma majorly proud of u I never thought for one moment u'd still be here u are a complete inspiration to us all


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