1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

not me wishing, booked in for a sweep next week :-(((( how are you hun are you feeling good now you are in tri 2? woooooo hooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
hows everyone else doing these days? xxxxxxxxxxxxx
lol get on a trampoline that might help hahaha,it wont be long really now as at least you can say you defo have no longer than 2 wks left till you hold ur baby but i have everything crossed its sooner for you,im great just very very happy to be in second tri and i realy cant wait find out what the little bean is so i can go shopping lol,my sickness has gone but the tiredness n headaches are still here :(,ive neva had headaches with my dd or ds so im wondering if its a girl with my dd not being my ohs so neva carried a girl of his,i cant get enough of apple tango either lol x x
hi ladies. Here's an update. Still no baby yet but were super close. Having lots of issues though. Doing non stress test 2x a wk and today the fluid is showing a bit low. Went from 14 on Tues to 10 today. Also 24 hr urine came back and the protein levels are high. Tues had major contractions all night called the dr and they said to come in when they were 5 mins apart but it never got that close and now they stopped except for a couple here and there! I am 1/2 cm dilated and baby engaged. They can feel his head when they check me so he's on his way. Looks like if the fluids hold out but my proteins are high again they may induce me at 37 wks. If fluids get 5 or below then they will induce me then. So, looks like I'll be induced very soon!

How are you ladies doing?
Nand no baby yet??
aww jojo thats good news though and he will be loverly and strong,are you excited,im very excited for you and if anything happens before you have chance come on here again good luck and cant wait see a pic of ur gorgeous baby and same to you nand as you could easily go at any time,ul both be holding ur babys before you know it :) x x
oh jojos how exciting, yet worrying but baby is so much bigger and stronger now and they are keeping a good eye on you so it will be all good! cant wait to see the pics of your little man,
wishing cant wait for baby to be out this waiting game is no fun, right back in a 2ww again.
hows everyone else???? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi all
how are you ?
any baby news ??
i have been taking agnus castus and today got my positive OPK today
which is either 11 dpo based on counting CD1 as the first day of full flow AF, or 13dpo counting from the day of spotting
not sure what to think
anyway, it is certainly earlier than the usual 16 dpo
not sure if that is a good thing or a bad
its a beautiful baby boy, im soooo in love xxxxxxxx
well done you
pictures when you get time please !!
:wohoo: :wohoo: nand CONGRATUALTIONS:wohoo: :wohoo:,hope you got on well and ur little man is too,we need pics when you get 5 mins to urself,what have you named him and what did he weigh,awww bet ur on cloud nine :)im sooooo happy for you x x x x x x

duck good luck with that and keep an eye on the lines on ur opk as some ladies get pos on them before a preg test,wen will yopu be testing properly,im so excited to hear how you getting on we need ur june bfp :) x x x x

how is everyone else doing x x

well for me im fine except my headaches just arnt going away and really getting me down as they start every day about 12pm and last till about 7pm,apart from that n feeling hot all the time im now not feeling pregnant but the belly says different haha :) x x
YAY NAND!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:!!! CONGRATS MOMMY!!!!!! I can't wait to see pics!! How much did he weight? I want all the details!!! OH I'm so happy for you luv!!!!!

@Duck I've heard alot of good things about Agnus Castus. Have you tried grapefruit juice? I'm telling you the month I used that I got my :bfp: I really think it made a difference! I tried for 4 months with OPK's doing the SMEP and nothing! But the month I used the juice BAM!

how's everyone else doing??
sorry i was so brief yesterday but we had literally only just got back from the hosp, finnian was born on sunday at 16:47 weighing 7lbs 2.5oz. i started having contractions at 4am sun they stopped completely by about 6 or7am so went back to bed, had lost some plug though, was woken up by a really strong one at 11am couldnt take anymore by about 3 and went to hosp, was 6cm dilated at 330 he was here just over an hour later, just had gas and air and it f*&king hurt but so worth it, will post pics tomorrow
hope all is good with you gals xxxxxxxxx
awww love the name and he wasnt to big either,just right,he sounds perfect and well done to you too with doing it with just gas n air sending big :hugs: x x
i so hope everyone is ok its gone very very quiet on here laterly,hope ur feeling ok to nand and ur little man is letting you get enough sleep x x x
Hi ladies, How is everybody doing? Congratulations Nand! Lovely name you have chosen for your little bundle of joy:baby::flower:
I'm sorry I haven't been on here lately to keep up with what everybody was doing but I felt I needed a little break from thinking about ttc but I have missed you all:kiss:. I'm cd 9 today so should ovulate by the weekend I think. I've ordered some Robitussin cough medicine which should be here tomorrow as I read online that its v good for hostile cm:thumbup:. It has an ingredient called Guaiphenesin in it which is supposed to thin it out and make it sperm friendly. Its gotta be worth a try!
Wheres everybody else in their cycle and pregnancy? I've totally lost track:dohh:
hi ladies glad ur both doing ok :),toots we all need a little brake from time to time but hope its helpped you a little and i have my fingers crossed that the medicine helps ,im doing ok keep getting really bad headaches which are getting me down as they last about 6 hours at a time,ive neva suffered from headaches in my life so defo down to hormones,im also feeling more n more its a girl for some reason lol but only 6 wks to find out for sure :) x x
Hi girls, hope you're all ok and looking forward to the weekend:happydance:.
Nothing much going on with me at the moment, just still waiting to ovulate:-=
Nand, I hope everything is going well with your new arrival. Can't wait to see a pic.
Have a good weekend girls:kiss:
my little man:happydance::happydance::wohoo:

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