Wonnabump I'm so sorry I tested again today too & got yet another I'm getting so fed up now where on earth is af & why is she playing such horrible games with me she's now 8 days late xx
aww sorry ur going through this too, try not to get your hopes with it, thats what i done and i had af 8 days late maybe you O'd later than you thourt? or maybe just a late af?
Afs now 9 days late now!! Thank god for my scan tomorrow & the fact I'm going on holiday Saturday so if I'm not pg I'll have some great excuses not to be too disappointed haha xx
Well day 10 of no af & I'm so annoyed right now it's unbelievable!! My scan is at 3 today & just my luck our car has broken down i've got tons to do because we are supposed to be going on holiday tomorrow but we won't be without the car! & to top it off I've got my nephew round (which I don't mind in fact I love it!) but I can't get hold of his mother & she's not reply to my texts ect to tell me when she plans to pick him up & I can't get a babysitter for him but don't realy want to drag all 3 kids to my scan arghh I'm going mad!!!
Hi yes i've had my scan & I'm afraid my ttc journey is coming to an end without my bfp.. As far as the sonographer could see there was no baby in there but I do have a very large cyst which from what I've been told will make ttc very difficult so we've decided to count our blessings & be greatfull for the 2 amazing children we already have as I realy can't deal with the heart ache ltttc causes all over again so i'm afraid ladys today is my last day on b&b for a while but I'll probably check back occasionaly to see how you are all getting on & hopefully see a few bfps from you all very soon! it's been great speaking to you all & some of you have turned out to be such amazing friends who I will miss speaking to alot I hope you all get your bfps very soon! sending you lots of baby & would like to wish those who got their bfps a h&h 9 months xx
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