1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Wow jojo he is gorgeous still totally love ur choice of name just call me broody amazing well done u xxx

Come on nandi I thought the quietness was u also pushing wanna see more baby pics lol xx

All ok with me just exhausted just finished a 12hr day knackered fighting to eat my tea then heading to my bed as have unexpected meeting tomo morning now!!! But on plus side think I'm going to see Bon jovi tomo night whoo hoo lol xxx
Evening fee, a 12 hour day is tough going! No wonder you're knackered! How's everything going with your pregnancy Hun?
I'm doing alright soldiering on as they say lol been really sick and it hasn't really let up thought it wud hav by now?? Work really tough new job, trying to impress but failing miserably lol really looking fwd to matty leave ha ha shocking eh... I never even changed when I was pregnant with ds no sickness, no bigness, no greasy hair no tiredness this wee one making up for it all ha ha typical eh,.. How's u and oh getting on? Xx
I've read that ginger is supposed to help sickness, might be worth trying:thumbup:.
I'm doing ok, I'm roughly 10dpo but I'm not hopeful as I'm getting cramps and I'm quite snappy today so I reckon af will show up on Friday:growlmad:.
I'm trying some new things that may help. Took robittsin cough medicine which is supposed to thin the cm making it more sperm friendly but I found that I had hardly any ewcm this cycle and that's really unusual so it either thinned it out so I didn't notice it or made it vanish altogether :dohh:. I've also started taking royal jelly capsules and I ordered a pot of royal jelly, pollen, propolis and honey blend which arrived today so I'm going to start taking that as well. I don't think there are any other remedies out there that I haven't tried:haha:. We only managed to dtd on cd7, 10, 12 and 14 so I'm thinking that probably wasn't enough but I guess I'll have to wait and see.
Have you heard from Beth cos she doesn't seem to have been on here for a while?
Oh wow doll ur defo pulling out all the stops lol mayb ur body getting used to the cough medicine did u ever try the low dose aspirin I defo think that's what got me sure of it!! No not heard from Beth this wk she did stop by last wk she'll be delighted to hear jojo's news xx
Aspirin! That's the one thing I haven't tried:haha:. It's been a funny cycle this month cos I had the absent ewcm and no ovary twinges and I normally get lots of pinching/odd aches etc after ovulation for at least a week but I've had absolutely nothing! I've def not had any symptoms at all so at least I'm not going to be majorly let down when af arrives. I try to be more realistic nowadays cos I've had my hopes crushed month after month after month.....
The royal jelly is supposed to improve egg quality so that's good:thumbup:
Have a great time watching Bon jovi:happydance:
jojo he is beautiful, congrats,
Nand how are you ?
hi to wishing and star and sorry you are feeling sick
Toots - fingers crossed for you
I am trying Royal Jelly and Agnus Castus - it made me O 2 days earlier and AF was 27 days for full flow but 25 days for heavy spotting and bad cramps.
Am going to Cardiff this weekend for a wedding and then to Spain for 10 days next week (hopefully during O time) although we are staying with my parents for the crucial 4 nights !! LOL
Good morning all, hope everybody is ok.
Fee, how was the concert?
Duck, have a great time in Spain. Shame you're at your parents for the crucial 4 days but you'll just have to dtd quickly and hope you haven't got a squeaky bed!:haha:
Beth, how are you? Is your mum doing ok?
Jojo and Nand, how are you both getting on with your new arrivals?

Nothing really new going on with me. Af is due tomorrow and I'm pretty sure it'll arrive. I always check EDD online every month just in case I get lucky and if we'd have conceived this cycle then I would have been due the day after my birthday! They would have been nice but never mind. I'm fully kitted out with my various remedies so next month may be a good one, fingers crossed!
hi ladies sorry ive not been on but ive been away for the wk and enjoyed every second of it,im trying take it easy now though as ive been having braxon hicks already so think we ova did it a bit but my little bean is getting stronger n kicking harder now :),
jojo he is gorgeouse congratulations how are you both doing now,
nand how is ur little man doing,
star hows the pregnancy going for you,
duck n toots how are things going for you both x x
Hey everyone

did I miss Nando??? when did he arrive and what did she call him? oh this is exciting has there been a picture? Questions... Questions...

Bon Jovi was amazing absolutely bloody fantastic ha ha tomorrow I have kings of leon hoping they are just as good if not better ha ha.. well I am getting on ok totally dehydrated though tried everything to keep refreshed but not working anyone got any ideas I've been soaking apples in water in the fridge and everything...

Oh I hear you wishing about braxton hicks or cramping I have an appointment with my surgeon on friday so gonna speak to him about it so scared incase baby is putting pressure on my scar tissue as it has been quite painful... talking about pain though I am a clumbsy fool... I stubbed my big toe then fell and pretty sure broke my pinky toe ha ha worst thing is I fell over my pj bottoms whilst I was walking couldn't do it again if I tried or I was paid!!!

Lou if this cycle doesn't go go gadget I'd defo try the Asprin my baby dr tried to get me back on it at 7 weeks to prevent miscarriage but because of duedenum ulcer I couldn't xxxxx

Jojo hope ur catching some sleep in between the cuddles and stares xxx

Duck enjoy ur holiday and just go for it sod it they will forgive u when they find out there gonna be grand parents lol xxx needs must!!
hey star where u been hun, finnian arrived au natural on the 5th, there is a couple of pics, couldnt be happier, hes gorgeous, he is a bit colicky at mo which is hard as i cant do much for him, hope your toe is ok, cant believe you and wishing are hitting the half way mark time has gone so quick, we need some bump pics now. hows everyone else? xxxxxxxx
Hi ladies, hope everyone is ok. It's v quiet around here at the moment.
Nand I'm pleased to hear you are ok and I hope baby finnian gets over his colic asap.
hi ladies i agree it defo has gone quiet on here laterly but im guessing ur all busy with everyday stuff,was just wondering if you could help me with my girls name n im struggling to pick between two so please let me know 1st is laila may smith and 2nd india rhian smith,i know it may be a boy yet but i like knowing what they will be called from the moment i find out the sex,
here is my latest bump pic too :) x x x
Hey everyone

did I miss Nando??? when did he arrive and what did she call him? oh this is exciting has there been a picture? Questions... Questions...

Bon Jovi was amazing absolutely bloody fantastic ha ha tomorrow I have kings of leon hoping they are just as good if not better ha ha.. well I am getting on ok totally dehydrated though tried everything to keep refreshed but not working anyone got any ideas I've been soaking apples in water in the fridge and everything...

Oh I hear you wishing about braxton hicks or cramping I have an appointment with my surgeon on friday so gonna speak to him about it so scared incase baby is putting pressure on my scar tissue as it has been quite painful... talking about pain though I am a clumbsy fool... I stubbed my big toe then fell and pretty sure broke my pinky toe ha ha worst thing is I fell over my pj bottoms whilst I was walking couldn't do it again if I tried or I was paid!!!

Lou if this cycle doesn't go go gadget I'd defo try the Asprin my baby dr tried to get me back on it at 7 weeks to prevent miscarriage but because of duedenum ulcer I couldn't xxxxx

Jojo hope ur catching some sleep in between the cuddles and stares xxx

Duck enjoy ur holiday and just go for it sod it they will forgive u when they find out there gonna be grand parents lol xxx needs must!!
i hope all will be ok star n im sure there are things that can help untill baby is strong enough to be born,i hope ur toe is beta as well i think its these pregnancy hormones making us clumsy as ive been the same but luckily not hurt myself just yet hahaha x x
wishing really like the name indai rhian, talking of clumsy i fell down the stairs while carrying my 19 month old, i have a poorly elbow and oisin has a bruise on his back, he went white and frightened the crap out of me, 2 mins later he was jumping about like a mad thing,
toots have you tried preseed? have you made any decisions about iui?
star how are you hun? hows your toe?
duck and beth how you guys doing?? xxxx
awwww nand bet you didnt half worry at first but i think it goes to show that our toddlers recover quicker than we do haha,apart from the fright of that how is ur little man doing,
well ive been to see my midwife today and got to hear our little beans heartbeat and it was very loud and strong at 146 to 157bpm and the first thing my midwife said was she thinks maybe its a girl but i dont know why she thinks that haha,im just over the moon all is ok and bump is strong and healthy x x
how is everyone doing,i dont like how quiet its gone on here :cry: i miss catching up with you all x
Oh wishing defo a girl soon as I read that they have faster heart beat than our slower laid back boys oh bless xx I love Both names my bf called her daughter Indy and it is just precious totally suits her

Toe still killing me thought it wud be better by now but nope,.. Oh Nando he is gorgeous can't believe I missed that 4 whole weeks ago!!! I'm terrible can't wait to get home tomo hating working away now it's awful oh took ds camping at the wknd for first time ever he loved it what amazing weather we had true to form thou that was our summer pouring rain today xxx

Missing everyone just not enough hours in day just now when does this get easier ? Cx
:howdy: hi girls, hope you're all keeping well. Anyone doing anything exciting at the weekend?
hi girls,hi everyone, just got back from my holiday in Spain and catching up with all the posts

We DTD loads on holiday and was over my O time, so praying this is my month,
symptoms so far are cramping since day of O, diarrohea and sick to the stomach today - couldnt face lunch or dinner BUT it was 49 degrees yesterday, so probably was the heat.
It is my 30th on 14th July and kinda want to know either way before then but cant deal with BFN
My friend who is 5 months pregnant (and fell pregnant 2 weeks after starting to try) is coming tomorrow for the weekend so i am going to have to find super strength inside.

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