1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

woohoo star great scan pic of beanie and i also think boy too :),how cute is ur ds he will love having a little brother or sister play with and help look after :),i so cant wait for mine now after seeing ur little one,come on 3.30pm friday hurry up i need to see my baby hehe :),
jojo so glad ur little man is staying put ur doing so well but sorry ur not feeling great n hope it passes soon n gives you a brake,
nand not long for you either bet ur so excited now n you neva know you may have not had many signs yet you could still go all of a sudden :),i cant wait see pics of urs n jojos bundles of joys :),
how is everyone else doing hope ur all still trying be positive :hugs: x x x
well my friend who is a midwife felt my belly yesterday because of how big i am n the fact it doesnt look like bloating and she was shocked to admit its all bump,my uterus should be below the belly botton but its under my ribs and baby should be just above the pubic bone but my little beanie is at the same hight of my belly botton on the left hand side :) :),she just cant understand why im like this and joked about it being twins but i know its not as i had an early scan so who knows :) x x
Kirsty I was shocked I was scanned above my belly button too I still thought they were lower seemingly no. 2 is a lot higher because uterus alot more stretchy the pain thou of holding my pee I was almost in tears they had a 40min delay so I was full for arriving and then bursting beyond funniness by the time they called me she actually let me pee a little bit it was so bad lol xxx
Star your baby is beautiful!!! It looks like a baby already! Its amazing isn't it! What a great reaction your son had! Its so exciting to see how the other kids react as your belly gets big. I think its a girl! How exciting! I cant wait to find out what you have in there!!!

Wishing, I'm with you hurry up Friday! I want to see your scan pics now! Usually here in America you find out the sex at a 20 wk scan unless you have had problems before or during the pregnancy. Your bump is probably big faster because of your previous kids. Same thing happened to me and I'm still measuring big! But don't count out that it could be twins though! One of my BF ( the one that is 2 wks behind me) had 2 early scans, one @ 4 wks and one @ 8 wks and they only saw 1 baby. @ her 20 wk scan to find out the gender she found out it was twin boys!!! So ya never know :winkwink:
Nand, I bet you can't wait to pop out that baby! I know Im getting impatient and ur weeks ahead of me!

Toots,Duck,Beth how are you ladies doing??? Who is next to test?

COME ON :bfp: FOR MY GIRLS!!!!!!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

o no star there isnt anything worse is there,im glad they let you have a little wee though,i havent got go till half 3 so thinking i may just drink normaly till i get there n see if they are behind to how quickly i need to drink some water haha and it good to know ur little bean isnt as low down as you expected it hink my friend may be following the tx book which doesnt always happen lol,im glad to hear you were bigger this time jojo but i so hope its not twins,i know there are plenty of mums out there that would love it but for me id be so worried about coping with 4 kids 24/7 3 is defo enough in my books lol,im sure id do it though if needed its just a scary thought,ill get my scan pic on for you asap once had it but ur prob looking at 6pm ish as we are off to food shopping after n then sorting it out n the kids,i defo dont think il be sleeping tomoz night now hahaha x x
Fantastic scan photo fee!!! Baby looks totally chilled out in the picture!
I'm thinking a boy!

Looking forward to seeing your scan on Friday wishing! Bet u can't wait!

Cd11 today and had some brown spotting. Had a few twinges in my ovaries so I don't know if I might ov earlier than normal. I've done my opk and it's negative. We'll see over the next few days now.

Hee hee right ladies that's 3 boys and 2 girls if I ever needed lou lou it's now ha ha hope ur doing ok honey xxx

Wishing hav u got any thought to whether boy or girl for you? I just called home as I am sleeping over in Edinburgh spoke to ds first thing he asked was mummy how is the baby lol bless so cute xx
beth im stupidly excited not to the point ive got butterflys lol,i hope you o soon so you can get trying hehe,star how cute is that bet it makes you feel so excited to see him with his little brother or sister :),i have a feeling its a girl cause of my cravings and how im feeling and when looking on the old wife tales it points to a girl,chinese gender calender has said both off different web pages and i did the ring test which was girl,im really hoping for a good nub view but knowing my luck you wont be able see it haha,ive also been looking at names and thinking of charlie for a boy or amber for a girl what do you all think n what are all thinking for names :) x x
Thats so cute of your DS Fee! Bless him!
Both names are lovely Wishing!!

Duck how u doing? Nand & Jojo are babies both still tucked up?

Lou hope your ok sweetie. Missing u!!

well im super super excited now as the hospital have just rang and brought my scan forward from 3.30pm to 10 am :wohoo: less waiting around,god im like a kid waiting for christmas morning hahaha x x
Star, fab picture, i bet you are relieved and even more excited
Wishing - looking forward to your post tomorrow
Beth - fx'd that it is O for you
Nand - not long now !!!!
Jojo - glad baby is still in place and you are ok
Toots - how are you ?

I am ok, AF is very heavy and it started with 2 days spotting and then hit full on at 30 days, so do i count CD1 from the day it properly started or the spotting days ??

am gutted it wasnt my bfp, however my dh friend is having his 40th birthday at the nightclub Whisky Mist in the West ENd of London where celebs and prince harry go - i havent been clubbing for a long long time and will need lots of drink to get me through so fortunately will have AF !!!
aww duck its nice to see you havent let af get you down and i hope you have a great night for your friends 40th,you neva know you may meet a celeb you have always loved hehe x x
ooo and i saw Cat Deeley today outside Harrods (i had to go and take a statement from them, not shopping !)
she was prettier and thinner in person
bitch !
hi girls,
wishing good luck for that scan tomorrow, will be looking for the pics, and we dont have as long to wait to see them now they brought it forward xx
duck you go out and get pissed as there is gonna be a time soon when you wont be able to drink or eat what you want so enjoy it while you can, sounds like your body is getting itself ready for a little tenant, i'd count cd1 as the first day of heavy flow. xx
star hun how ya doing? has ds heard bubs cry yet??? lol xx
jojos 34 weeks you done great girl, hopefully all will be well tomorrow and you can snuggle him in there for a little longer.
beth hope your mum is feeling better? how many sessions of chemo does she have to have?
toots hun hope you are ok xxx

As for me am still fat and preggers! 7 days to go, cant believe it has gone so quick, dreamed i went into labour last night, am having lots of tightenings low down in bump today so hopefully that means bubs is finally locked and loaded, ready to be propelled into the world......oh if only it were that easy!!!! im also really tired today so i dont know if that has anything to do with it, its my birthday tomorrow and what a nice birthday pressie that would be. xx
well my scan went great and im very very happy,i just cant work out boy or girl from the nub haha,what do you think ladies x x
lovely pic wishing cant see a nub but think boy, congrats hun great to see all is ok xxxx
Whoo hoo wishing lovely scan sucking her thumb so cute I have girl on my brain lol....

Happy Happy Birthday Nand come on baby u are now well and trully cooked and we wanna see ya now!!! lol oh I wonder when bubbs is coming??

Jojo is bubs here........ oh this is getting so exciting...xxx

Duck go and get hammered lol have one for me please.. I'd count CD1 from proper red flow day xx

What a great day xxxxxxx
Great pic wishing! I'm thinking a girl!

Happy Birthday Nand! Hope you have the best pressie ever today!

Duck hope u enjoy the party!

How u doing Jojo?
Still missing u Lou!

I'm still waiting for ov. Spotting has gone. Waiting to ov is worse than the 2ww!

thankyou ladies ive been on cloud nine sinceive had it and just want to shop till i drop now lol,im also 60% sure im feeling beanie move as ive got very little popping bubble feeling and its nothing like trapped wind popping :),
how everyone else and beth you will of ovulated before you know it im sure hun :)x x
hi all,
how is everyone today, yay wishing and star scan pics are fab.
Nand - 4 days to go !!
Jojo, TOots how are you ?
well Whisky Mist (a club on Park Lane in London West End) was RUBBISH
it ended up costing £150 per head for entry, drink and a cab home eeeeek !
money we totally do not have, but you only live once i am telling myself to try and ease the pain.
i didnt get hammered because the boys did and i had to look after them.....
we got in a 4.30am and am exhausted
am far to old for all of that and will not be clubbing or drinking again for a long while !!
right, onto repairing my body ready for O this month !!!
hi ladies how are you all doing,nand n jojo have we got any gorgeous babys on the thread yet or are they keeping you waiting x x

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